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    28 July 2016, Volume 28 Issue 7 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Evaluation Method of Affordable Housing Site Selection Based on the Trade-off between Social Benefit and the Opportunity Cost of Land: A Quantitative Analysis Based on the Differences in Preferences of Residential Location Choice between High-income and Low-income Residents
    Zheng Siqi, Zhang Yingjie, Zhang Suodi, Long Ying, Du Liqun
    2016, 28 (7):  3-11. 
    Abstract ( 293 )   PDF (2476KB) ( 986 )  

    Affordable housing has significant social benefits for improving its target group's quality of life. However, it also results in the loss of land transfer revenues (a lot of opportunity costs) for urban governments. The reasonable site selection of affordable housing projects depends on a rational tradeoff between these social benefits and opportunity cost of land supply. This requires deep insights into the preferences of residential location choice for both low-income and high-income residents, looking for the locations low-income residents are more preferred relatively, where means higher social benefits and lower opportunity cost. In this paper, we quantify their differences in residential location choice preferences on the basis of a large sample micro data from 2010 Beijing Urban Household Survey, using revealed preference method (Hedonic model). Our analysis units are the 1911 traffic analysis zones (TAZ) of Beijing, by comparing these two groups of people's overall willingness to pay for each TAZ, we construct an indicator for affordable housing site selection at different locations. This research can provide technical support for the affordable housing projects' site selection decisions, and contribute to the balance of both social benefits from affordable housing and the financial constraints of urban governments.

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    Effects of Corporate Credit Risk on the Earnings Management Driven by Financing Demand
    Xu Chaohui, Zhou Zongfang
    2016, 28 (7):  12-21. 
    Abstract ( 216 )   PDF (1068KB) ( 993 )  

    For the purpose of financing successfully, companies generally have the behavior of whitewashing financial statements; this phenomenon is particularly prominent in Chinese companies. In order to analyze the impact of whitewashing financial statements on corporations' credit risk, we use a sample of A-stock listed firms in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges from 2009 to 2012, and investigate the mechanism of whether earnings management affects corporations' credit risk under the drive of financing demand. Empirical results indicate that, firstly, the larger the financing demands, the higher the companies' real activities manipulation. Secondly, the companies' earnings management driven by its financing demands will increase its credit risk significantly, but different manipulation methods of earnings management will have different effects. This study reveals the effect of earnings whitewash on corporate credit risk, enriching the literature regarding earnings management, and also can help banks make credit decisions and improve delisting system of listed companies in China.

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    Media Sentiment and the Market Performance of IPOs: Theory and Evidence under Inquiry System
    Chen Pengcheng, Zhou Xiaohua
    2016, 28 (7):  22-30. 
    Abstract ( 266 )   PDF (1063KB) ( 813 )  

    This paper develops a media sentiment model under the background of inquiry system to investigate the influence mechanism of media sentiment on IPO performance. The results of the model show that media sentiment results in cognitive biases of retail investors and stimulates their market demands. Hence, the more optimistic the media sentiment is, the higher the return on the first day of IPO will be. In the long term, however, the IPO performance has a significantly negative correlation with media sentiment, showing that the effect of media sentiment on IPO first day return is temporary. At the last, this paper uses Baidu news search volume as a proxy variable for the media sentiment and tests the model according to total sample and sample of different listed section using 471 IPOs which are listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange and disclose bids of investors from Nov. 2010 to Dec. 2011. We find empirical evidence in support of the model and the impact of the media sentiment on the first day of IPO return and long-term performance in the GEM market performance is more intense.

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    Strategic Belief Interaction and Industrial Competition
    Qiao Heng
    2016, 28 (7):  31-41. 
    Abstract ( 164 )   PDF (1072KB) ( 715 )  

    In the background of current complex industrial competition in China, the intra- and inter-national complex relations have a strong influence on the beliefs in the industrial competition. This paper introduces the concept of belief, methods to compare beliefs and mechanisms in which beliefs are influenced. The model in this paper analyzes the belief-influential firm who strategically reveals belief to maximize its own expected payoff. It is proved that this belief-influential firm can profit from strategic belief revelation. This model is valuable for the best strategy formation in the industrial competition, industrial regulatory policy making, and adjustment of the industrial policy in the context of current complex economic competition. Specifically this model has important economic implication for the competition in the complex international environment.

