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    28 March 2018, Volume 30 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    A Multi-scale Spectral Mapping Based Method to Identify the Significant Features of Funds' Investment Styles
    Sumuya, Yang Xiaoguang, Guo Chonghui
    2018, 30 (3):  3-14. 
    Abstract ( 191 )   PDF (5182KB) ( 446 )  

    Investment style drift is a phenomenon that often occurs in securities investment funds, so identifying the significant features of their investment styles is important for selecting and rating them. Based on spectral mapping idea, we propose a multi-scale spectral mapping based method to identify the significant features of funds' investment styles and then logically expound basic principle of the method. Numerical simulation shows that multi-scale spectral mapping is a much more effective method than traditional ones to identify the significant features of funds' investment styles. In this paper this method is used to identify the significant features of the key investment styles that 24 Chinese open-end funds have taken on since 2012 and the result shows that there exist obvious convergence and drift in their investment styles.

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    Small Industrial Enterprises' Credit Rating Model and Empirical Analysis Based on Fisher Discriminant
    Pan Mingdao, Zhou Ying, Chi Guotai, Meng Bin
    2018, 30 (3):  15-28. 
    Abstract ( 206 )   PDF (1574KB) ( 618 )  

    According to the influence degree of indexes on the identification precision of default state, this study conducts the first screening to ensure that the selected indexes have a significant effect to the identification ability of default state. According to correlation analysis within guidelines, this study conducts the second screening to keep the selected indexes from reflecting the same information. This study builds a set of rating system which can significantly distinguish the default state of small industrial enterprises. This paper makes an innovative and characteristic attempt in two aspects. Firstly, according to the condition either with or without specific indicators, effects of using Fisher discriminant on identification accuracy of default state, it reflects the influence of specific indicators on the default state. Secondly, with regards to the two indicators with correlation coefficient above 0.7, this paper, based on the thought that the greater impact on the Fisher discriminant accuracy, the stronger ability of the index to distinguish default state, accurately removes the indexes that have smaller influence on Fisher discriminant.

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    Economic Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Debt Financing
    Jiang Teng, Zhang Yongji, Zhao Xiaoli
    2018, 30 (3):  29-39. 
    Abstract ( 339 )   PDF (1113KB) ( 1025 )  

    This paper studies the impact of the uncertainty of China's macroeconomic policies on corporate debt financing from 2003 to 2016. The study finds that when the policy uncertainty increases, the level of corporate banking loans declines significantly. High expectations of inflation will strengthen the negative impact of policy uncertainty on the level of corporate borrowing. Bank associations will weaken the negative impact of policy uncertainty on the level of corporate banking loans. Specifically, if an enterprise confronted with a relatively high level of financing constraints operates in a cyclical industry with high market concentration and no policy support, then it will become much less able to get loans from banks.

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    A Study on the Growth Path of Companies under the Clean Development Mechanism: Based on Simulation Market
    Li Zhen
    2018, 30 (3):  40-46. 
    Abstract ( 205 )   PDF (1127KB) ( 489 )  

    Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), as one of the ways to deal with climate change, has become a mature market mechanism. Based on the analysis of CDM transaction process and using the simulation technology, this paper finds that the interests are not equally distributed between the developed countries and the developing countries. With tax factor taken into consideration and given a fixed number of participating enterprises, the interests for developed countries will rise and then stabilize at high level while the interests for developing countries will rise faster and then stabilize at a higher level; given a conditionally increasing number of participating enterprises, the developed countries will have less new participants while the developing countries will have much more new participants until finally the total number of participants from the developing countries exceeds that from the developed countries. By analyzing the trading mechanism that causes unequal interest distribution from the perspective of economics, this paper manages to explain why the Western developed countries are gradually losing interest in CDM.

