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    28 June 2016, Volume 28 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Margin Setting of China's Government Bond Futures: Based on SPAN System
    Tan Hao, Yu Mei, Dong Jichang, Huang Hai
    2016, 28 (6):  3-10. 
    Abstract ( 353 )   PDF (1252KB) ( 1120 )  

    Since its restart on September 6th 2013, China's government bond futures market has become an ever more attractive research field. Great importance has been attached to the futures margin level because it affects both investors and regulators. We apply an internationally accepted method-Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk (SPAN system) and formulate a GARCH-VaR model to conduct a normative analysis of the reasonable futures margin level. By using the actual data, we find that the reasonable level of China's government bond futures market ought to be about 0.6%, which is much lower than the current 2% level. In the long run we should lower the futures margin level.

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    A Spatial Econometric Analysis of Impact of FDI on Urban Haze Pollution——Case of the Pearl River Delta Region
    Li Li, Tang Dengli, Kong Ying, Liu Dongjun, Yang Yuanhua
    2016, 28 (6):  11-24. 
    Abstract ( 294 )   PDF (1341KB) ( 1202 )  

    This paper investigates the spatial correlation of FDI and haze pollution in Pearl River Delta region from 2006 to 2013 by using spatial econometric analysis method. First, exploratory spatial data analysis results show that FDI and haze pollution of Pearl River Delta region have relatively significant spatial correlation, and FDI and haze pollution have formed different agglomeration phenomenon, which illustrates that high haze polluted regions tend to be low FDI regions and so does the low haze polluted regions. Then, this paper examines the impact of FDI on haze pollution in Pearl River Delta region by using spatial econometric models. The results show that FDI helps decrease haze pollution, and pollution haven hypothesis in Pearl River Delta is certainly untenable. Meanwhile, FDI of three major industries have negative influence on haze pollution, but the improved effects are not the same as FDI overall sample.

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    Assessment of Indirect Economic Loss of Flood Disaster Based on Multi-regional CGE Model: A Case of Yangtze River Delta Basin
    Jiang Ling, Zhang Wei, Liu Yu
    2016, 28 (6):  25-31. 
    Abstract ( 315 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 1260 )  

    A comprehensive analysis about economic loss of floods on various sub-administrative districts within the region can provide scientific basis for the development of accurate disaster management policy and flood mitigation measures. Taking the Yangtze River Delta (the "Yangtze Delta") as an example, the paper establishes a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, carries out an in-depth analysis on the space and industrial characteristics of economic impacts of floods in 2011 in the Yangtze Delta on Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, meanwhile, an indirect impact factor is constructed to reflect the extent of indirect impacts of floods on different regions and sectors within the region. The results show that the extent of economic impacts of floods on such 3 provinces is significantly different, agriculture and real estate are the industries which receive the largest impacts, from the aspect of impact degree, the impact degree of flood on Shanghai is higher than that on Jiangsu and Zhejiang, while for the food manufacturing and processing industry and the textile industry, the impact degree is higher than that in other industries. This paper argues that the multi-regional CGE model is able to quantitatively assess the indirect impacts of flood on regional economy and what's more, it is able to accurately reflect the regional and industrial characteristics of such indirect impacts within the region.

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    A Study on the Behavior of Zero-leverage for Companies Listed in China: Financial Constraint or Financial Flexibility?
    Wang Jinxiang, Wu Yuhui, Wu Shinong
    2016, 28 (6):  32-41. 
    Abstract ( 324 )   PDF (1085KB) ( 1555 )  

    Low debt level and rich cash holding, as two key factors that enterprises relied on to resist the 2008 financial crisis, have the latest research topic in the field of capital structure. This paper tries to explain the behavior of zero-leverage for companies listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange during 1998 and 2012, from the perspective of financial constraint and financial flexibility. Results show that:(1) the percent of zero-leverage companies increase from 10.7% in 1998 to 31.3% in 2012, which means zero-leverage are more and more popular. (2) the behavior of zero-leverage for companies listed in China is not entirely because of financial constraint and in fact it is a strategic choice made by companies to maintain financial flexibility. This paper explains the reasons why more and more companies choose zero-leverage and how the behavior of zero-leverage affects investment by empirical research. Based on results above, this paper suggests that:given the frequent financial crises and the increasingly short industry life cycle, it important for companies to reduce debt and maintain some reasonable cash holdings to improve financial flexibility and capture potential high-yield investment projects.

