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    28 April 2020, Volume 32 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Study on the Applicability of Time-varying O-U Model in the Pricing of Agricultural Temperature Index Insurance
    Li Yong, Shi Huan, Li Haiying
    2020, 32 (4):  3-11. 
    Abstract ( 234 )   PDF (1405KB) ( 611 )  

    The first part of the agricultural temperature index insurance pricing is to improve the accuracy of the temperature prediction. In this paper, the time series model is introduced in the speed of mean reversion to construct a time-varying O-U model. On this basis, we fit the characteristics of daily temperature variation in Wuhan, Dalian and Zhengzhou from 1951 to 2015 respectively, and examine the accuracy of model prediction. On this basis, Wuhan is taken as an example to calculate the income of both the insurer and the insured in a temperature index insurance contract. It is found that the time-varying O-U model can better fit the trend of temperature data, improve the prediction accuracy, boost the price of insurance contracts and increase the probability of farmers' income ending up positive. As a result, on the one hand, it can make the insurance company get higher premium income, thus reducing the cost of operation. On the other hand, although the farmers pay slightly higher premium, their incomes are more likely to end up positive.

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    A New Paradigm of Food Quality Management Based on Food Quality Chain
    Wang Haiyan, Zhan Shalei, Chen Daqiang
    2020, 32 (4):  12-20. 
    Abstract ( 291 )   PDF (1408KB) ( 505 )  

    This paper proposes a new paradigm of food quality management based on food quality chain. First, the food quality evolution is demonstrated as a complex system with multi-entity, multi-stage, and uncertain characteristics. Second, a food quality chain network based on GERT and complex network integration is built. The network consists of two parts:the quality link level and the influencing factor level. The quality link level is represented by GERT networks. The connections between influencing factor level and quality link level, as well as the internal connections in influencing factor level, are represented by complex networks. On this basis, a new paradigm of food quality management is put forward, including:building a food ecological network architecture with bi-network fusing and overall optimization, forming the food quality evolution process with bi-network linking and technology leading, then realizing the food quality collaborative control with bi-network coordination and multi-part governance, and finally achieving the food safety risk management with bi-network updating and data-driven pre-warning.

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    Government Subsidy, Legal Supervision and Local Government Financing Platform's Agency Cost
    Li Haoyang, Cheng Xiaoke, Li Xinzi
    2020, 32 (4):  21-34. 
    Abstract ( 250 )   PDF (1281KB) ( 529 )  

    Against the background of the deleveraging policy, regulating local government financing platform operation is important for China's economic development. Based on "Principal-agency Theory", this paper uses the local government financing platforms that issued debt between 2007-2015 to investigate the relationship among government subsidy, legal supervision and local government financing platform's agency cost, and compare difference of this relationship in various local government financing platforms. The results show that government subsidy increases the agency cost of local government financing platforms, decreases the operation efficiency, but legal supervision relieves it. And this phenomenon is more significant in lower level local government financing platforms. Additionally, those relationships are more pronounced where the management has a strong capability or motivation to take opportunist actions.

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    Pricing of “Insurance + Futures” Mode Price Insurance: A Case Study of Corn
    Yu Fangping, Liu Yu, Wang Yugang, Yin Hang
    2020, 32 (4):  35-47. 
    Abstract ( 890 )   PDF (1762KB) ( 861 )  

    "Insurance + futures" mode is a major tool for the transformation and upgrading of agricultural insurance, which is of great significance for the supply-side structural reform of agriculture in China. Therefore, this paper studies the core problem of "insurance + futures" mode-price insurance pricing. Firstly, we investigate the option-based price insurance in Eurasian, America, American-Asian, Butterfly and Barrier, which is popular among farmers. Based on the characteristics of agricultural futures and the pilot experience of "insurance + futures" mode in China, we analyses the design principles, pricing ideas and applicability of price insurance, and enriches the pricing theory and product spectrum of "insurance + futures" mode in China. Secondly, the agricultural futures price is fitted by means of stochastic equation with seasonal and mean reversion characteristics (SMRS). Based on this, six OTC replication forward-starting futures options price insurance pricing models of the corresponding "insurance + futures" mode are constructed. The steps of calculating fitting parameters by maximum likelihood method and pricing unit premium by dual variable Monte Carlo method are clarified, which effectively solves the disadvantage of price fitting of agricultural futures and insurance pricing methods combining inadequacy. Finally, a case study on the corn price insurance of "insurance + futures" mode is carried out. Six insurance unit premiums of "insurance + futures" model are calculated, and the differences of unit premiums under different target prices and volatility are compared. The results show that the Eurasian option insurance and American Asian option insurance, whose target price is close to the futures price when the insurance contract is signed and pricing volatility is conservative, are more cost-effective and suitable for farmers.

