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    28 January 2019, Volume 31 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Impact of Registered Household Domicile on Chinese Residents' Choice of Financial Sources for Their Elderly Life——Based on Mixed-Logit Models
    Wang Jiyuan, Wang Shouyang, Hu Yi
    2019, 31 (1):  3-14. 
    Abstract ( 357 )   PDF (1177KB) ( 621 )  

    This paper evaluates the impact of registered household domicile (mainly from the perspective of urban versus rural domicile) on Chinese residents' choice of financial sources for their elderly life. Generally, financial sources available for the elderly worldwide include children's support, social pension, commercial pension insurance and private savings. This paper draws upon the CHARLS (Chinese Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study) 2011data. By comparing the model goodness-of-fits and other tests among Multinomial Logit models, Multinomial Probit models and Mixed-Logit models, we finally choose Mixed-Logit models as our main models and estimate the marginal effects. The results show that the difference in registered household domicile is responsible for Chinese residents' choice of financial sources for their elderly life, both statistically and economically. To be specific, rural-registered residents seem to rely heavily on the children's support while urban-registered residents are more inclined to choose pension. Neither rural-registered residents nor urban-registered residents have a clear preference in choosing private savings and commercial pension insurance as the main financial source of elderly life.

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    Producer Service Development Patterns, Structural Adjustment and Economic Growth——Based on Dynamic Spatial Durbin Model
    Cao Congli, Chen Xian
    2019, 31 (1):  15-26,61. 
    Abstract ( 329 )   PDF (1203KB) ( 388 )  

    This paper constructs a comprehensive theoretical model to analyze the effects of producer service development patterns and structural adjustment on city's economic development. Based on urban panel data from 2003 to 2014 in China and using dynamic spatial Durbin model, the results show that:the economic growth effects of producer service development patterns and structural adjustment are constrained by the stage of economic development and the population size of the city. With the upgrading of industrial structure and the expansion of city scale, the marginal revenue of economic growth of producer services increases if the development patterns change from specialization to diversification. The improvement of specialization and diversification level of producer service as well as changing from specialization to diversification can enhance "structural growth features". And the spatial spillover effects are quite different for different urban scale city in different economic stage.

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    Private Equity and M&As——Evidence from the GEM
    Wang Lei, Liu Hailin, He Xuehui
    2019, 31 (1):  27-38. 
    Abstract ( 288 )   PDF (1172KB) ( 366 )  

    This paper investigates the impact of Private Equity (PE) on M&A performance in China GEM from 2009 to 2014. It is found that there are obvious preferences in the payment methods of M&A in which the PEs participate, which shows mixed payment > cash payment > stock payment. Although PEs are actively involved in M&A, they fail to improve the operating performance of acquirer after M&A. In addition, the wealth of shareholders during the announcement is significantly lower when the PEs participate in the M&A which reflects that the market reacts negatively to the events. These findings indicate that in China GEM, PEs have certain influence on M&A payment choices, but we do not find direct evidence that PEs can improve corporate performance.

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    The Challenges and Strategic Analysis of Environmental Governance in China——Based on Endogenous Mechanism of Environmental Investment
    Yu Honghui
    2019, 31 (1):  39-47. 
    Abstract ( 214 )   PDF (1624KB) ( 367 )  

    As one of the largest developing countries in the world and one of the largest polluters in the world, China is facing urgently needed economic development and challenging environmental governance. Based on the establishment of China's Economy-Energy-Environment Integrated Assessment Model (IAM), this paper studies the optimal pathway and controlling effect on environmental pollutants of environmental investment in China under the objective of the maximization of social welfare. The results show that:firstly, the growth rate of these environmental pollutant emissions will be relatively slow when the economy is developed to some extent although the emissions of environmental pollutants increase with the economic development of China at the early stage; secondly, under the environmental constraints target in China, the investment in optimal environmental protection is accounting for an increasing percentage of GDP; and finally, the emissions of the sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and smoke dust can be effectively controlled with the increase of investment in environmental protection and climate actions. Besides, based on these conclusions, this paper offers three policy recommendations with reference value.

