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    30 August 2015, Volume 27 Issue 8 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Effects of Poverty Gap and Interest Rate on Consumption——Analysis Based on Wealth Effect
    Wu Kun, Wu Weixing, Jiang Tao
    2015, 27 (8):  3-12. 
    Abstract ( 309 )   PDF (1150KB) ( 1062 )  

    With the spirit of capitalism and life expectancy, this paper considers the consumers' inter-temporal optimal consumption path. Theoretical findings are: (1) the consumption growth rate and the average propensity of wealth to consume are positively correlated;(2) the interest rate has a negative or no effect on consumption growth rate when consumers hate risks and care about social status;(3) the coefficient between the ratio of income to wealth and the consumption growth rate is negative when consumers are risk averse. The empirical analysis, according to 24 Chinese provinces' panel data during the period of 1996 to 2012, provides the evidence for theoretical results from two dimensions of region and time. The results generate a number of testable implications for stimulating consumption.

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    A Study of Individual Rule-identity and Strategy-expectation in the Transition of Governing the Commons——Based on the Survey of Residential Community Elevator Replacement in Nanjing
    Guan Hongyu, Zhu Xianchen, Zhang Ping, Liu Yujuan
    2015, 27 (8):  13-22. 
    Abstract ( 234 )   PDF (1348KB) ( 909 )  

    As individuals live long enough in a specific policy regime, their preference and belief will change with the institution and regime correspondingly. During the transition, the change of the regime itself will cause individual cognitive adaptation crisis-preferences and beliefs fail to make the appropriate adjustments with institutional transformation. This paper focus on the feedback effect of specific regime and experience on preference and belief, especially, the effect of institution arrangement of government providing social service on the preference for public policy. Based on co-evolution of preference and institution perspective, this paper applies the individual preference-strategic expectation frame to understand the issues of common resources governance in residential community. The state and adjustment factors of rules-identity (preference) and strategy-expectation are investigated in the institutional transition of common resources governance by data acquisition and sample analysis in residential communities in Nanjing. The result shows that "vertical administrative power governing rules" is still the dominant rule-identity, while the new rule identity of "market level negotiation rule" is being learned and adjusted. In the adjustment process, individuals have low strategy-expectation on "solving by government", but the expectation on "solving by negotiation of property owners" is improved. Meanwhile, welfare care experience has effect on individuals rule identity and strategy-expectation. The individuals who experience a long time and wide range welfare regime and are cared by special administrative policy are more likely to have high rule identity of "government is responsive" while have low strategy-expectation on "solving by negotiation of property owners" in common resources governance in communities.

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    Research on Environmental Regulation Competition of China Based on Spatial Panel Model
    Wang Yucheng
    2015, 27 (8):  23-32. 
    Abstract ( 237 )   PDF (1239KB) ( 1138 )  

    Based on the panel data of 31 provinces during 1996-2012(except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), utilizing spatial panel econometric methods, this paper empirically tests the existence and patterns of environmental regulation competition among Chinese local governments. Results show a significantly existence of Chinese provincial environmental regulation competition. It also shows significant spillover effects across borders, the local governments show obvious "free-rider" motivation on the industrial pollution abatements which cost more and have positive externalities, such as industrial sulfur dioxide and powder. At the same time the competition become weaker with the increase of the proportion of environmental quality in the performance appraisal system. In addition, we find that with the development of regional economy, the intensity of environmental regulation competition shows a trend of first increase and then decrease. The evidence of competition is founded mainly in the middle part of China where economic development is in medium level, while in the eastern and west regions, the competition is relatively insignificant. Therefore, the policy making of performance appraisal system and the implementation of industrial pollution abatement should consider the spatial heterogeneity of local government competition and types of pollutants.

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    The Effect of Capital Structure on the Method of Payment in Mergers & Acquisitions——Analysis Based on the Background of China's Capital Market
    Zhao Xi, Sun Shipan
    2015, 27 (8):  33-46. 
    Abstract ( 289 )   PDF (1222KB) ( 1845 )  

    The relationship between capital structure and the method of payment is a core issue in mergers and acquisitions. However, previous studies did not focus on the effect of features of the capital market stage on the relationship between capital structure and methods of payment. In this paper, we research the impact of capital structure on payment methods in the context of china's capital market. The findings show that leverage deficit has a significant impact on the method of payment. That's to say, the higher the leverage deficit, the smaller the possibility of mergers and acquisitions with the cash payment, which is defined as "deficit timing effects" in this paper. The role of leverage deficit on method of payment has a significant difference between market downturn and rising period, which is called "payment timing effect". Finally, we propose some policy implications of these research findings. The conclusions of this paper can contribute to capital structure theory in the field of mergers & acquisitions and payment theory in the emerging and transitional capital markets with Chinese characteristics, and also can improve the scientific level of corporate decision of payment.

