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    28 April 2018, Volume 30 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    A Simulation Study of the Development of China's Trust Industry Based on System Dynamics
    Li Zimin, Zhong Conglin, Liu Jiajia, Dong Zhi, Fang Yong, Dong Jichang
    2018, 30 (4):  3-11. 
    Abstract ( 223 )   PDF (1610KB) ( 734 )  

    This paper makes a simulation study of the development of China's trust industry. A system dynamics model is constructed based on the analysis of the key factors affecting the development of trust industry as well as the trust industry's socio-economic effects. Then simulation analysis is made to explore the impacts of different policies, i.e. monetary policies, net capital restriction and person income taxes, on the size of the total assets and business structure of trust industry. It is found that monetary policies would influence the size of total assets but have little effects on the business structure. And the net capital restriction has obvious effects on the size of total assets, while the personal income taxes would affect the business structure of China's trust industry.

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    Research on Bank Network Models with Money-center Structures
    Li Zhi, Niu Xiaojian
    2018, 30 (4):  12-19. 
    Abstract ( 251 )   PDF (3094KB) ( 637 )  

    In order to explain the formation mechanism of money-center structures in the real banking system, this paper constructs a dynamic evolution model of bank networks based on the description of bank balance sheets and the interbank lending mechanism. Through the simulation analysis, it is found that the constructed model of bank networks has the characteristics of money-center structures; banks with large-scale assets are money-center banks, but the status of money-center banks is evolving over time; banks with short liquidity borrow money from other banks through low interest rate strategy, and banks with large-scale assets tend to attract banks with short liquidity through low interest rates; the bank network density based on the combined data has a strong stability; complementary cumulative distribution functions of bank assets and inter-bank lending follow a lognormal distribution respectively.

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    Research on Fund Performance Measure with CVaR
    Huang Jinbo, Li Zhongfei, Ding Jie
    2018, 30 (4):  20-32. 
    Abstract ( 298 )   PDF (1171KB) ( 507 )  

    This paper presents a theoretically sound fund performance measure that generalizes the Sharpe ratio. The new performance measure is monotone with respect to stochastic dominance and consistently accounts for mean, variance and higher moments of the return distribution. It is equivalent to the Sharpe ratio if returns are normally distributed, while the new measure can produce more reasonable performance rankings than Sharpe ratio under non-normal distribution. We suggest a parametric and two non-parametric estimators for the new performance measure and compare their estimation errors by Monte Carlo simulation. Finally we provide an empirical illustration using mutual funds data in China. The empirical results show that performance rankings induced by the Sharpe ratio and new measure are consistent when funds' higher moments are not different from each other, while performance rankings induced by Sharpe ratio and new measure are inconsistent when differences of funds' higher moments are significant. The new measure is more reasonable since it accounts for the higher moments, which confirms theoretical analysis.

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    Impacts of Internal Social Capital on Resource Acquisition of New Ventures on Crowdfunding Platform
    Zhou Dongmei, Zhao Wenwen, He Donghua, Lu Ruoyu
    2018, 30 (4):  33-44. 
    Abstract ( 239 )   PDF (1434KB) ( 455 )  

    The crowdfunding, as an emerging Internet financing mode, is used as way not only to integrate funds, but more importantly, to mine resources in a faster and more efficient manner by integrating the social resources embedded in network relations between virtual world and real world. Based on the theory of social capital and the exploration of case study method, the paper comparatively analyzes the formation of internal social capital of three new ventures in crowd-funding platform. And it explores the effect mechanism of the internal social capital on resource acquisition. The result shows that:in the process of crowd-funding, founder identity, product quality and community interest play significant roles in transferring, accumulating and stabilizing of internal social capital. Further, it will affect different types of entrepreneurial resource acquisition. This paper enriches the theory of social capital under the internet background and provides both theoretical and practical value in guiding the resource acquisition of new ventures in crowd-funding platforms.