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    A Study on Relationships among Institutional Legitimacy Distances, Secondary Innovation, and Open Innovation Performance
    Gao Zhaojun, Zhang Hongru, Jiang Yunting
    2018, 30 (3):  47-59. 
    Abstract ( 335 )   PDF (1256KB) ( 440 )  

    Incorporating theories of open innovation and institutions and considering the influencing processes of secondary innovation on innovation performance, this paper discusses mechanism of such key factors as open innovation models, institutional legitimacy and so forth. Taking high-tech firms as its research sample and employing Tobit, Poisson Model and Survival Analysis, this study finds that the inbound firms are more likely to choose the secondary innovation, which is negatively moderated by the distance of institutional legitimacy. Furthermore, the moderating effects of the secondary innovation on associations between different innovation models and their performance are opposite. There is a negative moderation on the positive relationship between the inbound model and its performance and there is a positive one for the positive relationship between outbound model and its performance. The conclusions contribute theoretically and practically to the independent innovation of Chinese firms.

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    Environmental Uncertainty, Alliance Green Revolution and Alliance Performance
    Jiang Xu, Ma Yongyuan
    2018, 30 (3):  60-71. 
    Abstract ( 253 )   PDF (1212KB) ( 441 )  

    Due to the environmental pressure and sustainable development requirements, firms may have to take steps to protect the ecological environment, save resources, produce safe products and ensure the safety of employees in the collaborative process. Drawing on social responsibility perspective and transaction cost theory, we explore how environmental uncertainty (technological uncertainty and market uncertainty) leads to high alliance green revolution and how entrepreneurial orientation moderates these relationships. In addition, we also examine the performance consequence of alliance green revolution. Our analyses of 205 dyad partner firms support our theoretical framework. Specifically, both technological uncertainty and market uncertainty have positive effects on alliance green evolution, and higher entrepreneurial orientation enhances the positive effect of uncertainty on alliance green revolution. Besides, alliance green evolution has an inverse-U relationship with alliance performance.

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    The Relationship between the Small-world Effect and Diffusion Efficiency in an Innovation Network
    Sun Bing, Tian Shengnan, Yao Hongtao
    2018, 30 (3):  72-81,127. 
    Abstract ( 255 )   PDF (1174KB) ( 554 )  

    Breaking through the narrow competition and achieving a successful diffusion depends not only on the small-world effect of the innovation network that the novel technologies embedded, but also on the technical characteristics as well as what the potential adopters could perceive. After a full discussion about the relationship between small-world effect and diffusion efficiency, we develop a construct of overlap knowledge to describing innovation characteristic, and then propose an operational definition to assess the perception and transformation of new technologies. We furthermore shape an interaction model and explore the relationship between the above-mentioned constructs. Our model is empirically validated using a survey of the new energy automotive industry innovation ecosystem of Jilin Province. We hope that our study will attract researchers for further exploration and the model will serve as a starting point for furthering our understanding of technology diffusion.

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    Research on the Relationship between Equipment Manufacturers' Low Carbon Technology Innovation and Their Performance
    Xu Jianzhong, Jia Dafeng, Li Fengshu, Wang Yue
    2018, 30 (3):  82-94. 
    Abstract ( 218 )   PDF (1283KB) ( 522 )  

    To achieve the goal of harmonious coexistence between economic development and nature, equipment manufacturers must change their original product, process and energy consumption structure by low-carbon technology innovation to cater for the requirements of low-carbon economy and market development and realize sustainable development. Based on a theoretic research, both qualitative and quantitative, into equipment manufacturers, this paper builds a model that demonstrates the relationship between manufacturers' low carbon technology innovation and their performance, with energy consumption structure as the intermediary variable and government policy support as the moderating variable, and then empirically analyzes the relationship path. Results show that low carbon technology innovation has a significant positive effect on their performance and energy consumption structure partially mediates the relationships between low carbon technology innovation and their performance. In addition, government policy support moderates the relationship between low carbon technology innovation and their performance, namely the stronger policy support the government provides to manufacturers' low-carbon technology innovation, the more willing they are to seek low carbon technology innovation and the better they perform.