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    Correlation Mechanism: Theoretical Derivation and Empirical Test
    Yuan Sisi, Song Yinqiu, Lv Ping, Wang Deqing
    2020, 32 (4):  48-63. 
    Abstract ( 289 )   PDF (1617KB) ( 353 )  

    This paper divides the interest rate transmission mechanism into two processes, and systematically studies the transmission of SLF as the interest rate corridor. These two processes are:(1) SLF as the upper limit of the interest rate corridor to the market interest rate; and (2) the medium-term and long-term transmission channel that is further transmitted to financial assets such as the bond market through medium-term lending. By establishing a general equilibrium model and numerical simulation, the validity of the long-term and short-term mechanism of interest rate conduction is theoretically demonstrated, and the conclusion is that the short-term conduction is more effective than the long-end. According to this, this paper uses the monthly data of 2015-2018 to empirically analyze the long-term and short-term interest rates conduction effects in China's current economic conditions, which proves that both are effective, but short-end conduction has a certain time-delay effect. It is suggested that the central bank should promptly streamline the interest rate transmission mechanism, so as to improve the implementation effect of monetary policy.

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    The Influence Mechanism between Entrepreneurship Allocation and Private Enterprises' Employment Absorbing Ability
    He Xuan, Yuan Yuan, Tang Jing
    2020, 32 (4):  64-76. 
    Abstract ( 285 )   PDF (1364KB) ( 369 )  

    Based on the theory of entrepreneurship allocation, this paper uses the tenth national private entrepreneurs' sample survey data to explore the impact of entrepreneurship allocation on the ability of private enterprises to absorb employment. Through empirical research, we find that productive activities can raise the ability of private enterprises to absorb employment. But in the extensive development process, on the one hand, vicious competition leads to overcapacity of private enterprises, thus seriously weakening the above positive relationship, and on the other hand, environmental factors such as corruption force entrepreneurs to "seek rent while producing". The effect of productive investment on absorbing employment actually needs the "cooperation" of non-productive investment. At the current stage of the "new normal" of the economy, we can rectify the distorted allocation of entrepreneurship by persisting in anti-corruption to improve the ill-health mechanism of employment absorption capacity. At the same time, efforts should be made to increase the total factor productivity of private enterprises and expand companies' living space so that stable employment can be ensured.

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    The Sensitivity of Stock Price Informativeness Based on AdjPIN Measure to Risk Sharing
    Zhou Jing, Luo Le
    2020, 32 (4):  77-89. 
    Abstract ( 211 )   PDF (1290KB) ( 337 )  

    Based on the first unlocking event, after the Split-Share Structure Reform plan implementation, from the combination of ownership structure and financial market microstructure, we test the sensitivity of stock price informativeness to risk sharing. We use adjusted probability of information based trading (AdjPIN) as the proxy for stock price informativeness, investor base as the proxy for risk sharing. After controlling the heterogeneity factors of the company level and market factor, the results show that stock price informativeness decreases significantly when investor base enlarges. This finding supports the risk sharing hypothesis proposed by Peress[3]. Furthermore, we find institutional investors have no significant impact on the stock price informativeness, showing that the increment consists mainly of homogenous investors. In the case of homogeneous investor base, informativeness falls, returns fall and the variances of returns rise. This conclusion is consistent with Peres[3]'s proposition 6. The interaction terms of the state holding variable SOE and associated variables are introduced to examine the different effects of private firms and state holding companies on price informativeness. We find that there are different channels of influencing share price information. Additionally, we find that the change of the price informativeness around the first unlocking is positively related to the magnitude of abnormal investment returns following the first unlocking and state-owned enterprises have a mitigating effect on the positive correlation between them.