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    Institutional Investors Heterogeneity, Accounting Conservatism and the Cost of Equity: Evidence from China's Listed Firms
    Li Zhengguang, Cao Feng, Zhao Xibo, Dong Jingyu
    2016, 28 (7):  42-52. 
    Abstract ( 271 )   PDF (1066KB) ( 890 )  

    In this paper, we use the sample data of Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies between 2007 and 2012 to explore the relationship between accounting conservatism and the cost of equity on the basis of the perspective of institutional investors heterogeneity. Empirical evidence shows that accounting conservatism has a significant negative effect on the cost of equity, and this also illustrates that the prudent financial information helps to reduce the cost of equity. Further analysis shows that, compared with unstable institutional investors, the stable institutional investors enhance the negative relationship between accounting conservatism and the cost of equity. The findings of this paper also help to provide an important reference for regulatory agencies to make policies for developing institutional investors.

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    The Influences of Large Shareholder Governance Regimes on the Value of Cash Holdings: Based on the Perspectives of Tunneling and Propping Motives
    Tang Jingqing, Liu Shuhai, Zhang Junmin
    2016, 28 (7):  53-65. 
    Abstract ( 288 )   PDF (1102KB) ( 759 )  

    To help companies employ cash policies suited for their governance environments, this paper studies the mechanism of majority shareholder governance regimes affecting the value of cash holdings from two perspectives:Tunneling and Propping motives. Based on the data between 2002 and 2013 from China's A-share listed companies, using threshold regress models, large shareholder governance regimes are divided into two types:Balance and Dictatorship, and the corresponding values of cash holdings are tested and compared. The empirical results show that, compared to Balance regime, the value of cash holdings under Dictatorship regime is lower, and this gap is more significant for non-state-owned companies. The results of further tests show that, Dictatorship regime reinforces large shareholders' Tunneling and Propping motives in non-state-owned companies, and Tunneling motives in state-owned companies, but not Propping motives in state-owned companies. The conclusion is that, companies should hold more cash under Balance regime and less cash under Dictatorship regime.

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    Study on the Existence of Ranking Effect and Effectiveness of Guiding Fund Investment Behavior
    Wu Xu
    2016, 28 (7):  66-74. 
    Abstract ( 241 )   PDF (1153KB) ( 751 )  

    How to lead the fund's investment behavior is an issue that both academia and businesses pay close attention to, and everyone is eager to know that the feasibility of using ranking guide fund's investment behavior. This paper puts forward a concept of "Ranking Effect" on the basis of internal logic about using ranking guide fund's investment behavior. Then, based on the fact that star funds' ranking can be driven by their demonstration effect, this paper designs a set of measure indicators, i.e. "Demonstration Effect Coefficient". It is found that ranking effect exists when measuring Chinese equity open-ended funds and using ranking guide fund's investment behavior is feasible.

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    Exploring the Relationship between Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution in China Based on Simultaneous Equations and State-space Model
    Wang Mingli
    2016, 28 (7):  75-84. 
    Abstract ( 240 )   PDF (1144KB) ( 1022 )  

    Most of the researches only pay attention to the one-way effect of the economy on the pollution and ignore the negative impact of pollution on the growth, leading to the diversity of the environmental Kuznets curve. This study estimates the dynamic two-way coupling relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution based on the panel data of 30 provinces during 2000-2014 using Simultaneous-equation and State-space model. The empirical results show that there exists inverted "U"-shape EKC between per capita GDP and Environmental pollution index in China. Meanwhile, we find the elasticity of economic growth to environmental pollution has been reduced after 2012, which shows that environmental protection has achieved good results and enhance coordination of environmental protection and economic growth in recent years.

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    The Mechanism Study of the Impact of ICT on Chinese National Innovation System
    Chen Zifeng, Guan Jiancheng, Lou Xuming, Xie Fengjie
    2016, 28 (7):  85-92. 
    Abstract ( 239 )   PDF (1022KB) ( 748 )  

    This paper measures the production and technology influence of ICT on other sectors. ICT manufacturing sector has shown strong impetus to other sectors while the driving force of the economy to ICT has weakened significantly since 2010. Most R&D spillover has flowed to equipment manufacturing while the spillover and merging between ICT and traditional sectors still need promotion. It does not show strong influence or sensitivity of ICT service sector. It is significant to promote the merging of ICT and other sectors to realize the ICT's potential of information infrastructure and general purpose industry for industry informatization, industrial upgrading and national innovation capacity improvement.

