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    Economic and Financial Management
    Listed Company Credit Rating Division Model Based on Defaulting Customer Distribution Constraint
    Zhou Ying, Zhang Zhipeng
    2023, 35 (5):  3-18. 
    Abstract ( 256 )   PDF (1672KB) ( 445 )  
    Credit rating division is to divide customers into groups according to their credit score or expected losses, and to rank individuals by their credit risk. This study constructs a goal programming model from two aspects of default risk and risk loss, and gives a novel method of credit rating division for Chinese listed companies. This paper makes innovative attempts in two aspects. First, it puts forward new credit rating constraints to ensure that more defaulting customers are distributed in lower grades, thus avoiding the irrationality of the existing researches that distribute more defaulting customers in higher grades. Second, through the relationship between Expected Loss and Exposure at Default, Probability of Default and Loss Given Default in Basel Accord, this paper approximates the Expected Loss of listed companies and provides a solution for the lack of default loss data of listed companies. The results show that 53 indicators, such as equity ratio, return on equity, audit opinion type and the year-on-year growth rate of cash supply in circulation, can be used to effectively predict the default status of listed companies. The research shows that the corresponding loss rates of nine credit grades, such as AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB, B, CCC, CC and C, are 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.16%, 0.23%, 0.80%, 1.23%, 1.35%, 10.10% and 66.90%, respectively, and this is in line with the fundamental requirement that the higher credit rating, the lower loss rate.
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    Long-term Consumption Smoothing and Ex Ante Moral Hazard Effects of Social Medical Insurance:Evidence from the New Cooperative Medical Scheme Implementation
    Wang Jiyuan, Gao Ya, Hu Yi
    2023, 35 (5):  19-28,65. 
    Abstract ( 192 )   PDF (1354KB) ( 238 )  
    Social basic medical insurance is a major component of social security system in China. It mitigates residents' difficulties of receiving medical treatment and improves their welfare. As one of the most important parts of social basic medical insurance programs, the New Cooperative Medical Scheme has been launched for more than ten years. Evaluating the impacts of this program on Chinese rural residents is very necessary. This paper studies the long-term impacts of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance on consumption smoothing and ex ante moral hazard behaviors of Chinese rural residents. By employing a Difference-in-Differences design and the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (2011, 2013, 2015) data set, this paper identifies the long-term effects of exposure to the New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance on individual consumption growth, ex-ante moral hazard behaviors, health status and medical expenditures. The results show that, firstly, the long-term consumption smoothing effect is stronger on individuals who live in areas with higher insurance contribution levels and who enjoy longer enrollment periods. Secondly, as a basic insurance program, the New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance has little ex-ante moral hazard effects, and it also has an insignificant impact on household financial growth. Thirdly, the New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance decreases medical expenditures in the long run.
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    The Impact of Network Cooperation Capabilities on Ego-network Dynamics of Venture Capital——The Moderating Effect of Knowledge Attribute
    Gao Yuge, Xie Yongping, Yang Yanping
    2023, 35 (5):  29-41. 
    Abstract ( 145 )   PDF (1679KB) ( 145 )  
    Based on social network theory, signal theory and knowledge-based theory, this paper constructs a theoretical framework of the relationship between network cooperation capabilities, knowledge attributes and venture capitals' ego-network dynamics. Based on the related data of Wind database from 2010 to 2019, this paper constructs 8 periods of venture capital ego-network, and analyzes the dynamic driving force of network cooperation capabilities on the growth and diversity of venture capitals' ego-network, and the moderating effect of knowledge attributes by using methods such as within estimation, LSDV and PCSE. The results show that network cooperation capability positively promotes the ego-network growth and diversity of venture capital; knowledge depth positively moderates the relationship between network cooperation capability and the ego-network growth and diversity of venture capital; knowledge breadth plays a substitute effect on the cooperative relationship, and has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between network cooperation capability and ego-network growth of venture capital; however, knowledge breadth has a positive moderating effect on the relationship between network cooperation capability and ego-network diversity of venture capital. These findings provide management enlightenment for promoting the construction and dynamic evolution of venture capitals' ego-network.
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    Digital Inclusive Finance and Household Participation in Risky Financial Market:An Empirical Study Based on the Chinese Household Finance Survey
    Liu Zhifeng, Zeng Yingfang, Zhang Tingting
    2023, 35 (5):  42-53. 