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    The Relationship between Industrialization and Grain Production: Basis Underlying the Industrialization of Core Grain-producing Areas
    Wang Jing, Yang Hongen, Zhang Zhiming, Tian Xiaoyan
    2015, 27 (8):  47-55. 
    Abstract ( 187 )   PDF (1131KB) ( 1025 )  

    Food security has always been a major strategic focus in China's economy development, social stability and national independence. Accordingly, whether the core grain-producing provinces should vigorously pursue the industrialization has become a bone of contention. This paper firstly gives the theoretical assumptions by describing some domestic and foreign phenomenon, namely, under certain conditions industrialization can promote the improvement of food production. Next, this paper establishes the mathematical and econometric models, and carries out the empirical study on the base of 1995-2003 panel data of 6 core grain-producing provinces. Results show that, Henan, Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang lie in the take-off stage where industrialization can improve grain yields, and Hebei and Shandong lie in the advanced stage where their industrialization level is far from threshold value to maximize grain yields. Therefore, all the six provinces should continue to promote the industrialization process. This paper proves that at different levels the industrialization may increase or decrease grain production.

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    Aging Affects Innovation?——An Analysis Based on Literature
    Yao Dongmin, Li Sanxi, Lin Sisi
    2015, 27 (8):  56-67. 
    Abstract ( 402 )   PDF (1270KB) ( 2090 )  

    This paper surveys the literature on the relationship between aging and innovation. Substantial evidence supports the hypothesis that aging affects innovation through cognitive ability and human capital. In general, there is an inverted U shape relationship between age structure and innovation, which is measured by patents, technology progress and TFP. The magnitude of the effect of age structure on innovation varies across countries, due to countries' heterogeneity.

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    IT Business Value Reinvestigation: From the Efficiency and Effectiveness Perspective
    Zhu Xiaowu
    2015, 27 (8):  68-76. 
    Abstract ( 203 )   PDF (1137KB) ( 818 )  

    The controversy of IT business value has been a hot issue in recent years. It is a new perspective to evaluate IT business value from efficiency and effectiveness. The triangle model of IT allocation efficiency, IT effectiveness and input-output efficiency is proposed. We analyze the data of Macao hotel industry from 2001 to 2011 by the adjusted three-stage Data Envelopment Analysis. It shows that after the massive investment on IT of Macau hotels in 2006 and 2007 the pure technology efficiency from 2008 to 2011 is higher than that from 2000 to 2003. The efficiency of the resource usage is improved by IT. IT effectiveness has a significant relationship with input-output efficiency, which means IT helps to improve the hotel performance. There is no significant relationship between IT allocation efficiency and IT effectiveness, which means there should be more improvement to optimize the planning of IT resource allocation. The findings offer a new perspective and research methodology for IT business value theory and provide decision reference for the hotel managers and policy makers.

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    Effect of Factors of Collaborative Innovation and Collaborative Modes on Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study Based on 316 SMEs of Yangtze River Delta
    Xie Xuemei, Wu Yonghui, Zhao Yang
    2015, 27 (8):  77-89. 
    Abstract ( 317 )   PDF (1328KB) ( 1192 )  

    Collaborative innovation has become an effective way for SMEs to improve their ability to innovate under the context of open innovation. On the basis of the literature review, this paper identifies and summarizes five categories of factors affecting the collaborative innovation of SMEs and nine collaborative modes. And it explores the interactive relationship between factors, collaborative modes and innovation performance based on the data of 316 manufacturing SMEs in 16 cities of Yangtze River Delta, using structural equation modeling. The results show that: (1) five categories of factors including "corporate body", "knowledge and technology", "coordination mechanism", "collaborative network" and "social relationship network" have significant and positive effects on innovation performance of enterprises;(2) four categories of factors including "corporate body", "knowledge and technology", "coordination mechanism", and "collaborative network" have significant and positive effects on collaborative modes of enterprises;however, "social relationship network" does not show any effect on collaborative modes of enterprises;and (3) collaborative modes have significant and positive effect on innovation performance of enterprises.