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    New Product Announcements and Stock Investor Reactions: A Behavioral Model Based on Bass Model
    Hao Fanhao, Wang Tienan, Zhao Chao
    2019, 31 (1):  48-61. 
    Abstract ( 304 )   PDF (1857KB) ( 499 )  

    New product announcement is frequently regarded by stock investors as a signal foretelling stock price swings. However, existing researches focus mainly on the product marketing and customers' reactions to new products, with little attention to the stock market reactions. By paying attention to the diffusion process of NPA on the stock market, this paper investigates the underlying characteristics of different kinds of investors' reaction to NPA. Based on the Bass model, this study builds a behavioral model of stock investors' reaction to new product announcements. Some numerical experimentations of the model are highlighted to test the relationship between some primary parameters and the investor reactions. In order to test the model, empirical tests are developed using daily time series data for 20 Chinese listed firms over the period from January 2011 to December 2015. The results illustrate that our model is in good agreement with the current economic data. In several ways, this paper contributes to the growing theoretical literature on the stock market reactions to new product announcements and gives some decision-making reference to the stock investors and the firm managers.

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    Incentive Mechanism between 4PL and 3PL Considering Reciprocal Preference in Agricultural Product Supply Chain Finance
    Xu Peng, Wang Lei, Fu Hongyong, Chen Xiaoxu
    2019, 31 (1):  62-70. 
    Abstract ( 413 )   PDF (1220KB) ( 424 )  

    Agricultural product supply chain finance is the business expansion and theoretical extension of supply chain finance. Regarding principal-agent relationship between the fourth party logistics (4PLs) and the third party logistics (3PLs) as the research object, using the principal-agent theory, this paper constructs a non-profit index principal-agent model considering the reciprocal preference and studies the contract design between 4PLs and 3PLs from two aspects. Results show that 3PLs will increase some extra effort in return when 4PLs gives higher reward. When 4PLs offer the same extra fixed payment, and the stronger the sense of 3PLs' reciprocal preference is, the more 3PLs increases extra effort, the more profit 4PLs obtain.

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    The Mechanism Analysis and Test on Spillover Effect of Interregional Transfer of Resources Enterprises
    Li Cunfang, Dong Mei, Wang Qing, Zhang Xiaoxu
    2019, 31 (1):  71-80. 
    Abstract ( 219 )   PDF (1164KB) ( 388 )  

    Spillover effect of interregional transfer of resources enterprises is a management science issue based on emerging practice. The research selects 9 resource enterprises in eastern China areas and related information from 3 provinces resources industry in mid-eastern China from 1995 to 2014 by applying the ideas of system engineering and economic statistics, adopting a method that combines comprehensive analysis with logic induction, as well as systematically carding, analyzing and supplying 3 spillover channels. The research concludes the following results. First, the spillover efficiency of demonstration imitation channel and competition optimization channel are verified to be positive and become main channel to form spillover effect of interregional transfer of resources enterprises. Second, the spillover efficiency of competition optimization channel is obviously higher than that of demonstration imitation channel, which results from the obvious difference in the features and efficiency-determinants of the two channels. Third, the spillover efficiency of visitor rate channel is not obvious and cannot become the main channel to form spillover effect of interregional transfer of resources enterprises, which results from feature of current resource extraction industries in China and the development gap between shifting-in and local enterprises. The conclusions may provide theoretical guidance for taking right measures to control the transfer action of resources enterprises and promote the regional innovation and coordinated development.

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    Research on Mechanism and Determinants of International Knowledge Spillover Effects
    Pang Lanxin, Guan Jiancheng, Gao Feng
    2019, 31 (1):  81-89. 
    Abstract ( 234 )   PDF (1200KB) ( 1164 )  

    This research aims to understand how Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Export Trade in Chinese industrial sectors are related to and affect firm's innovation performance. The paper does an empirical study and the results show that FDI not only fails to enhance innovation performance of local firms, but sometimes also exhibits negative effects on it. In addition, our analysis suggests that the spillover effects of export are significantly positive, and absorptive ability positively moderates the effect of export spillovers on firm's innovation performance.