    Abstract ( 234 )   PDF (1310KB) ( 214 )  
    Based on the Peking University Digital Financial Inclusion Index and Chinese Household Finance Survey data, this paper conducts an empirical test on the relationship between digital financial inclusion and household participation in risk financial market. The paper finds that digital financial inclusion has a significant positive impact on household participation in risk financial market, and the effects of different dimensions of digital financial inclusion are different. Results of instrumental regression and robustness tests are not inconsistent with the main conclusions of this study. The paper further tests the influence mechanism and finds that digital financial inclusion mainly promotes household participation in risky financial markets by enhancing financial availability. However, due to the phenomenon of "digital exclusion", it does not significantly impact residents' financial literacy. The analysis of heterogeneity finds that the promotion of digital financial inclusion in the participation of households in risky financial markets is more significant in urban areas, west regions, and well-educated households.
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    The Impact of Macroeconomic Fluctuations on Banking Risks under Major Public Health Emergencies——An Analysis Based on the Masking Effect of Banking Risk Preference
    Shen Li, Mi Yingjing, Qiang Tianjian
    2023, 35 (5):  54-65. 
    Abstract ( 127 )   PDF (1375KB) ( 101 )  
    Major public health emergencies that cause global economic recession highlight the financial vulnerability, so preventing and solving banking risks has become a challenging task for governments around the world. This paper analyzes the difference of the impact of macroeconomic fluctuations on banking risk before and after the outbreak of major public health emergencies. The results show that there is a significant negative correlation between macroeconomic fluctuation and banking risks. At the same time, major public health emergencies strengthen the masking effect of banking risk preference, and then weaken the impact of macroeconomic fluctuations on banking risks. This paper innovatively starts from the channel of banking risk preference masking effect to analyze the impact of macroeconomic fluctuations on banking risks against the backdrop of major public health emergencies, and the findings can be used to develop a sound mechanism of governance against macroeconomic volatility caused by major public health emergencies, and formulate precise policies to guard against banking risks.
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    Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management
    Mechanism of the Interaction among "Belt and Road" Oriented Enterprise Technical Standards Alliance Participants
    Zhou Qing, Gao Yanxiao, Liu Yao, Wang Dongpeng
    2023, 35 (5):  66-76,88. 
    Abstract ( 144 )   PDF (1503KB) ( 123 )  
    Based on the comparative analysis of biological characteristics of "Belt and Road" (B&R) oriented enterprise technology standard alliances (ETSA), this paper collects and pre-processes research materials and data via text mining, and then utilizes the coding methods and procedures of proceduralised grounded theory to analyze the ecosystem of ETSA. The paper finds that B&R-oriented ETSA participants mainly include technology standard providers, standard product suppliers, standard product consumers and technology application promoters. There are three forms of interaction mechanism among the participants, namely, standard output and application, standard collaborative construction and standard fusion and symbiosis. On these bases, this paper constructs a model of interaction mechanisms among them and probes into their interactive relationship and the role of each participant plays under different interaction mechanism.
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    Can National High-tech Zones Promote Regional Innovation Development Better than Economic Development Zones?——Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment
    Sun Long, Lei Lianghai, Li Na
    2023, 35 (5):  77-88. 
    Abstract ( 163 )   PDF (1538KB) ( 151 )  
    Due to the lack of unified method and reference system for comparison, the existing researches often reach inconsistent conclusions on what influence different types of national development zones have through their policies. Based on the quasi-natural experiment of the establishment of development zones and the data of 285 prefecture level cities in China from 2001 to 2018, this paper uses the progressive difference-in-difference method to compare and analyze the influence of the establishment of national economic development zones and high-tech zones on regional innovation and development with the same control group as reference. The results show that national high-tech zones play a significant role in promoting regional innovation and development, while economic development zones have no influence in this regard. Mechanism analysis shows that the establishment of national high-tech zones improves government financial subsidies and tax preferences, but only financial subsidies promote regional innovation and development. The analysis of policy superposition effect shows that the establishment of national high-tech zones also plays an innovative role in promoting the urban samples of the economic development zone. Heterogeneity analysis shows that the establishment of national high-tech zones has descending marginal benefits to regional innovation and development.
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    How to Become a Sturdy Grass Withstanding Strong Wind?——A Study on the Antecedent Configurations of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Resilience Based on WSR Methodology
    Zhang Ming, Wang Dongling, Zeng Na, Fu Shanna
    2023, 35 (5):  89-102. 
