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    28 February 2019, Volume 31 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Study on the Relationship between Trading Competition and Price Discovery Based on the CSI 300 Stock Index Futures and Spot Markets
    Lin Xiangyou, Wang Yao, He Shuai, Dai Hongxia
    2019, 31 (2):  3-16. 
    Abstract ( 273 )   PDF (1261KB) ( 594 )  

    Based on the data of the CSI 300 stock index futures and the CSI 300 stock index spot markets, the trading competition relationships between the stock index futures and spot markets are tested with the Lotka-Volterra model, and the price discovery relationships between the stock index futures and spot markets are tested with the VAR, VECM, PT and IS model. Furthermore, the relationships between trading competition and price discovery are studied. The conclusions are drawn as follows:there are significant time-varying characteristics in both trading competition and price discovery between the CSI 300 stock index futures and spot markets, the trading competition is positively correlated with the price discovery, and the dynamic trading competition can explain the time-varying price discovery between the CSI 300 stock index futures and spot markets.

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    Evolving Efficiency and Noise Trading of China's Copper Futures Market
    Ji Junwei, Fu Qiang, Zhang Xingmin
    2019, 31 (2):  17-35. 
    Abstract ( 324 )   PDF (2171KB) ( 491 )  

    Investigating the impact of noise trading on efficiency from the perspective of behavioral finance has become a hot topic in the field of micro finance. This paper studies the evolving efficiency of Shanghai copper futures market and the impact of noise trading on it. We firstly measure the noise trading using EGARCH model, secondly build a state space model to measure the evolving efficiency using Kalman filtering, and finally investigate the impact of noise trading on the efficiency using GARCH model from both first and second moment. Through the empirical study, we find that:the market tends to be weakly efficient, with a distinctive stage characteristic. Specifically, before early June 2013 its market effectiveness is poor and then it gradually improves after beneficial policy was introduced. In the long run, the noise trading weakly enhances the efficiency due to promoting market depth, while in short term, it magnifies the volatility of the evolving efficiency, because it will amplify variance of yield. The results indicates that noise trading isn't the primary cause of copper futures market's inefficiency, but trading system and market environment are likely to be the key factors.

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    Personal Income Tax Reform and Household Consumption: Empirical Study Based on Quasi Experiment
    Wang Xiuyan, Dong Changrui, Jin Weidong
    2019, 31 (2):  36-48. 
    Abstract ( 391 )   PDF (1185KB) ( 394 )  

    Based on the dataset of China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), this paper uses the Quasi experimental method (DID and DID-PSM) to study the stimulating effect of personal income tax reform in 2011 on household consumption. It is found that personal income tax reform in 2011 has a significant stimulating effect on household consumption and the effect is more significant in the self-employed households because of financial constraints. In terms of consumption type, personal income tax reform mainly increases the consumption of food, consumer goods and residence, and there is no significant change in the expenditure of education, entertainment and health care. In terms of region, tax reduction on wage significantly promotes consumption in eastern, central and western regions, but the level of stimulation is decreasing in turn; however, for tax reduction on self-employed operating income, the stimulating effect is biggest in the western region, second in the east and third in the middle. The conclusion of this paper provides empirical evidence for the government to stimulate consumption through reducing personal income tax.

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    The Effect of International Monetary Policy Coordination and Information Sharing
    Yang Haizhen, Wang Kaiyang
    2019, 31 (2):  49-57. 
    Abstract ( 254 )   PDF (1107KB) ( 368 )  

    In the process of monetary policy coordination, the information of the economic outlook will have a decisive influence on the choice of the central bank's strategy. In this paper, asymmetric information is introduced into the two-country open economy model, and the effects of different information-sharing strategies and coordination strategies on the volatility of output and inflation are analyzed and compared. The conclusion is:(1) the country with information advantages shall share its economic forecast with the other. In this way, economic shocks can be fully reflected in economic expectations, and output and inflation fluctuation of both countries could be reduced;(2) under the information-sharing strategy, monetary policy coordination can enhance bilateral welfare;(3) when information cannot be fully shared, the condition under which the central bank choose independent monetary policy is given; (4) in most cases, better economic forecasting ability has positive externality. The above conclusions suggest that China's central bank should strengthen the ability of expectation guiding, and actively communicate and cooperate with foreign central banks and research departments.

