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    28 September 2016, Volume 28 Issue 9 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Investment:An Empirical Study on Strategic and Emerging Industry
    Jin Guanghui, Liu Zhiyuan, Hua Guiru
    2016, 28 (9):  3-16. 
    Abstract ( 275 )   PDF (1093KB) ( 2110 )  

    Based on the series of uncertainty anticipations triggered by strategic and emerging industrial policy about how the policy would be set, how it would be put into effect, and how the impacts would be, and taking the strategic and emerging industry related corporations as samples, the paper does an empirical study on how policy uncertainty affects the investment behavior of the related corporations from province level and corporate level. The results show that policy uncertainty intensifies the anticipation of financial constraints faced by the corporation, and changes the corporate business environment, which all reduce corporate investment significantly. Further, the magnitude of the negative effects varies with different magnitude of financial constraints and marketization. The higher the anticipation of financial constraints and the inferior of the marketization, the stronger the negative effects are.

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    Stability on Imports Relationship of Oil: Evidence from China in 1992-2012
    Li Yong, Fu Zhibo, Li Haiying
    2016, 28 (9):  17-30. 
    Abstract ( 236 )   PDF (1216KB) ( 887 )  

    The stability of China's oil import trade relationship has become a key factor that influences the sustainable supply of overseas oil and also a key foundation for China's energy security protection. In this paper we choose the oil imports data of HS6 from 1992 to 2012 and use survival analysis model to measure the duration of the trade links. Based on this analysis, we adopt Kaplan-Meier and Cox's Proportional Hazard Model to explore the different factors of trade relationship stability and supplements including several fields such as products, time period and area analysis. The conclusion is that the duration of China's oil import trade is generally short, as evidenced by the average of 2.97 years and the median of only 1 years in the last twenty years. This is mainly, due to national characteristics and variable product characteristics, so the government should take more systematic and specific policies to cope with this problem.

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    An Analysis on the Effects of Changes in Import Structure on China's Soybean Import Price under the Background of Imperfect Competition
    Lin Dayan, Zhu Jing
    2016, 28 (9):  31-40. 
    Abstract ( 165 )   PDF (1056KB) ( 1083 )  

    Reaction of China's soybean import prices to the changes of import structure determines the stability of domestic soybean prices. This paper makes an empirical analysis on the effects of import structure changes on China's soybean import prices by PTM model, based on unit root test, F test and other statistical tests. The results show that the increasing market share of U.S. and Brazil helps reduce China's soybean import prices, while Argentina's improving share in soybean market tends to raise China's soybean import prices. In order to import soybean at lower prices, China should continue to maintain U.S. and Brazil as its import source and on the other hands protect and promote domestic soybean production through technical support and other ways.

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    Applied Analysis of Stylized Facts in Risk Management in China's Bond Market
    Hou Xianping, Huang Dengshi, Chen Wang, Xu Kai
    2016, 28 (9):  41-50. 
    Abstract ( 153 )   PDF (1104KB) ( 967 )  

    Stylized facts play an important role in risk measurement and risk management inthe financial market. The paper builds various models of risk measurement in bond market, which are underneath the stylized facts in financial markets. In addition, the applied range and the accuracy of these models are discussed by strict backtesting, then, the paper analyzes the applied value of stylized facts in risk management in China's bond market. Empirical results show that fat-tailed distribution, which has very important practical value in risk management, is more accurate than normal distribution in measuring dynamic risk in China's bond market, and the autocorrelation of return and the skewed distribution contain more valuable information in extreme risk measurement. Besides, the leverage effect of volatility is not significant. Moreover, compared with the other models, the model on leverage effect does not own stronger capabilities of risk measurement.