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    Was Corporate Profitability of Chinese Listed Companies in the U.S. Affected by International Analyst Coverage?
    Li Shuangyan
    2016, 28 (6):  42-51. 
    Abstract ( 194 )   PDF (1129KB) ( 817 )  

    By collecting data from the official website of depositary banks that issues American Depositary Receipt (ADR) and WRDS database from Wharton Business School, we study the firms of Chinese ADRs listed on the NASDAQ and NYSE from 1996 to 2011 and provide an empirical evidence for the impact of analyst coverage and recommendation on these firms' profitability. The results demonstrate that, analyst coverage has no significant impact on profitability whereas analyst good recommendation has a positive correlation with profitability. Our endogeneity test supports the above conclusion. The robustness test suggests that this positive affect of analyst good recommendation on profitability was enacted after Sarbanes-Oxley Act. This conclusion is robust when the profitability indicator, return on assets is replaced by return on equity.

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    Political Connections, Financial Development and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy——From the Perspective of Chinese Private Listed Companies' Bank Loans
    Wang Wei
    2016, 28 (6):  52-64. 
    Abstract ( 306 )   PDF (1172KB) ( 893 )  

    This paperdraws upon A share listed private companies during 2006~2011 to study the political connections and the level of financial development impact on the availability of their bank loans in different periods of monetary policy, in order to make it clear from the micro perspective whether the credit transmission channel of monetary policy is blocked and valid, and then provide some ideas for solving the "credit discrimination" problem faced by Chinese private companies. The study finds that the political connections, the level of financial development and their interaction have different effects on the effectiveness of monetary policy. To be specific:(1) the level of financial development could affect the effect of tightening monetary policy on the term of the loan, but not the effect on the total amount of bank loans; (2) the effect of tightening monetary policy on amounts and term of bank loans, are affected by political connections; and (3) interaction term of financial development and political connections can affect the validity of monetary policy to the amount of bank loans, but the validity impact of monetary policy on the term of bank loans is not affected.

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    Influence of RMB Exchange Rate System Evolution on Short-term Capital Flows in China——Based on the Perspective of Exchange Rate Expectations and Exchange Rate Volatility
    Tian Tao
    2016, 28 (6):  65-75. 
    Abstract ( 297 )   PDF (1179KB) ( 1141 )  

    This paper uses the ARCH model to get the characteristics of the RMB exchange rate volatility and the expected rate of change. Then it uses DCC-GARCH model to analyze the relationship between RMB exchange rate volatility & the expected rate of change and international short-term capital flow in China. Finally, nonlinear Granger causality test method is used to thoroughly study the RMB exchange rate volatility and expected RMB exchange rate relationship between the exchange rate and the international short-term capital flow. The result shows that:no matter at all stages of the whole sample period or in the process of exchange rate marketization, the expected change rate of RMB exchange rate has significantly greater effect on international short-term capital flow compared with RMB exchange rate volatility. Especially after the reform of the exchange rate mechanism in 2005, along with the change of RMB exchange rate flexibility, the international short-term capital flows and the RMB exchange rate are expected to have significant two-way interaction between the rate of change and international short-term capital flows and the reversed transmission of international short-term capital flows on expected rate of change of the exchange rate should be paid sufficient attention to.

