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    28 May 2020, Volume 32 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Research on Quantitative Evaluation of Single Real Estate Policy Based on PMC Index Model——Taking China's Housing Rental Policy Since the 13th Five-Year Plan as an Example
    Dong Jichang, Yuan Quan, Yin Lijun, Li Xiuting
    2020, 32 (5):  3-13,75. 
    Abstract ( 620 )   PDF (1852KB) ( 662 )  

    This paper adopts the methods of text analysis and content analysis to extract the frequency of key words that appear in the 220 typical real estate policies issued by the central government in 2013-2019, and then by comprehensively using an improved version of the policy indicators set by other scholars and innovatively adding a progressive and exclusive primary variable, effectiveness level, into the real estate regulation policy variables, this paper constructs a PMC index model of real estate policy to evaluate the sample real estate policies. The results of empirical research show that: the PMC index levels of policy 1 and policy 3 are low but acceptable with much room for improvement and the other four policies are excellent; the special adjustment policies (such as preferential tax policies) are narrow in coverage, and the PMC index is low; the policies jointly issued by multiple ministries and commissions are related to people’s livelihood and have a wide coverage, so the PMC index is relatively high; from the internal perspective of the first level indicators, there is a strong correlation between the regulatory scope of policies and the regulatory object of policies.

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    Empirical Research of Factor Pricing Model Considering Information Intensity
    Jin Xiu, Jiang Shangwei, Yuan Ying
    2020, 32 (5):  14-25. 
    Abstract ( 273 )   PDF (1295KB) ( 327 )  

    This paper develops an information intensity index based on two dimensions: information quantity and information quality, to study its effect on stock cross section earnings. Based on a pricing model of five factors, including information intensity, this paper analyzes the return of stock portfolio of different information intensity to study the relationships among information intensity, earnings and risk. The results show that the information intensity index based on the two dimensions has advantages in explaining stock return. Further evidence indicates that information is an important risk factor affecting portfolio returns and the five-factor pricing model considering information strength can better explain the portfolio returns. Specifically, information intensity shows a negative relationship with excess returns and information risk that the information intensity is stronger, the excess return is lower, the information risk is lower. Furthermore, stock portfolio considering the information intensity can meet the needs of investors of different risk preferences. The conclusion can provide advice for investors to invest, supervisors to perfect market construction and scholars to study asset pricing problems.

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    Can Short-term Institutional Investors Curb Insider Trading?
    Wang Shuqiang, Liang Nian, Chen Yiqi, Meng Di
    2020, 32 (5):  26-41. 
    Abstract ( 257 )   PDF (1555KB) ( 306 )  

    Can short-term institutional investors curb insider trading? There is no consensus of opinions in the academic. On the basis of scientifically defining the trade subject in stock market, this paper establishes a two-stage trading dynamic game model that involves short-term insider traders, institutional investors and noise traders and then solves its refined Nash equilibrium of the sub-game with the backward induction method. At the same time, the determinants of the equilibrium solution are simulated and verified. The results show that the short-term institutional investors can have a limited inhibitory effect on insider trading. When the short-term institutional investors' information acquisition and judgment ability improves and exceeds a certain threshold, the profit of insider trading will reduce, and the inhibitory effect will arise. When the number of short-term institutional investors increases, the profit of insider trading will decrease, and the inhibitory effect will arise, but there is a diminishing marginal inhibitory effect. In this way, the simple institutionalization of the investors does not curb necessarily and spontaneously the insider trading, and the rise of the rational level of the short-term institutional investors is the key to curbing insider trading.

