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    28 May 2016, Volume 28 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Effect of Diversification on Commercial Banks' Performance: A Comparison between China's and Foreign Commercial Banks
    Shang Yan, Duan Zhonghui, Li Bin, Wang Shouyang
    2016, 28 (5):  3-12. 
    Abstract ( 301 )   PDF (1072KB) ( 1697 )  

    This paper studies the effects of diversification on commercial banks' long-term performance and short-term performance. By analyzing income-based diversification and asset-based diversification separately, we find that the effect of diversification on the China's commercial banks is significantly different from that on the foreign commercial banks. The main results show that: (1) Nontraditional activities improve both the long-term performance and short-term performance of foreign commercial banks significantly; (2) Diversification could affect China's large-scale commercial banks' performance positively, but has negative effects on China's small-scale commercial banks' development; (3) A higher share of non-interest income in total income improves China's listed commercial banks' short-term performance greater than foreign commercial banks'. These findings provide a theoretical basis about the development mode for different types of China's commercial banks during the financial reform periods.

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    Monetary Policy, the Market Expectations and the Real Estate Market
    Zhong Shaoying, Wang Rui, Chen Rui
    2016, 28 (5):  13-22,84. 
    Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (1840KB) ( 1442 )  

    In this paper we study the way that monetary policy passes in the real estate market, analyze the monetary and credits channels of monetary policy and factor market participants' expectations into the model. Through theoretical analysis and empirical tests, we find that: the most important factor that affect the prices of the real estate market is market expectations, followed by monetary channels, and the credit channel has a limited impact on the real estate industry; to the residents, the fluctuations in the real estate market prices at the same time has the wealth effect and the crowding-out effect and, at present, the strength of both effects is evenly matched, so the impact of the real estate market has no significant effect on the consumption of the residents; at the same time, the consumption growth has its own laws and it is not affected by the impact of external policy shocks; deposit reserve ratio is an effective tool to regulate the total commercial bank credit; monetary channels and the market is expected to easily form a closed-loop contact and thus form a bubble in the economic boom period, so the rigidness and consistency monetary policy shall be insisted on for the formation of rational expectations.

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    Research on Financial Contagion of Emerging Country Markets
    Zhang Yi, Wu Baoxiu, Li Zhe
    2016, 28 (5):  23-34. 
    Abstract ( 237 )   PDF (1241KB) ( 1038 )  

    With the deepening of global economic and financial integration,we should place more attention on the contagion effect of global financial crisis. This paper empirically investigates the contagion effects of the global financial crisis in a multivariate Fractionally Integrated Asymmetric Power ARCH (FIAPARCH) dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) framework during the period 2001-2012. We focus on five most important emerging equity markets, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS), as well as USA during different phases of the crisis. The length and the phases of the crisis are identified based on both a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The empirical evidence does not confirm a contagion effect for most BRICS during the early stages of the crisis. As the crisis deepens, contagion effect appears but the infection time window is not synchronized. However, linkages reemerged after the Lehman Brothers collapse, suggesting a shift on investors' risk appetite. Moreover, correlations among all BRICS and USA increased from early 2009 onwards, implying that their dependence is larger in bullish than in bearish markets. These findings could be attributed to their common trade and financial characteristics and provide to some extent.

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    Research on Manufacturing Enterprises' Service Derivative Based on TRIZ
    Luo Jianqiang, Zhao Yanping, Peng Yongtao
    2016, 28 (5):  35-46. 
    Abstract ( 297 )   PDF (1336KB) ( 1265 )  

    Under the trend of continued integration of manufacturing and services, service derivative based on physical products can create greater value for both supply and demand. This is the major transformation model for China's manufacturing enterprises to climb up to the high-end of value chain, and is fit with the adjustment direction for manufacturing industry structure. The paper proposes the concept of manufacturing enterprises' service derivative for studying the characteristics of China's manufacturing enterprises' service innovation. Taking Shaanxi heavy truck development from production-oriented manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing as the research object, the paper analyzes the path, basic thought and implementation steps of manufacturing enterprises' service derivative from the value improvement perspective. The case study shows that manufacturing enterprises' service derivative based on TRIZ can effectively alleviate the shackles of technology innovation, improve breadth and depth of product service system, and create value for the enterprises and customers in a greater degree and scope, under the background of China's manufacturing enterprises taking part in the international market competition as both manufacturers and service providers. The case study result is to provide theoretical support and decision-making reference for manufacturing enterprises in China to break through technology bottleneck and implement value co-creation between supply and demand.