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    Research on Innovation Efficiency Evaluation of Three Provinces in Northeast China in High-tech Manufacturing Industry: Based on Two-stage Network DEA Model
    Liu Fengchao, Zhang Na, Zhao Liangshi
    2020, 32 (4):  90-103. 
    Abstract ( 249 )   PDF (1832KB) ( 422 )  

    Based on the innovation process framework, this paper decomposes the innovation process into new technological R&D stage and transformation stage and uses improved two-stage network DEA model to measure the overall efficiency, technological R&D efficiency and transformation efficiency of regions in five typical high-tech manufacturing industries in China. This paper investigates the changing trend and gap of innovation efficiency of three provinces in Northeast China by comparing innovations efficiency of these three provinces with other regions. It also reveals the main factor which restricts the increase of innovation efficiency in the three provinces. The result shows that, the innovation efficiency of the three provinces presents discrete development trend, instead of converging to a higher level. The innovation efficiency gap between the three provinces and other regions widens gradually, and there is bigger innovation efficiency gap between the three provinces and other regions in the industry with higher level of marketization.

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    How does Corporate Entrepreneurship in Traditional Firm Gain Legitimacy
    Wang Bing, Mao Jiye
    2020, 32 (4):  104-116. 
    Abstract ( 309 )   PDF (2269KB) ( 571 )  

    In response to challenges arising from the mobile Internet, many traditional firms seek digital transformation via corporate entrepreneurship. The legitimacy issue becomes a major concern since corporate entrepreneurship is different from traditional startups in many ways. In particular, though corporate entrepreneurship does not have to face legitimacy deficiency caused by resource insufficiency, internal constraints may also restrict its legitimacy. However, previous studies have mostly focused on new ventures' legitimacy and paid little attention to that of corporate entrepreneurship. Therefore, this study attempts to address how corporate entrepreneurship gains legitimacy. Firstly, results show that corporate entrepreneurship needs to achieve both internal and external legitimacy. To obtain legitimacy quickly, organization could first obtain local legitimacy internally, and then gradually enhance internal and external legitimacy. Secondly, we investigate the mechanism of obtaining legitimacy from the perspective of resource behavior, and find that effective management and leverage of resources are extremely important to overcome internal restrictions and enhance overall legitimacy.

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    Customer Participation, Knowledge Sharing and New Product Development Performance in Virtual Communities
    Zhang Jie, Liao Xiuwu
    2020, 32 (4):  117-131. 
    Abstract ( 275 )   PDF (1338KB) ( 441 )  

    Based on the theory of customer participation and considering the characteristics of virtual communities, this paper divides customer participation in virtual communities into two dimensions:interactive information providing and online participation creation. The influence of different dimensions on the performance of new product development and the mediating role of knowledge sharing are studied. The empirical research results show that interactive information providing and online participation creation have a significant positive effect on novelty of new products and launch speed. Knowledge sharing has a partial mediating effect among novelty of new products, interactive information providing and online participation in the creation of new products, partially mediates the effect of interactive information providing on launch speed of new products, and fully mediates the effect of online participation in the creation on launch speed of new products. This research can not only enrich the theory of customer participation, but also provide guidance for Chinese enterprises to achieve product innovation through the virtual community under Internet environment.

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    Game Decision and Coordination between OEM and Remanufacturer in the Authorization Mode: Green Innovation Perspective
    Zhao Xiaomin, Meng Xiaoxiao, Zhu He
    2020, 32 (4):  132-145. 
    Abstract ( 441 )   PDF (3162KB) ( 555 )  

    Remanufacturing of patented products is a hot issue in the current intellectual property law due to the difficulty in reaching the balance point between the protection of patent rights and the interests of the public. It is essential for remanufacturers avoid potential infringement and conflict of interests. This paper constructs the Stackelberg game model between the OEM and the remanufacturer under the patented authorization model to explore the impact of OEM's green innovation on the decision making in a supply chain. In view of the problem of efficiency loss under decentralized decision-making, the coordination mechanism of fixed fee T is designed to discuss the benefit coordination between OEM and remanufacturer. The results indicate that the development of remanufacturing business needs to meet certain conditions regardless of whether it is under a centralized decision or a decentralized decision scenario, and the OEM's green innovation helps reduce the starting threshold for remanufacturing. When the remanufacturing start-up threshold is satisfied, the OEM's green innovation will enable the remanufacturers to gain more profits. However, for the manufacturer, the relationship between its own profits and green innovation is so complex that the coordination mechanism cannot always work. When the consumer acceptance for remanufactured products is low, it is difficult to coordinate the benefits between the OEM and the remanufacturer, which restricts the development of remanufacturing business. When the consumer acceptance for remanufactured products is high, OEM and remanufacturer would sign a contract with fixed fee to ensure the benefits of both parties. On the whole, in the scenario of high acceptance, with the increase of OEM's green innovation degree, the economic value of coordination contracts is more significant.