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    Research on E-commerce and Express Logistics Synergy Development Path
    Wu Shuping, Yu Baoqin
    2016, 28 (7):  93-101. 
    Abstract ( 377 )   PDF (1136KB) ( 1361 )  

    Under the background of "Internet +", the rapid development of E-commerce in China has greatly increased the demand for logistics services. The collaborative development and joint prosperity between E-commerce and logistics industry is a complicated dynamic process. Based on synergetic theory of order parameter, regarding the system of E-commerce and logistics delivery as two complex economic systems, the paper builds a model of evaluating the degree of synergy between them. Then an empirical study is made using the statistical data for the last ten years. The results are consistent with the actual development, and show that the development of E-commerce is higher than the logistics service industry development. The overall synergy of the two has been rising year by year, but the degree of cooperation is growing slowly, and its development is a spiral process.

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    Measurement of Privacy Leakage Tolerance on the Mobile Internet
    Li Rui, Zhang Ruijian, Li Wenli, Chen Hao
    2016, 28 (7):  102-111. 
    Abstract ( 219 )   PDF (1247KB) ( 1378 )  

    With more convenient identity authentication and information transmission, mobile Internet brings users a great deal of convenience as well as the risk of privacy leakage. With the situation that users' privacy is leaked to enterprises, the privacy leakage tolerance of mobile Internet users is proposed and analyzed from three dimensions, which are information sensitivity, receiver sensitivity and usage sensitivity, and research model is established accordingly. Based on the description and dimensions of privacy leakage tolerance, a three-order privacy leakage tolerance scale with 37 items is designed and verified. The result shows that the scale has good reliability and validity for the measurement of privacy leakage tolerance on the mobile Internet, and the data clearly show privacy leakage tolerance distribution of mobile Internet users. The measurement of privacy leakage tolerance on the mobile Internet is helpful to explain privacy paradox and to analyze users' behaviors of privacy disclosure or privacy computing. Moreover, it is conducive for mobile Internet companies to collect users' information appropriately and to protect users' privacy with target.

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    Too Much of a Good Thing: The Curvilinear Relationship between Extraversion and Sales Performance
    Liu Yue, Bai Xinwen
    2016, 28 (7):  112-119. 
    Abstract ( 295 )   PDF (1081KB) ( 944 )  

    Although it's widely accepted that extraverts are more suitable for sales jobs, extant researches have shown weak and inconsistent relationships between extraversion and sales performance, indicating a far more complicated relationship between them. The current study proposes that the relationship between extraversion and sales performance is curvilinear. Based on 235 B2B sales representatives from 34 sales teams, results support the predicted inverted-U-shaped relationship between extraversion and sales performance. Specifically, the ambiverts achieve higher sales performance than extraverts or introverts do. Further, agreeableness acts as a moderator and mitigates the negative effect of high extraversion on sales performance. Extraverts who are also high in agreeableness achieve higher performance than those less agreeable extraverts. This study provides empirical evidence for the exploration of personality-performance relationship, and offers practical implications for organizations in hiring and training employees and for job seekers in choosing jobs.

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    Influence of Advertisement Message on Consumers' Non-Fraudulent Counterfeit Purchase Intention
    Chen Jie, Wei Junlong, Yang Menghong
    2016, 28 (7):  120-129. 
    Abstract ( 257 )   PDF (1157KB) ( 818 )  

    The application of regulatory focus theory in the field of advertisement design is becoming a research focus in marketing. Past researchers find that promotion-focused message is more persuasive in gain frame than in loss frame, while prevention-focused message is more persuasive in loss frame than in gain frame. However, the ads' message persuasion effect may be different based on the regulatory focus message and message frame, because counterfeit luxury product is not only conspicuous, but also has some risk of being identified. Study 1(written message) and study 2 (video message) find that a promotion-focused message with loss frame is more effective at persuading people not to purchase counterfeit, while a prevention-focused message with gain frame is more effective. Study 3 find that this effect only appeares among consumers with strong face consciousness. Among consumers with weak face consciousness, the incongruity effect does not exist.