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    Mechanism Design and Implementation of Online Multi-attribute Procurement Auction with the Objective of Maximizing Social Welfare
    Zhu Ge, Andrew B. Whinston
    2016, 28 (5):  47-60. 
    Abstract ( 277 )   PDF (1133KB) ( 955 )  

    Given the actual requirements of government procurement online multi-attribute auction, the paper designs an optimal multiattribute reverse auction mechanism from the perspective of social welfare with the objective of maximizing the total revenue of buyers and sellers, taking advantage of the optimal mechanism design theory. The results show that the optimal payment is determined not only by its own production capacity, but also by the type of the other participants, while the optimal quality is only associated with its own production capacity. Using incomplete information game theory, the paper studies the implementation of the optimal auction mechanism from the perspective of auctioneer ruling and bidder's bidding strategy. With the decision supporting of online multi-attribute procurement platform, the auction can select the winner through the first phase of multi-attribute sealed bids, and get the optimal auction mechanism result through the second phase of multi-attribute open negotiations. Compared to the equilibrium bid result, the optimal auction mechanism slightly reduces the purchaser's income and significantly increases bidder's profits, resulting in an increase in overall welfare of buyer and seller. Theoretical analysis and case study have proved that the auction mechanism can find the optimal bidder and achieve the optimal result.

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    Study on China's VC Network Communities: Structure Recognition, Dynamic Evolution and Preference Features
    Luo Ji, Dang Xinghua
    2016, 28 (5):  61-72. 
    Abstract ( 296 )   PDF (1251KB) ( 1106 )  

    Starting with the analysis of the "clustering" phenomenon of venture investments in China's capital markets, this paper, based on the CVSource database, dynamically detects the structure of china's VC network communities with the Girvan-Newman algorithm, and discusses the structure stability. Finally, it studies the stability of the community status of VCs and the characteristics of preference between venture capital institutions. The results show that the community phenomenon is widespread and increasingly significant in China's VC network. The structure of China's VC network communities changes continuously and stably. The characteristics of China's VC network communities indicate institutions prefer partners that are heterogeneous in investment industry feature but homogeneous in investment stage and geographical distribution features. The analyses of VC network Communities contribute to study of VCs investment behavior at the network communities level, and offer an interesting new angle to look further into VC's network behavior.

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    Research on the Change Mechanism of Consumer Guilt: From the Perspective of Hermeneutic Approach
    Fei Xianzheng, You Yanfen, Fu Guoqun
    2016, 28 (5):  73-84. 
    Abstract ( 252 )   PDF (1103KB) ( 953 )  

    This paper aims to explore the change mechanism of consumer guilt from the perspective of hermeneutic approach. Based on 36 cases, this paper identifies six types of change forms of consumer guilt. And four mechanisms are unveiled. That is, natural fade-out, reciprocation, commitment and consistency, and social support. Each is moderated by several factors that can be manipulated by the firm to make full use of them.

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    Retailer Image, Category Characteristic and Purchase Intention of Store Brand
    Shan Juan, Fan Xiaojun
    2016, 28 (5):  85-95. 
    Abstract ( 248 )   PDF (1131KB) ( 1327 )  

    Previous literature have discussed extensively the effect of store image on purchase intention of store brand. However, few researches explore other external cues, especially category cues. Based on the cue utilization theory, this study explores the effect of store image, SB price-image, quality variation, level of complexity on perceived quality and purchase intention from the perspective of retailer and category cues. Structural equation modeling is used to test the research hypothesis. Our results show that store image and SB priceimage influence positively SB purchase intention; quality variation and level of complexity influence negatively SB purchase intention; perceived quality has completely mediating effect on the relationship between store image and SB purchase intention, as well as the relationship between SB price-image and SB purchase intention; perceive quality plays a partial mediating effect on the relationship between quality variation and SB purchase intention, as well as the relationship between level of complexity and SB purchase intention. Consumer's value consciousness moderates the relationship between perceived quality and SB purchase intention.