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    Research on Value Co-creation of Customer at Different Levels in Product Innovation Community——A Case Study on MIUI Community
    Yan Jianyuan, Qiao Yanfen, Qin Fan
    2019, 31 (2):  58-70. 
    Abstract ( 378 )   PDF (1201KB) ( 774 )  

    Customer involvement has been recognized as an important source for enterprise product Innovation. However, there is little comparative research on value co-creation in product innovation community among different levels of customer. With MIUI forum community as the background and based on different levels of customer (ordinary customers and special customers), this study proposes a model based on (1) uses and gratifications theory to explain the antecedents of user value co-creation intention and (2) construal level theory to explain the differential effects of the antecedents for ordinary and special value creator. We test the model through survey data from ordinary and special value creator, and find that cognitive need and hedonic need influence both ordinary and special users value co-creation intentions. However, personal integration need and social integration need affect only special customers value co-creation intentions, but has no significant effect on ordinary customers.

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    How does Inter-organizational Control Mechanisms Affect Enterprises' Radical Innovation: An Empirical Analysis from the Perspective of “System View” of Management Controls
    Lou Zhukun, Zhang Chuan, Yin Wenwei
    2019, 31 (2):  71-81. 
    Abstract ( 248 )   PDF (1170KB) ( 407 )  

    Finding out the factors that influence enterprises' innovation is significantly meaningful in both theory and practice. Based on the systematic view of management control, this paper examines the impact of inter-organizational control mechanisms on enterprises' radical innovation and their contingency conditions by using the survey data of the relationship between Chinese manufacturing enterprises and their suppliers. The empirical results show that both formal control mechanisms (outcome control and behavior control) and informal mechanisms (trust control) have direct positive effects on enterprises' innovation. Outcome control and behavior control have a substituting effect on innovation outcomes; the effect of trust control and behavior control on innovation outcomes exhibit a complementary relationship. Further study shows that environmental uncertainty weakens the relationship between outcome control and innovation outcomes, but strengthens the relationship between behavior control and innovation outcomes. The moderating effect of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between trust control and innovation is not significant. Our study indicates that in the case of higher degree of environmental uncertainty, strengthening the behavior control for the inter-organizational partnership will better drive enterprises' innovation.

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    The Impact of Lead Userness on Knowledge Sharing Level in Online Community——The Mediating Role of Social Capital
    Wang Nan, Zhang Shikai, Zhao Yurou, Chen Jin
    2019, 31 (2):  82-93. 
    Abstract ( 329 )   PDF (1228KB) ( 650 )  

    User knowledge sharing is an important external source of enterprise innovation, and lead users are the most representative objects of all the researches. In the online community context, the study explores the relationship between user's lead userness and knowledge sharing level (quality and quantity), and further analyses the mediating role of user social capital and the moderator of self-efficacy. The results show that user's lead userness has a significant positive effect on the knowledge sharing level in the online community. In the online community, user social capital plays a mediating role in lead userness and knowledge sharing level, and the user social capital on the quality of knowledge sharing is more significant; user self-efficacy positively functions as a moderator between lead userness and knowledge sharing level, and the user self-efficacy has a more significant effect on the quantity of knowledge sharing.