    Abstract ( 171 )   PDF (1494KB) ( 120 )  
    Building a resilient entrepreneurial ecosystem is an important way to guard against internal and external risks and realize a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem. However, there still lacks an in-depth research on the conditions and mechanism of entrepreneurial ecosystem resilience differentiation. Based on WSR methodology, this study uses the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis method to explore the causal complexity mechanisms affecting entrepreneurial ecosystem resilience through a case study of 17 global entrepreneurship ecosystems. Our findings are as follows. (1) Business environment is a necessary condition for high entrepreneurial ecosystem resilience. (2) The driving mechanism of high entrepreneurial ecosystem resilience can be divided into two pathways:peer diversity, and internal power. The former refers to the linkage matching of large system size, excellent business environment and gender diversity. The latter refers to the linkage matching of large system size, excellent business environment and sufficient entrepreneur resources. (3) The driving mechanism of non-high entrepreneurial ecosystem resilience can be divided into two pathways:nothing but talent and complete blankness, and is asymmetrically related to the driving mechanism of high entrepreneurial ecosystem resilience. (4) Under specific Wu-li and Shi-li conditions, gender diversity and entrepreneur resources at the Ren-li level can enhance the entrepreneurial ecosystem resilience through equivalent substitution. This paper helps to deepen the theoretical understanding of entrepreneurial ecosystem resilience, and provides valuable practical implications on how to improve entrepreneurial ecosystem resilience.
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    Research on the Priority Setting of Convergent Science Based on the Double Helix Method of Think Tanks
    Wang Xue, Yang Guoliang
    2023, 35 (5):  103-111,172. 
    Abstract ( 87 )   PDF (2070KB) ( 65 )  
    The double helix method of the think tank is used to research the priority setting of convergent science. This study analyzes the characteristics, functions, research paradigms and scale of the priority setting model of convergent science, and concludes that the convergent science and priority setting comes under the category of medium-scale think tank research. Furthermore, we explore the key scientific issues of the convergent science and priority setting, which are multiple technology objectives, related discipline areas and the incommensurability of basic conditions. Based on the problem-orientation, science-orientation and evidence-orientation of the double helix structure of think tanks, the "Parsing-Merge-Reduction" method is used for the outer circulation, while the process of convergence method (Data-Information-Intelligence-Solution, DIIS) and logics layer method (Mechanism-Impact-Policy-Solution, MIPS) are used for the inner circulation. This model deconstructs the scientific and technological objectives, related fields and conditional basis into several key factors that can be compared, thus forming a research method for convergent science and priority setting, which can be used by scientific and technological decision-making departments to identify and select the relevant areas in converging science.
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    A Study on the Mechanism of How Consumers' Lack of Sleep Influences Their Preference for Visually Cute Products and the Boundary Conditions of the Influence
    Liu Wumei, Liu Hongyan, Chen Yinan, Chen Yanxia
    2023, 35 (5):  112-124. 
    Abstract ( 239 )   PDF (1491KB) ( 233 )  
    People often lack adequate sleep. Marketing scholars have long neglected the issue of how consumers' lack of sleep affects their consuming behavior. Lack of sleep decreases consumers' vitality, and cute products are closely related to vitality and youth. This paper conducts four studies (2 surveys and 2 experiments) to explore the influence of consumers' lack of sleep on their preference for visually cute products, its mechanism and boundary conditions. Study1 finds that sleep-deprived consumers prefer visually cute products. Furthermore, study 2a and study 2b find that the influence is moderated by consumers' implicit self-views. When suffering lack of sleep, substantialistic consumers tend to choose cute products because they strongly believe that such products can help enhance their vitality, but this tendency does not apply to gradualistic consumers, who do not believe so. Study 3 finds that cute products restore consumers' vitality level after they touch cute products. The current paper makes several important theoretical advances. First, this paper adds to the existing researches on sleep, via showing that individuals' preference for baby-schema cute products is a new way for them to cope with the threat of inadequate sleep. Second, through focusing on individuals' physiological and psychological predictors of cute product preferences, this paper moves forwards past researches on cuteness. Practically, this paper has reference value for the market positioning and advertising of enterprises that sell cute products.
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    Effect of Cost Reduction on Encroachment of Quality Differentiated Manufacturers
    Xie Guanghua, Jin Liang
    2023, 35 (5):  125-135. 