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    Heterogeneous Expectation,Investor Behaviors Difference and Housing Price Fluctuation——Based on the Perspective of Real Estate Behavioral Finance
    Zhang Hao, Li Zhongfei, Huang Yuyuan
    2020, 32 (5):  42-52. 
    Abstract ( 319 )   PDF (1423KB) ( 347 )  

    Based on the introduction of investors’ heterogeneous assumptions, the paper studies the internal mechanism of variation in housing price. It analyzes the impact of investors’ heterogeneous behaviors difference on the variation in housing price. The results show that heterogeneous expectation and behavior of fundamentalists and chartists may affect the housing price volatility. Using the data of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Shenzhen from 2008-2015, the authors find out that fundamentalists are able to draw housing prices back to their benchmark level and the chartists tend to lead housing prices further away from their benchmark level. Then, the paper introduces the prospect theory to extend the basic linear model to nonlinear models, and analyzes the impact of differences in behavior of investors on the housing price through numerical simulation.

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    Empirical Research of the Relationship between Securities Company' Research Reports and Abnormal Returns on Stock——Evidence from China's A-share Market
    Song Huilin, Peng Diyun, Huang Xin
    2020, 32 (5):  53-64. 
    Abstract ( 385 )   PDF (1222KB) ( 595 )  

    Research reports released by securities companies are an important basis for stock investors to make investment decisions. Drawing upon a total of 51894 research reports released by securities companies covering 2225 A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets of China from July 1st, 2014 to Sept 30th, 2017, we analyze the effect of research reports on short-term abnormal stock returns after their publication by using event-study methodology. The empirical results are as follows: (1) There is a reverse relationship between the attention degree of research reports and short-term abnormal stock returns, which indicates an obvious “media effect”. (2) The influence of rating sentiment on stock short-term abnormal return rate is asymmetric in both bull and bear market. Finally, it is advised to promote the return of stock value and reduce market volatility by improving information disclosure system, maintaining research report independence and establishing a value investment concept.

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    Industrial Structure, Environmental Regulation and Environment Quality——Theory and Evidence Based on Provincial Panel Data of China
    Zeng Qian, Zeng Xianfeng, Yue Jingxia
    2020, 32 (5):  65-75. 
    Abstract ( 329 )   PDF (1298KB) ( 366 )  

    Regional diversity of industrial structure will result in difference of the effect of different environmental regulation instruments on improving environmental quality. Based on theory analysis, this paper analyzes the panel data from 30 provinces in China from 2004 to 2016 with exemplifications and draws the conclusion that: for the regions with less advanced industrial structure, the command control tool works the best with the market incentive tool and the information disclosure and public participation tool working the second and third best. On the contrary, in the regions with more advanced industrial structure, the information disclosure and public participation tool ranks the first in the effect of improving environmental quality, with the market incentive tool ranking the second, and the command control tool ranking the last. This conclusion is verified by the empirical results and robustness test in this paper.

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    Capital Flow and the Convergence of Economic Growth Clubs: A Case Study of Urban Agglomerations in the Yangtze River Delta
    Zhou Di, Zhong Shaojun
    2020, 32 (5):  76-86. 
    Abstract ( 276 )   PDF (1242KB) ( 178 )  

    Through a theoretical model, this paper expounds how capital flow contributes the convergence of economic growth clubs, and uses the data of 66 counties and cities in Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration form 1996 to 2014 to carry out an empirical test. Firstly the paper calculates the degree of capital flow of each city in the urban agglomeration with Gravity model, and then examines the influence of capital flow level on club convergence with the constructed conditional Markov chain model. The findings are as follows: (1) At present, the economic growth of Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration is featured by convergence of clubs of both high growth and low growth even though these clubs have developed for five years; (2) The convergence of the low-growth clubs is deep at the low level of capital flow while the convergence of the high-growth clubs is deep at the high level of capital flow. The fact that cities with high capital flows mainly come under high economic growth club while the low-growth cities mainly come under low-growth clubs is a good reflection of club convergence in the economic growth of Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration. Therefore it is advised to raise the level of capital flow within Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration so as to achieve coordinated development among clubs.