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    Nonlinear Influencing Mechanisms of Environmental Scanning on Ambidextrous Innovation:The Moderating Role of Strategic Flexibility
    Li Ningjuan, Gao Shanxing, Shu Chengli
    2018, 30 (4):  45-58. 
    Abstract ( 271 )   PDF (1289KB) ( 464 )  

    Environmental scanning and innovation are two important strategic choices for firms to survive and keep growth in a highly competitive domestic and international environment. A theoretical model is constructed to investigate the relationships between environmental scanning, ambidextrous innovation and strategic flexibility. Empirical results based on 404 Chinese firms indicate that:environmental scanning has an inverted U relationship with exploitative innovation, a positive linear relationship with exploratory innovation, a U relationship with ambidextrous innovation interaction, and an inverted U relationship with ambidextrous innovation absolute difference. Moreover, strategic flexibility moderates the relationships between environmental scanning and explorative innovation, ambidextrous innovation interaction, and ambidextrous absolute difference. However, the inverted U relationship between environmental scanning and exploitative innovation is not subject to the moderation of strategic flexibility. This research enriches literatures of environmental scanning and ambidextrous innovation, and also has some theoretical contributions and practical implications.

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    Research on the Green Technological Innovation Performance and Driving Factors of High Patent-intensive Manufacturers in China
    Hou Jian, Chen Heng
    2018, 30 (4):  59-69. 
    Abstract ( 290 )   PDF (1162KB) ( 601 )  

    Given the lack of researches on the green ecological transformation of high patent-intensive manufacturers, this paper uses improved SBM-DDF model to estimate the green technology innovation performance of 13 high patent-intensive manufacturers in China, and discusses the driving effect of its influence factors. The research shows that the innovation performance of the high patent-intensive manufacturers has not reached the level that they should have reached, and the industry heterogeneity characteristic is obvious. Communication equipment, computer and other electronic equipment manufacturers and other four industries rank highest for their best practice of green technology innovation. Pharmaceutical manufacturing, oil and gas extraction and chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing industries rank the lowest, failing to play the corresponding effect of low pollution and low energy consumption. The environmental regulation of the high patent-intensive manufacturers has an inhibition effect, and enterprise scale factor, capital deepening, market competition and foreign investment promote the industrial green technology performance significantly, but the technology import configuration structure has no obvious effect on the green technology performance.

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    A Research of the Regulating Role of CEO Power over the Internal Mechanism of Board of Director's Influence on Corporate Innovation
    Zhang Weijin, Li Kai, Wang Shumei
    2018, 30 (4):  70-82. 
    Abstract ( 233 )   PDF (1181KB) ( 566 )  

    Through establishing incentives, human capital and social capital of board members can be encouraged and directly affect board decisions, resource management and so on. Also CEO is responsible for the resource allocation and strategic decision of the company, and the interaction between strong CEO and the board of directors may have a significant impact on the quality of the company's strategic decision. The interaction between CEO power and board capital may cause different resource supply modes and then affect R&D investment decisions, so CEO power must be considered when evaluating the impact of board capital on corporate innovation. The existing studies focus only on the relationship between board capital and corporate innovation, but ignore the interaction between CEO power and board capital. This paper uses a resource-based theory to study the internal mechanism of the board of directors' influence on capital R&D investment, and further explore the CEO power effects on the relationship between the board capital and company innovation. The study finds that board's human capital and social capital have a significant impact on corporate innovation and CEO power has a regulating function. The above studies supplement and improve the resource dependence theory, and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between board capital and corporate innovation.

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    Research on the Expression of Products Ethical Attributes Based on Consumer Perception——In the Case of Online Store's Agricultural Products
    Han Zhen, Kuang Haibo, Wu Chengyuan, Wang Hanhan, Li Zhixuan
    2018, 30 (4):  83-93. 
    Abstract ( 309 )   PDF (1194KB) ( 690 )  

    As a special product attribute related to corporate social responsibility, the ethical attributes are driving enterprises to establish a new customer relationship based on the identification of social value through the research on its connotation and expression. First of all, the conception of ethical attributes is redefined. On the basis of Symbolic Ethical Attributes, Functional Ethical Attributes characterized by security and usability and Interactive Ethical Attributes characterized by mediation effect are put forward. Then, based on the TAM model, the Ethical Attributes Perception Model (EAPM) is constructed, and online store's agricultural products are taken as an example to conduct an empirical research. The research shows that the Functional Ethical Attributes are the source and foundation of expression. The Symbolic Ethical Attributes have the significant effect on the practical value of products. And both of them have a significant positive impact on the formation of the consumer perception state. Meanwhile, the mediating effect of the Interactive Ethical Attributes is not significant, and more specific business development and innovation should be carried out.