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    The Spatial Effects and Structural Effects of Innovating Production
    Tian Xianghui, Xu Xiaojing
    2018, 30 (3):  95-101. 
    Abstract ( 209 )   PDF (1046KB) ( 604 )  

    This paper investigates the knowledge spillover effects both inside and outside of region and industry. Based on the Economic Census data in all regions throughout China, this paper expands the principle of interaction between adjacent areas to the industry structure and the innovation investment structure, and integrates the structure effects from all dimensions into the spatial econometric model. The empirical results show that the regional structure, the industry structure and the innovation investment structure play significant roles in the process of spatial knowledge spillovers and show significant spatial effects; there are obvious conflicts between the central government and the local governments in the orientation of promoting the innovation output policy.

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    Impact of Corporate Brand Roots Appeal on Purchase Intention: Mediating Effect of Perceived Authenticity of Cluster Brand
    Yang Hailong, Guo Guoqing, Chen Fengchao
    2018, 30 (3):  102-113. 
    Abstract ( 270 )   PDF (1191KB) ( 517 )  

    The mechanism of how corporate brand influences cluster brand is seldom explored. Based on the theory of authenticity, this paper concludes that in the circumstance of special industrial, the perceived authenticity of industrial brand consists of two major dimensions:continuity and symbolism. What's more, based on the mediating effect of perceived authenticity of cluster brand, this paper constructs and tests the model of effect of corporate bands' roots appeal on cluster brands' purchase intention, as well as the moderatng effect of enterprise type and length of residence time. The results indicate that the mediating effect of perceived authenticity of cluster brand is composed of two paths of continuity and symbolism. Specifically, compared with traditional brand, the new entered brands' roots appeal shows greater effect on the dimension of symbolism, and while longer residence time strengthens the effect of continuity dimension, shorter residence time strengthens the effect of symbolism dimension. The findings of this paper extend the theory of interactive relationship between corporate brand and cluster brand. The significance of the cluster value for communication style of corporate brands' true appeal is thus supported. Furthermore, this paper also provides evidence of comparative advantage in symbolism dimension of perceived authenticity of cluster brand for the late-entrant corporate competitors.

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    The Influence of Organization Fundraising Techniques on Employees' Donation Amount: The Moderating Effect of Face Orientation and Power Distance
    Zhao Fenfen, Du Lanying, Hou Jundong
    2018, 30 (3):  114-127. 
    Abstract ( 244 )   PDF (1283KB) ( 441 )  

    A situational questionnaire survey is adopted to explore the influence of organization fundraising techniques on employees' donation amount. The moderating effects of demographic characteristics, face orientation and power distance are also examined. 601 valid questionnaires are collected. By the analysis of variance and multiple linear regression, the following results are obtained. The amount of employees' donation is significantly different with different fundraising techniques. Annual incomes, position and unit properties moderate the relationship between fundraising techniques and employees' donation amount. Fear of losing face doesn't have a moderating role in the relationship between fundraising techniques and the amount of donation, while win-face has a moderating role, that is, the stronger desire employees have to win face, the more they will donate when the list of donors and the amount of donations are released. The power distance doesn't play a moderating role, but the results of ANOVA show that the employees with strong perception of power distance, they donate more when the organizer is their leader than they do when the organizer is their peer.

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    Supervisor Developmental Feedback, Job Involvement and Employee Voice: The Moderating Role of Employee Emotional Intelligence
    Liu Dun, Gu Jibao
    2018, 30 (3):  128-139. 
    Abstract ( 380 )   PDF (1214KB) ( 580 )  