    Abstract ( 186 )   PDF (1723KB) ( 175 )  
    In order to study the effect of cost reduction on the encroachment of quality-differentiated manufacturers, this paper constructs a utility function of consumers who purchase quality-differentiated products and a supply chain game model among an incumbent manufacturer, an entrant manufacturer and a common retailer. On the basis, the value of the incumbent manufacturer's cost-reduction technology investment, as well as the impact of encroachment and cost reduction on supply chain equilibrium and consumer welfare are analyzed. The results show that, although the cost reduction of the incumbent manufacturer can't prevent entrant manufacturer from entering the market, the incumbent manufacturer still has the incentive to invest in cost-reducing technology, which can increase the difficulty for the entrant manufacturer to enter the market and increase the profit and market share of the incumbent manufacturer. Furthermore, cost reduction will lead to reduction of the wholesale and retail prices of the two quality-differentiated products, and the price competition will intensify. Moreover, regardless of whether the incumbent manufacturer will invest in cost-reducing technology, encroachment will always prompt the incumbent manufacturer and the retailer to implement low-price strategy, which is detrimental to the incumbent manufacturer and beneficial to the retailer. Finally, both cost reduction and encroachment can motivate reluctant consumers to buy products and improve their welfare. However, when consumers buy high-quality products, consumer welfare is not necessarily higher, which depends on the degree of quality difference between the two products.
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    Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
    The Mechanism of How Job Crafting and Home Crafting Influence Proactive Behavior
    Zhang Lanxia, Mao Mengyu, Wang Lele, Zhang Zhuo
    2023, 35 (5):  136-147. 
    Abstract ( 207 )   PDF (1442KB) ( 336 )  
    Based on the proactive motivation model and spillover theory, this study explores the effects of daily job crafting and home crafting on the next day's proactive behavior, and analyzes the mediating roles of work-family and family-work facility, as well as the moderating role of perceived organizational support and perceived family support. A five-day daily study of 93 employees finds that both daily job crafting and home crafting have a significant positive influence on the next day's proactive behavior, work-family facility and family-work facility play a partial mediating role in the two relationship respectively, and perceived organizational support positively moderates the main effect between daily job crafting and next day's proactive behavior, perceived family support positively moderates the main effect between daily home crafting and next day's proactive behavior. The conclusion of this study provides relevant theoretical reference and management enlightenment for stimulating employees' proactive behavior.
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    The Knowledge Map and Evolution of Gratitude Research:A Bibliometric Study of Domestic and Foreign Literature in Recent 20 Years
    Guo Yirong, Chen Limei, Gao Ziyin, Zheng Xiaoming
    2023, 35 (5):  148-162. 
    Abstract ( 195 )   PDF (5723KB) ( 306 )  
    With the rise of positive psychology, gratitude research has gradually developed in the fields of psychology and management. Gratitude has a certain positive impact on individuals and organizations, but it has not attracted enough attention in the field of organization management, and the relevant researches are too scattered to form a systematic overall research framework. Based on gratitude literature in the Web of Science Core Collection and Chinese Journal Full-text database, utilizing bibliometric analysis and knowledge mapping technology, and combining with intensive reading and review, this paper analyzes domestic and foreign researches on gratitude in the field of organization management from 1999 to 2021. This paper focuses on the analysis of the publication status, the distribution of the most academically prolific countries, the distribution of the most prolific journals, the most prolific scholars and hot keywords at home and abroad via descriptive results, and reveals the whole relationship between them. Then, we construct co-occurrence and co-citation network maps of domestic and foreign researches on gratitude, systematically sort out the research origin, research findings, research hotspots, research structure, research development and evolution trend, analyze and identify the limitations of existing researches, and discuss the potential direction for future researches.
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    Mentoring and Work Engagement:A Self-determination Perspective
    Song Meng, Zheng Qiuxia, Jiang Aoxue, Qi Meng, Gao Yuan
    2023, 35 (5):  163-172. 
    Abstract ( 234 )   PDF (1421KB) ( 336 )  
    Scholars and practitioners have devoted substantial efforts to understanding how to effectively motivate employees. Based on the self-determination theory, this study collects the dynamic data of 72 R&D personnel for 10 consecutive working days by using the experience sampling method and explores the process and boundary conditions of the influence of mentoring on subordinates' work engagement. The empirical analysis results show that:mentoring has a significant positive impact on subordinates' sense of work meaningfulness. Besides, work meaningfulness mediates the relationship between mentoring and work engagement. In addition, the achievement motivation of employees not only positively moderates the positive effect of mentoring on subordinates' work meaningfulness, but also positively moderates the mediating effect of work meaningfulness on the relationship between mentoring and subordinates' work engagement. Our research is important theoreticallybecause it enriches and extends the current work engagement literature. Specifically, (1) taking a specific rather than general leadership behavior perspective, this study explores the positive influence of mentoring on work engagement, as well as the underlying mechanism, which can help to understand the antecedents of this organizational phenomenon more comprehensively; (2) by revealing the boundary conditions, this study helps to understand how to maximize the positive effect of mentoring on work engagement. Implications for research and practice are provided.