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    External Technology Acquisition in Open Innovation and Product Diversification: The Moderating Effect of Dynamic Capabilities
    Zhao Feng, Wang Tienan, Wang Yu
    2016, 28 (6):  76-85,99. 
    Abstract ( 325 )   PDF (1435KB) ( 1010 )  

    In the open innovation, external technology acquisition and its effect on enterprise performance have been concerned widely. But there are few studies about the effect of external technology acquisition on product diversification. This paper conducts a multivariate hierarchical regression analysis using the data of high-tech listed companies in 2010-2012 to test the effect of external technology acquisition on product diversification and the moderating effect of three elements of dynamic capabilities on the relationship. The result shows that external technology acquisition has a positive impact on product diversification significantly, and absorptive capability, adaptive capability and innovative capability of dynamic capabilities moderate the relationship between external technology acquisition and product diversification positively. The study enriches and expends the findings in the field of external technology acquisition and product diversification, providing theoretical guidance for the companies to promote product diversification through external technology acquisition.

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    Analysis of Fit between Product Innovation Orientation and Supplier Network Configuration and Its Impact on Product Innovation Performance
    Wang Wei, Li Suicheng, Yu Wengang, Li Na
    2016, 28 (6):  86-99. 
    Abstract ( 252 )   PDF (1205KB) ( 898 )  

    Increasingly, enterprises pay more attention to the product innovation and how to establish the supplier network is a major task for researchers. By studying Chinese manufacturers, this paper analyzes the differences of supplier network configuration under different product innovation orientation and proposes that manufacturer's product innovation orientation should match supplier network configuration. Subsequently, this paper focuses on the possible impact of the interaction between product innovation orientation and supplier network configuration set on product innovation performance. Product innovation orientations are classified into "open" vs. "closed" and supplier network configurations are differentiated as "exploratory" vs. "exploitative". This paper collects data by large-sample survey, and statistically tests the data from 210 Chinese manufacturers with analysis of variance by SPSS and AMOS. An empirical analysis is conducted to examine the interaction effects between product innovation orientation and supplier network configuration on product innovation performance. The results indicate that, compared with closed supplier network, designing and managing the open supplier network will attain higher product innovation performance for enterprises under exploratory product innovation orientation. Compared with open supplier network, designing and managing the closed supplier network will attain higher product innovation performance for enterprises under exploitative product innovation orientation. The conclusions provide some useful implications about how to manage supplier network effectively to acquire knowledge from suppliers in enterprise's product innovation.

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    The Impact of Governance of Incubation Network on Network Performance: The Moderating Role of Environmental Dynamism
    Li Hao, Hu Haiqing
    2016, 28 (6):  100-112. 
    Abstract ( 284 )   PDF (1240KB) ( 1100 )  

    This paper tests the effects of two types of governance (i.e. contract and relation) on incubation network performance under two types of environmental dynamism (i.e. technological turbulence and competitive intensity), while graphic illustrating and analyzing interaction between governance and environmental dynamism, by introducing environmental dynamism as an adjustment variable, based on the investigation of logic between governance of incubation network and network performance. The empirical results of 243 enterprises show that contract governance and relation governance both stimulates incubation network performance. Further, technological turbulence and competitive intensity have directly opposite regulating effect.

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    Personalized Recommendation for Traveling Planning Based on Online Word-of-mouth
    Li Qian, Xu Wei, Jiang Hongxun
    2016, 28 (6):  113-118. 
    Abstract ( 281 )   PDF (1487KB) ( 1447 )  

    With the rapid development of internet, it provides more information and services for users. Traditional methods for scenic spot and traveling routes are not fit for mobile network because of plenteous content. This paper proposes a personalized recommendation method for traveling planning based on online word-of-mouth. In the proposed method, a users' matching model is suggested for finding the similarities between users' demand and traveling planning. Second, a dynamic user's opinion-based web mining model is offered to mine online word-of-mouth. Finally, an integrated model is proposed for combining users' demand matching and opinions. To verify the efficiency of the proposed method, a demo for traveling recommendation is developed and a survey is carried out for method evaluation. The empirical results show that the performance of the proposed method outperforms ones of traditional methods, and the proposed method has better users' experiences. Our paper provides an alternative and efficient method for traveling recommendation.