    How to improve employee voice has always been one of the important subjects faced by the researchers and practitioners. Through a questionnaire survey of 752 employees of the central region of China from different industries, this study aims to use social exchange theory to examine the influence of supervisor developmental feedback on employee voice in Chinese organizational settings. And we explore the mediating role of job involvement and the moderating role of emotional intelligence in the above relationships. Results indicate that:(1) supervisor developmental feedback is positively related to employee voice, (2) job involvement partially mediates this relationship, (3) emotional intelligence has a moderating effect on the relationships between supervisor developmental feedback and job involvement such that positive associations will be stronger under conditions of high emotional intelligence. (4)emotional intelligence has a moderating effect on the relationships between job involvement and employee voice such that positive associations will be weaker under conditions of high emotional intelligence. The implications for theory and practice are discussed:Based on the social exchange theory, we first explore the influencing factors and induced mechanism of employee voice behavior from the perspective of supervisor developmental feedback, and the findings also have important practical significance for enhancing the internal communication management.

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    Decent Work Perception, Creative Self-efficacy and Employees' Creativity: The Moderating Role of Organizational Culture in Chinese Context
    Wang Chunguo, Chen Gang
    2018, 30 (3):  140-149. 
    Abstract ( 320 )   PDF (1151KB) ( 737 )  

    Decent work. As an emerging term that resonates with the international community, has become a hot research topic throughout the world. Based on the self-determination theory, this paper explores the mechanism of how decent work perception influences employees' creativity, especially the mediation of creative self-efficacy and the moderating role of organizational culture in Chinese context. Through paired investigation of 367 listed companies' employees and their immediate leaders, the empirical study finds that:(1) decent work has a significant positive effect on employees' creativity; (2) creative self-efficacy plays a partial intermediary role between decent work and employees' creativity; (3) The relationship between creative self-efficacy and employees' creativity is moderated by organizational culture in Chinese context. The extrovert organizational culture and team organizational culture have a positive moderating effect, while hierarchical organizational culture inhibits the intermediary role that creative self-efficacy has on the relationship between decent work and employees' creativity.

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    Abusive Supervision and Employee Dysfunctional Behavior: A Meta-analysis from Multi-foci Perspective
    Wang Hongqing, Peng Jisheng
    2018, 30 (3):  150-160. 
    Abstract ( 259 )   PDF (1150KB) ( 483 )  

    Leadership style is the important potential factors for predicting employee behavior. Abusive supervision, as a typical representative of negative leadership behavior, has a significant positive relationship with employee dysfunctional behavior. From the multi-foci perspective, employees maintain different dysfunctional behaviors toward multiple foci such as the organization, supervisors and coworkers. In abusive supervision context, the damage level of dysfunctional behaviors toward multiple foci has not been determined. The results are extracted from original reports published from 2000 to 2014 of 48 empirical studies. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Version 2 program is used to analyze the relationship between abusive supervision and employee dysfunctional behavior. The results show that abusive supervision is positive related to dysfunctional behavior, organizational dysfunctional behavior, supervisor-directed dysfunctional behavior and coworker-directed dysfunctional behavior. Specifically, abusive supervision has the strongest relationship with supervisor-directed dysfunctional behavior, a moderate relationship with organizational dysfunctional behavior, and the weakest relationship with coworker-directed dysfunctional behavior. Culture context and rating source moderate the relationship, the relationship between abusive supervision and supervisor-directed dysfunctional behavior is stronger in Western context than in Eastern context; relationships between abusive supervision and employee dysfunctional behavior and supervisor-directed dysfunctional behavior are stronger for self-rated versus other-rated dysfunctional behavior.

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    Using Response Surface Analysis in P-E Fit Researches
    Bai Shuaijiao, Jing Runtian, Li Pu, Chen Lu, Li Guiqing
    2018, 30 (3):  161-170. 
    Abstract ( 451 )   PDF (2698KB) ( 1463 )  

    Response surface analysis based on quadratic polynomial regression has been proposed to overcome some general problems of traditional methods, and become an important analysis method with its visual and vivid natures. However, the literature review shows that very few researchers in China adopt this method though its application can be seen in a few international journals. Otherwise, there is a need to provide a detailed explanation for readers to understand the concrete analyzing process. Under this context, this paper briefly introduces the key characteristics of response surface and then gives detailed explanation for how to use response surface analysis in person-environment fit researches and how to use this method with hierarchical linear model (HLM) when the data are nested. Relevant examples are provided for readers. The main purposes are to provide beneficial reference for scholars and to promote the application of the method, especially in China.