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    The Effects of Causation and Effectuation on Novelty-centered Business Model Design: The Moderating Role of Environment Uncertainty
    Wang Lingling, Zhao Wenhong, Wei Zelong
    2019, 31 (1):  90-100. 
    Abstract ( 371 )   PDF (1191KB) ( 681 )  

    Novelty-centered business model design is important for new ventures. However, existing literature has not yet fully explained whether causation or effectuation is useful for the novelty-centered business model design. This study applies effectuation theory to examine the relationships between causation and effectuation and novelty-centered business model design, and further proposes that demand uncertainty and competitive intensity moderate the relationships. Results from a sample of 212 new ventures in Shaanxi province demonstrate that both causation and effectuation can facilitate the new ventures' novelty-centered business model design. Additionally, we find that demand uncertainty strengthens the effects of effectuation but weakens the effects of causation on novelty-centered business model design. Competitive intensity strengthens the effects of causation but weakens the effects of effectuation on novelty-centered business model design.

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    Ambidextrous Innovation Rhythm, Internal Entrainment and Firm Performance
    Cen Jie, Chen Litian
    2019, 31 (1):  101-112,146. 
    Abstract ( 253 )   PDF (1250KB) ( 387 )  

    The existing researches of ambidextrous innovation focus mainly on "quantity" while ignoring the "temporal", meaning, ignoring the temporal relationship between exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation. Basing on the perspective of "rhythm" and "entrainment", this paper makes up the theoretical gap in the ambidextrous innovation field. Using the panel data from 89 China listed electronic companies, the results of FGSL indicate that:(1) there is a U-shaped relationship between the rhythm of exploratory innovation and firm performance, and this relationship is moderated by firm size;(2)there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the internal entrainment of exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation and firm performance. Firms that carry out ambidextrous innovation should pay attention to the rhythm of exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation as well as the internal entrainment between them.

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    Ingredient Branding Strategies, Marketing Capability and Brand Performance
    Li Guihua, Shen Yuanting
    2019, 31 (1):  113-125. 
    Abstract ( 337 )   PDF (1258KB) ( 665 )  

    Considering the underdevelopment of ingredient branding theory, this paper usses ingredient branding strategies as premise to study ingredient branding strategies' direct impact on brand performance, the mediating effect of marketing capability and the moderating effect of relative importance of ingredient product. Using 252 questionnaires from ingredient suppliers, our empirical analysis reaches the following conclusions. The impact of ingredient supplier's pull strategy on brand performance has an inverted U-shape relationship, ingredient supplier's push strategy has a significantly positive impact on brand performance. The market sensing capability and customer linking capability both have significantly positive impact on brand performance. The market sensing capability and customer linking capability both partly mediate the relationship between ingredient supplier's pull strategy and brand performance. Customer linking capability partly mediates the relationship between ingredient supplier's push strategy and brand performance, while market sensing capability doesn't mediate the relationship between ingredient supplier's push strategy and brand performance. The relative importance of ingredient products positively moderates the relationship between the two different ingredient branding strategies and brand performance.

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    The Influence of Charitable Cause Promotion on the Negative Effect of Promotion
    Feng Wenting, Wang Tao, Qin Jun, Wei Hua
    2019, 31 (1):  126-135. 
    Abstract ( 312 )   PDF (1309KB) ( 846 )  

    Built on attribution theory, this research investigates the influence of charitable cause promotion on the negative effect of promotion through experimental method. In study 1, the results indicate that comparing to normal marketing, charitable cause promotion will decrease the negative effect. Study 2 reveals that in the normal promotion, when discount frequency is high, the subsequent purchase intention is low; in the charitable cause promotion, when the discount frequency is high, the purchase intention is high. Study 3 reports that in the normal promotion, the higher discount level is, the lower subsequent purchase intention is; in the charitable cause promotion, the higher discount level is, the higher purchase intention is. Study 4 proclaims that the influence of charitable cause promotion on the negative effect is only significant when the corporate reputation is low. The findings in the current research provide feasible guidelines for companies to employ charitable cause promotion appropriately.