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    The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Technological Innovation and Its Regional Heterogeneity: Empirical Analysis Based on China Provincial Panel Data
    Yu Peng, Li Xin, Zhang Jian, Xue Yawei
    2020, 32 (5):  87-95. 
    Abstract ( 361 )   PDF (1214KB) ( 628 )  

    Under the traditional economics, environmental regulation often brings about the increase of production cost, and then reduces the profits of enterprises. However, Porter points out that environmental regulation does not always have a negative impact on enterprises and may promote technological innovation. Using panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2005 to 2016, this paper adopts panel negative binomial regression to analyze the impact of environmental regulation on technological innovation, and explores the regional heterogeneity of the impact by introducing the threshold effect of technology intensity. The results show that: (1) As a whole, with the increase of the intensity of environmental regulation, the level of technological innovation presents an inverted U-shaped trend; (2) The impact of environmental regulation on technological innovation has regional heterogeneity, which is more significant in the eastern region, but not in the central and western region; (3) There is a threshold of technology intensive, when the technology intensity of a region (province) reaches a certain threshold, environmental regulation has a significant impact on technological innovation.

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    The Mechanism of Technical Standardization Driving Innovation Performance of High-tech Enterprises: The Perspective of Network Characteristics of Innovation Ecosystem
    Li Xiaodi, Zhang Xiaoyan, Hou Jian
    2020, 32 (5):  96-108. 
    Abstract ( 365 )   PDF (1317KB) ( 405 )  

    Under the background of innovation-driven development, to master technical standards and to lead the innovation ecosystem has become the core strategy for high-tech enterprises to grasp the commanding point of competition and realize transformation and upgrading of innovation. In this paper, network characteristics of innovation ecosystem are introduced into the framework of the driving mechanism of technical standardization, combined with the questionnaire survey data, structural equation model and the hierarchical regression model, the path and effect of network characteristics of innovation ecosystem in the process of technical standardization driving innovation performance is discussed. The results show that: the technical standardization of high-tech enterprises includes three elements: R&D, technical standard and industrialization, which interact and cooperate with each other; innovation ecosystem plays an intermediary role in the process of technical standardization driving innovation performance, and the effects of different dimensions are significantly different. In addition, government behavior has a positive moderating effect on the relationship between technical standardization and innovation ecosystem.

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    Green Process Innovation and Corporate Performance in the Context of Government's Financial Incentive: An Empirical Study Based on Content Analysis
    Xie Xuemei, Wang Ruoyi, Huo Jiage
    2020, 32 (5):  109-124. 
    Abstract ( 376 )   PDF (1375KB) ( 484 )  

    There are “black boxes” in the previous studies of green process innovation, which ignore the impact of contingent factors on the relationship between green process innovation and corporate performance. Integrating resource-based theory and upper echelons theory, using a content analysis of 208 listed manufacturers’ Corporate Responsibility Reports and Annual Reports (2013-2017), this paper constructs econometrics models and explores the antecedents and consequences of green process innovation and the moderating effects of financial constraints and top management team (TMT) heterogeneity. The results show that: (1) green subsidies are crucial in promoting green process innovation; (2) green process innovation has a positive impact on environmental performance; (3) green process innovation has a lag effect on financial performance; (4) the moderating effects that financial constraints have on the relationships between green process innovation and financial and environmental performance are not significant; (5) TMT heterogeneity positively moderates the relationship between green process innovation and financial and environmental performance. These findings provide a better understanding for green process innovation theory and deepen the contingent mechanism of green process innovation, so they can be used as reference for government and companies to develop green process innovation strategies.