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    The Influence of Credibility of Online Reviews on Consumers' Trust: The Moderating Role of Uncertainty
    Sun Jin, Zheng Yu, Chen Jing
    2020, 32 (4):  146-159. 
    Abstract ( 741 )   PDF (1352KB) ( 1178 )  

    With the rapid development of Internet in recent years, consumers are relying more on the online reviewer comments than on the offline comments. Online reviews, as an important source of information during the process of attaining products knowledge, have reduced perceived risk and played an increasingly vital role in consumer purchase decisions. However, until now, there is no research systematically exploring the antecedents of the credibility of online reviewers' comments as well as the consequences on customers' online trust. The present research aims to explore the effects of three online review characteristics (i.e., review commentators' expertise, the objectivity of e-commerce platform, and the information quality) on consumer perceived credibility of online reviews as well as the moderating effect of uncertainty avoidance, which subsequently affect consumer trust including ability, integrity and benevolence. We build and test a causal model based on data from Chinese consumers in the online industry. By conducting the data analyses through structural equation modeling, we find that review commentators' expertise, the objectivity of e-commerce platform, and the information quality have significant effects on the credibility of online reviews; and the credibility of online reviews have positive effects on the consumers' trust. Besides, culture values such as uncertainty avoidance moderate the relationships between commentators' expertise, quality of the information, and the credibility of online reviews. We also discuss the theoretical and managerial implications, and suggest future research directions.

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    The App Recommendation Algorithm Based on Heterogeneous Network and Meta-path
    Jiang Yipan, Zhang Wen, Li Jian, Chen Jindong
    2020, 32 (4):  160-170. 
    Abstract ( 298 )   PDF (2543KB) ( 822 )  

    With the rapid development of mobile Internet, users usually download Apps from mobile application markets. On the one hand, in order to expand the influence, individual mobile application market faces the situation of recommending App to users and keeping them. On the other hand, for a user, in the face of millions of Apps from every application market, how to choose the Apps that they really like is an urgent issue. This paper proposes a meta-path-based App recommendation approach based on heterogeneous network analysis. Using the real dataset from Talking Data, we verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. We also compare the recommendation results of the meta-path-based recommendation algorithm and several baseline algorithms, including user-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm, item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm and bipartite graph based recommendation algorithm. Experiment results show that meta-path-based algorithm produces better performances than the baseline algorithms on MAP and MRR measures.

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    Research on Sale Strategies of Extended Service in Product Service Supply Chain
    Dan Bin, Gao Yan, Zhang Shuguang
    2020, 32 (4):  171-182. 
    Abstract ( 437 )   PDF (1462KB) ( 553 )  

    Drawing up a product service supply chain composed of a product manufacturer and a retailer who provides extended warranty service, this paper explores the unbundling and bundling strategies of product and extended warranty service. We establish the optimal decision model of the manufacturer and the retailer under each of the two strategies and analyze the optimal decisions and profits of the manufacturer and the retailer. By comparing profits of the manufacturer, the retailer and the supply chain system under the two strategies, we illustrate the impacts of strategy selection on the supply chain members and the whole supply chain profits under different scenarios. In addition, the optimal sales strategy of the product service supply chain for each situation is obtained. The results show that when the bundling strategy is unfavorable (favorable) to manufacturer and retailer, they will choose the unbundling (bundling) strategy; when the bundling strategy is favorable to the retailer but detrimental to the manufacturer, the manufacturer may sometimes offer a wholesale price attractive enough for the retailer to adopt unbundling strategy. Otherwise, the manufacturer can only choose the optimal wholesale under bundling strategy.

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    Source of Product Information Recommended by Friends on Consumer Perception and Purchase Intention——A Case Study on WeChat Platform
    Liang Ni, Li Qi, Qiao Zhilin, Cui Rui
    2020, 32 (4):  183-193. 
    Abstract ( 515 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 1015 )  

    Based on SOR model, this study explores how the product information recommending from friends affects perceived pleasure and perceived diagnosticity and what influence it has on customers' purchase intention. Three sources of recommended product are analyzed in this paper:product from friends, products from friends of friends and products from strangers. The results indicate that perceived pleasure and perceived diagnosticity is the highest when friends recommend strangers' products. There is no significant difference in perceived pleasure and perceived diagnosticity when friends recommend their own products or their friends' products. And the empirical study shows that perceived pleasure and perceived diagnosticity have significant positive influence on purchase intention. This research is meaningful both theoretically and practically as it can help WeChat sellers better understand consumers' behavior and work out effective selling strategies.