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    A Study on Effectiveness of Third-party Seals in Online Transaction Markets from the Perspective of Signaling Theory
    Wang Yu, Wei Shouhua
    2016, 28 (9):  51-60. 
    Abstract ( 226 )   PDF (1053KB) ( 739 )  

    This paper studies the effectiveness of third -party seals in online transaction markets from the perspective of hybrid equilibrium in the framework of signaling theory. Firstly, we find that effects of third-party seals are improved with increased sealing costs or shrinking difference of consumer's willingness-to-pay toward different types of sellers in the case of bilateral monopoly market. However, consumer's confidence has an ambiguous influence on third-party seals. Secondly, the effectiveness of third-party seals are negatively related to sealing costs in competitive markets. Seals with low costs have better effects compared with those with high costs. Thirdly, influences from sealing costs on their effectiveness have a trend of self-enhancing, which means that effects of low-cost seals are further improved while those of high-cost seals are further worsened with increased competition in markets.

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    Empirical Study on Continuous Usage of Social Media: The Mediating Role of Affect Appeal
    Chen Hao, Li Wenli, Ke Yulong
    2016, 28 (9):  61-71. 
    Abstract ( 474 )   PDF (1164KB) ( 2469 )  

    As an emerging arena for social interaction and information source, social media has brought a lot of convenience for users to enjoy digitalized life. However, widespread privacy steal has raised users' concern and fear, seriously affected their experience in using social media and may lead to user loss. Relying on the "Cognition-Affect-Conation Pattern" (CAC) framework, this study investigates the role that the cognitive and affective factors play in users' intention of continuously using mobile social media. Based on data collected from 239 mobile social media users, the research model and all the hypotheses related are tested using structural equation modeling technique. The results show that positive affect appeal (satisfaction) exerts significantly positive effect on user`s continuous usage intention, whereas negative affect (fear) has a stronger effect. Besides, both satisfaction and fear fully mediate the relationship between personal cognition and user's continuous usage intention. We also find that self-efficacy plays a moderating role on the relationship between fear and user's continuous usage intention of social media.

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    Research on Community Governing Strategy, User Readiness and Knowledge Contribution: Taking Baidu Encyclopedia as an Example
    Zhang Xiaojuan, Zhou Xuechun
    2016, 28 (9):  72-82. 
    Abstract ( 240 )   PDF (1140KB) ( 926 )  

    Virtual community penetrates into every aspect of consumers' life and business practice, impacts individual information acquisition, interaction and buying decision. And prior researches demonstrate knowledge contribution is vital for the development and survival of virtual community platform. There is little literature discussing community governing strategy's influence on individual knowledge contribution. Through review, the paper sorts out three kinds of governing strategy: community monitoring, community building and community education. Through survey of Baidu encyclopedia's users, this paper finds community governing strategy will positively influence individual knowledge contribution, and user readiness is a mediating variable. Furthermore, the influence of governing strategy on knowledge contribution is not symmetrical, that is, different strategy will impact knowledge contribution through different path and mechanism.

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    Network Position, Network Capability and VC's Investment Performance: An Interaction Model
    Luo Ji, Dang Xinghua, Wang Yuxiao
    2016, 28 (9):  83-97. 
    Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (1286KB) ( 1149 )  

    Syndication networkis a prominent feature of the venture capital industry in China. Such network allows venture capital firms (VC) to effectively identify and exploit investment opportunities and obtain a high return on investment. The network typical of VC investors has become a key factor in their success. From the social network perspective, the paper builds a theoretical framework on the analysis of logical relationships between VC's network position, network capability and investment performance, explores the effect of network position and network capability on VC's investment performance, and the moderating roles of network capability. Based on the samples of 479 VCs from the CVSource and Zero2IPO database, a theoretical model is empirically analyzed and tested. The results show that central position and brokerage position have a positive association with VC's investment performance. VCs that are capable to acquire and integrate network resources have a much better investment performance. The more capable VCs are to integrate network resources, the more positively they can apply the network position to their investment performance. Network resource acquiring capability significantly moderated the relationship between brokerage position and investment performance of VC, but does not moderate the relationship between central position and VC's investment performance.