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    The Independent's Stinginess to Others and the Interdependent's Stinginess to Self: Impacts of Self-Construal and Spending on Self versus Others on the Saving and Spending
    Zeng Shiqiang, Chen Jian, Lv Wei, Pan Li
    2016, 28 (6):  119-130. 
    Abstract ( 447 )   PDF (1180KB) ( 1407 )  

    The effect of self-construal on the choice of saving and spending has been explored but it is seldom studied why Chinese shows generosity while spending on others. Combining with the Chinese traditional philosophies, "stinginess to self and generosity to others", this paper proposes that the saving and spending will be affected by self-construal and spending on self versus others, and it can be explained by the psychological utility. Two experiments are conducted to test the hypotheses. The results show that the independent spends more than the interdependent when spending on self, in contrast, the interdependent spends more than the independent when spending on the others. When spending on self, self-importance mediates the effect of self-construal on the saving and spending, and it demonstrates that the independent is inclined to spend more than interdependent. Whereas, when spending on others, dependence on others mediates the effect of self-construal on the saving and spending, and it demonstrates that the interdependent is inclined to spend more than independent.

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    Narcissistic Leadership: The Formation, Function and Management Strategies
    Liao Jianqiao, Shaw Kang-Hwa, Tian Ting
    2016, 28 (6):  131-139. 
    Abstract ( 507 )   PDF (1095KB) ( 3461 )  

    This research reviews the concept and behavior characteristics of narcissistic leaders, and finds that narcissistic leader's behavior is motivated by leaders' own egomaniacal needs and beliefs. The results show that narcissistic personality is the main cause of narcissistic leaders, followed by social culture and organizational structure. Later, this research explain the effect of narcissistic leaders in organizational context, including leader decision, organizational culture, organizational threats, crisis of confidence, psychological dysfunction managers and non-ethical behavior. This research also points out five management strategies to handle with narcissistic leadership, and suggests a direction for future researches on narcissistic leaders.

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    A Study on the Impact of Characteristics of Company Recruitment We Chat on Employer Attractiveness Based on TAM
    Yang Congjie, Dai Qiaoling
    2016, 28 (6):  140-149,161. 
    Abstract ( 354 )   PDF (1382KB) ( 1263 )  

    With the popularity of new media and intense talent competition, the way of combining new media usage and employer attractiveness improvement has been a hot topic. This paper develops and tests a model to analyze the impact of characteristics of company recruitment WeChat on employer attractiveness based on technology acceptance model (TAM). The result shows that except comprehensiveness, credibility, interactivity, entertainment, aesthetics and navigational usability have positive impact on employer attractiveness through perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Finally, this paper provides some suggestions for companies to improve employer attractiveness through the operation of recruitment WeChat.

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    Is Common Control Effective in Entrepreneurial Family Firms?——An Analysis Based on Chinese Publicly Held Family Firms
    He Xiaogang, Li Jing, Zhang Yuanfei, Lian Yanling
    2016, 28 (6):  150-161. 
    Abstract ( 239 )   PDF (1139KB) ( 905 )  

    This paper assumes that family members are not purely altruistic and short-sighted, but altruistic only to a certain extent. The main point is that common control by the founder and his family members is effective, because family members are bounded altruists who concern both emotional and material wealth. Based on the data of Chinese public listed companies, our empirical results show that, first, common control is the most widely used control mechanism in Chinese entrepreneurial family firms; second, firms that share ownership among family members are more effective than those owned by the founder alone; third, concerning about ownership and managerial rights together, the sharing of these rights among family members is also more effective than the holding of both the managerial and ownership right by the founder alone or the holding of the ownership right by the founder alone and holding of the managerial right by professional managers. Our results demonstrate that the self-employed family members do not act as pure altruists, but bounded altruists.