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    Research on the Relationship among Dual Networks, Dual Bricolage and the Growth of Incubated Start-ups: An Empirical Study Based on the Start-ups in the Crowd Innovation Space
    Huang Zhongyi, Xiang Yueying, Xiong Ailun, Su Weilin
    2020, 32 (5):  125-137. 
    Abstract ( 288 )   PDF (1292KB) ( 336 )  

    This paper constructs and verifies the dual-path impact mechanism of the dual network embedded growth of the incubated startups. By using structural equation model and Bootstrap analysis, we conduct an empirical study of 326 new incubated start-ups in the Crowd Innovation Spaces, and find that both the business network relationship and the supportive network relationship have a positive impact on the growth of start-ups in the Crowd Innovation Spaces, and specifically, the supportive network relationship has a stronger impact. Unlike existing studies, we conclude that both selective bricolage and parallel bricolage can promote the growth of start-ups and play an intermediary role in the influence that business network relationship and supportive network relationship have on the growth of start-up. Business network relationships tend to influence the growth of start-ups through selective bricolage, while supportive network relationships tend to influence the growth of start-ups through parallel bricolage.

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    Research on the Evolution of a Policy System by the Content Analysis on Policy Texts: Evidence from the Innovation and Entrepreneurial Policy System in China
    Zhang Chao, Guan Jiancheng
    2020, 32 (5):  138-150. 
    Abstract ( 352 )   PDF (2955KB) ( 571 )  

    This paper aims to explore the patterns and trends of the evolution of a policy system. By this means, the paper provides a theoretical basis for policymakers to adjust the direction of future policies, and provides a practice guidance for organizations or individuals like enterprises, financial institutions and entrepreneurs to make future strategic decisions. Taking innovation and entrepreneurial policy system as our study context and based on 693 policy documents that were enacted in 1978-2017, this paper adopts text mining technique and social network analysis to describe the interactions among policies, analyze the evolution of policy themes, measure the power of policies, and identify focal policies. Results show that inter-policy association tends increasingly complex and policy contents tend increasingly diverse as a result of maturing innovation and entrepreneurial policy system in China. In the meanwhile, the government functions transform from administration to service. Then, the policy Outline of Medium- and Long-term Plan for National Science and Technology Development (2006-2020) is the most influential policy in the innovation and entrepreneurial policy system. Finally, this paper provides some suggestions for policymakers.

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    Windows of Opportunity in Catch-up: Research Trends and Prospects
    Huang Han, Zhang Jinlong, Xiong Jie
    2020, 32 (5):  151-164. 
    Abstract ( 397 )   PDF (1308KB) ( 486 )  

    In recent years, global industry structure keeps changing and emerging market countries’ industrial upgrading becomes more vital. Windows of opportunity (WO), a concept developed in the 1980s is widely considered a valid perspective to view industry changes, so it can be used for emerging market countries’ industrial upgrading in terms of strategy and practices. However, established literature on WO is fragmented and lacks consensus. Many scholars interpret such concept from different theoretical perspectives and analyze it at various levels of analysis. To fill in such literature gaps, we take a holistic view and review the literature on WO. In particular, we pay attentions to the definition as well as the research trends, the antecedents and consequences, and multiple theoretical lens of WO. Moreover, we further investigate the main characteristics of WO and conclude three main characteristics, namely diversity, dynamics and complexity. Last but not the least, we conceptualize the relative windows of opportunity (RWO) and reframe the three dimensions of RWO, time, space and inertia, in order to provide a better understanding of RWO. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first one to identify the key dimensions of it.

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    Research on Ecological Partner Selection of ICT Enterprises under the Background of Digital Transformation: Based on Prospect Theory and Field Theory
    Li Baizhou, Yin Shi
    2020, 32 (5):  165-179. 
    Abstract ( 403 )   PDF (1342KB) ( 575 )  

    Under the background of digital transformation, the selection of ecological partners is the most important part of the digital transformation of ICT enterprises. To some extent, it determines the efficiency and effectiveness of digital transformation. By establishing an evaluation system of digital transformation and cooperation ability of ICT enterprise ecological partner, and making a comprehensive use of prospect theory and field theory, this paper proposes an evaluation model and a selection model of multi-attribute decision-making for ICT enterprise ecological partner selection. Prospect theory considering the psychological factors of managers is introduced to construct an evaluation model, which can help policymakers avoid being too risk-averse or risk-seeking. Then a reasonable effective compromise solution is obtained by VIKOR method. The selection model considers the complementarity of customer value creating resources, the reasonableness of partner selection and continuity of interaction and interaction of ecological partner selection. To some extent, it is ensured that the selected ecological partners are more suitable. Finally, an example is given to verify the scientificity and effectiveness of the method.