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    Buying for Others: Persuasiveness of Online Comments from Different Sources
    Zhang Qin, Gong Yanping, Zhang Xiaodan
    2019, 31 (2):  94-102. 
    Abstract ( 334 )   PDF (1455KB) ( 429 )  

    Drawing on construal level theory and egocentric anchoring effect, the authors examine the interplay of distance from closeness and distance from similarity on online reviews' persuasions. Two experiments revealed that, when they buy for close others, consumers are more likely to be persuaded by the comments of ambiguous and similar reviewers than those of dissimilar reviewers; when they buy for distant others, consumers are more likely to be persuaded by comments of ambiguous and dissimilar reviewers than those of similar reviewers. Egocentric anchoring effect is used to explain persuasiveness of comments from ambiguous reviewers.

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    The Impact of Market-based Assetson Client Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Platform Competition
    Li Ping, Peng Yanni, Kang Jun
    2019, 31 (2):  103-118. 
    Abstract ( 239 )   PDF (1297KB) ( 469 )  

    As the platform-based business model prevails increasingly, client-platform relationship has become an important base for platform firms to gain competitive advantage. This study explores the effects of market-based assets deployment by platform firms on client loyalty in a competitive setting. This study, using a survey to clients of e-commerce platforms, finds that market-based assets can increase client loyalty through enhancing client perceived value, and that four types of market-based assets have differential effects on client perceived value. When platform competition intensifies, the positive effect of accumulated relational assets on client perceived value attenuates, whereas the positive effects of know-how intellectual assets and interactive relational assets don't change significantly. However, the effect of know-what intellectual assets on client perceived value is not significant. These findings suggest that a platform firm should take platform competition into account when developing and leveraging its market-based assets, and align its competitive strategies with its market-based resources.

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    Recommendation Algorithm Based on Link Prediction and Node Degree Using a Social-Attribute Network
    Jiang Ruoran, Zhang Lingling
    2019, 31 (2):  119-129. 
    Abstract ( 341 )   PDF (1760KB) ( 872 )  

    Social networking platforms disruptively change the way modern people communicate. More and more researches have focused on social networks from the social and technological perspectives. Link recommendation is a very important task. It not only can enhance internal linkage, but also will help improve the user experience. The existing link prediction algorithms in social-attribute network model do not comprehensively utilize the network structure information and attribute node information. This paper proposes several improved algorithms of link prediction based on local information, which combine effects of different types of common neighbors on social-attribute network model. These improved algorithms are given diverse treatment for the different influence from user common neighbor node and attribute common neighbor nodes. The test results in Google+ data set show that improved algorithm outperforms the algorithm, which does not consider the influence of common neighbor nodes on social-attribute model. After summarizing the different effects of diverse common neighbor nodes on link prediction, this paper provides corresponding suggestions on processing of different types of nodes.

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    Strategies of Exercising Power and Infirm Cooperation in Marketing Channels: The Moderating Effect of IT Capability
    Feng Chao, Zhuang Guijun, Li Ruqi, Lu Tingyu
    2019, 31 (2):  130-140. 
    Abstract ( 384 )   PDF (1203KB) ( 508 )  

    In the literature of marketing channel behaviors, power has been an important topic. In the context of the dyadic relationship between manufacturers and distributors, this study incorporates information technology (IT) capability into the research framework of channel power, and investigates its moderating effect on the strategies of exercising power, operationalized as the exercises of coercive power versus exercises of non-coercive power. Based on the survey data of 288 respondents and statistical analysis tests, it finds that IT capability of manufacturers weakens both the negative effect of coercive power exercises and the positive effect of non-coercive power exercises on infirm cooperation in marketing channels. This study and its findings can not only help enrich the literature of channel power but also contribute to the research of channel management in the context of IT revolution. Also the study puts forward new and more meaningful topics by adopting new perspectives and methods.