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    Family Management and Corporate Performance: the Moderating Effects of Firm Size and Concentration of Family Ownership
    Fan Libo, Liu Yunfen, Yang Jinhai
    2016, 28 (5):  96-106. 
    Abstract ( 259 )   PDF (1153KB) ( 963 )  

    Based on the sample data of the listed family firms from 2010 to 2012 in China, this paper empirically studies the relationship of family management and corporate performance among different types of family firms. We examine the effect of family management on firm performance in different types of family firms. The results show that firm size and concentration of ownership reduces the relationship between family CEOs and corporate performance respectively. We find that family CEOs will outperform in smaller firms with more concentrated ownership and underperform in larger firms with more concentrated ownership. Therefore, when a family firm becomes larger and more concentrated, professional managers should be introduced. We conclude that a family firm should establish and improve an effective governance mechanism as it grows and standardizes.

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    Utility and Matching Measure Model of Firm Resources
    Dong Xueyan, Wang Tienan, Zhao Chao
    2016, 28 (5):  107-121. 
    Abstract ( 303 )   PDF (1126KB) ( 1087 )  

    Resource matching has important effects on firm performance. This paper constructs two models to measure the resource utility and matching condition of enterprises' tangible and intangible resources based on the utility theory. We calculate the utility values and figure out the matching relationship of firm's resources. In order to ensure the feasibility and validity of the models, we collect data from manufacturing and high technology industries, including three automobile firms and two pharmaceutical enterprises, to examine the designed models. The theoretical utility and matching results are consistent with the resources input of firms in practice. The two models presented in this paper provide a theoretical evidence for measuring the usability and matching condition of firms' resources input.

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    Institutional Constraints or Institutional Induction?——Empirical Evidence from the Earnings Management Strategy Evolution in Chinese Listed Companies
    Chen Kejing, Li Yanxi, Sun Wenzhang, Yang Li
    2016, 28 (5):  122-136. 
    Abstract ( 315 )   PDF (1175KB) ( 966 )  

    This paper uses 12 years of dynamic panel data of 700 listed firms in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in the period 2001-2011 as the study sample, and applies the system GMM method to test the effect of institutional environment on accrual earnings management and real earnings management in listed companies. The study also explores the role of institutional environment during firm's earnings management strategy transition. The results show: improved institutional environment helps to curb Accruals-based earnings management by listed companies, but will induce the companies to increase real earnings management. The continuous improvement of the institutional environment and a constant promotion of marketization are designed to prevent listed companies' earnings management strategies from gradually changing from accrual-based to real earnings management. This study helps in understanding the institutional root-cause of enterprise's earnings management strategy change, as well as providing inspiration to regulatory authorities to formulate related policies to control earnings management.

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    An Empirical Study on Mechanism of CEO Successor Selection and Its Implication on Corporate Risk-taking: Based on the Perspective of CEO Successor's Age
    Liu Xin, Xue Youzhi
    2016, 28 (5):  137-149. 
    Abstract ( 290 )   PDF (1193KB) ( 904 )  

    In terms of CEO successor's age, the paper investigates the factors that affect CEO's selection and the mechanism underlying the process. Additionally, we examine corporate risk-taking following CEO succession and how it is related to CEO successor's age. In the Chinese firms where CEO succession occurred between 1998 and 2011, by exploring IV regression model, we find CEO successor's age changes with board age to the same direction; the change of CEO successor's age is negatively related to the change of corporate risk-taking following the succession. Our further test confirms that the gap between CEO successor's age and that of board give rise to the increase in likelihood of directors' leaving and decrease of firms performance after succession. Our theoretical analysis and empirical evidence not only further the understanding of the process and outcome of CEO succession, but also bear practical meaning in improving efficiency of CEO succession and encouraging firm shoulder reasonable risk to innovate without getting into financial crisis.