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    Study on College Students' Intention to Use the Network Teaching Platform——A Moderated Mediation Model
    Dai Zhuo
    2016, 28 (9):  98-105. 
    Abstract ( 237 )   PDF (1007KB) ( 857 )  

    In this paper, samples are collected from full-time college students of Jiujiang University. Technology acceptance model is regarded as the basis. Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are independent variables. Intention to use is dependent variable. Attitude is mediating variable. The Big Five personality is moderate. A model of intention to use network teaching platform is established. Reliability and validity analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model testing are conducted by Amos20.0 and Spss17.0. The intermediary role of attitude and moderation role of the Big Five personality are tested by using the bootstrap method and grouping regression method. The results show that firstly, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of network teaching platform have a significant positive effect on attitudes, and attitude has a significant positive impact on intention to use; secondly, attitude has a significant intermediary role among perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and intention to use; thirdly, Big Five personality has some moderating role on the effect of attitude on intention to use, perceived usefulness on attitude, and perceived ease of use on attitude; and lastly, Big Five personality has some moderating role on the effect of perceived usefulness on intention to use.

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    An Evolutionary Game Analysis on Knowledge Sharing among OFDI Corporation and Local Cluster Enterprises:Based on the Perspective of Knowledge Potential
    Mi Jie, Lin Runhui, Dong Kunxiang, Song Peng
    2016, 28 (9):  106-120. 
    Abstract ( 221 )   PDF (1416KB) ( 659 )  

    As transnational channels for knowledge, OFDI corporations are capable of injecting the new blood to local enterprises in our country. This paper, from the perspective of knowledge potential, analyzes the mechanism of knowledge sharing among OFDI corporations and local cluster enterprises. The paper studies the evolutionary game process of knowledge sharing and opportunistic behavior in two cases of positive and passive participation of intermediate knowledge potential actors. It is found that the evolutionary process of the system is an emergent property resulting from interactions among willingness of knowledge sharing, absorptive capacity, emphasis on intellectual property and potential risks of knowledge sharing, etc. Agents' participation in the intermediate knowledge potential will promote the equilibrium of both knowledge sharing, and prompt the diversification of system evolution at the same time. Finally, the effect of key factors on end state of system is tested through a canonical correlation analysis.

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    An Empirical Study: Cloud Users' Optimistic Bias Regarding Data Security Risk Perception and Its Impact
    Wang Zhiying, Ge Shilun, Su Xiang
    2016, 28 (9):  121-133. 
    Abstract ( 262 )   PDF (1326KB) ( 1017 )  

    It is very important for the development of cloud computing to analyze cloud users' risk perception regarding data security. Based on the optimistic bias of psychology theory and the research logic "Antecedents-Optimistic Bias-Outcomes", the cloud users' optimistic bias regarding data security risk perception and its impact explored from the perspective of individual users. An empirical analysis of 201 participants shows that the cloud users have no optimistic bias towards the data security risk perception on the whole, but there is a certain degree of negative optimistic bias, the negative optimistic bias of confidentiality risk perception is the biggest, the negative optimistic bias of availability risk perception is the second and the negative optimistic bias of integrity risk perception is the smallest. The optimistic bias of risk perception about confidentiality and availability is significantly affected by prior experience and the optimistic bias of the risk perception about integrity is significantly affected by controllability. The cloud users' effective security management decision is significantly affected by the optimistic bias of risk perception regarding confidentiality, integrity and availability. The study provides a theoretical and practical reference for analyzing the cloud users' data security risk perception from the aspects of information security psychology.