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    A Research on the e-WOM's Dispersive Coefficient of Variation from the Perspective of Endogeneity
    Xie Guangming, Qiu Dongdong, Jiang Yushi
    2018, 30 (4):  94-105. 
    Abstract ( 232 )   PDF (1190KB) ( 557 )  

    In recent years, researches on electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM), especially the e-WOM dispersion, are becoming increasingly deeper. However, most of the existing researches explore the relationship between the dispersion and sales from the perspective of polymerization, with e-WOM dispersion not clearly defined and endogenous issues of dispersion not taken into consideration. With e-WOM dispersion as the core concept, we introduce coefficient of variation to discuss the disparity in dispersion degree across samples, and construct a model to analyze dispersion characteristic of the same product category based on product attributes and release time. Using the rating data of Amazon China, we find that the coefficient of variation of dispersion is significantly different even among the same product category, presenting a J-shaped abnormal distribution. This means that endogenous factors have significant influence. We also reveal that hedonic attribute has a higher coefficient of variation of e-WOM dispersion than utilitarian attribute, and that the relationship between product release time is positively related to coefficient of variation of e-WOM dispersion. The study enriches the existing researches on e-WOM dispersion and contributes to the understanding of the magnitudes of e-WOM effects.

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    How does Leader's Behavioral Integrity Affect Follower's Loyalty? An Investigation Based on Traditional Chinese “Bao” Culture
    Wang Zhen, Xu Haoying, Song Meng
    2018, 30 (4):  106-119. 
    Abstract ( 411 )   PDF (1247KB) ( 917 )  

    Leader's behavioral integrity is defined as the perceived pattern of alignment between a leader's words and deeds. Despite of a large number of studies, there is no any empirical investigation specific to Chinese context. This is surprising in that leader's words and deeds alignment is emphasized and considered an important ethical characteristic in Chinese philosophical culture and management practice. Rooted in Chinese background and adopting Chinese traditional Bao culture as an overarching theoretical framework, the current study aims to explicate the underlying mechanisms of relationship between leader's behavioral integrity and followers' organizational-based and leader-based loyalty. We examine these research questions with 430 employee data collected from a manufacturing firm in Guangdong. Consistent with hypotheses, it is found that:(1) leader's behavioral integrity is positively correlated with followers' loyalty to the organization, wherein followers' loyalty to the leader plays a mediating role in the link; (2) both the followers' paternalism orientation and leader-member affective relational identity moderate the relationship between leader's behavioral integrity and followers' loyalty to the leader, and further moderate the indirect effect of leader's behavioral integrity on follower's loyalty to the organization via loyalty to the leader. Exploring the consequences of leader's behavioral integrity in Chinese background and its influencing mechanism as well as boundary conditions based on Chinese traditional culture, the current study provides insights into the effects of leader's behavioral integrity and would boost Chinese researchers' and practitioners' interest in this topic.

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    Top Management Team Heterogeneity and Corporate Social Responsibility——Based on Behavioral Integration Study of Budget Management
    Zhang Zhaoguo, Xiang Shouren, Cao Danting
    2018, 30 (4):  120-131. 
    Abstract ( 308 )   PDF (1172KB) ( 484 )  

    Taking A share listed companies in China from 2011 to 2015 as research samples, this paper investigates the effect of top management team (TMT) on corporate social responsibility and the role of budget management in the behavior integration. The results show that the heterogeneity of TMT in age and tenure are significantly negatively correlated with corporate social responsibility, and the heterogeneity in education and gender are significantly positively correlated with corporate social responsibility. Budget management plays a positive role of behavioral integration in the effect of TMT heterogeneity on corporate social responsibility. After further distinguishing the nature of the company's property, it is found that the negative correlation between the heterogeneity of TMT in age and tenure and the corporate social responsibility is more significant in the non-state-owned holding companies. The positive correlation between the heterogeneity in gender and the corporate social responsibility is more significant in the state-owned holding companies. There is no difference in the positive correlation between the heterogeneity in education and the corporate social responsibility in the state-owned and non-state-owned holding companies. The behavioral integration of budget management in the effect of TMT heterogeneity on corporate social responsibility in the non-state-owned holding companies is more significant.