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    Influence of Friends' Social Interaction on Their Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Identification and Internalization and the Moderating Role of Gender
    Diao Yajing, He Youshi, Wang Nianxin, Wang Zhiying
    2019, 31 (1):  136-146. 
    Abstract ( 450 )   PDF (1367KB) ( 799 )  

    The mechanism of how friends' social interaction influences their purchase intention is an important prerequisite for effective social business activities. Based on the revised social influence theory, a theoretical model regarding the influence of social interaction on the purchase intention is constructed, and the mechanism of the influence of social interaction on purchase intention in friendship group context is systematically studied. Through a questionnaire survey of Wechat moments, this paper finds that identification and internalization play absolute mediating roles in the relationship between social interaction and purchase intention. And this paper verifies the moderating effect of gender, which shows that identification and internalization play a completely mediating role among women, in contrast, the internalization mechanism does not work among men. And gender also has a moderating effect in the relationship between the identification and internalization. Our findings can help social commerce platforms develop tailor-made interactive functions to promote commercial activities, and companies can also apply our findings to strengthen their marketing strategies.

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    Research on Marketing Strategy for the Online Video Operator Considering Users' Emotion Utility Effect
    Li Ziqing, Tan Deqing
    2019, 31 (1):  147-154. 
    Abstract ( 255 )   PDF (1172KB) ( 429 )  

    When users are uncertain about the video content, the model about the effect of the video content pricing and emotion under pay-based model and advertising level carried under the ad-sponsored free model on users' utility considering emotion utility is established. The optimal pricing and advertising level for video content of the online video operators are reached. Further analysis shows that the online video operator gains bigger users size and higher profits, adopts the higher pricing under pay-based model and the higher advertising level under the ad-sponsored free model when the online video operator provides sampling-trial, but pay users decrease and free users increase. Therefore the online video operator provides enough video content sampling-trial before the paid video content starts is the optimal strategy.

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    Interpersonal Trust and Knowledge Hiding Behavior: The Joint Moderating Effects of the Personal Reputation Concern and Perceived Uncertainty
    Wang Peng, Zhu Fangwei, Song Haoyang, Bao Xiaona
    2019, 31 (1):  155-170. 
    Abstract ( 653 )   PDF (1395KB) ( 963 )  

    Inhibition of knowledge hiding is a prerequisite to achieve benign knowledge interaction between employees in an organization. Existing researches on knowledge hiding mainly focus on the impact of hiding behavior, with little quantitative study of its antecedent variables. Based on the convergence perspective of the knowledge-based view, social exchange theory, this paper analyzes the impact of interpersonal trust on the knowledge hiding behavior, and verifies the moderating function of personal reputation concern and uncertain perception (environment uncertainty, motivational climate uncertainty, personal competency uncertainty). By a questionnaire survey to 450 employees from 267 companies in Liaoning, Shandong, Beijing and other provinces and municipalities, the authors empirically analyze 396 pieces of valid data. The result shows that:interpersonal trust can inhibit knowledge hiding behavior; personal reputation concern and perceived uncertainty play a remarkable moderating role in the interpersonal trust and knowledge hiding. Personal reputation concern, environmental uncertainty and motivational climate uncertainty have a remarkable joint-moderating effect on the relationships between interpersonal trust and knowledge hiding, but not on the personal competence uncertainty. The results are of certain significance in guiding the decision-making and management of knowledge hiding behavior.