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    The Interdependence Structure in Supplier-Retailer Relationships: Should Consumers Be Neglected?
    Zhang Chuang, Zhuang Guijun, Yang Zhilin, Zhang Yang
    2016, 28 (9):  134-147. 
    Abstract ( 270 )   PDF (1154KB) ( 787 )  

    The effects of consumers on the behaviors within the supplier-retailer dyads are seldom explored in the traditional channel behavioral researches. Taking the relationships between department stores and sports and leisure brands suppliers as research context, the present research includes consumers into a framework of channel dependence. We empirically test the effects of consumers' loyalty to suppliers' brands and department stores on the interdependence structure within the supplier-retailer dyads, and the moderating role of retailers' consumer loyalty programs with a two sided matched data from retailers and consumers. The results show that consumers' brand loyalty positively influences the dependence of retailer on the supplier; while consumers' store loyalty positively influences supplier's dependence on the retailer. Retailers' consumer loyalty programs strengthen the effect of consumers' store loyalty on supplier's dependence on the retailer, and weaken the effect of consumers' brand loyalty on retailer's dependence on the supplier. The paper discusses the theoretical and managerial implications and points out the limitations and future research directions.

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    The Effect of Consumers' Social Interactions on Trust in Online Group-buying
    Han Jinxing, Zhang Zhe, Gu Chenyan
    2016, 28 (9):  148-162. 
    Abstract ( 307 )   PDF (1191KB) ( 915 )  

    As a type of online shopping, online group-buying has characteristic of consumers' social interaction. In the context of group-buying, consumers can be affected by other society members who share information and communicate with them online. Previous researchers have found that in online environment, trust can significantly influence consumers' willingness to purchase. Therefore, in this paper we study consumers' social interaction factors that affect trust in the context of online group-buying in China. Through the empirical study on the physical products and service products group-buying respectively, this paper indicates that consumers' social interaction has a significant influence on consumer trust in online group-buying. This influence is reflected in two aspects: informational influence and normative influence. However, informational influence plays a more important role in trust change for service products than physical products, while normative influence plays a more important role for physical products. Moreover, the study shows that in the different direction of comments (positive or negative comments), informational influence and normative influence do affect online group-buying individual's trust, but with no significant difference.

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    Influence Model of Enterprise Microblogging Marketing Based on Social Network
    Zuo Wenming, Huang Qiuping, Chen Huaqiong, Mo Xiaohua
    2016, 28 (9):  163-172. 
    Abstract ( 263 )   PDF (1337KB) ( 827 )  

    Measuring microblog influence and identifying marketing effect can help enterprises to develop effective microblogging operations. We focus on microblog marketing social network generated by information flow when e-commerce business introduces marketing shopping links. Microblogging interactive information flow diagram is analyzed and defined based onthe consideration of mutual influence relationship between users and microblogs and link structure which is a true reflection of corporate microblogging social network interaction and information flow. With the foundation of interactive information flow diagram, formulas computing influence scores of business users and microblogs content are proposed respectively. The optimal weight values are obtained by experiments using microblog data from dangdang.com, and then formulas are determined. Experimental results show that in the situation that user activity level of microblog social network is generally low, ongoing series microblog marketing activities with opportunity marketing or stimulus marketing contribute to the expansion and accumulation of microblog business users' influence.

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    Research on Risk-averse Consumers Shopping Channel Decision Behavior Based on Transaction Cost
    Wang Chong, Wang Yanqing
    2016, 28 (9):  173-181. 
    Abstract ( 322 )   PDF (1598KB) ( 770 )  

    With the formation and development of multiple shopping channels, it becomes more and more important for enterprises to understand consumers' decision-making mechanism in selecting shopping channel so as to make correct marketing strategy. The existing studies indicate that most consumers tend to avert risk when they buy goods. Therefore, from the view of transaction cost, this paper uses utility theory to build the model of risk-averse consumers' goods utility under two different shopping channels: traditional channel and Internet, and analyzes the impact of the changes on the goods utility in searching cost, evaluating cost, paying cost and time cost when consumers make decision on shopping channel. The results indicate, as consumers decide shopping channel, the improvements of goods and services quality and the decrease of goods price and waiting time under traditional retail channel can promote the goods utility. But, the improvements are unable to unlimitedly increase the goods utility. Similarly, the promotion of website credibility and goods brand and the decrease of goods price and delivery time under Internet channel can enhance the goods utility. But, the promotion of goods utility is limited. Finally, this paper gives marketing suggestions to retailers of the two channels.