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    Surprise Move or Dirty Trick? The Influence of Intergroup Competition on Individual's Unconventional Behavior
    Zhang Yongjun, Li Ya, Zhao Shusong, Liu Zhiqiang
    2023, 35 (5):  173-183,196. 
    Abstract ( 197 )   PDF (1432KB) ( 283 )  
    Intergroup competition is an effective tactic to stimulate team vitality, but it is not clear how intergroup competition influences individual's unconventional behavior. Based on cognitive appraisal theory, this paper conducts two studies to explore the influence of intergroup competition on individual's two opposite types of unconventional behaviors:creative behavior and pro-group unethical behavior. In study 1, the questionnaire method is used to confirm the "double-edged sword" effect of intergroup competition on individual's unconventional behavior, which can not only stimulate individual creativity, but also induce individual pro-group unethical behavior. Performance proof orientation plays a mediating role in the above process. In study 2, the general experiment confirms the "double-edged sword" effect of intergroup competition on individual's unconventional behavior once again, and finds the influence of intergroup competition on individual creativity and pro-group unethical behaviors is moderated by the level of procedural justice. At a high level of procedural justice, intergroup competition is more likely to stimulate individual's creativity; at a low level of procedural justice, intergroup competition is more likely to stimulate individual's pro-group unethical behavior.
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    A Research on the Relationship between Coping Ability of Frontline Employees and Fellow Customers' Experience from the Perspective of Trust
    Huang Suping, Wang Shan, Wang Yonggui
    2023, 35 (5):  184-196. 
    Abstract ( 138 )   PDF (1435KB) ( 153 )  
    By constructing a model of the impact of frontline staffs' ability to deal with customer misbehavior on fellow customers' experience, this paper uses trust theory and attribution theory to reveal the mechanism and boundary conditions in this relationship. Three experiments are conducted to explore the influence of frontline staff's ability to deal with customer misbehavior on fellow customers' experience, the mediating role of cognitive trust and the moderating role of fellow customers' involvement. Research results show that:frontline staff's ability to deal with customer misbehavior positively affects fellow customers' experience; cognitive trust mediates the effect of the ability; and fellow customers' involvement plays a moderating role, that is, fellow customers with high involvement will have a better experience than those with low involvement when facing frontline staff who are better able to deal with customer misbehavior.
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    Organization and Strategic Management
    Research on the Relationship between Competitive Repertoire Dissimilarity and Firm Performance Based on the Perspective of Multimarket Contact
    Deng Xinming, Hou Dan, Qiu Wenyun, Mao Fengyi, Cui Xiaomin, Ye Zhenyu
    2023, 35 (5):  197-213. 
    Abstract ( 105 )   PDF (1515KB) ( 122 )  
    Based on the second-hand data of Chinese home appliance industry, this paper conducts an empirical test in order to study the relationship between multimarket contact (MMC), competitive repertoire dissimilarity and firm performance. Besides, this paper also analyzes the moderating role of TMT heterogeneity and competitive inertia. The empirical results show that as the level of MMC increases, it is more likely for firms to adopt non-confrontational competition methods. At the same time, there is a significant positive correlation between competitive repertoire dissimilarity and firm performance. Furthermore, TMT heterogeneity will strengthen the positive correlation between MMC and competitive repertoire dissimilarity. In addition, competitive inertia will strengthen the positive correlation between competitive repertoire dissimilarity and firm performance. Generally speaking, this paper expands the researches on competitive repertoire in the field of dynamic competition, and proposes reference directions for further research. At the same time, this paper also provides enlightenment and suggestions for Chinese enterprises to carry out competitive activities in practice.
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    External Environment Uncertainty, Corporate Social Capital and M&A Decision:Based on the Perspective of Resource Acquisition
    Xu Weifeng, Ruan Qingsong
    2023, 35 (5):  214-227. 
    Abstract ( 162 )   PDF (1364KB) ( 102 )  
    M&A is a multi-resource consuming process and every step in this process cannot be divorced from resource acquisition. Based on the perspective of resource acquisition, this paper puts forward a new interpretation mechanism of the impact of corporate social capital and external environmental uncertainty on corporate M&A decision. The M&A events of A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2008 to 2019 are selected as samples to test the theory proposed in this paper. The study finds that the larger social capital an enterprise owns, the stronger acquisition ability and the higher enthusiasm for M&A it will have; the more uncertain external environment an enterprise faces, the less likely it can obtain resources and the less enthusiastic it will be for M&A. The acquisition of capital, information and policy resources plays a partial mediating role in the impact of corporate social capital and external environmental uncertainty on enterprises' M&A decision. In addition, the interaction between corporate social capital and external environment uncertainty has a positive impact on enterprises' M&A decision. The research results of this paper provide a reference for enterprises to make scientific M&A decisions.