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    The Performance Appraisal Purpose Orientation and Employee Involvement: Analysis of the Intermediary Role of Intrinsic Motivation
    Hu Bei, Qiu Min
    2016, 28 (5):  150-160. 
    Abstract ( 375 )   PDF (1155KB) ( 1598 )  

    The performance appraisal purpose orientation is not only the key of organizational performance appraisal process implementing successfully, but also the important influence factor of employees' attitudes and behavior. Currently, there is few systematic researches on the effect relationship between performance appraisal purpose orientation and employee involvement. Through the empirical research methods such as survey and data analysis, this paper analyzes data from 421 employees, and explores the effect relationship and mechanism between performance appraisal purpose orientation and employee involvement. The results show that the evaluative performance appraisal has a significant negative impact on employee involvement and intrinsic motivation, the developmental performance appraisal has a significant positive impact on employee involvement and intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation plays a partial intermediary role between performance appraisal purpose orientation and employee involvement. Autonomy orientation does not have a moderating effect between performance appraisal purposes orientation and intrinsic motivation.

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    Non-incentive Executives' Equity Incentive, Firm Investment Mode and Private Benefits of Control
    Chen Xiaodong, Zhou Jianan
    2016, 28 (5):  161-174. 
    Abstract ( 329 )   PDF (1141KB) ( 1000 )  

    Based on the non-incentive motivation of CEO equity incentives, the hybrid model of corporate governance and CEO power, this paper divides the samples into the type of redemption and the type of welfare. Focusing on the effect on preference of investing and their consequences, we find that: (1) investment preference under two kinds of non-incentive motivation of equity incentives companies are different. The type of redemption firms are more inclined to external acquisition, the type of welfare ones are more inclined to internal investment. (2) Influencing on the form of investment selection and improving the private benefits of controls, the type of redemption equity incentive increase benefits of large controlling shareholders through M&A, and the type of welfare equity incentive improve the executive personnel on-the-job consumption levels by internal investment. These results show that the form of investment options may be a way to improve private benefits of control that implemented the non-incentive motivation of CEO equity incentive.

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    The Synergistic Effect in High Performance Human Resource Practices: Based on the Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis
    Peng Juan, Zhang Guanglei, Liu Shanshi
    2016, 28 (5):  175-185. 
    Abstract ( 423 )   PDF (1093KB) ( 1423 )  

    The benefits of human resource bundles (HR bundles) are heavily debated in the strategic human resource management literature. This study uses a configurational approach to analyze the constellation of different HR bundles in which a bundle leads to low employee turnover. Our results indicate that when the organization tries to reduce employee turnover by acquiring ability-enhancing HR bundle, the motivation-enhancing HR bundle should be implemented at the same time. Our study also finds implementing the immediate incentive and performance-based appraisal simultaneously can reduce employee turnover effectively. While the organization wants to reduce employee turnover by acquiring opportunity-enhancing HR bundle, we find some evidence for arguing that combining the other two HR practices bundles would be better. The study confirms that bundles of human resource practices would receive high organization performance empirically, and exploits the rule of how the HR bundles bind.

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    Workaholism: Research Trends, Integration and Future Direction
    Weng Qingxiong, Zang Yanwu
    2016, 28 (5):  186-198. 
    Abstract ( 333 )   PDF (1170KB) ( 1233 )  

    Although workaholism has become more and moreprevalent in the world and been concerned by many researchers, the related empirical and theoretical research is insufficient. Especially, the structure of workaholism is still undefined. Based on the analyzing the past 20-year literature, the paper explicates the definition of workaholism, discusses its structure, clarifies its antecedents and results in both individual and organizational perspectives. We also propose potential researches from the perspective of relationship between workaholism and organizational culture, performance, career growth and health.