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    How does Positive Experience of Yesterday Affect Work Engagement of Today?——A Study of Experience Sample and Daily Methods
    Guo Zhongze, Xie Baoguo, Cheng Yanyuan
    2019, 31 (1):  171-182. 
    Abstract ( 276 )   PDF (1259KB) ( 443 )  

    This study is to investigate potential positive within-person relationships between positive emotions, optimism, and work engagement on a daily level. Experience sample methods and diary study are used in this study. The sample consists of 65 secondary school teachers from two middle schools. We got 65 questionnaires and 455 pieces of within-person data. Our multi-level analysis reaches the following conclusions:(1) at the level of within-person, positive emotions, optimism and work engagement do fluctuate on the daily basis; (2) positive emotions of a day has a significant positive lag effect on the work engagement of the next day; (3) positive emotions of a day has a significant positive effect on optimism of the same day; (4) optimism of the day has a significant positive lag effect on work engagement of the next day; (5) optimism of a day partially mediates the positive relationship between positive emotions of the same day and work engagement of the next day. Our findings contribute to the work engagement and Broaden-and-Build Theory literatures in three primary ways. And several limitations are pointed out in this study.

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    Influence of Mixed Ownership Reform on Enterprises' Strategic Flexibility——Research from Perspective of Structural Power
    Zhang Shuangpeng, Zhou Jian, Zhou Feigu
    2019, 31 (1):  183-196. 
    Abstract ( 294 )   PDF (1261KB) ( 455 )  

    One of the goals for mixed ownership reform is to enhance the strategic flexibility of state-owned enterprises. The consequent change in the balance of capital power and the corporate governance power may be the key mechanism underlying the strategic change. Drawing upon 271 state-owned manufacturing companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges in the period from 2010 to 2013 and based on agency theory and upper echelon theory, the study explores mixed ownership reform's impact on the enterprises' strategic change through distinguishing ownership power and structural power. The result shows that concentration of ownership power and decreased separation of control can improve the strategic change; structural power inequality especially in board can improve the change degree. Further research finds interactions of ownership power and board structural power, board structural power and management structural power both exacerbated the positive relationship between structural power inequality and strategic change. The research shows fluctuation on ownership power structural power is the main power for strategic change impact path and by reshaping the two major powers in the mixed ownership reform, the main power changes the strategic decision making rules in the executive interactive activities.

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    Game Analysis of Managers' Selection of Long or Short-term Investment Project from the Perspective of Managerial Entrenchment
    Li Bingxiang, Qiao Jianmin, Niu Xiaoqin, Tao Rui
    2019, 31 (1):  197-205. 
    Abstract ( 213 )   PDF (1125KB) ( 387 )  

    Managerialentrenchment hypothesis is a further deepening of the principal-agent theory, and both of them have different perspectives on the analysis of manager agency problem. This paper reveals the different types of managers' choice of long and short-term investment project behavior under the defensive motivation from the perspective of managerial entrenchment by building the incomplete information game model of managers and board of directors and analyzing the potential Bayesian equilibrium. The study finds that the highly capable managers and the lowly capable in defensive motivation tend to choose the short-term investment projects to maintain their own interests and this conclusion provides a new perspective in explaining the motivation of the inclination in enterprise managers' short-term investments.

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    Investor Protection Environment, Accounting Information Comparability and Stock Price Informativeness
    Yuan Yuan, Tian Gaoliang, Liao Mingqing
    2019, 31 (1):  206-220. 
    Abstract ( 392 )   PDF (1205KB) ( 619 )  

    This study examines the impact of accounting information comparability on stock price informativeness in China and further investigates the moderating effect of investor protection in the relationship between accounting information comparability and stock price informativeness. Using 14597 firm-year observations from A-share firms listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges as the samples, the study finds that accounting information comparability can significantly improve the information content of stock price for Chinese listed firms, and this significantly positive effect becomes even stronger when the firm is under weak investor protection environment. The above findings suggest that accounting information comparability has important effect on the efficiency of China's capital market and there is an alternative relationship between accounting information comparability and investor protection.