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    From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to Corporate Sustainable Business (CSB):Reflection and Future
    Jia Ming, Xiang Yi, Wang Heli, Zhang Zhe
    2023, 35 (5):  228-242. 
    Abstract ( 380 )   PDF (1862KB) ( 390 )  
    In pursuit of economic benefits, some companies may bring negative effects to society and environment. With this in mind, many companies have integrated corporate social responsibility (CSR) into their growth strategy to guard against the potential negative effects that they may bring. However, the existing theories and practices are all based on the "shareholder upmost" philosophy to construct CSR strategy, thus leading to a series of social responsibility distortions, deviation from the essence of CSR and failure to support the post-epidemic corporate development. Therefore, based on a systematic review of the literature on CSR, this study proposes the key points for future CSR theories and practice and constructs a key path for companies to upgrade from traditional corporate social responsibility to corporate sustainable business based on the Chinese context in order to build a corporate sustainable business model with Chinese characteristics.
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    How does the Application of Industrial Robots Affect the Operational Efficiency of Enterprises: An Empirical Study on China's Listed Manufacturing Firms
    Liu Jun, Gong Yi, Liu Taoxiong
    2023, 35 (5):  243-253,291. 
    Abstract ( 188 )   PDF (1372KB) ( 231 )  
    As intelligent flexible production equipment, industrial robots can flexibly adjust the output scale, which can effectively help enterprises cope with demand uncertainty and unpredictable external shocks, improve enterprise operation efficiency, and obtain competitive advantages. In this paper, the stock data of industrial robots in different industries from 2014 to 2019 released by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) Industrial Robots Report and the microdata of 1,710 listed Chinese manufacturing companies are used. The "penetration degree of industrial robots at the Chinese enterprise level" index is used to measure the application degree of industrial robots in Chinese enterprises, and the instrumental variable method is used to alleviate the endogeneity problem. This paper empirically tests the role of industrial robot applications in improving the operational efficiency of listed manufacturing companies in China. This paper further investigates the moderating effects of enterprise characteristics on the effect of "industrial robots improving operational efficiency" from three dimensions:whether they are state-owned enterprises, ownership concentration, and technological level. It is found that in state-owned enterprises and enterprises at lower technological levels, the improvement of enterprise robot penetration has a more significant effect on enterprise operation efficiency. In the end, this paper puts forward feasible suggestions for the government and enterprises on "how to improve the application effect of industrial robots" and provides certain guiding ideas for Chinese manufacturing enterprises to improve their own operational efficiency.
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    Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    Research on Incentive Mechanism for 3PL under Dual Information Asymmetry in Inventory Pledge
    Wang Lu, Lin Kai, Chen Lihua
    2023, 35 (5):  254-266. 
    Abstract ( 104 )   PDF (1685KB) ( 101 )  
    In view of the dual information asymmetry that exists in both moral hazard and adverse selection of third party logistics (3PL), this paper explores how to design the optimal incentive mechanism to induce 3PL to improve supervision quality from the perspective of banks. This paper constructs a single moral hazard model, a menu of contracts and Nash bargaining model under dual information asymmetry, and then analyzes the optimal incentive mechanism of three scenarios and corresponding properties. The results are as follows. (1) Compared with the single moral hazard model, the asymmetric ability information of 3PL reduces the loss-sharing rate borne by 3PL, benefits the 3PL but harms the bank; (2) When bargaining contract is adopted, the loss-sharing rate and effort level of 3PL are related to the gap between its own ability and the average market level, and increase in line with 3PL's ability level; (3) When 3PL's ability endowment is uniformly distributed, the loss-sharing rate of 3PL under the bargaining contract is always larger than that in a menu of contracts. When 3PL's ability level is higher than the average market level, the bargaining contract increases 3PL's loss-sharing rate compared with the single moral hazard model; and (4) When 3PL's ability level is relatively low, bargaining contract can benefit both the bank and the 3PL, and realize the Pareto improvement.
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    Financing Strategy for a Dual-channel Supply Chain that Faces Loss-averse Retailers and Stochastic Demands
    Wang Wenlong, Wang Zihao, Zhang Suxian, Liu Qi
    2023, 35 (5):  267-279. 