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    Abusive Leadership and Employee Creativity: The Effect of Employee Self-concept
    Qu Rujie, Wang Lin, Shang Jie, Shi Kan
    2015, 27 (8):  90-101. 
    Abstract ( 479 )   PDF (1242KB) ( 2021 )  

    The current study tests the impact of abusive leadership on employee creativity, especially to explore the mediating role of follower creative self-efficacy between abusive leadership and employee creativity, and the moderating role of follower organization-based self-esteem. Using a sample of leader-follower dyads from a high-tech enterprise in mainland China, The results indicate that: (1) abusive leadership is significantly and negatively related to employee creativity, (2) creative self-efficacy partially mediates the relationship between abusive leadership and employee creativity, (3) follower organization-based self-esteem plays a moderating role between abusive leadership and employee creativity. Discussions, implications and future research are put forward finally.

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    Regulatory-focused Leadership: Construct Development and Testing
    Shang Yufan, Li Lei
    2015, 27 (8):  102-116. 
    Abstract ( 249 )   PDF (1336KB) ( 1121 )  

    Leaders should be a key source of regulatory focus guidance for employees. Yet, little empirical research focuses on a regulatory focus dimension of leadership. We propose an integrated perspective for understanding regulatory-focused leadership and offer a constitutive definition of the regulatory-focused leadership construct. In a series of interlocking studies, we investigate the viability and importance of this construct. We develop and test a new instrument to measure regulatory-focused leadership, examine the proposed connections of regulatory-focused leadership with other constructs in a nomological network, and demonstrate its predictive validity for important employee outcomes.

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    Study on Influence of Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment——Test on Intermediary Function on Career Growth
    Zhang Wei, Liu Yanping
    2015, 27 (8):  117-126. 
    Abstract ( 300 )   PDF (1336KB) ( 2065 )  

    This paper discusses the influential mechanism of organizational culture on organizational commitment regarding organizational culture as independent variable, organizational commitment as dependent variable, and employees' career growth as intermediary variable. Through statistics and analysis of 385 effective samples, the paper draws the following conclusions: firstly, employee-oriented culture is positively related to organizational commitment, and result-oriented culture is negatively related to organizational commitment;secondly, employee-oriented culture has an appreciable influence on career growth, result-oriented culture has a negative influence on career growth;thirdly, in the influence of organizational culture on organizational commitment, career growth plays an incomplete intermediary role, the sub-dimension of career growth has different influences on intermediary effect between sub-dimension of organizational culture and organizational commitment.

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    Workplace Exclusion, Peripherization and Its Influence on Employee Turnover: The Moderating Roles of Employee Job Performance
    Ye Rensun, Ni Changhong, Huang Shunchun
    2015, 27 (8):  127-140. 
    Abstract ( 516 )   PDF (1253KB) ( 1549 )  

    Based on social identity theory and relational theory, this study aims to extend the research of turnover by illustrating the linkage between workplace exclusion and turnover intention. Through analyses of matched sample of 276 employees and their 90 supervisors, it finds that both workplace exclusion and peripherization have positive influence on employee turnover intention and that coworker exclusion other than supervisor exclusion has more influence on turnover intention, whereas workplace exclusion has positive influence on peripherization. Mediating analyses illustrate that job security mediates the relations between both workplace exclusion and peripherization on turnover intention. Finally, it analyzes the moderation roles of employee job performance. Results show that job performance moderates the relations between coworker exclusion, peripherization, job security and turnover intention, meaning that with higher job performance these relations tend to weaken.

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    A Social Network Perspective on Learning Orientation and External Knowledge Acquisition
    Jiang Xu
    2015, 27 (8):  141-149. 
    Abstract ( 224 )   PDF (1173KB) ( 823 )  

    Drawing on a social network perspective, this study investigates how learning orientation affects firms' knowledge acquisition from external relational networks. To understand the important role of social capital in the process of knowledge acquisition, it also examines how social ties (business and political) independently and collectively shape the linkage between learning orientation and external knowledge acquisition. Results from 272 Chinese firms suggest that learning orientation facilitates firms' knowledge acquisition from external relational networks. The contingency analysis provides evidence that firms' over-emphasis on business ties destroys the positive effect of learning orientation on knowledge acquisition. A configurational test suggests that the three-way interaction between learning orientation and different levels of business ties and political ties have distinct effects on external knowledge acquisition.