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    Research of the Influencing Factors of Environmental Information Disclosure Quality Based on the Stakeholder Perspective
    Kong Huige, Tang Wei
    2016, 28 (9):  182-193. 
    Abstract ( 279 )   PDF (1059KB) ( 787 )  

    The present situation of environment information disclosure and its influencing factors based on the existing environmental information disclosure guidelines for listed companies in some industries are discussed. It is found that the disclosure quality of the environmental information under the guidance of environmental regulations gradually improves but the overall level is low; because the environmental information evaluation and audit system has not been established, there is a failure phenomenon of environmental information exchange mechanisms between listed companies and stakeholders, and the balance between economic interests and environmental benefits is always a difficult choice for enterprises, but policy-oriented relationship between them will be a new opportunity for adjustment.

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    Media Link and the News Coverage Bias——Evidence from the Listed Companies in China
    Rao Yulei, Xie Qianqian, Wang Jianxin
    2016, 28 (9):  194-205. 
    Abstract ( 231 )   PDF (1109KB) ( 972 )  

    In recent years, the news coverage bias of listed companies has become very popular, and scholars start to do some researches about why it occurs. In this paper, we examine whether media link will lead to the news coverage bias of listed companies empirically from the particular perspective of listed companies owning subsidiaries in media industry. The result shows that listed companies with media link have about 18% more news coverage than control group, and about 10% more good news than control group. What's more, in the samples with media link, the stronger of the media link, the bigger of the news coverage bias. Furthermore, we analyze the motivation underlying the listed companies' attempt to have the media link and find that the firm value of the media-linked listed companies that utilize media hype would be higher. Such empirical research results indicate that the listed companies have the motivation to seek media slant through the media link, and this is what regulators and investors should pay attention to.

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    Internal Control Quality and Sensitivity between Corporate Capital Investment and Investment Opportunity: Empirical Research Based on Chinese Listed Companies' Data
    Zhou Zhongsheng, Xu Hongri, Chen Hanwen, Chen Jun
    2016, 28 (9):  206-217. 
    Abstract ( 240 )   PDF (1085KB) ( 782 )  

    Internal control has become a focus of regulators, practitioners and researchers. Thus, what the economic consequence will have of corporate internal control? This paper investigates the effect of internal control quality on corporate capital investment using the internal control index developed by a research team from Xiamen University as our proxy for internal control quality. We find that the better the quality of internal control, the higher of sensitivity between capital investment and investment opportunity. Further studies show that the effect of internal control on corporate sensitivity between capital investment and investment opportunity is more severe in state-owned companies and regions where factor market is developed. The results have important theoretical and practical significance.

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    Post-merger Cultural Integration from the Perspective of Social Networks
    Gao Zhenming, Zhuang Xintian, Huang Weiqiang
    2016, 28 (9):  218-227. 
    Abstract ( 251 )   PDF (1063KB) ( 783 )  

    The cultural integration after merger and the social networks are co-evolving. This paper constructs the social networks according to the interactions among individuals in the enterprises and establishes a cultural integration model based on the social networks. Using an agent-based model, we investigate the impact of network structures on post-merger cultural integration and merger performances. The simulation results demonstrate that the social network topology has no influence on the whole cultural distance between the two enterprises. Decreasing the social networks' clustering degree will increase the network density and average clustering coefficient at the initial time of cultural integration. Meanwhile, it will decrease the average path length, average vertex betweenness and standard of vertex betweenness. Thus, it can significantly lower the individual turnover, but will make more interpersonal conflicts and reduce the organizational communication effectiveness. We also find that decreasing the differences in the number of interaction neighbors among individuals will raise the individual turnover and increase the organizational communication effectiveness. At last, the topology differences between the social networks of the two enterprises will not make the aforesaid results different.