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    Research of Consumer Purchase Intention through Print Advertising Information Processing Based on Regulatory Engagement Theory
    Zhu Guoqi, Qian Dong, Zhao Minjuan
    2019, 31 (2):  141-154. 
    Abstract ( 365 )   PDF (1462KB) ( 793 )  

    As an updated version of the Regulatory Focused Theory, the Regulatory Engagement Theory focuses on how consumers' purchase intention is influenced by the strength of print advertisement engagement under different consumer motivation contexts(Higgins, 2006). Although existing researches have revealed that motivation could influence consumers' information search, option evaluation, and purchase intention in their print advertisements information processing, few of them answer "how" the motivation influences consumers' print advertisements information processing, and "what" element(s) in print advertisements can enhance consumers' purchase intention. In order to answer these questions, the paper selects 60 potential consumers, records their eye-movements during viewing print advertisements and purchase intention data, and discusses the role of Regulatory Engagement in the print advertisements information processing under-purchase motivation and free browsing contexts. The results show that:a) under purchase motivation context, regulatory engagement occurs in potential consumers' print advertisements information processing; b) under free browsing context, regulatory engagement occurs in potential consumers process of viewing pictures and logos in print advertisements; c) the pictures and logos' information valence in print advertisements can enhance potential consumers' purchase intention under free browsing context, but inhibit purchase intention under purchase motivation context. The results of this research provide some empirical evidence for the Regulatory Engagement Theory, extend the Regulatory Engagement Theory contexts, and give print advertisements designers some enlightening.

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    Do Emotions and Relationships in Brand Community Inspire Recommendations?——Research on the Influence of Customer Psychological Attachment on Their Recommendation Intentions
    Zhang Depeng, Lin Mengfei, Chen Chunfeng, Liu Si
    2019, 31 (2):  155-168. 
    Abstract ( 407 )   PDF (1251KB) ( 601 )  

    From both emotional and relational perspectives, this paper puts forward an integrated model based on social exchange theory and social identity theory. It explores the interactive influence of double-dimension psychological attachments and relationship factors on recommendation intentions. Psychological attachments base on identity and object,and relationship factors include relationship intensity and community atmosphere. This paper is written in the context of brand community. Through the questionnaire and experiment of empirical research, the results show that customer psychological attachment has a positive impact on recommendation intentions. Specifically, community psychological attachment is more intense than brand attachment on referrals of community, and brand psychological attachment is more intense than community attachment on referrals of brand. Community identity plays a media role between customer psychological attachment and their recommendation intentions. The relationship is regulated by the atmosphere of community atmosphere, that is, compared with low community atmosphere, the influence of customer psychological attachment on their recommendation intentions will be stronger in high community atmosphere. The relationship is also regulated by relationship intensity, that is, compared with high relationship intensity, the influence of customer's psychological attachment on their recommendation intentions is stronger in low relationship intensity.

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    Research on Cooperation of Cluster Corporations during the Building Process of Cluster Brand——Based on the Dynamic Game Perspective
    Xiong Aihua, Zhang Han, Song Bo
    2019, 31 (2):  169-179. 
    Abstract ( 284 )   PDF (1188KB) ( 537 )  

    As the mainstay subject during the process of cluster development, cluster enterprises are significantly important for developing clustering brand from their cooperative behavior. Under the cluster's special economic environment, the cooperation behavior between cluster enterprises has a game relationship with each other, which has a dynamic and long-term impact. By researching enterprises' decision-making principle and cooperative behavior in clustering branding development, this paper uses evolutionary economy as the researching tool to discover the path of decision-making about the cooperative behavior and builds a dynamic game model. The paper investigates the paths and the impact elements. Lastly, the paper makes an empirical analysis by a survey of five manufacturing clusters in Shandong Province as example. The results show that cluster enterprises oriented to cluster brand building should not only take full account of their internal attributes and external environment at the same time, but also need consider the income and cost under different modes of cooperation to make a strategic choice as whether or not to cooperate with each other.

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    The Impact of Family-like Employee-Organization Relationship on Work-Family Conflict
    Wang Taolin, Long Lirong, Zhang Junwei, Zhang Yong
    2019, 31 (2):  180-189. 
    Abstract ( 501 )   PDF (1177KB) ( 486 )  

    This study aims to examine the nature of the relationship between family-like employee-organization relationship and work-family conflict through the lens of Conservations of Resources (COR) theory and Work-Family Border/Boundary theory. Based on the data of 293 employees from 11 firms, we find that family-like exchange relationship has a U-shaped (curvilinear) relationship with work-family conflict. Further, we find that the emotional exhaustion mediates the effect of family-like exchange relationship on work-family conflict.