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    The Online Video Platform Access Strategy of Content Provider Based on Two-sided Markets Theory
    Li Zhangyan, Pu Xujin, Lin Xijie
    2020, 32 (5):  180-191. 
    Abstract ( 319 )   PDF (1720KB) ( 413 )  

    Considering the online video industry with typical two-sided market characteristics, we firstly construct the behavioral game model between the market agents (platforms, content providers and advertisers). Secondly, the paper analyzes the platform pricing and advertisers’ advertising input when the content providers choose “single-homing”, “platform competition” and “platform alliance” access strategy. Finally, we propose the applicable conditions of different platform access strategy. The results show that if consumers in the market have a higher advertising aversion, then prices for online videos will be low under the “platform competition” and “platform alliance” access strategy, while advertisers’ advertising input will be low under “single-homing” strategy. Under the “multi-homing” strategy, the total market demand will increase, but the profitability of a single platform will decrease. Content providers who choose the optimal platform access strategy must simultaneously take the effect of the consumer advertising aversion coefficient and the advertising price into consideration. These research conclusions can be used as reference for market agents in the online video industry to make their operation decisions.

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    The Impact of Matching between Service and Demand on Customer Churn: Evidence from Telecommunication Industry
    Li Ji, Zhang Shuai, Zhou Jing
    2020, 32 (5):  192-204. 
    Abstract ( 356 )   PDF (1620KB) ( 428 )  

    In this paper, we use customers’ consumption data and personalized marketing experiment of a telecommunication company to analyze the influence of matching between service and demand, customer engagement and service contract on customer churn. The empirical study finds that the degree of matching and customer engagement both have a significant negative relationship with customer churn. The service contract between the enterprise and the customer can effectively reduce the churn rate of customers within a certain period of time. After the contract expires, the churn rate increases, but still lower than that of customers not covered by the contract. And we also find through experimentation that personalized marketing based on the matching can significantly improve customer loyalty and business performance. The results of this paper provide theoretical guidance for enterprises to analyze customer churn, make decisions on customer retention and promote personalized marketing.

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    Optimal Pricing and Product Differentiation Strategy under Different Price Leadership
    Jin Liang, Huang Xiangmin
    2020, 32 (5):  205-216. 
    Abstract ( 397 )   PDF (1621KB) ( 470 )  

    This paper discusses a supply chain composed of a manufacturer and a retailer, where the retailer is supplied by the manufacturer with products of differentiated quality, namely high-quality products and low quality products. According to the price leadership differences, and considering the product differentiation, there types of models are constructed in this paper, which are two Stackelberg game models dominated by the manufacturer and retailer respectively and the Nash game model. By the solutions, we derive, for each supply chain participant, the optimal profit of system, and the equilibrium pricing, demands, profits, consumer surplus under each power structure. We find that the differentiation strategy of product will increase the profit of manufacturer, and supply chain participants’ price leadership leads to higher profit. The imbalanced price leadership between the manufacturer and the retailer hurts the profits of the system and consumer surplus. On the basis, we use a number of examples to compare the supply chain participants’ profit and the supply chain’s total profits under different power structures.