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    A Decision-Making Model of Concession for Traffic BOT Projects under High Demand
    Song Jinbo, Jin Lulu, Fu Yanan
    2016, 28 (5):  199-205. 
    Abstract ( 206 )   PDF (1020KB) ( 816 )  

    In recent years, BOT (build-operate-transfer) arrangement has been widely applied for public utilities and infrastructure construction projects around the world, especially in the field of transportation infrastructure, which could relieve the government's financial burden and improve operating efficiency. But with the development of economy and a surge of traffic, many investors of the transportation BOT projects have gain huge profits, which seriously damage the social fairness. Aiming at the realization of maximizing the consumer surplus and the net revenue of project companies, this paper constructs a complete information dynamic game model of concession period and toll for BOT projects under high demand, which means that consumers would like to pay more than the price cap determined by government. Under the conditions of high demand and governmental toll controls, backward induction is carried out to derive the optimized concession period and toll. And further, it analyses the properties of the decision results. Finally, the proposed model is illustrated by a numerical example. The proposed decision mechanism can not only avoid the project companies to reap huge profits, but also maintain investment enthusiasm of them. Therefore, it may provide scientific decision-making reference for both the government and private sector in initial negotiation period for BOT projects.

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    Construction of the Mass Line Education Practice Performance Evaluation Index System at the Level of Provincial Government Departments: Exemplified by the Education Administration of G Province
    Gao Ning, Li Jingping, Feng Liang
    2016, 28 (5):  206-219. 
    Abstract ( 200 )   PDF (1346KB) ( 975 )  

    In order to evaluate the performance of the mass line education practice activities carried out so far, this study, based on the existing research results, specific requirements of educational practice, the general requirements and the central government's "eight provisions" and "six bans" as the important design dimension index, and by decomposition of refinement, index system formed by index selection and weight to determine, conducts a specific evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities. An empirical application of the system confirms that the performance can be determined by the evaluation index system, and the results can be used as a basis for evaluation of the specific activities for the subsequent optimization.

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    Enterprise Niche Building Business Ecological Competitive Advantage: Comparison between Yutong and Baic
    Huang Jiangming, Ding Ling, Cui Zhengyan
    2016, 28 (5):  220-231. 
    Abstract ( 355 )   PDF (1718KB) ( 1896 )  

    Thispaper takes Yutong and Baic as cases to explore patterns, process models and strategies of enterprise niche separation or overlapping, and thus to reveal competitive advantage for enterprises. Yutong and Baic have accompanied China's economic reform and opening up both after growth of more than 50 years. They have each gone through four stages of development with different breadth and strategy of enterprise niche for representative data. By comparing them, the paper derives the relationship model for separation and over-lap of enterprise niche. It also deduces niche breadth strategy to build competitive advantage in the process model. This model reveals the reasons that some enterprises have low intensity of competition, while some enterprises have intense market competition with significant product homogeneity. By specific niche strategy, an enterprise separates its innovative niche through product series and reduces the degree of market competition. However, by general niche strategy, an enterprise copies the overlapping niche through product platform to enhance the product commonality and reduce the product cost. The conclusion of this research has important practical significance for guiding the transformation and upgrading of Chinese manufacturing enterprises.

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    Value Co-Creation Through Experience Marketing: Example of Automotive Industry
    Yang Xuecheng, Xu Xiuxiu, Tao Xiaobo
    2016, 28 (5):  232-240. 
    Abstract ( 418 )   PDF (1144KB) ( 3388 )  

    Based on the value co-creation activities in automotive industry, this paper builds a case study to sum up the successful experience, and other similar value for the business to create a business to provide reference. The main theoretical contribution of the research lies in the development of the concept of value creation and experiential marketing and the presentation of the factors, and proposed the mechanism of the value creation based on experiential marketing, which provides a theoretical basis for the follow-up study. The management significance of the study is to promote enterprises need to create a transfer to participate in effective communication, active participation, continuous interaction and the formation of emotional commitment to experience marketing environment, and unified internal awareness of all aspects of the experience in creating a unified coordination to carry out the value of activities, but also need to focus on the formation, maintenance and promotion of the relationship between the parties involved.

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