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    The Effect of Workplace Negative Gossip on Proactive Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model
    Du Hengbo, Zhu Qianlin, Liu Chunhong
    2019, 31 (2):  190-199. 
    Abstract ( 533 )   PDF (1841KB) ( 972 )  

    With the aggravation of workplace competition, an increasing number of employees encounter workplace"cold" violence. Workplace gossip, as a kind of workplace "cold" violence, is pervasive in various organizations. Most of the workplace gossip in China is negative due to its cultural influence. Though workplace negative gossip has a negative effect on the organizational behavior of employees, few studies have paid attention to it and investigated its operation mechanism.The research involves 360 valid samples from Shandong Province. To avoid the problem of the common method bias, we collect three waves of data, the common method bias is not significant in the research. SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 are used to analyze the data. We introduce the organizational identification as a mediating variable and the neuroticism as a moderating variable, thus, a moderated mediation model is built to explore the relationship between workplace negative gossip and proactive behavior. Our hypotheses are empirically tested by hierarchical regression and bootstrap method. The empirical results indicate that:(1) Workplace negative gossip has a direct negative effect on the proactive behavior. (2) Workplace negative gossip can indirectly affect proactive behavior through organizational identification, which is a mediator, that is to say, organizational identification partially mediates the relationship between workplace negative gossip and proactive behavior. (3) Neuroticism moderates the relationship between workplace negative gossip and organizational identification, the negative effect is stronger when neuroticism is higher. (4) The mediating role of organizational identification in the relationship between workplace negative gossip and proactive behavior is moderated by neuroticism. In other words, the mediating effect of organizational identification is stronger only when the level of neuroticism is high.Above all, the study enriches the theories about the relationship between workplace negative gossip andproactive behavior and this may give impetus to the future research. In addition, our conclusions provide useful references for enterprises in China.

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    Does Business Strategy Impact a Firm's Management Earnings Forecasts?
    Wang Yutao, Duan Mengran
    2019, 31 (2):  200-213. 
    Abstract ( 342 )   PDF (1180KB) ( 607 )  

    This paper investigates whether and how the business strategy and its categories impose influence on management earnings forecasts based on the sample of China A-share listed firms during 2006-2015. Based on Miles and Snow's (1978, 2003) strategy typologies, we divide the listed firms into three categories:prospectors, analyzers and defenders. We empirically examine the relationship between firms' management earnings forecasts and business model. Our empirical results show that the prospector firms are more likely to disclose voluntarily management earnings forecasts but with less precise (e.g. more qualitative description and range estimation) and less accurate forecasts than defender firms. These empirical results are robust after controlling possible endogenous problems. The research conclusion shows that business strategy can impose significant impact on the management earnings forecasts. This study extends current literature relating to both business strategy and management earnings forecasts and has important implications for investors and regulators to deeply understand the firms' management earnings forecasts. Moreover, this study has policy implication for improving earnings forecasts system.

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    Who will Start Thinking about Changes in Low Performance? Comparative Analysis between Private-controlled Listed Companies and State-owned Listed Companies
    Song Tiebo, Zhong Xi, Chen Weihong
    2019, 31 (2):  214-224. 
    Abstract ( 263 )   PDF (1213KB) ( 483 )  