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    Front-line Regulation of Stock Exchanges and Top Management Turnover: Evidence Based on Inquiry Letters
    Deng Yilu, Li Zhe, Chen Yunsen
    2020, 32 (4):  194-205. 
    Abstract ( 434 )   PDF (1274KB) ( 530 )  

    Inquiry letter is an important front-line regulation tool of the stock exchange. This paper studies the economic consequences of inquiry letters from the perspective of corporate governance, and we find that inquiry letters are significantly positively correlated with the turnover of top management. Further analysis shows that the inquiry letters of financial reports are also significantly positively correlated with the turnover of top management:the more inquiry letters aiming at financial reports and the more questions asked about the same financial report, the higher turnover of top management. More detailed research finds that when the financial inquiry letter needs intermediary institutions to verify, involves related transactions, involves mergers and acquisitions, acknowledges mistakes, delays the reply or the more days between receiving date and replying date, then top management turnover rate become higher. Through cross-sectional analysis, this paper also finds that the positive relationship between inquiry letters and top management turnover mainly exists in enterprises with high marketization degree and good corporate governance. Finally, inquiry letters significantly increase the turnover of secretary of the board and CFO. The results provide important evidence for the effectiveness of exchange inquiry letter regulation and the series of policies proposed by the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau in 2019 to "improve the quality of listed companies".

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    Accounting Information Comparability and Corporate Investment Efficiency
    Yuan Zhizhu, Zhang Xiaoman
    2020, 32 (4):  206-218. 
    Abstract ( 317 )   PDF (1345KB) ( 706 )  

    The paper measures the accounting information comparability of Chinese listed companies from 2012 to 2014 and then examines the effect of accounting information comparability on corporate investment efficiency. The empirical results indicate:accounting information comparability is significantly negatively correlated with overinvestment and underinvestment. Therefore high comparability can provide the relevant information needed by information users, so as to restrain overinvestment and underinvestment behaviors. Further examination finds that with the increase of information transparency, the negative correlation between accounting information comparability and overinvestment behavior weakens, so information transparency and comparability is an alternative solution to restraining the overinvestment behavior. But for the underinvestment behavior, information transparency and comparability show substitution relationship only in the environment of high information transparency.

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    Does Analyst Coverage Reduce the Accounting Information Risk of Listed Companies?——Evidence from Chinese Capital Market
    Hu Weijia, Han Lirong
    2020, 32 (4):  219-230. 
    Abstract ( 264 )   PDF (1267KB) ( 449 )  

    As information intermediaries and external monitors in capital markets, analysts play an important role in information transition. Based on financial data of China's listed companies from 2005 to 2015, this paper focuses on the research question of whether analyst coverage reduces the risk of accounting information. We find that the risk of earnings management information and fundamental information is negatively associated with financial analyst coverage. This indicates that security analysts' following behavior can effectively detect the material risk in accounting information. Our results provide empirical evidence on the monitoring effect of analysts. This study not only extends existing researches of detecting risk in financial reporting, but also emphasizes the crucial impacts of intermediaries on capital markets as part of the market monitoring mechanism.

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    Research on the Reward and Punishment Mechanism of Aviation Logistics Infrastructure Construction
    Jiang Xu, Hu Xueqin
    2020, 32 (4):  231-241. 
    Abstract ( 318 )   PDF (1439KB) ( 422 )  

    In order to analyze the impact of reward and punishment mechanism on airline aviation logistics infrastructure construction, an evolutionary game model is constructed to establish the conditions on which game players tend to be in different stable states, and the strategy choices of airlines under different levels of rewards and punishments are analyzed. The results show that the airport operation group has increased the incentives and penalties for airlines, which can change the enthusiasm of airlines' aviation logistics infrastructure construction. Therefore, the airport operation group must not only formulate corresponding medium-and long-term development plans, but also provide necessary guidance for airlines' aviation logistics infrastructure construction; it also needs to formulate corresponding reward and punishment mechanisms to encourage airlines to actively invest in aviation logistics infrastructure construction.