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    Does Organizational Political Behavior Perception Elicit Employee s' Helping Behavior?——An Explanation Based on the Socioanalytic Theory
    Qu Jiaojiao, Zhao Yixuan, Zhao Shuming
    2020, 32 (5):  217-232. 
    Abstract ( 417 )   PDF (1377KB) ( 593 )  

    Based on the socioanalytic theory, applying LMS method, this study examines the relationship between organizational political behavior perception and employees’ helping behavior through 2,596 paired samples. Results show that impression management motivation mediates the negative relationship between the perception of general political behavior and helping behavior, but maintains a positive relationship between the perception of going along to get ahead and helping behavior; while political skill weakens those mediation effects. These results indicate that the relationship between organizational political behavior perception and helping behavior is influenced by the interaction of motivation and ability; the effect mechanisms of different dimensions are different; the outcomes are co-determined by multi-level factors from individual-organization; and helping behavior could be explained by the logic of pragmaticism. Finally, the theoretical contributions along with practical implications are discussed, and the research limitations and future prospects in terms of method, measurement, definition, analytic level and theoretical basis are pointed out.

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    Will Corporate Social Responsibility Improve Employee Well-being: A Role of Attribution Theory
    Zhu Yueqiao, Zhou Zucheng
    2020, 32 (5):  233-242. 
    Abstract ( 489 )   PDF (1236KB) ( 737 )  

    This paper develops and tests the hypothesis that corporate social responsibility (CSR) has an effect on employee well-being through CSR altruistic attribution. Also we test the moderating effect of employee business ethic attitude in this model. 40 companies and 329 employees are used as samples. The results show that CSR is positively related to employee well-being via CSR altruistic attribution and that employee business ethic attitude moderates the relationship between CSR and CSR altruistic attribution. More specifically, compared to those who hold the attitude that enterprises should not pay attention to business ethics, CSR is much more positively related to CSR altruistic attribution and employee well-being when employees hold the attitude that enterprises should pay attention to business ethics. The relationship between CSR and employee work-related well-being has not yet been empirically tested, nor has the mechanism of CSR altruistic attribution been explored. So the present study has important theoretical contributions. A few relevant practical implications are also provided based on the conclusion.

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    Displaced Aggression: How does Customer Mistreatment Influence Employees' Counterproductive Work Behaviors?
    Zhao Hongdan, Wu Zhen, Liu Weiwei
    2020, 32 (5):  243-254. 
    Abstract ( 376 )   PDF (1255KB) ( 647 )  

    Although more and more researchers start to concern customer mistreatment, it is still difficult to explain the concatenated mistreatments among consumers, organizational agents and employees. Based on the theory of displaced aggression, we examine the mediating and moderating relationships among customer mistreatment, organization-based self-esteem, counterproductive work behavior (CWB) and perceived organizational support. Using 271 supervisor-subordinate dyads as samples, we find that: (1) customer mistreatment has a positive correlation with organization-directed CWB (CWB-O), but has no significant correlation with individual-directed CWB (CWB-I); (2) organization-based self-esteem mediates the relationship between customer mistreatment and CWB; (3) perceived organizational support moderates the strength of the mediating relationship between customer mistreatment and CWB via organization-based self-esteem, such that the mediating relationship is stronger under low-perceived organizational support than under high-perceived organizational support.

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    Research on Decision-making of Multi-agent E-supply Chain Considering Substitutability and Complementarity of Products
    Wang Yuyan, Yu Zhaoqing
    2020, 32 (5):  255-268. 
    Abstract ( 330 )   PDF (1331KB) ( 271 )  

    Considering the substitutability and complementarity of products, this paper constructs two decentralized decision-making models and a centralized decision-making model of a multi-agent e-supply chain and studies the optimal decisions of each model. Then, aiming at products that are different in terms of substitutability and complementary, this paper compares the optimal decisions of each model and respectively designs a coordination mechanism based on commission distribution for each model. The research indicates that: (1) The service-level of network platform and the profit of e-supply chain are the highest in centralized decision-making model no matter whether the products are substitutable or complementary. However, the dominant enterprises can increase their own profits in decentralized decision-making models. (2) As to the substitute (complementary) products, the service-level of platform increases (decreases) with the growth of the degree of products’ substitutability (complementarity), but the sales price, manufacturer’s profit and platform’s profits decrease (increase) with the growth of the degree of products’ substitutability (complementarity). (3) The sales price of substitute (complementary) products reaches the highest in centralized decision-making model. Therefore, these conclusions can enrich and improve the theoretical basis of e-supply chain.