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    Carbon Performance, Carbon Information Disclosure Quality and Cost of Equity Financing
    Li Li, Liu Quanqi, Tang Dengli
    2019, 31 (1):  221-235. 
    Abstract ( 633 )   PDF (1191KB) ( 675 )  

    This paper takes China's highly polluting companies listed in the period from 2009 to 2014 as samples and mildly polluting listed companies of similar size, e.g. real estate companies, as paired samples, and empirically tests the relationship between carbon performance, carbon information disclosure quality and cost of equity financing through constructing a carbon information disclosure index evaluation system. The research results show that the better the carbon performance is, the higher quality the carbon information disclosure will have, and it can promote the quality of non-financial carbon information and financial carbon information. The enterprise with good carbon performance can identify themselves from the bad by enhancing carbon information disclosure quality. Enterprises which improve the quality of carbon information disclosure can reduce the cost of equity financing, and the disclosures of financial carbon information has effect on reducing the cost of equity financing, but non-financial carbon information has not. In terms of enterprise property, non-public enterprises that improve carbon information disclosure quality are more likely to reduce the cost of equity financing, but the influence of public enterprises is not obvious. In addition, the improving of enterprise carbon performance does not strengthen the negative relationship between carbon information disclosure and cost of equity financing. In theory, the results accord with the research trend of focusing on non-financial information disclosure; in practice, it has a certain practical significance in encouraging enterprises to invest in the field of low-carbon reduction.

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    Research on Newsboy Ordering Behavior Based on Eclectic Decision Value as Reference Point
    Cao Zhiqiang, Yang Zheng, Liu Fang
    2019, 31 (1):  236-248. 
    Abstract ( 341 )   PDF (1469KB) ( 432 )  

    Many studies have shown that in the case of uncertain decision making, prospect theory cannot systematically explain the ordering behavior in the newsboy experiments, because the newsboy reference point is assumed to be zero. Therefore, under the prospect theory of the eclectic decision value as the psychological reference point, this paper makes an effective explanation about the results of the newsboy's experiment. And we put the repurchasing and shortage punishing into the reference point prospect theory newsboy model to study the optimal order quantity. Meanwhile, it is found that the optimal ordering quantity of the newsboy model increases monotonously with repurchasing price and shortage punishing, and decreases monotonously with loss aversion coefficient. Finally, an example is given to verify the above research results.

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    Common Construction, Governing and Sharing: Intelligent Management Path of Sharing Bike by Big Data Supporting
    Hao Yali, Wen Zhiqiang
    2019, 31 (1):  249-254. 
    Abstract ( 359 )   PDF (1080KB) ( 639 )  

    As a way for government to provide public services and solve the problem of the last mile in urban traffic, the development of sharing bike raises many social problems, though it meets the people's travel needs. The economic, technological and public attributes of sharing bike require intelligent big data support and cooperating mechanism to improve the management of sharing bike. The mechanism needs management and technology, multi-agent cooperation and multi-ability matching. Therefore this paper puts forward the specific path of sharing bike intelligent management from three main subjects:the government, the market and the user.

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    Research on the Effect of China's Delayed Retirement Age Policy on Young People Employment
    Li Lei, Xi Heng
    2019, 31 (1):  255-267,278. 
    Abstract ( 677 )   PDF (1224KB) ( 1098 )  

    With the prolongation of per capita life expectancy and the decline of fertility rate, China is facing the dilemma of aging population and long-term labor shortage. In response to this problem, many people in the government and academia called for the implementation of a delayed retirement age policy. From the perspective of international experience, the deferred retirement age is an important policy measure for many countries to deal with the problem of population aging. However, the impact of this policy on employment, especially the employment of young people has attracted attention. Faced with the increasingly severe ageing situation, delaying retirement age policy is becoming an inevitable choice for China. This paper mainly studies how the delayed retirement age policy affects young people's employment quantity, quality and structure. Through the analysis, it is found that for the number of new jobs, this policy will produce a "crowding-out effect" for young people's employment in the short term, but it will produce an "absorption effect" for employment in the long-term; in terms of the quality of employment, the policy will not have a negative impact on graduating students, but will have a significant negative impact on young farmers' unions; in terms of employment structures, this policy will not have a significant impact on young people's employment in most industries.