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    Task Allocation of Logistics Service Supply Chain Based on Time Incentive Mechanism
    Huang Jinhu, Gao Xutong, Zhao Jinlou
    2020, 32 (4):  242-249. 
    Abstract ( 240 )   PDF (1613KB) ( 454 )  

    In the task allocation of the two-echelon logistics service supply chain, Logistics Service Integrator (LSI) assigns tasks to Functional Logistics Service Providers (FLSPs), and often uses bonuses to motivate them to complete tasks faster. Based on this, this paper proposes a task allocation model of logistics service supply chain that considers the time-effect incentive mechanism. First, considering the randomness of logistics order tasks, a customer satisfaction model based on the time-effect incentive mechanism is established. Second, a minimization model of logistics service cost is built based on this model. Finally, the NSGAII algorithm is used to plan the two goals. The model is solved to obtain a task allocation scheme of two-echelon logistics service supply chain.

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    Research on the Factors that Influence the Communication Effect of Online Crisis
    Qu Qixing, Qi Jiayin, Song Shaoyi, Meng Xianghua, Chen Xi
    2020, 32 (4):  250-261. 
    Abstract ( 262 )   PDF (1461KB) ( 724 )  

    Management of user-generated content (UGC) contains unprecedented challenges, opportunities and potential for customer relationship management, enterprise crisis management and firm value creation. In this paper, we build a theoretical model to investigate the effect of enterprise online communication strategies using framework of situational crisis communication theory (SCCT). First, the online communication effect is measured from the perspective of public cognition. Second, we investigate which factors affect the online communication from three levels including enterprise, crisis UGC and online response content. Taking crisis UGC from Sina Weibo as our research setting and using the data from Weibo website, the empirical results demonstrate that the shorter the time of the first response is, the better the online communication effect will be. The results also show that response frequency and response content simplification can affect the positive sentiment density.

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    Early Warning Simulation of Urban Ecological Security Based on System Dynamics in Wuhan City
    Ke Xiaoling, Guo Haixiang, Gong Xiaoguang, Liu Xiao
    2020, 32 (4):  262-273. 
    Abstract ( 266 )   PDF (1541KB) ( 462 )  

    Urban ecosystem is a densely populated compound ecosystem and its ecological security is quite vulnerable. This paper uses system dynamics theory and method to study the early warnings of urban ecological security. Firstly, the urban ecological security early warning index system is constructed by PSR model, then the simulation model of urban ecological system is constructed based on system dynamics. Taking Wuhan as a sample and using the system flow diagram, the equation and its simulation, we reveal the ecological security evolution trend of the city from 2004 to 2020, and analyze the early warnings. The results show that the ecological system of Wuhan improves year by year from 2004 to 2020 through three stages from declining, to bouncing back to steadily improving. This is the result of the interaction among different elements at such three levels as ecological safety pressure, ecological security state and ecological security response.

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    An Accident-causing Model under the Perspective of Safety Information Flow
    Huang Lang, Wu Chao, Ma Jian
    2020, 32 (4):  274-285. 
    Abstract ( 254 )   PDF (2173KB) ( 308 )  

    In order to enrich the theoretical system of accident causation and open a perspective for system safety research, we construct an accident-causing model based on safety information flow. Firstly, the necessity and feasibility of the model based on safety information flow is demonstrated. Secondly, the modeling theoretical foundation is argued from three aspects, which are the connation and classification of safety information, the connation and structure of safety information flow, and safety information force. Thirdly, the accident definition under the view of safety information flow is discussed; and then, based on system granularity, the accident causation factor is classified into three dimensional, namely micro, meso, and macro; from system components perspective, the system safety factors are divided into six human-oriented aspects that can be unified into information. Lastly, we construct an accident causation model based on safety information flow, analyze its connation and theoretical and practical value is, and apply the proposed model in a case study. The research results shed light on the accident-causing mechanism based on safety information flow and provide new methods and new ideas for accident investigation and analysis. The case study indicates that complex social-technical system accident caution can be deeply analyzed by using the proposed model.