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    The Effect of Workplace Friendship on Voice Behavior:A Moderated Mediation Model
    Yin Kui, Sun Jianmin, Zhang Kaili, Chen Leni
    2018, 30 (4):  132-141. 
    Abstract ( 588 )   PDF (1144KB) ( 1146 )  

    Increasingly, scholars are aware that workplace friendship may impact on a variety of organizational outcomes in addition to job attitude and job performance. From the micro perspective of individual, the current study explores the relationship between workplace friendship and voice behavior, the mediated role of team-member exchange, and the moderated role of time to join and education. Based on a sample of 407 employees from Shandong, Hebei and Beijing provinces, results show that:(1) workplace friendship positively affects team-member exchange(TMX) and employees' voice behavior; (2) team-member exchange (TMX) positively affects employee's voice behavior and mediates the relationship between workplace friendship and voice behavior; (3) working seniority within the firm moderates the later radius of the path "workplace friendship-TMX-voice behavior", while the moderation effect of education is not significant. That's to say, the mediating effect of TMX is larger for employees working longer within the firm. This study extends the research on effects of workplace friendships, further clarifies the mechanism and boundary conditions through or under which workplace friendship affects voice behavior, and offers practical implications for organizations in motivating employees to voice.

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    Individual Ambidexterity:A Foreign Research Agenda and Prospects
    Xiong Li, Cao Yuankun, Zhu Jianbin
    2018, 30 (4):  142-156. 
    Abstract ( 346 )   PDF (1344KB) ( 616 )  

    Individual ambidexterity has become a popular topic in the field of ambidexterity studies. As individual ambidexterity can be a balancing mechanism in reconciling the exploration and exploitation paradox, researchers gradually start to realize its important meaning in unveiling the nature of ambidexterity and its individual-level founding root. Foreign studies have been rapidly developed during the recent years, mainly concerned with the conceptualization, application, structural measurement, antecedent factors and functioning effects of individual ambidexterity, but more or less they tend to hold ambiguous perceptions towards this topic; meanwhile domestic researches are still vacant. In response to this appealing trend, our paper aims to provide a more scientific future research guide by offering a research agenda of the above-mentioned topics based on capturing the existing foreign literature foundations. Finally, we point out a bundle of suggestions for future studies, especially hoping to help the development of Chinese domestic studies in the future.

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    Effects of Work Values of Millennial Employees, Intrinsic Motivation on Job Performance:The Moderating Effect of Organizational Culture
    Hou Xuanfang, Lu Fucai
    2018, 30 (4):  157-168. 
    Abstract ( 423 )   PDF (1241KB) ( 984 )  

    Based on self-verification theory and social exchange theory, the present research seeks to explore the relationship between work values and job performance among millennial workers. Using the empirical research on the longitudinal study design for a total of 227 paired questionnaires of two batches, we examine the hypotheses with path analysis and hierarchical regressions. The results suggest that millennial employees' work values are positively related to their in-role and extra-role performance and intrinsic motivation partially mediates the relationship between millennial employees' work values and in-role performance. Moreover, two dimensions of organizational culture, competition orientation and humanism, significantly moderate the relations of work values to both in-role and extra-role performance. The present research not only enriches and extends literature of work values and motivation, but also provides implications on how to enhance millennial employees' job performance.

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    The Effects of Symbolic Immortality, Image Expectation and Life Development Stage on Employees' Intergenerational Knowledge Transfer Intention
    Wang Changyu, Zuo Meiyun
    2018, 30 (4):  169-179. 
    Abstract ( 289 )   PDF (1153KB) ( 557 )  

    If organizations can promote older employees (senior employees) transfer their knowledge accumulated in the workplace to younger ones (junior ones), which is called intergenerational knowledge transfer (IGKT) in this paper, organization amnesia will be prevented, and up-to-date knowledge will be created. Based on the generativity theory and socioemotional selectivity theory, and the survey of 121 older employees who are older than 35 years old and staying in current organization for more than 3 years, this study analyzes the effects of symbolic immortality, image expectation and life development stage on IGKT intention of the older employees. The results show that, at the middle stage of adulthood, symbolic immortality and image expectation are positively associated with employees' IGKT intention, and image expectation can strength the effect of symbolic immortality on employees' IGKT intention. However, at the later stage of adulthood, symbolic immortality is not significantly associated with IGKT intention, older employees concern image expectation more. Compared with the employees who are at the middle stage of adulthood, the positive effect of image expectation on the employees who are at the later stage of adulthood is stronger. This study enriches IGKT theory, while expanding the application scope and the theoretical connotation of generativity theory. In addition, this study can give guidance to the organization managers to conduct IGKT.