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    Effect of Consumers Characteristics on the Brand Extension Boundary——Based on the Perspective of Brand Association
    Zheng Chundong, Ma Ke, Wang Han
    2016, 28 (7):  130-142. 
    Abstract ( 238 )   PDF (1318KB) ( 1146 )  

    Brand extension is always restricted by the extension border of the brand. Brand association is an effective way to measure the brand extension boundary. Through conflict classification of the non-core association, main-core association and sub-core association, this paper divides the border of extension into three parts. The results show that:when the core association between the extension and the parent brand is consistent, the extension belongs to the internal of the extension border; when the main-core association is consistent but the sub-core association is of conflict, the extension is just on the extension border; while when the main-core association is of conflict between the extension and the parent brand, the extension belongs to the outside of the extension border. The extension border is dynamic. Consumers with different characteristics will show different attitudes to the extension which is just on the extension border. The innovative nature of the consumer, the way of thinking of consumer, consumer sentiment, consumer situational involvement level and owner effect are verified for the five characteristics that influence consumers' evaluation of brand extension boundary extension products.

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    Determinants of Votes of Helpfulness for Chinese Online Customer Reviews: A Moderating Effect of Product Type
    Wang Zhisheng, Li Huiying, Sun Rui
    2016, 28 (7):  143-153. 
    Abstract ( 302 )   PDF (1196KB) ( 2114 )  

    Currently, helpfulness voting mechanism of online consumer reviews used by e-commerce websites helps consumers cope with information overload and facilitates purchase decision-making. However, many online consumer reviews do not have sufficient helpfulness votes. As such, the process of effectively identifying and taking advantage of helpful reviews becomes a major focused area of scholars. This study empirically explores and identifies the determinants of helpfulness votes on online consumer reviews for search goods and experience goods on Amazon.cn. Our findings show that product type moderates the effect of review extremity on the helpfulness of the review. Our findings are expected to help consumers to better understand the helpfulness of online reviews and help e-commerce websites enhance their online review systems to receive more helpfulness votes.

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    Identifying Opportunities from Failure: The Role of Psychological Safety and Voice Behavior
    Yu Xiaoyu, Hu Zhitian, Chen Yi, Tao Xiangming, Du Xuxia
    2016, 28 (7):  154-164. 
    Abstract ( 292 )   PDF (1111KB) ( 1181 )  

    Existing studies on antecedents of opportunity identification focus the traits and behaviors of entrepreneurs, thus understate the critical role of contextual characteristics and collective cognition of entrepreneurial team. To address these gaps, we investigate the contingent effect of prior project failure experience (PPFE) of new product development (NPD) team leader on opportunity identification from the last NPD project failure. Using hierarchy regression, we examine the moderating effects of psychological safety of NPD team and voice behavior of NPD members on the relationship between PPFE and opportunities identified from the last NPD project failure, as well as the effect of psychological safety on voice behavior. Using bootstrapping approach, we examine the mediating effect of psychological safety on the moderating effect of voice behavior. The result shows that psychological safety positively moderates PPFE-opportunity identification relationship, and voice behavior partially mediates the moderating effect of psychological safety. Our results suggest that opportunities identified from project failure are contingent on organizational climate and collective sensemaking of project failure by NPD team.

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    Female Directors, Overinvestment and Variability of Corporate Performance: From the Perspective of Prudency
    Sun Liang, Zhou Lin
    2016, 28 (7):  165-178. 
    Abstract ( 326 )   PDF (1134KB) ( 1081 )  

    With the economic development and the improvement of women's status, Female directors become prevalent in Chinese listed companies, and if and how their characteristics of prudence affect the company's financial behaviors also becomes an important issue. From the perspective of prudency, we examine the female directors' governance role of overinvestment and variability of corporate performance. we find that, (1) Female directors can significantly reduce the probability of overinvestment; (2) Such governance role only exists in the overinvesting companies; (3) Female directors can also significantly decrease the variability of corporate performance; (4) The governance role of female directors is arising from the pre-risk perception rather than the degree of post-risk aversion attitude. Our research indicates that, introducing and improving the proportion of women directors in the board during ordinary business may be an effective way to improve China's corporate governance, so as to protect the interest of small investors.