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    Study on Consumers' Food Safety Satisfaction Based on Association Rule
    Yang Hongyan, Zhou Fenfen, Tian Yingjie
    2020, 32 (4):  286-297. 
    Abstract ( 414 )   PDF (1546KB) ( 363 )  

    What factors affect consumers' satisfaction with food safety? What is the effect of government supervision measures on improving consumers' satisfaction with food safety? This is an extremely important research topic in the current severe situation of food safety. Few studies have tracked the changing trend of satisfaction. In this paper, association rule method is used to mine and analyze the survey data of consumer satisfaction in a western province for three consecutive years. It is found that consumer's satisfaction with food safety is greatly influenced by their educational level, channels of gaining information, frequency of encountering unsafe food incidents, etc. The changing trend of consumer' satisfaction shows that consumers' confidence on food safety is growing, their awareness of safeguarding their rights is rising, and they are more and more inclined to choose products that can convey more information. At the same time, the information disclosure by the regulatory authorities has significantly improved consumer satisfaction. The conclusion of the study can be used by policy makers as a reference to guard against food safety risk.

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    Citizen's Intention to Adopt E-government: An Empirical Study Based on Meta-analysis
    Li Yan
    2020, 32 (4):  298-309. 
    Abstract ( 293 )   PDF (1355KB) ( 565 )  

    Citizen's adoption is fundamental for e-government innovation to extend and realize its value. Based on a meta-analysis of relevant empirical researches, this study constructs a conceptual model of influential factors of e-government citizens' adoption and compares the factor difference among 3 types of e-government service by using data collected from 5 cities including Chengdu, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen and Changsha. The results show that:perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, compatibility, facilities, trust in government and trust in technology can significantly increase citizens' intention to adopt e-government; relative advantage and trust in government have a significant negative impact on perceived risk. There are some differences in influential factors among 3 types of e-government:perceived ease of use is the most important factor in predicting citizens' adoption of information search and on-line communication services, while perceived usefulness has the strongest positive effect on citizens' adoption of on-line transaction service; relative advantage only has positive influence on citizens' adoption of on-line transaction service; trust in government can improve citizens' adoption of information search and on-line communication services, but it does not has significant effect on citizens' intention to adopt on-line transaction service; the negative effect of perceived risk on citizens' adoption of e-government can only be found in on-line communication services.

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    Strategic Renewal from Low-end to High-end: A Case Study Based on the Perspectives of Punctuated Equilibrium and Organization Ambidexterity
    Yan Mengling, Dong Xiaoying, Hu Yanni
    2020, 32 (4):  310-324. 
    Abstract ( 437 )   PDF (1445KB) ( 1011 )  

    In the context of technological transition, it is difficult for incumbents to complete strategic renewal due to organizational rigidities. To reveal how incumbents can achieve strategic renewal under the context of technological transition, this paper integrates the theory of cross-functional ambidexterity and punctuated equilibrium, and conducts a single case study on the evolutionary journey of Huawei Mobile's strategic renewal from a low-end to a high-end product. It is found that incumbents can form different cross-functional ambidexterity to support different stages of strategy based on different combinations of exploration and exploitation activities across the product and market domains in the old equilibrium period, the revolutionary period and the new equilibrium period. At the same time, leadership plays an important role in strategic renewal, and different types of complementary assets drive the evolution of different forms of cross-functional ambidexterity. The research conclusions enrich relevant theories of strategic renewal and ambidexterity, and provide practical enlightenment for the strategic renewal of large enterprises in the context of technological transition.

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    Functional Reconstruction of Hollow Village from the Perspective of Urban-Rural Relations: Dynamics and Mechanism——A Case Study of the “Rebirth” of Ganyugou Village
    Yan Xuyang, Tang Lihua, Yang Yijie
    2020, 32 (4):  325-336. 
    Abstract ( 270 )   PDF (1439KB) ( 494 )  

    "Hollowing out" is a thorny problem facing China's rural development at present. Under the background of implementing the strategy of Rural Rejuvenation, how to realize the rejuvenation of hollow villages is a major practical issue, which urgently needs to be studied theoretically. In view of the large system of urban-rural interdependence, on the basis of studying and drawing lessons from the relevant theories of rural multi-function and rural reconstruction, and aiming at the main crux of hollow villages, this paper deeply analyses the "rebirth" process and mechanism of Ganyugou village from a hollow village to "the most beautiful leisure village in China". The research shows that the external motive force of hollow village reconstruction is market force, and the internal motive force comes from the demand of the urban-rural interdependence system for the new functions of the countryside; its generating mechanism is the functional reconstruction, structural change and element flow between urban-rural areas under the influence of internal and external system motive force, which ultimately optimizes the overall function of the regional system. The reconstruction model of hollow village "system-function-structure-elements" proposed in this paper provides an analytical framework for the revitalization and development of hollow village in specific regional system, and expands the perspective of Rural Revitalization research in the new era.

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