    Abstract ( 112 )   PDF (1761KB) ( 96 )  
    Financing strategies for a dual channel supply chain that faces stochastic demands and loss-averse and financially constrained retailers are studied. By using the Stackelberg game theory, we establish a trade credit model and a bank credit model and then analyze supply chain members' optimal operational decisions under the two financing models. Our numerical analysis reveals the impact of retailers' loss aversion coefficient and initial capital on their decisions. The results show that retailers' optimal order quantity decreases in line with their loss aversion coefficient, and the decline rate of optimal order quantity under bank credit is larger than that under trade credit. When the loss aversion coefficient is relatively large, retailers and manufacturers prefer bank credit. Otherwise, both sides prefer trade credit. When initial capital is relatively large, retailers and manufacturers prefer bank credit. Otherwise, manufacturers prefer trade credit and retailers prefer bank credit. In this case, manufacturers could achieve Pareto improvement of the dual-channel supply chain by limiting the wholesale price to a certain range. In addition, when consumers prefer retail channel, bank credit is an equilibrium financing strategy for a dual-channel supply chain. When demand fluctuation is small, trade credit is an equilibrium financing strategy for both parties.
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    Equilibrium Strategies of Information Sharing and Financing in a Dual-channel Supply Chain with a Capital-constrained Retailer
    Zhang Lihao, Yang Jie
    2023, 35 (5):  280-291. 
    Abstract ( 125 )   PDF (1637KB) ( 168 )  
    This paper explores the information sharing and financing strategies in an information-asymmetric dual-channel supply chain composed of one manufacturer and one capital-constrained retailer. Based on whether the players share demand information and whether the capital-constrained retailer chooses trade credit financing or bank financing, we use the Stackelberg game to establish four different profit models. We derive the corresponding optimal order quantities and profits under different scenarios, and explore the equilibrium strategies for the dual-channel supply chain. We find that when the information subsidy cost is in a certain range, the players of the dual-channel supply chain will share the information, and the upper and lower boundaries of the range are related to the retailer's financing choice. Moreover, when the accuracy of the retailer's demand information is moderate, sharing information can alleviate the retailer's capital constraint problem. In addition, when the expectation of the market demand is low, the retailer should actively share the information with the manufacturer in order to make the manufacturer reduce the direct channel's order quantity. Furthermore, the increase of channel competition intensity may promote the players to share demand information in the dual-channel supply chain.
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    Public Management
    A WSR-based Research on the Aging Industry Development Planning
    Li Aihua, Xu Weijia, Meng Fanding, Huang Shisong
    2023, 35 (5):  292-302. 
    Abstract ( 113 )   PDF (3539KB) ( 171 )  
    With the emergence of global aging issues, China attaches increasing importance to the issue of population aging. From the perspective of personal needs of the elderly, the aging industry involves old people's living, physical and psychological needs for clothing, food, housing, transportation, medical care, spiritual culture, education and communication. From the perspective of public services provided by the government, the aging industry can be divided into such segments as social security for the elderly, old-age services, medical and health care, spiritual and cultural life, rights and interests protection, etc. In general, aging business that involves all aspects of economy and society has linked all the relevant departments together to form a well-coordinated network. The 14th National Five-year Plan provides a very important window period for the aging industry to have a good start, which requires a sophisticated and systematic planning. Based on WSR, this paper studies and analyzes the aging industry development planning process and concludes that WSR plays a guiding role in the preparation of the plan and can help develop a scientific plan efficiently.
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    Housing Price, Land Transfer and Capitalization of Public Services——Based on Empirical Evidence from 284 Cities in China
    Lan Feng, Xu Huiying, Da Huili, Huang Xin
    2023, 35 (5):  303-314. 
    Abstract ( 134 )   PDF (1610KB) ( 103 )  
    Finding out the relationship between housing prices, land and public services can effectively guide public services to make up for shortcomings, expand supply and improve quality, and help solve livelihood issues and promote social equity. Based on the data of 284 cities in China, this paper analyzes the impact of land transfer on the supply structure of public services on the basis of measuring the level of urban public services, studies the capitalization effect of public services on housing prices by using the spatio-temporal geographical weighted regression model, and finally explores the impact of land supply on the capitalization level of public services. The study finds that under the dual incentives of fiscal decentralization and official promotion, the fiscal expenditure of local governments is more inclined to economic public services; public services have a significant capitalization effect on housing prices, which fluctuates in a trend of first rising and then falling, indicating that there is a nonlinear relationship between the level of public services and the effectiveness of capitalization, and the spatial distribution pattern is high in the south and low in the north. Further research shows that the increase in land supply can effectively reduce the capitalization effect of public services; the biased expenditure of transfer income affects the structure of public service supply and the change of land supply, so an increase or decrease in the level of capitalization become the two ways for land transfer to affect the capitalization of public services. We should establish a land supply system that is "linked to people and land" as soon as possible, actively explore financial tools for the secondary capture of land value, improve the performance appraisal system, solve the spatial mismatch between land supply and demand and the financial difficulties of local governments from the source.