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    Research on the Influencing Factors and Generating Mechanism of Network Public Welfare's Social Identity
    Li Haiqin, Zhang Hui, Zhang Chenglong
    2019, 31 (1):  268-278. 
    Abstract ( 318 )   PDF (1247KB) ( 618 )  

    This paper explores the influencing factors and generating mechanism of network public welfare's social identity by using the qualitative research method of grounded theory and constructs a model. Seven critical categories are confirmed including the cognition, motivation and behavior of network public welfare, the environment of public welfare, the strength of relationship, the individual difference and the incentive strategies. It is proposed that social identity of network public welfare includes three stages:cognition, motivation and behavior, and the generation process of social identity will be influenced by four main factors which are public welfare environment, strength of relationship, individual difference and incentive strategies. Based on the conclusions above, some proposals are given from the perspectives of policy, public welfare organizations, network platforms and media, the public and so on.

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    Intra-chain Climbing and Cross-chain Embedding: Co-evolution of Dynamic Capabilities in EMS Enterprises——A Longitudinal Case Study Based on Sanmina
    Wang Yimin, Zhao Zhibin, Xu Meng
    2019, 31 (1):  279-292. 
    Abstract ( 467 )   PDF (1303KB) ( 463 )  

    The evolution of dynamic capabilities is an interactive matching process between organization and environment. However, existing researches explore the generation and evolution mechanism of dynamic capabilities mainly from the micro level, ignoring the fact that dynamic capabilities are constantly evolving in the macro environment of global value chain upgrading; and global value chain upgrade researches based on GVC Governance Paradigm relatively neglect the endogenous dynamic process of capability formation and development at the firm level. Through the case study of Sanmina, this paper reveals the internal mechanism of the co-evolution of EMS firm's dynamic capabilities in the process of global value chain upgrading and reconstruction, and further elaborates the step-change process of the dynamic capabilities upgrading in different stages. Our study finds that the process of global value chain upgrading passes through three stages:the right intra-chain climbing, the left intra-chain climbing and the cross-chain embedding, which respectively correspond to different levels of dynamic capabilities. The evolution of dynamic capabilities is a stepping process of dynamic capabilities:from the first-order dynamic capability step to the second-order dynamic capability, and then step to the third-order dynamic capability. Behind the global value chain upgrade of EMS firm is a co-evolutional process of dynamic capabilities, that is, the dynamic capabilities step-change and upgrading supports the EMS firm's global value chain climbing and cross-chain embedded activities, while the latter provide opportunities and resource bases for the evolution and upgrading of dynamic capabilities.

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    Research on the Path of Value Chain Reconstruction from CSV Perspective——Case Study Based on the PPC Business Model of China Merchants Group
    Wang Xuedong, Kuang Haibo, Dong Dahai, Meng Jiajia
    2019, 31 (1):  293-304. 
    Abstract ( 479 )   PDF (1747KB) ( 821 )  

    Since Porter proposed the concept of value chain, the reconstruction of value chain has always been a hot issue in both theoretical and business fields. CSV theory is a new strategic paradigm that Porter has recently proposed and is widely recognized. It provides a completely different approach to value chain reconstruction. This study takes the case of the PPC business model of China Merchants Group as the research object and uses the explorative case study methodology to explore the value chain reconstruction path under the CSV perspective. The reconstruction of the value chain under the CSV perspective mainly includes three successive steps:value chain integration, value chain linkage, and value chain aggregation. It begins with the integration of the internal enterprise value chain, then connects the internal corporate value chain and the global value chain, and finally aggregates industrial value chains in different dimensions. This study extends the traditional profit maximization ideas of the value chain reconstruction, complements Porter's three CSV value chain reconstruction paths and reveals the unique role of CSV in the value chain reconstruction. This study helps companies to open up a new round of value chain reconstruction and business innovation based on CSV, and to think and explore corporate competitive advantages at a higher level and in a higher dimension.

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