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    Forecasting of Licensed (Assistant) Doctors' Demand in China——An Empirical Research Based on GM, ARIMA and VAR Models
    Li Lei, Li Chao, Ding Xuechen, Qiao Han
    2018, 30 (3):  171-178. 
    Abstract ( 250 )   PDF (1144KB) ( 583 )  

    The demand forecast of medical and health personnel is of great significance for the implementation of the "Healthy China 2030" Plan and is helpful for the promotion of medical and health system reform. We forecast China's licensed (assistant) doctors with GM (1,1), ARIMA and VAR model respectively. Based on a dynamic integration method, this paper integrates the forecast results of three models above, which effectively improve the prediction accuracy. Finally the empirical results show that the demand of licensed (assistant) doctors in 2020 is consistent with the goal set out by the State Council in "Healthy China 2030" Plan, while the planned goal in 2030 is lower than the demand. The research of this paper provides several guidance and management enlightenments to the National Health Department.

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    The Effects of International Diversification on Private SMEs' Performance: An Inverted-S Curve
    Wu Bing, Wang Juan, Yan Haifeng
    2018, 30 (3):  179-187. 
    Abstract ( 211 )   PDF (1111KB) ( 420 )  

    The relationship between international diversification and performance is one of the core topics in the field of international business. In Chinese context, however, the related researches are underdeveloped, especially for private small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Basing on the survey of 168 Chinese private SMEs, we find an inverted-S curve relationship between international diversification and performance. Therefore, two important factors may be underestimated in current literatures, i.e. inward international experience and their risk-avoiding intention. This paper contributes to the literature by finding supports from private SMEs rather than large firms. Implications and future directions are discussed at the end of the paper.

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    Corporate Governance and CSR Disclosures: ——Evidence from the SMEs of ChiNext Board
    Qin Xuzhong, Wang Zongshui, Zhao Hong
    2018, 30 (3):  188-200. 
    Abstract ( 313 )   PDF (1191KB) ( 1218 )  

    Based on the data of 153 SMEs of Shenzhen ChiNext Board, this paper builds CSR Disclosures Index (CSRDI) by analyzing annual reports, CSR reports and the content of corporate websites and exploring the relationship between corporate governance and the extent of CSR disclosures. Meanwhile, this paper adds the political connection into the research framework according to the realistic characteristics of Chinese SMEs. The empirical results show that CSR disclosures have a negative association with managerial ownership, foreign ownership and Chairman with political connection have positive significant impacts on CSR disclosures and CEO duality strengthens the relationship between Chairman with political connection and CSR disclosures. However, this paper fails to find any significant impact of public ownership, board independence and the extent of board political connection. Finally, this paper provides some suggestions for promoting the CSR of SMEs based on the results.

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    Exploring the Core Factors and Forecasting the Energy Consumption in China's Transport Sector
    Chai Jian, Xing Limin, Lu Quanyin, Hu Yi, Wang Shouyang
    2018, 30 (3):  201-214. 
    Abstract ( 244 )   PDF (1299KB) ( 449 )  