    Both in theory and practice, it has always been of great importance to understand whether all enterprises would take a strategic change decision under the performance-aspiration deficit. By researching the data of A-share listed companies in China during the base years from 2008 to 2012, this paper empirically examines the impact of performance-aspiration deficit on the strategic change between private enterprises and state-owned enterprises. Meanwhile, this paper further analyzes the moderating effect of enterprise scale. Results suggest that when the actual performance below aspiration level, the larger the performance-aspiration deficit, private-controlled listed companies are more likely to choose strategic change, but state-owned listed companies are less likely to choose strategic change. Further analyses demonstrate that in the sample of private-controlled listed companies, compared with the large-scale companies, the small-scale companies are more inclined to implement strategic change when they face performance-aspiration deficit. In the sample of state-owned listed companies, compared with the large-scale companies, the small-scale companies are less inclined to implement strategic change when they face performance-aspiration deficit. So, this paper enhances the understanding on enterprise strategic change behavior, which has important implications for further promoting of the reform of state-owned enterprises.

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    Optimal Scheduling Strategy with Emergency Rescue Team's Characteristics Taken into Consideration
    Zhang Shuwen, Liao Can, Zhu Kejun, Yu Shiwei
    2019, 31 (2):  225-237. 
    Abstract ( 275 )   PDF (1309KB) ( 496 )  

    As a kind of special emergency resource, rescue workers play an important role in disaster relief. In order to overcome the defects of traditional assignment models, a multi-objective model is proposed with the rescue team's characteristics taken into consideration. Firstly, based on the definition of rescue team's attributes, a utility matrix is developed to meet the disaster needs of different rescue teams. Secondly, three priority scheduling strategies are defined in accordance with the principle of "Burden-Benefit accord", and the influence of three priority scheduling strategies on rescue time and rescue effect are analyzed. Furthermore, the designed NSGA-Ⅱ, CMETRIC and fuzzy logic methods are developed to solve the above model. Finally, a case of emergency rescue in Wenchuan earthquake is conducted to illustrate the efficiency and advantages of the proposed method. The results show that in the process of disaster relief, it is reasonable that considering the characteristics of rescue team, and the three priority scheduling strategies outperform the others, however, which of these three priority strategies is most appropriate for the specific disaster situation depends on the maximum rescue time allowed by the disaster.

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    Integrated Dynamic Optimization for Post-earthquake Road Network Repair Schedule and Relief Distribution
    Li Shuanglin, Zheng Bin
    2019, 31 (2):  238-251. 
    Abstract ( 233 )   PDF (1851KB) ( 394 )  

    An earthquake often destroys the road network lifeline system and blocks the relief distribution. In order to improve the efficiency of emergency rescue and cut down the losses, we need to restore the damaged road network immediately. The key to repairing the damaged road network is to determine the sequence of repairing the damaged roads. In this paper, from the perspective of road network system optimization, we consider the road network repair and relief distribution simultaneously and develop a bi-level programming model for post-earthquake road network repair scheduling and relief distribution. Then, we develop a steady-state hybrid genetic algorithm (SSHGA) to solve this model in accordance with the characteristics of this model. Finally, we take a case study derived from the Wenchuan earthquake, the Jingyang District, Deyang City refers to the road network, to construct the numerical example to test and validate the reliability and effectiveness of mathematics model and algorithm. After that, we compare the utilities generated by dynamic road network repair scheduling with the static road network repair scheduling. The results show that:(1) the dynamic road network repair scheduling can provide a competitive road network repair strategy and the utilities generated by road network repair increase by 15.9% averagely; (2) the SSHGA has a good convergence and stability; (3) the results of road network repair scheduling and relief distribution planning can be used for decision-makers to optimize their decision.

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    Public Governance, Incentive Structure and Sustainable Development of Special Economic Zone: A Case Study Based on SEM
    Hong Tao, Sun Yuze, Mei Ping
    2019, 31 (2):  252-263. 
    Abstract ( 257 )   PDF (1342KB) ( 450 )  

    This paper constructs a SEM model using questionnaire survey from Binxi Development Zone to study how incentive structure grows out of public governance influences the sustainable development of special economic zone. It shows that industrial upgrading, incentive land-use, and environmental protection are most important incentives. If governments could help embed enterprises into locally cultural and social networks, effects of public governance would be amplified significantly. On the contrary, if governments pay too much attention to economic benefit from investment, effects of public governance would not last long. The physical border special economic zone should vanish after resources' absorption in the earlier age. Governments should focus on efficiency of resource utilization and encouraging enterprises to protect environment and integrate with local community by transforming governance.