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    Is Transformational Leadership Beneficial?——A Meta-analysis on the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Performance
    Zhu Hui, Zhou Gengui
    2016, 28 (7):  179-187. 
    Abstract ( 336 )   PDF (1185KB) ( 1215 )  

    The relationship between transformational leadership and performance has been a focus of leadership theory researches. Most of researches focus on relationship between transformational leadership and personal or team performance. However, there is no consensus whether transformational leadership behavior can promote organizational performance. This study meta-analytically integrates results from piles of transformational leadership researches on organizational performance. It finds a positive significant relationship between transformational leadership and organizational performance. Then it explores this relationship from the perspective of performance types, cultural differences, organizational scales and the existence of mediators. It turns out that the transformational leadership has more obvious effect on subjective performance than on objective performance and the relationship is higher without the existence of mediators. But there are no significant difference for the relationship under the eastern and western culture and on different organizational scales.

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    The Influence of Fit of Top Managers' Competency and Corporate Culture on Enterprise Performance
    Jia Jianfeng, Yan Jiaqi, Wang Nan
    2016, 28 (7):  188-199. 
    Abstract ( 292 )   PDF (1151KB) ( 1734 )  

    Based on the perspective of contingency, this paper discloses the influence of interaction of top managers' competency and corporate culture on enterprise performance. The study finds that:firstly, clan culture, hierarchical culture, market culture and flexible culture exist exactly in Chinese enterprises and have a positive influence on the enterprise performance. Secondly, Results show that top managers' competency moderates the relationship between corporate culture and enterprise performance. Specifically, relationships between clan culture and enterprise performance (financial performance and human resource performance), market culture and human resource performance of enterprises are stronger when organizational influence dimension is high rather than low; relationships between hierarchical culture and financial performance of enterprises, market culture and financial performance of enterprises, flexible culture and human resource performance of enterprises are stronger when achievement dimension is high rather than low; character dimension has no significant moderating effect on the relationships between four kinds of corporate culture and financial performance and human resource performance of enterprises. Based on the above findings, this paper analyzes and discusses the above issues and provides enlightenment of management practice, which provides theoretical basis and empirical support for training and developing top managers whose competency fits corporate culture.

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    The Formation Mechanism of Social Expectation Based on the DeGroot Model and the Effectiveness of the Center Bank's Expectation Guidance
    Kuang Xiong
    2016, 28 (7):  200-212. 
    Abstract ( 491 )   PDF (1304KB) ( 981 )  

    Based on the DeGroot's social influence model, by using the methods of complex adaptive system simulation, the paper discusses the convergence, the consensus, the speed and the accuracy of the price expectation as well as every agent' degree of influence under three social influence structures. Then, the paper further simulates the influence of the decrease of the center bank's credibility and the effectiveness of the center bank's expectation guidance. The study shows that the price expectations can converge and reach a consensus under most situations, but differ in the speed and the accuracy. The descent of the center bank's credibility will result in the slower speed of the social expectation convergence as well as the bigger expectation error. The center bank can improve the degree of its influence and the social expectation's accuracy through the guidance of the institutions and the public's expectations.

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    A Study on Social Capital and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Research: The Impact of Virtual Community Sense and Community Participation
    Xu Guang, Zhang Xue, Li Zhigang, Tian Yezhuang
    2016, 28 (7):  213-225. 
    Abstract ( 264 )   PDF (1164KB) ( 1177 )  

    This study examines the relationships between the three dimensions of social capital (structural, relational, and cognitive) and organizational citizenship behavior, in a model which posits virtual community sense as a mediator in linking social capital with organizational citizenship behavior and community participation motivation as a moderator in influencing the mediation. The model is tested with data from 416 online community members in China. Results show that virtual community sense mediates the relationships between structural, relational and cognitive social capital and organizational citizenship behavior. The study further reveals that instrumental motivation and community strengthening motivation moderate the relationship between structural, relational and cognitive social capital and organizational citizenship behavior via virtual community sense; however, the moderation of social interaction motivation on the relationship between structural, relational and cognitive social capital and organizational citizenship behavior via virtual community sense is not significant.