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    The Construct of Alliance Management Ability and Its Influence on Alliance Portfolio Performance from the View of Routines
    Liu Jingdong, Du Pengcheng
    2015, 27 (8):  150-162. 
    Abstract ( 234 )   PDF (1326KB) ( 897 )  

    Based on the perspective of evolutionary economics routines, this paper conceptualizes and operationalizes alliance management capability through the empirical study. The authors analyze the influence mechanism of alliance experience, alliance structures on alliance management capability, and further demonstrate what impacts alliance management capability, alliance experience and alliance structures have on alliance portfolio performance based on survey data from 212 R&D alliance enterprises in three high-tech zones of Xi'an, Chengdu and Chongqing. The results show that alliance management capability is the multidimensional combination that is composed of a series of alliance practice ability and includes alliance sensing routines, interorganizational coordination routines, alliance portfolio coordination routines, alliance learning routines and alliance transformation routines and alliance management capability directly affects alliance portfolio performance. At the same time, alliance management capability plays full mediating role in the relationship between alliance experience and alliance portfolio performance and plays partial mediating role in the relationship between alliance structures and alliance portfolio performance. In conclusion, the findings of this study not only enrich and complement the research at the network level, but also provide theoretical support for promoting alliance management capability of enterprises.

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    An Experimental Study on Merger Strategy with Two Bidders' Cooperation and One Target's Goodwill under Incomplete Information
    Mu Qingbang
    2015, 27 (8):  163-175. 
    Abstract ( 221 )   PDF (1196KB) ( 899 )  

    The paper tries to verify the merger strategy, including pricing strategy, shareholding strategy and timing strategy, in theories with two bidders' cooperation and one target's goodwill under incomplete information, through experiment. Firstly, it puts forward six hypotheses based on the existing theoretical researches and emerging methods for validation study;Secondly, taking the situation with single bidder and single friendly target enterprise as the benchmark, it sets the experimental variables, grouping, experimental procedures, experimental process control and defines the payoff function, through setting different experimental parameters to characterize and distinguish different experiment situation and grouping, both covering the benchmark situation and the friendly merger with two bidders' cooperation;Finally, through the statistical measurement study, the results show that, under incomplete information, the collaborative yield, the control premium rate and the equilibrium price in M &A bargaining change in a cooperative direction;the higher the collaborative yield is, the shorter time the negotiation takes, while it is otherwise for the control premium rate;The more useful information exist, the sooner the M &A opportunities comes;The "threshold effect" of initial holdings accelerates the M&A activity;The cooperation between two bidders reduces the equilibrium price in bargaining;The collusion between the two sides of M&A is a factor that reduces the resource allocation efficiency of capital market, but not the leading one.

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    The Paradigm of Consuming Behavior to Traceable Sub-tropic Fruits under the Background of Quality Safety: The Moderating Effects of Purchase Experience
    Zhang Bei, Lin Jiabao
    2015, 27 (8):  176-189. 
    Abstract ( 275 )   PDF (1354KB) ( 921 )  

    The purchase behavior to traceable sub-tropic fruits is a key factor affecting the effective implementations of the traceability system of their quality and safety. Examining the paradigm of consuming behavior to traceable sub-tropic fruits is vitally important to assist fruit companies to make reasonable strategies attracting consumers to buy the fruits, promote sustained and healthy development of fruit industry and protect the safety of fruit quality. Therefore, this study builds a model of consumer purchase behavior of traceable sub-tropic fruits and examines the effects of six antecedent variables including information quality, product display, traceability, security, trust and preference on purchase intention and purchase behavior. We collect 321 valid respondents from Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan and use structure equation modeling for empirical test and analysis. The results show that information quality, product display, traceability, security, trust and preference have differently positive influences on purchase intention and purchase experience has important moderating effects on the causal relationships between purchase intention and its antecedents.

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    The Influencing Mechanism of Internet Financial Brand Extension: Based on the Technology Acceptance Model
    Shan Miyuan, Long Teng, Zhang Renlong
    2015, 27 (8):  190-199. 
    Abstract ( 308 )   PDF (1181KB) ( 1225 )  

    Brand extension in the context of internet finance has attracted increasing scholarly attention in the past few years. By considering both the traditional brand extension factors and internet financial context, the current study builds the internet financial brand extension theoretical model based on the technology acceptance model. Then we test our model using the Alipay's extension to YuE Bao and CunJin Bao to find the key factors and the mechanism influencing internet financial brand extension. The results indicate that the attitude of parent brand can be transferred to its extended products, and positively influences the brand extension evaluation. In addition, both the brand trust and the perceived fit between the parent brand and the extension product positively influence brand extension evaluation. In the context of internet finance, the perceived tie positively influences brand extension evaluation, and the attitude of parent brand positively influences the brand trust, perceived fit and perceived tie. The results provide some implications for promoting internet financial product.