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    Research on Regional Cooperative Carbon Emission Reduction Interest Distribution Based on Emission Trade Policy
    Wang Mingyue, Liu Yu, Li Mengming, Shi Wenqiang, Zhong Chao
    2019, 31 (2):  264-277. 
    Abstract ( 219 )   PDF (1372KB) ( 523 )  

    A scientific and reasonable regional cooperative emission reduction interest distribution scheme can continuously promote the emission-reducing willingness of players in an agglomeration space, and effectively reduce the bad influence of the externality of carbon emission. Based on the model of interest distributions of asymmetric Nash negotiations, this paper solves the best discount coefficient of cooperative interest after negotiation, determines the distribution coefficient of local governments' emission reduction and the initial income distribution matrix. Taking into account the important factors of the local governments in the cooperative emission reduction, the degree of risk sharing and the local government emission reduction performance and other factors affecting the distribution of interest, this paper uses objective data and subjective evaluation data to calculate the influencing factors in order to build a revised regional cooperative emission reduction interest distribution program. Finally, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cooperation emission reduction system as the object of the design of the interest distribution programs are exemplified and the result shows that the revised program is more in line with the premise that the greater the risks of members and the better the performance of the reduction, the more interests should be. The revised interest distribution strategy can greatly improve the effectiveness and risk-taking capacity of the local government's emission reduction and enhance the stability of the cooperative relationship.

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    How does Local Governments Respond to the Requirements for Promoting the Scientific and Technological Innovation Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative?——A Comparative Case Study
    Yan Bo, Cheng Qijiazhi, Yang Zesen, Wu Long
    2019, 31 (2):  278-290. 
    Abstract ( 260 )   PDF (3883KB) ( 744 )  

    This paper explores the local government response in the process of gradual change of central policy requirements through a case study. By means of a "situation-actor-means-ends" analytical framework, we compare the local practices of Shanghai, Shaanxi and Xi'an in promoting the scientific and technological innovation cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. The study finds that with the central policy requirements change gradually, local decision-makers make dynamic and non-homogeneous responses according to the situation change under the influence of the "loss aversion" preference, and they engage in different responses via contingent combination of various actor, means and ends. In contrast with previous literature, this study proposes a systematic framework to analyze local government response. It reveals the causes of diverse local government responses, and helps to further understand the "black box" of local government decision-making within the reform.

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    Research on Enterprise Service Integration Mechanism Based on the Perspective of the Dynamic Fit——A Longitudinal Case Study of Joyi Supply Chain Group of 1999-2017
    Yu Chao, Zhu Jin, Xia Tongshui
    2019, 31 (2):  291-304. 
    Abstract ( 295 )   PDF (1747KB) ( 699 )  

    Service integration can satisfy the personalized expression of customer needs in information value planning and management decision support. At the same time, it can effectively help evaluate the market potential of service integration, so as to achieve the expansion of trade-off and multi-functional boundaries. Based on the enterprise service extension and service integration as the main line, using the method of case study, this paper discusses the theoretical framework and the enterprises in the era of mobile Internet services under the integration mechanism at different stages of development in service extension and service integration system construction, and reveals the path from the perspective of dynamic matching. The research results show that there are three modes of service integration in enterprises, namely, the market oriented service integration in the initial stage of entrepreneurship, the platform building service integration in the progressive stage, and the innovative eco service integration in the stage of sustainable development. Through the analysis, focusing on the design and evolution of service integration mode, we can provide new clues and perspectives for the theory and method of service design and innovation research, and help strengthen the cultivation and construction of enterprise's service innovation capability.

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