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    Analysis of Driving Forces of Oasis Expansion and Ecological Risk Management——A Case Study of Yanqi Oasis of Xinjiang, China
    Jalalidin·Bilali, Wang Xiaojun, Shi Minjun
    2016, 28 (6):  162-168. 
    Abstract ( 231 )   PDF (1325KB) ( 797 )  

    The northwestern arid region serves as an ecological guard for China's ecological security. It is very important to deal properly with the tradeoff between improving agricultural production capacity and ecological risk management in the arid region. This paper focuses on driving forces of oasis expansion, which may not only contribute comprehensive understanding of land use change mechanism, but also provide policy implication for oasis ecological risk management. A Bio-economic Model is developed to analyze the farmer households' land use behavior under different scenarios including increasing water supple, introducing advanced irrigation technology, implementing strictly water resource management and land reclamation in central region of the oasis and the desert-oasis transitional region. The results show that farmers' behavior for pursuing income maximization accelerated farmland expansion. Incomplete implementation of water resource management provided condition of water resource for farmland reclamation. Overuse of water resource, over-exploitation of groundwater and water saving caused by adopting advanced irrigation technology has been offset by the increased water use with farmland reclamation. The results indicate that oasis ecological risk management needs effective water resource management.

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    Industry-Security-Oriented Industrial Physics: Concept Analysis, Problem Domain and Theoretical Basis
    Zhang Lichao, Liu Yijun
    2016, 28 (6):  169-179. 
    Abstract ( 234 )   PDF (1315KB) ( 810 )  

    Industry security plays an important role on the national economic development, social harmony and stability. Closely focusing on the topic of industrial physics theory, this paper makes a systematic analysis of various issues affecting modern industry security after clearly defining the basic meaning of industrial physics. The new perspective of the modern industry security is presented. Then the paper expounds the application of industrial physics theory to the early warning of industry. The basic framework of industrial physics theory is established, which is composed of regional potential difference, level transition selection, economic space and equilibrium state. From the scales of viscosity, density, temperature, velocity and gradient, the paper puts forward the mathematical model of industrial physics to the risk warning of modern industry. This paper is intended to promote the further development of industrial economic theory, and contribute to the healthy and stable development of China's industry.

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    Research of Energy and Non-energy Substitution for Industrial Sector——Based on Muti-elasticity Method
    Zha Donglan, Si Jiansong, Zhou Dequn, Xue Chen
    2016, 28 (6):  180-191. 
    Abstract ( 218 )   PDF (1218KB) ( 959 )  

    With the limitation of energy supply, the uncertainty of substitution between energy and non-energyfactors is regarded as a key process to determine the energy efficiency improvement, new energy development and climate change mitigation policies. Taking the whole industry and 36 sub-industry sectors as samplings, the current paper applies the translog cost function specification to estimate the energy and non-energy own-price substitution, CPE substitution, AES, MES and SES during 1994-2011. The obtained results show several points. (1) The own-price substitution elasticities of capital, labor and energy are negative, and those for energy are the smallest, labor and capital hold the first place. (2) Energy and capital are substitutes and remain fairly stable in the time series, and energy and labor are substitutes except that in 2011 with mixing performance. (3) Among the estimates from the four forms of elasticities of substitution, 30 sub-industries demonstrate substantial substitution possibilities between energy and capital, and 21 sub-industries witness that energy and labor is complementary. (4) The substitution values obtained by CPE are smaller than those measured by MES and SES which are easy to find substitutes between two inputs.

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    Firm Location, Spatial Heterogeneity of Environmental Regulation and Selective Disclosure of Environmental Information
    Yao Sheng, Yang Jie, Liang Haotian
    2016, 28 (6):  192-204. 
    Abstract ( 331 )   PDF (1168KB) ( 987 )  

    This paper analyzes the factors that influence the selective disclosure of environmental information based on double game from the center government to the local government and from the local government to the firm, and studies the influence on the selective disclosure of environmental information made by the firm location, spatial heterogeneity of environmental regulation. Results show that there is a negative link between the firm location and the selective disclosure of environmental information. In other words, the distance between the firm and the regulator is longer, and the total environmental information is disclosed less. The same result is for its significance, amount and time. Especially the negative link is obvious to the non-state-owned companies, but it is not significant to the state-owned companies. Moreover, the spatial heterogeneity of environmental regulation has the negative relation with the total environmental information, its significance and amount. But its time is the exception. Further studies show that the state-owned companies have the same results with the overall samples. However, the non-state-owned companies have no the significant relation for the spatial heterogeneity of environmental regulation. Current literatures can't reach the agreement because of ignoring the influence of the different bodies' game in process of the environmental information regulation policy being implemented. Our results show that, the geography and institutional features that determine the game results in China are the main factors that determine the content and degree of the environmental information disclosure.