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    Media Coverage, Media Credibility and Cost of Debt
    Xia Qiu, Yang Yifan, Zheng Jianming
    2018, 30 (4):  180-193. 
    Abstract ( 298 )   PDF (1139KB) ( 559 )  

    In our research, we introduce media credibility into media research analysis framework which broadens the existing researches on infomediary effect. We find the frequency of media exposure is significantly related with debt cost:(1) negative media exposure will increase the cost of corporate debt and positive news sharing on social network will decrease the cost. (2) Information from anonymous source will increase the cost of corporate debt. However, the effect from both state-owned and official media's coverage is not significant. Further research shows that the increase of credibility will enhance the effect of media coverage. Our research provides valuable reference for a quicker media convergence, better corporate governance of information intermediary, further promotion of resource allocation.

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    Product Market Competition, Change of Board Structure and Earnings Management
    Yao Hong, Jia Wei, Hao Xiaoyu, Wang Lijie
    2018, 30 (4):  194-205. 
    Abstract ( 233 )   PDF (1136KB) ( 429 )  

    Based on Competition Theory and Corporate Governance Theory, this paper uses empirical data of A-share listed firms in China in the period 2007-2013 to test the change of board structure's current and delayed effect on the relationship between product market competition and earnings management. The results show:The predatory risk effect under the information view will induce earnings management of listed companies, and the degree of earnings management increases with the degree of the product market competition. However, when we introduce the moderator which calls the change of board structure, we find that the change of board structure can significantly lessen the positive correlation between product market competition and earnings management. This inhibition effect can exist continuously during a short time, which underlines the necessity and effectiveness of board governance. The research shows that the effective board governance, complete board structure and good environment of external market competition play an important role to improve the quality of the company's earnings report.

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    Accounting Standards Changes, Cost of Capital and Corporate Investment Behavior:Theoretical Analysis Based on Capital Asset Pricing Model
    Zhang Xianzhi, Yan Chao
    2018, 30 (4):  206-218. 
    Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (1157KB) ( 549 )  

    It is usually thought that higher quality accounting standards will decrease the cost of capital by improving financial reporting quality. However, through a deep theoretical analysis based on Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), we find that higher quality accounting standards can also result in the increase of cost of capital because of the indirect-reversal effects through corporate investment. We give the specific condition of this situation, i.e., the adjustment cost of new investment (z) is sufficiently low to guarantee the sufficient elasticity of new investment. Besides, this study introduces the two most common types of agency problems (i.e., the conflict between managers and shareholders, the conflict between large shareholders and small shareholders) into the analytical models further. Although corporate investment behaviors and optimal investment levels change due to agency conflicts, the basic conclusions above still hold. Thus, our study clarifies the relationship between accounting standards, cost of capital and corporate investment in theory, which deepens the theory of unintended effects of accounting standards changes. It also has some important implications for empirical research in this field and the setting and testing of accounting standards objectives.

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    Media Coverage, Unexplained Audit Fees and the Company's Earnings Management
    Ma Zhuang, Li Yanxi, Wang Yun, Zeng Weiqiang
    2018, 30 (4):  219-234. 
    Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (1171KB) ( 367 )  

    From the perspective of auditing, this paper investigates how the negative media coverage affects the company's earnings management behaviors, and further analyzes the impacting mechanism and the implementation path. The study with data of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2003-2014 proves that the more negative media coverage,the stronger motivation of earnings management for the managers and the more intending of choosing the real earnings management when they are accused of financial fraud by the media, which verifies the market pressure hypothesis. Further analysis shows that negative media coverage achieves some supervisory functions through external auditing. The more negative media coverage is, the higher the abnormal audit fees and the stronger inhibitory effect of the auditing on earnings management. In addition, it is also found that the authority of the media and the professionalism of the media coverage enhance the inhibitory effect of the auditing on earnings management. This paper shows that negative media coverage has a role in corporate governance by the way of auditing, and the governance effect relies on the authority and the professionalism of the media coverage.