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    Optimization Decision of Government-driving Closed-loop Supply Chain for Automobile Manufacturers from the Perspective of Carbon Trading
    Li Xinjun, Chen Meina, Da Qingli
    2020, 32 (5):  269-279. 
    Abstract ( 307 )   PDF (1774KB) ( 311 )  

    The balance between economic growth and environmental degradation has attracted more and more attention of our government. Consumers concern cars’ environmental performance. Due to market failure, it is unlikely for carmakers to manage low-carbon supply chains voluntarily. Therefore, we try to work out a decision-making model where the automobile manufacturers implement low-carbon supply chain management under the supervision of an environmental-friendly government. For this purpose, the Stackelberg game model is established with the government as the first leader, manufacturers as the second leader and recyclers as followers. Through this two-stage game model, we explore a contract-based mechanism, under which the government incentivizes carmakers to lower carbon emissions and carmakers incentivize recyclers. The factors are verified by numerical calculation of the subsidy and the utility of the environment-friendly government. The results show that: the optimal incentive of the automobile manufacturer can effectively improve the recovery rate of used car-components; the size of the environmental damage factor directly affects the government’s incentive to different types of carbon emissions; the more interactive government policies are to each other, the greater impact consumer behavior will have on the government’s optimal subsidy rate and the smaller impact carmakers’ carbon cost reduction coefficient will have on the government’s optimal subsidy rate; the coordination of government’s many carbon policies and low carbon preferences of consumers, the degree of dynamic balance will directly affect the government’s optimal subsidy decision and the government’s maximum effectiveness.

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    The Latent Classes of Medical Care Service Demand in Endowment Institutions and Its Influencing Factors: From the Survey in Shaanxi Province
    Feng Tieying, Deng Xiaojun, Gao Xin
    2020, 32 (5):  280-291. 
    Abstract ( 359 )   PDF (1294KB) ( 371 )  

    This paper constructs a theoretical analysis framework of the subdivided medical care services demand of the elderly in the endowment institutions and its influencing factors, puts forward the research hypotheses, and then uses latent class analysis techniques and ordered logistic regression methods to empirically analyze the survey data from 224 old people living in the endowment institutions in Shaanxi Province. The results show that the medical and health care services in the endowment institutions are neglected, so the elderly have to pay more fees of medical care than those of preventive health; economic income of the elderly has a significant negative impact on medical care services demand; the factors of surviving spouse and the number of children in the family stimulate the medical care services demand of the elderly in the endowment institutions; the medical care services demand of the elderly in the urban areas is higher than that in the rural areas; the quality of medical care services in the endowment institutions has a positive impact on the corresponding medical care services demand of the elderly. Finally, the paper puts forward several countermeasures, including market segment and active guidance and optimal allocation of urban and rural medical and health resources.

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    Longitudinal Experimental Research of the Effects of Different Information Frameworks on Household Energy Saving Behaviors in Urban Areas
    Mi Lingyun, Ding Chaoqiong, Yu Xueyan, Cong Jinqiu, Qiao Lijie
    2020, 32 (5):  292-304. 
    Abstract ( 422 )   PDF (1276KB) ( 381 )  