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    Entrepreneurial Orientation and Acquisition of Alliance Management Practices: A Coopetition Perspective
    Jiang Feifei, Jiang Xu, Zheng Zhiqing
    2016, 28 (7):  226-235. 
    Abstract ( 309 )   PDF (1102KB) ( 787 )  

    Alliance management practices refer to a series of experience, skills and processes used for alliance management, which is a particular type of firm knowledge. This study examines the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and acquisition of alliance management practices. We also apply the coopetition perspective to examine how interpartner cooperation and competition (in terms of conflict) independently and collectively shape the focal relationship. Findings from a study of 205 Chinese firms with two key informants provide general support for the theoretical predictions and associated hypotheses. Specifically, entrepreneurial orientation facilitates the focal firm's acquisition of alliance management practices from partners. Cooperation strengths the relationship significantly, while conflict hasnon-significant effect on the relationship. Additionally, a configurational approach suggests that the combination of cooperation and competition shapes the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and acquisition of alliance management practices significantly. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.

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    Business Groups, the Nature of Ownership, and Corporate Cash Holdings
    Cai Weixing, Hu Zhiying
    2016, 28 (7):  236-251. 
    Abstract ( 278 )   PDF (1207KB) ( 1000 )  

    We investigate whether business groups in China influence corporate cash holdings of the member firms, and the difference of this influence between state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises. We find that group affiliated firms have a lower corporate cash holdings than the independent ones, which means business groups act as internal capital markets. We also find that the impact of business group on corporate cash holdings varies between state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises, we find a more significant correlation in non-state-owned enterprises.

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    Effect of Connection Attributes of Platform-based Business Model Innovation on Value co-creation Based on Case Study of Airbnb
    Jiang Jihai, Li Qin
    2016, 28 (7):  252-260. 
    Abstract ( 681 )   PDF (1315KB) ( 3012 )  

    This paper aims to explore effect and mechanism of how structural features and connection attributes of the stakeholders affect value co-creation. Firstly, we propose "Value Network Plus" formed by two levels of supply and requirement stakeholders, and then emphatically introduce different characteristics between "Value Network Plus" and traditional Value Network (or Alliance Network). At the same time, we creatively bring in new perspective of "point-edge-net" of "Graph Theory", and summarize resource properties, including resource variety and resource heterogeneity, through "point" dimension; generalize connection strength and connection transparency through "edge" dimension; draw network intensity through "net" dimension. Then, according to advanced theory, such as Value Co-creation, Sharing Economy, Composition-based View, we explore internal motivation of effects from the above five connection attributes of "Value Network Plus" on value co-creation, and put forward three propositions. Finally, we use normative case study method to analyze Airbnb to prove hypotheses that we proposed. The findings show that higher level of resource abundance, relationship strength and network intensity can effectively promote sharing resource, innovating knowledge among the platform members and ultimately realize value co-creation.

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    Dynamics of Organizational Multi-Level Business-IT Alignment: A Case Study of Haier
    Wang Nianxin, Jia Yu, Ge Shilun, Su Xiang
    2016, 28 (7):  261-272. 
    Abstract ( 289 )   PDF (1412KB) ( 941 )  

    Based on theory of complex adaptive systems, this study bring forward a multi-level business and IT alignment (BITA) model, conducte a longitudinal case study of Haier Group, and analyze the dynamic process and emergence mechanism from individual-level to strategy-level BITA in dynamic environments. The results suggest that:(1) Internal (e.g., business strategy, management pattern, firm scale, and relationship between business and IT executives) and external (e.g., national policies, competitive environments, and emerging information technologies) factors influence dynamics of Haier Group's BITA; (2) In the dynamic environments, effective communications and interactions between business and IT executives play antecedent roles in realizing strategy-level alignment; (3) During the process of firms' development, firms can keep steady growth through long periods of evolutionary changes, while they can break former unaligned pattern and seize fleeting business opportunities through short periods of revolutionary changes. Based upon practical implications from Haier Group's case study, this paper provides some managerial guidelines for Chinese firms to realize dynamic BITA.

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