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    Coordination Strategies of Investing and Financing in Supply Chain Based on Suppliers' Repurchase Incentives
    Dou Yaqin, Bai Shaobu, Chu Jun
    2016, 28 (6):  205-215. 
    Abstract ( 224 )   PDF (1167KB) ( 937 )  

    Considering the impact of buyback incentives, delayed payments, wholesale price and bankruptcy risk factor, we study coordinated decision-making problems between commercial credit financing and supply chain operations investment in thetwo-level supply chain consisting of a supplier and a retailer with cash constraints in this paper. We comparatively analyze optimal purchase strategies in supply chain when a capital-constrained retailer selects trade credit financing and bank loans under centralized decision-making. Based on the hypothesis of economic behavior of maximization profit of their own, we research how the dominant supplier in Stackelberg Game under decentralized decision-making situation adopts multi-contract design to achieve optimal profits of supply chain and its own. Our results show that gain of integrated supply chain is better off if a retailer utilizes trade credit financing provided by supplier without additional free cash instead of loans from banks under the scenario of centralized decision-making in supply chain. In decentralized decision-making supply chain, the supplier may set trade credit and buyback contract to share inventory financing costs and the risks of uncertainty inventory demand, which may make the retailer order the same optimal purchases as integrated supply chain under joint decisions. Furthermore, the supplier can also adjust sharing ratio of joint profits in the supply chain by changing the wholesale price. Finally, some numerical examples are used to illustrate the results obtained in this paper and some management enlightenments are proposed.

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    The Co-evolutional Mechanism on Resource, Innovation Network and Reverse Innovation of Latecomer Enterprise: A Research on Haier Group
    Xu Nana, Xu Yusen
    2016, 28 (6):  216-228. 
    Abstract ( 345 )   PDF (1456KB) ( 1426 )  

    Reverse innovation plays an important role in the innovation catch-up of latecomer enterprise. We analyze reverse innovation path using longitudinal case study from Haier Group. The results show that the resources condition and innovation network are different in different stages of enterprise development, therefore, the reverse innovation path is conducted in various ways. The success of reverse innovation relies on the unique local market share and the effort on technological learning and capacity development that are based on the innovation network. The interaction between enterprise resources and network embeddings promotes reverse innovation and upgrading. This study enriches the research of independent innovation path of latecomer enterprise, and provides guidance for innovation practices of domestic enterprise.

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    A Study on the Effects of TAM/TPB-based Perceived Risk Cognition on User's Trust and Behavior Taking Yu'ebao, a value-added Payment Product, as an Example
    Yang Xuan, Peng Diyun, Xie Fei
    2016, 28 (6):  229-240. 
    Abstract ( 719 )   PDF (1598KB) ( 2615 )  

    The sound development of the Internet payment market depends on consumers' rational behavior choice. By integrating the traditional consumer behavior model, TAM/TPB, and internal characteristics of consumers, perceived risks are classified into two types, namely, functionality and emotionality risks. This study discusses the effects of the three important factors, namely, perceived characteristics, perceived risk and trust, on the consumer's behavioral intention, as well as the logical relationships among the leading factors. Also, a structural equation model is used for testing. Results show that consumers' trust is the first critical factor to determine their behavior choices. Different dimensional perceived risks have dynamic influences on trust, in which the functionality risk shows more negative influence on trust than the emotionality risk, and different perceived characteristics also affect trust. Therefore, a policy conclusion can be drawn from the results that the levels of consumer's perceived characteristics can be improved only when the market participants, for example, the government, enterprises and consumers, cooperate closely, meaning that their legal interests can be guaranteed and perceived risks can be reduced significantly, and in return to enhance trust directly, and consequently to promote the actual occurrence for behavioral intention.

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