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    Research on Railway Commonweal Transportation Subsidy Mechanism in China Based on Game Theory
    Zhang Yinyan, Tong Qiong
    2018, 30 (4):  235-246. 
    Abstract ( 297 )   PDF (1250KB) ( 664 )  

    Railway transportation bears heavily on the people's livelihood and especially on public welfare as commonweal transportation service is provided at prices lower than market prices. Therefore, developing a railway transportation subsidy mechanism is of great significance for railway transportation to play a role as a commonweal tool in China. First, by analyzing different railway commonweal transportation subsidy mechanisms of China, Britain, France and Norway, this paper summarizes four railway commonweal transportation subsidy schemes, i.e., cross-subsidy and loss subsidy scheme, franchise and the lowest subsidy bid, fixed subsidy for each unit of freight contract and performance subsidy contract. Then, this paper observes the benefits associated different situations directly, by analyzing players' best responses under different institutional arrangements from the perspective of game theory. At last, based on our own national conditions, this paper analyzes the applicability of four railway commonweal transportation subsidy schemes in China, and presents recommendations:cross-subsidy and loss subsidy scheme has the lowest efficiency, so it must be reformed as soon as possible; in the short term, performance subsidy contract is suitable for China; in the medium term, the most appropriate subsidy mechanism should be fixed subsidy for each unit of freight contract; and in the long term, competition should be introduced into the railway transport industry and the structure of railway transportation market should be adjusted in such a manner as to ensure that multiple railway transportation players will be invited for the franchise bidding with the lowest-subsidy.

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    Business Model Innovation of Internet Brokerage Firms——A Case Study of “JiaXinLiCai”
    Wang Jianing, Wu Chao, Qiao Han, Wang Shouyang
    2018, 30 (4):  247-256. 
    Abstract ( 463 )   PDF (1591KB) ( 1795 )  

    Based on the business model iceberg theory, the paper puts forward a business model named as SECI. In the paper, the business model, on the basis of the analysis of the four aspects of the value proposition, the value network, the competitive environment and the performance evaluation, is defined as the business system in which an enterprise value changes in accordance with value-added feedback from users. Using this model, this paper systematically analyzes the business model of the leading broker named as "JiaXinLiCai" in the Internet broker industry, and explores the innovation path of the financial business model in the sustainable situation. The research shows that the SECI business model analysis framework contributes a lot to enterprises business model iterative innovation. Enterprise achieves innovation through the socialization, externalization, combination and internalization process. JiaXinLiCai's development process sets a good sample for other domestic Internet brokers. Only if by converting the user value into the internal impetus of the business model, can the internet brokers achieve a successful transformation. The business model transformation of JiaXinLiCai reveals that with the comprehensive advantage of low cost and great size, the internet brokers will become the winner, occupying consumers and channel resources.

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    Research on Business Model Classification Based on the Perspective of Value Creation——Taking the Classification Application of Three Typical Enterprises as an Example
    Li Honglei
    2018, 30 (4):  257-272. 
    Abstract ( 529 )   PDF (1649KB) ( 3287 )  

    The essence of business model is the logic of enterprises' value creation. Classification method of business models should answer two questions clearly:What role does the focus enterprise (project) play in the business model? And in which link does this business model create value? Based on the logic of value creation, this paper divides business models into two dimensions:(1) the functional role of enterprises and (2) the value creation link, and puts forward ‘Nine-square’ classification method of business model. This classification holds that:Focus enterprise plays three roles in its business model:(1) Product (service) producer who engages in specialized management; (2) Partner introducer who introduces value-connected third-party enterprises or individuals; (3) Platform Provider who is an independent third-party enterprise. Business models can create value in three links:the production link, the transaction link and the consumption link. The combination of ‘role’ and ‘link’ produces nine basic types of business models. Based on the ‘Nine-square’ classification method, we can deconstruct complex business models in reality into one or more basic models which form together a ‘complementary combination’. Finally, combining single-case study method, this paper discusses the classification application of the ‘Nine-square’, which and can provide reference for guiding practices of upgrading and innovation of enterprise business model.

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