    With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, transportation has become the second largest (around 10%-20% of total energy demand) energy intensive sector in China, next only to industry. In this context, it is of great necessity to figure out the main factors that affect energy consumption in China's transport sector, and make reasonable prediction. Firstly, this paper builds a Bayesian structural equation model (BSEM) to describe the influencing mechanism from three aspects:economic aggregate, technical progress and transportation structure. Next, path-analysis technology is applied to extract the main factors, including transportation converted turnover, per capita disposable income of urban households, energy consumption per unit of turnover, the ratio of transport fixed asset investment and the ratio of road and civil aviation turnover. Based on this analysis, VAR model is built to explore the dynamic time-delay relationship between energy consumption in transport sector and the main factors. The impulse response analysis indicates that when imposing a positive impulse on transport turnover, the significant motivating effect for transportation energy consumption lasts for a long period; the response of transport energy consumption to energy consumption per unit turnover are distinct periodically-in the short term, it will cause the increase of traffic energy consumption due to "rebound effect", but in the long-term, it inhibits the increase of energy consumption due to technological progress effect; the ratio of highway and civil aviation turnover also has a positive impact on transportation energy consumption. Finally BVAR model is constructed on the basis of Gibbs sampling to predict traffic energy consumption from 2015 to 2020, which respectively is 433.93, 470.76, 510.85, 554.52, 602.09, 653.92 million tons of standard coal. The fitting results show that the relative prediction error is 2.87%, implying the predicted results are pretty reliable. Lastly, this paper puts forward related suggestions about energy saving in China's transport sector.

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    Contract Efficiency Evaluation in a Fresh Agri-products and Retailer-led Supply Chain with TPL's Participation
    Feng Ying, Li Zhihui, Zhang Yanzhi
    2018, 30 (3):  215-225. 
    Abstract ( 232 )   PDF (1208KB) ( 517 )  

    TPL's participation is of realistic significance for improving the circulation efficiency of fresh agri-products supply chain, but it also increases the complexity of the supply chain contract design. Assuming that the market demand of fresh agri-products depends on the price and the logistics service level, we build a sequential non-cooperative game model in which a retailer is the leader while a TPL service provider and a supplier are both followers. The wholesale price contract and logistics service cost-sharing contract can coordinate the logistics service levels and reduce the retail price efficiently. However, there tail price is still higher than the corresponding result in centralized situation. In order to improve the efficiency of the system, we introduce the revenue-sharing, quantity discount and linear transfer payment contract respectively into the system. The evaluation of the contract efficiency indicates that retailer's domination and TPL's participation will cause the contracts' impact on supply chain operation to be contrary to the general case. Furthermore, these three contracts are complementary to each other, i.e., the revenue-sharing contract causes the retrogression of cooperation and quantity discount contract maintains the status quo, while the linear transfer payment contract can improve the operation efficiency. Then, based on the original contract combination, we introduce a transport-market clearance contract into the system and achieve the system coordination. Finally, the sensitivity analyses on contracts' parameters are made to verify the conclusions and then management implications are obtained.

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    Have China's FDIs Improved the Infrastructure of Countries along the Belt and Road?
    Huang Liangxiong, Qian Xinbei, Sui Guangjun
    2018, 30 (3):  226-239. 
    Abstract ( 355 )   PDF (1386KB) ( 853 )  

    Infrastructure construction is not only an important area of China's foreign direct investment (FDI), but also an important part of China's "Belt and Road" initiative. We take the perspective of China's influence on the world and use the unbalanced panel data of 64 countries along the Belt and Road from 2003 to 2013 to construct an econometric model for analyzing the impact of China's FDIs on the infrastructure of countries along the Belt and Road. Firstly, we construct a five-dimensional infrastructure level index to measure the infrastructure state of the countries along the Belt and Road. The result shows that the infrastructure of countries along the Belt and Road is constantly improving and the regional differences are narrowing. Subsequently, we establish a panel data model and find that every 1% increase in China's direct investment to the countries along the Belt and Road could improve these countries' infrastructure by 0.006%. In the sample period 2003-2013, China contributes 12% to the improvement of these countries' infrastructure. This promoting effect weakens in the investment of economic "downgradient", but political "downgradient" does not affect the promoting effect.