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    The Influence of Supervisors' Co-authorship Network on Doctoral Research Output
    Yuan Kang, Tang Chaoying, Li Meizhi, Zhan Jiashuo
    2016, 28 (9):  228-237. 
    Abstract ( 229 )   PDF (1173KB) ( 820 )  

    Doctoral graduates are important manpower of science and technology innovation in our country. This paper aims to explore the strategy of improving doctoral research output from the perspective of supervisors' co-authorship network. Based on the supervisors' co-authorship network we trace out from 139 doctoral graduates during their Ph.D learning period, we analyze both the doctoral graduates' and their supervisors' characteristics of supervisors' co-authorship network, and empirically studies the influence of the characteristics of network on doctoral research output. The main conclusions include: an inverted U-shape relationship exists between doctoral graduates' size of co-authorship network and their research output; doctoral graduates' degree centrality of co-authorship network benefits their research output; supervisors' degree centralization of network moderates the relationship between doctoral graduates'degree centrality of network and research output; supervisors' betweenness centrality of network moderates doctoral graduates' degree centrality and research output. Finally, suggestions about science and technology management are discussed.

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    Swift Trust and Temporary Team Performance:The Role of Shared Mental Models and Team Interdependence
    Xu Ke, Han Yuqing, Yu Xiaoyu, Wang Wei
    2016, 28 (9):  238-249. 
    Abstract ( 350 )   PDF (1130KB) ( 1235 )  

    Lack of trust usually leads to poor performance of a temporary team (e.g., a new product development team). How and under what conditions to enhance a temporary team's performance through swift trust is a critical question for both academia and practitioners as it is under-examined in the extant literatures. To address this research gap, we set a theoretical model examining the effect of swift trust on a temporary team's performance, as well as the mediating effect of shared mental models and the moderating effect of team interdependence. A total of 234 team members from different new product development teams are investigated. The result of hierarchical regression indicates that swift trust positively influences a temporary team's performance. Two types of shared mental models, i.e. task-based and team-based, mediate the relationship between swift trust and temporary team performance. Team interdependence negatively moderates the relationship between team-based mental model and temporary team performance, while positively moderates the relationship between task-based mental model and temporary team performance. The theoretical contributions and managerial implications are discussed.

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    An Empirical Analysisof Harbor on Hinterland Regional Based on VAR Model: A Case Study of Lianyungang Harbor
    Yang Liuxing, Tian Guiliang, Wang Jue
    2016, 28 (9):  250-259. 
    Abstract ( 299 )   PDF (1156KB) ( 804 )  

    This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the direct, indirect and inducing effect that a harbor acts on the regional economy of its hinterland, and on this basis explores the effect of the regional industry cost saving, the effect of industrial clustering, the effect of industry synergy, and the inducing effect of related industries, with the harbor as a regional economic system variable to discuss the mechanism of how a harbor acts on the regional economy. Cargo throughput of Lianyungang Port and the GDP and number of jobs of its hinterland are chosen to establish vector autoregressive VAR (2) model for regression analysis, and causality of the two sets of variables is analyzed based on Granger test. The result shows that Lianyungang Port is still in its infancy development stage, without playing its full role in boosting the hinterland economy. At last, the policy recommendations are given for promoting the development of Lianyungang Port and its hinterland economy.

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    Analysis of the Factors that Drive the Profit Change of Communication Enterprises: Based on a Longitudinal Case Study of Huawei
    Li Yinlong, Xiao Hailin, Fu Guijun
    2016, 28 (9):  260-272. 
    Abstract ( 204 )   PDF (1514KB) ( 1048 )  

    In order to explain what causes the profit change in a company, we carry out a quantificative decomposition of profit. By combining the methods of DEA efficiency measurement and profits change decomposition, we illustrate the operation mechanism and basic rule. Based on the related theories and principles, we use the method of case analysis to empirically prove the theoretical framework of profit source. The results show that the quantity effect and price effect of Huawei contribution to profit changes appear alternately in the data sampling period, and the price effect is in the decline. The results confirm that the communications industry competition is increasing year by year. By further decomposing the quantity effect into action effect, effect of technical progress and operation efficiency effect, we deeply explore the potential causes of quantity change and explain the inner mechanism of the corporate profit change.

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