    In order to explore how to encourage China’s urban households to save electricity through pre-use information and feedback, a 16-week randomized controlled trial is conducted in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. The energy-saving effects of the information promotion frameworks (social normative information & environmental education information) and information feedback frameworks (cost-benefit feedback & environmental contribution feedback) are separately compared in the context of single intervention and coupled intervention respectively. Data of electricity consumption of eight experimental groups and one control group are real-time collected through the measurement system of the power supply company. And the effects of electricity saving on eight information frames are analyzed longitudinally by repeated measurement covariance analysis. The results show that the intervention strategies using social normative information coupled with two kinds of feedback information can continuously and effectively stimulate Chinese urban families to actively save electricity. Under the same social normative information, coupled with the environment contribution feedback is better than cost-benefit feedback. The single environmental education information and the single cost-benefit feedback have no significant effect on household electricity saving. The other four information frameworks only have short-term electricity-saving effects.

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    How can a Start-up Revive from Its Failures?——A Multi-case Study of Agricultural Entrepreneurship from the Perspective of Observation Learning
    Chen Hansong, Jia Junyun, Wang Chengcheng, Zhu Xiaohong
    2020, 32 (5):  305-320. 
    Abstract ( 305 )   PDF (1443KB) ( 396 )  

    Agricultural entrepreneurship is a new driving force for rural poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in China. However, agricultural entrepreneurs are faced with high failure rate. How can they rise from the ashes? In this study, 12 cases of agricultural entrepreneurship in the column “Zhi Fu Jing” of CCTV are selected as samples. Based on observation learning theory, the study discusses the internal mechanism of agricultural entrepreneurs from failure to recovery by the grounded theory research method. The research finds that: (1) Observation learning mainly acts on the initial business model design through observational learning, response facilitation and arousal effect; (2) Agricultural entrepreneurs identify entrepreneurial opportunities through the organic combination of observation learning which plays four roles, disinhibition, observational learning, environmental enhancement and response facilitation, and enactive learning which plays three roles, information transmission, reaction and motivation, in failure, forms a more sophisticated business model and achieves a comeback; (3) Internal attributions and external attributions of entrepreneurial failure are extracted through grounded theory. Different from general entrepreneurship, natural environment change is one of the important factors that lead to the failure of agricultural entrepreneurship.

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    The Optimal Distinctiveness between Institutional Entrepreneurship and Differentiated Competition in Weak Legitimacy Field: Based on the Multiple Case Study in the Domain of Knowledge Payment
    Song Lifeng, Yang Zhuen, Lu Ying
    2020, 32 (5):  321-336. 
    Abstract ( 388 )   PDF (2737KB) ( 478 )  

    Institutional entrepreneurship is an important theoretical perspective to explain the rise of emerging industries in the era of digital economy. However, the development of the industry represented by the field of knowledge payment in recent years shows that the process and results of institutional entrepreneurship are different from what are found in previous researches. The fundamental reason is that they are in the special situation of weak legitimacy field. Therefore, new theories are needed to supplement institutional entrepreneurship and subsequent processes in a more systematic, in-depth and continuous way. Based on the theory of “optimal distinctiveness”, this paper analyzes the continuous growth process of enterprises from system entrepreneurship to differentiation competition in the field of weak legitimacy through multiple case studies of Himalayan FM, Dedao APP and Zhihu LIVE. It is found that the system entrepreneurial process of knowledge payment enterprises in the field of weak legitimacy is a strategic choice based on multi-dimensional legitimacy logic and differentiated logic orchestration. In the early stage, a number of enterprises jointly establish the recognition of the legality of the business model of the whole industry through the integration of different dimensions of legitimacy. In the middle and late stage, enterprises pursue differentiation in some dimensions and maintain or improve the legitimacy in other dimensions through compensation coordination, so as to realize the market competition of “fighting without breaking”, and finally realize the distinctive business model of individual enterprises on the basis of maintaining the legitimacy of the whole industry. This paper integrates the theoretical framework of institutional entrepreneurship and optimal distinctiveness, and analyzes the action strategy, internal logic and evolutionary mechanism of institutional entrepreneurship of the emerging knowledge payment platform from the perspective of strategic orchestration view.

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