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    Cost Calculation for Citizenization of Rural Migrant Workers under the Local and Nearby Urbanization Background——Comparison among Three Cities in Henan Province
    Gu Dongdong, Du Haifeng, Wang Qi
    2018, 30 (3):  240-247. 
    Abstract ( 266 )   PDF (1169KB) ( 368 )  

    Based on a survey in the context of local and nearby urbanization, this paper adjusts the cost calculation index system for granting urban residency to rural migrant workers and optimizes the corresponding calculation model. In three small and medium size cities at various development levels in Henan province, the annual total costs of citizenization of rural migrant workers are calculated at 41,000 Yuan, 55,300 Yuan and 63,100 Yuan, which is estimated based on the data from the yearbooks and public reports by the method of parallel closing process and classification of cost calculation. The results show that:Compared with the traditional off-site urbanization, the local and nearby urbanization leads to a lower cost of citizenization, stronger externality, and significant change in cost sharing among the government, enterprises and individuals. The total cost decreases as a city's development level increases. The government is not only the main promoter of citizenization of rural migrant workers, but also the cost undertaker. Lack of infrastructure input is the main problem of the undeveloped regions while the higher input in livelihood is the key of citizenization in the developed regions. The cost for farmers' abandoning their lands has become higher, but the human capital of rural migrant workers has been improved through citizenization, which has relieved various issues caused by loss of land and rural hukou.

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    Research on the Formation and Evolution Mechanism of Cooperation Network of Chinese Creative Research Group——Case Study of Excellent Creative Research Group in the Perspective of Scientific Community
    Gao Jie, Ding Yunlong, Zheng Zuolong
    2018, 30 (3):  248-263. 
    Abstract ( 293 )   PDF (2421KB) ( 525 )  

    "Structural anomie" and "inefficient cooperation" are two problems confronting some teams in the operation of Creative Research Group. The starting point of understanding and solving these problems is to open the "black box" of Creative Research Group cooperation network, and reveal its evolution process and mechanism from the static structure level and the dynamic evolution level. Based on the scientific community under the spontaneous order, the cooperation network of Creative Research Group which is high level basic research and scientific and technological innovation team with Chinese characteristics is regarded as a special kind of scientific community, and its evolution process is summarized as "three stages and two turning points":the first is the stage of "invisible college"——after the "turning point of project approval" to enter into the stage of "scientific innovation team"——after the "turning point of transition" to enter into the stage of "mixed academic community"; Creative Research Group translates into the regular project team which has clear boundaries, from loose and spontaneous academic group which has cooperation basis, and finally, based on community the group deepens and expands into the "mixed academic community", and experiences an cooperation network evolution process of "fuzzy——clear-extended"; combined with the theory of team life-cycle and other organization and management theories, and through the analysis of the evolution mechanism of the group network and the exploratory case analysis of an excellent group, the "black box" of cooperation and development is initially opened, and the important nodes and stage divisions are dismantled from the perspective of organizational evolution, which has important significance for problem solving, reasonable development and effective governance of Creative Research Group.

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    Multi-case Study on the Reform of Public Service Delivery Mode: Medical Services as an Example
    Wang Zhe, Ding Zi
    2018, 30 (3):  264-272. 
    Abstract ( 294 )   PDF (1172KB) ( 725 )  

    This paper studies the performance of the diversification reform of public service delivery mode and the mechanism of influence. From the theory of public service delivery, we extract three kinds of delivery mode:public-public, public-private and privatization and build an analysis framework of delivery mode-mechanism-service performance. Then we choose 2 cases under each mode from the medical service sector to gather a total of six typical cases. Based on the 6 cases, we analyze their social benefit, economic benefit and internal management improvement and then use the delivery mode as the unit to make an intra-group and inter-group analysis. The study finds that cases in the same mode show the same or different performance, and cases of different mode show similar or different performance results. This result shows that the delivery mode does not directly influence service performance, but plays an indirect role. Service performance is influenced by a variation of factors, such as the government and social capital allowed full play of their respective advantages, reasonable compensation mechanism in place, strict cost control mechanism selection in the mode of core and non-core functions.

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