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    A Model of Public Opinion Dissemination on Online-Offline Networks
    Yu Kai, Rong Lili, Guo Wenqiang, Liu Quan, Yan Kesheng
    2015, 27 (8):  200-212. 
    Abstract ( 397 )   PDF (1567KB) ( 2155 )  

    To date, researches on the model and its evolution mechanism of public opinion dissemination have largely focused on two separate networks perspectives, namely, online social networks (online networks) and offline physical contacting networks (offline networks). However, public opinions in the real-world are disseminated on online social networks and offline networks simultaneously. Hence, a single online or offline network perspective is not sufficient to capture and reveal transmission dynamics model of public opinions in line and offline networks. The results of experimental simulation and case validation well support the reality. In the current research, we develop a model based on bilayer-coupled networks including both online and offline networks. Moreover, drawing on the theories of communication and social psychology, we propose the symmetric and asymmetric dissemination mechanisms for promotion and inhibition between onoretical analysis by showing that: i) under the symmetrical dissemination mechanism, both the assortative and disassorative links can promote the dissemination speed and range of public opinions in a bilayer network. Interestingly, the coupled small-world networks always yield the most effective diffusion;ii) under the asymmetrical dissemination mechanism, the assortative link outperforms the disassortative link on the role of inhabiting public opinion dissemination on online-offline networks. Our findings provide practitioners with theoretical and practical implications of adopting both qualitative and quantitative methods to handle various public opinion disseminations.

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    Research on Relation Governance of Public Project in Chinese Context: Definition, Structure and Scale
    Deng Jiaojiao, Yan Ling, Wu Shaoyan
    2015, 27 (8):  213-222. 
    Abstract ( 245 )   PDF (1181KB) ( 1538 )  

    Relation governance of public project is one of the most critical factors influencing the performance of project management, and the nature uncovering and standards measuring of it become premises and keys of correlative studies. Based on both qualitative and quantitative research methods, semi-structured interviews are conducted with 26 persons who are expert at public project construction or public project research, and the contents structure of relation governance of public project are explored in Chinese context according to the encoding method of grounded theory. The results show that the contents structure includes trust, commitment, communication, collaboration and industry practice. Based on these, measurement scale of the relation governance of public project is developed and the data collected through questionnaires is empirically analyzed. It shows that the scale of relation governance of public project has credible reliability and validity, and can provide a consultative measurement framework for follow-up studies.

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    Normative Assessment of the Theoretical Construction——Comparative Study Based on Content Analysis
    Su Jingqin, Zhang Linlin
    2015, 27 (8):  223-233. 
    Abstract ( 271 )   PDF (1181KB) ( 1093 )  

    As a research strategy, case study can be used to better understand and describe complex phenomena, in which the theoretical construction case study can be more accurate interpretation of the enterprise managerial behavior because of its exploratory nature. This paper presents the normative indicators of theoretical construction case study based on summary analysis, and using these indicators to evaluate literatures of the top international journal AMJ between 1990 and 1999, also between 2001and 2010. By encoding the two-stage literatures, refining and contrast, we find that case selection, unit of analysis, different division description of investigators, triangle evidence, definition and measurement of construct of the ten normative indicators have improved greatly. But unit of analysis, team based researches, different roles for multiple investigators, mixed of quantitative and qualitative data of the four indicators are still at a lower level attention. Draft case study, pilot case and case study database are at a low level, and need to be strengthened.

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    How to Create TV+ Business Model: A Case Study of “The Fairies' New Dresses”
    Zhang Qian, Li Jingyu, Rao Jiayi, Qiao Han, Wang Shouyang
    2015, 27 (8):  234-240. 
    Abstract ( 271 )   PDF (1782KB) ( 1533 )  

    In recent years, the policy on the integration of three networks has been implemented with the popularity of the Internet and new media, which brings new challenges and opportunities to the traditional TV industry. Therefore, the TV industry pays much attention to the innovation of television programs and their business models. Up till now, there have been some successful cases. Owing to the typical business model innovation of "The Fairies' New Dresses", this paper chooses it to analyze its TV + business model based on the theories of stakeholders, exploring the enlightenments for the developments of related industries further.

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