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    Evaluation of Ecological Protection in the Yellow River Basin Based on Variable Fuzzy Set
    Cui Chunsheng, Qiu Chuangchuang, Wang Nana, Cao Yanli, Zang Zhenchun
    2023, 35 (5):  315-326. 
    Abstract ( 101 )   PDF (1346KB) ( 64 )  
    Ecological protection is the key to the high-quality development of the Yellow River basin and the evaluation of ecological protection status can help the evaluation object find the direction of improvement. Combined with the ecological characteristics and high-quality development requirements of the Yellow River basin, this paper establishes an ecological protection evaluation index system of the Yellow River basin from four aspects:ecological resources, environmental status, resource utilization and people's livelihood; based on the fuzziness and variability of ecological protection evaluation, this paper studies the ecological protection status of nine provinces in the Yellow River basin with the help of Variable Fuzzy Set. Specifically, this paper defines the standard interval matrix, variable range evaluation interval matrix and M value matrix of each evaluation index, and then reflects the current situation of ecological protection in each province by calculating the degree of comprehensive membership of each index value to each level. The results of this paper show that among the nine provinces, Qinghai, Sichuan and Shaanxi are at an above-average grade of ecological protection, Ningxia at a below-average grade and the rest at an average grade. This finding is basically consistent with the reality that the ecological environment condition of Qinghai and Sichuan is good, and that of the other provinces is at an average level. The results not only provide suggestions for the direction of ecological protection in the nine provinces of the Yellow River basin, but also verify the validity and scientificity of the VFS from the methodological perspective.
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    Case Studies
    Research on the Matching Relationships of Authority Allocation and Knowledge Integration in Project-based Organizations:Case Study from Knowledge Governance Theory Perspective
    Yu Miao, Li Yingda, Chen Yongjun
    2023, 35 (5):  327-338. 
    Abstract ( 133 )   PDF (1434KB) ( 143 )  
    Knowledge integration is of great strategic significance for project-based organizations (PBOs) to form their core competitiveness. However, its non-self-organizing characteristic is in urgent need of organizational system guarantee at the level of knowledge governance. As a formal governance mechanism, allocation of authority is considered to play an important role in the process of knowledge integration due to its functions of granting legitimacy to integrated knowledge and enabling the authority subject to obtain resources available for integration. However, facing different organizational situations and governance logic, there is still a lack of strong theoretical explanation on how allocation of authority of PBOs fits with knowledge integration. Therefore, this research adopts a multi-case study method and analyzes four PBOs to explore the matching relationships between authority allocation and knowledge integration. The study finds there are four typical matching relationships between authority allocation and knowledge integration in PBOs. Two situational factors, organizational normativeness and environmental uncertainty, are identified as critical contingencies that influence the matching relationships. The research results extend the knowledge governance research of PBOs from the boundary conditions of the matching relationship between authority allocation and knowledge integration, and provide useful reference for PBOs to set authority allocation for a better effect of knowledge integration.
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    Research on New Ventures' Pivot under Time Pressure: A Case Study Based on the Interactive Perspective
    Zhu Xiaohong, Chen Hansong, Wang Lin
    2023, 35 (5):  339-352. 
    Abstract ( 153 )   PDF (2132KB) ( 135 )  
    The existing researches on new ventures' pivot neglect the time pressure they face and lack a dynamic probe into the whole-process evolution mechanism of the pivot. This paper uses case study to explore the issue of the pivot under time pressure from the perspective of the interaction between entrepreneur and stakeholder. We propose that the time pressure perceived by entrepreneurs affects the pivot, and the pivot is a dynamic and circular evolution process of "measure-test-start-feedback". We further suggest that the interaction between entrepreneur and stakeholder is a key factor that influences the pivot, and emotional communication, resource sharing and value co-creation can promote the pivot's evolution. Such findings enrich the existing understanding of the pivot of new ventures, and provide useful reference for entrepreneurs to manage their new ventures.
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