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    Economic and Financial Management
    Research on the Industrialization Development of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Projects from the Perspective of Reciprocity Preference
    Ding Lili, Ma Wen, Bai Yu
    2024, 36 (1):  3-15. 
    Abstract ( 179 )   PDF (2134KB) ( 161 )  
    The industrialization development of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) projects is an important means for the government to accelerate the realization of future emission reduction targets. Its development requires the cooperation of energy enterprises, financial institutions and other departments under government guidance. As an irrational emotion affecting cooperation, reciprocity preference motivates one party to act not only for its own benefits, but also out of altruism, with the return of other parties in mind. Therefore, this paper introduces reciprocity preference into the evolutionary game model including power producers, CCUS operators and banks to explore the irrational influencing factors and micro mechanism of CCUS industrialization development. The results show that, from the perspective of promoting the industrialization development of CCUS projects, (1) when both power producers and CCUS operators are rational, CCUS operators are less willing to invest in CO2 transport and storage technologies, and the industrialization development of CCUS projects cannot be achieved; (2) when only power producers have reciprocal preference, there is a reasonable range of reciprocal preference, so that the industrial development of CCUS projects can reach Pareto equilibrium and social resources can be effectively allocated; (3) when only CCUS operators have reciprocal preference, it is also conducive to promote the industrialization of CCUS projects, but compared with the reciprocal preference of power producers, the effect is weak; (4) when both parties have reciprocity preference, "medium and low reciprocity preference of power producers + high reciprocity preference of CCUS operators" is the best scenario. Finally, based on the above conclusions, policy recommendations are given to promote the industrialization development of CCUS projects, with the aim of promoting the healthy development and promotion of CCUS industrialization projects.
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    Environmental Regulation, Investment Efficiency and Enterprise Total Factor Productivity
    Zhang Huilin, Niu Haipeng, Zhang Pingdan
    2024, 36 (1):  16-28. 
    Abstract ( 150 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 165 )  
    The relationship between environmental regulation and productive efficiency is key to promoting green development and sustainable economic growth. Porter's Hypothesis gives the theoretical basis for environmental regulation to improve production efficiency and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Using the sum of the existing environmental laws and government regulations in each province (accumulated year by year) to characterize environmental legislation, and the intensity of pollution charges in each province to characterize environmental law enforcement, this paper takes the listed companies in Chinese manufacturing industry as the research objects to examine the influence of the intensity of environmental regulations on the total factor productivity (TFP) of enterprises, and the mediating effect of investment efficiency. The results show that strengthening environmental regulations can promote the TFP of listed manufacturing companies during the sample period, and investment efficiency plays a part of the intermediary role. However, there is heterogeneity in asset size and listed enterprises under different industry classifications. More specifically, environmental legislation can increase the TFP of large enterprise enterprises and non-heavy polluting enterprises by improving investment efficiency, while environmental enforcement increases the TFP of medium and small enterprises and heavy polluting enterprises by improving investment efficiency. In addition, the mechanisms of mediating effects are heterogeneous across different types of enterprises.
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    Research on the Dynamic Evolution and Influence Factors of the Coupling Coordination Development of the Economy-Energy-Environment System
    Chai Jian, Tian Lingyue, Zhang Xiaokong
    2024, 36 (1):  29-41. 
    Abstract ( 220 )   PDF (2256KB) ( 291 )  
    In China the contradiction between the economic development driven by energy consumption and the environmental governance has become so sharp that the economy-energy-environment (3E) system has to be developed in a coordinated and coupling manner to effectively promote the transformation toward green and low-carbon economy. In view of this, this paper uses China's provincial panel data from 2004 to 2018 to measure the coupling coordination degree of the 3E system in 29 provinces and municipalities (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Tibet, and Yunnan) using the coupling coordination degree and spatial panel model, examines the dynamic evolution law and spatial spillover effects and conducts accurate identification and policy discussions on the influencing factors of the coupling and coordinated development of the 3E system. The results show that although the coupling coordination degree of China's provincial 3E system has improved, the "polarization" has intensified. Overall, the evolution presents the agglomeration characteristics of positive spatial correlation. The positive externalities of green investment and human capital improvement can effectively promote the coupling and coordinated development of the 3E system. The rapid advancement of industrialization and urbanization and the structural imbalance of social investment have become important factors that inhibit the coordinated development of the 3E system.
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    Measurement and Evolution Analysis of China's Economic Dual Circulation Pattern from a Provincial Perspective
    Zhang Yibing, Li Shantong, He Jianwu, Zhou Mingsheng
    2024, 36 (1):  42-52. 
    Abstract ( 133 )   PDF (3378KB) ( 111 )  
    This paper divides, by the final demand source channel, the domestic and international dual circulation into four parts:intra-provincial circulation, inter-provincial circulation, foreign circulation and interactive circulation. Then, based on the input-output model, this paper constructs measurement indicators for the dual circulation pattern at the provincial level in China to systematically analyze the circular structure characteristics and evolution trends of each province from 1987 to 2017, and clarify the performance characteristics of the new development pattern at the provincial level. The research above reaches four conclusions. Firstly, intra-provincial circulation accounts for a declining percentage, but still has an important impact on the economy, especially in regions with a large population and a relatively complete industrial system, where the economic role of intra-provincial circulation is more prominent. Secondly, with the improvement of domestic infrastructure and the refinement of regional division of labor, the share of inter-provincial circulation has significantly increased, and the economic benefits of inter-provincial circulation are more dispersed in space, benefiting more provinces. Thirdly, the overall trend of international circulation is characterized by an upward trend followed by a downward trend. After 2008, the external environment has changed, and the driving force of the international market on the economy of various provinces has slowed down, resulting in a decrease in the overall proportion of international circulation. Fourthly, the domestic and international interaction cycle shows a fluctuating upward trend. In recent years, with the deepening of openness and industrial upgrading, the proportion of processing trade has gradually decreased, and the production that requires internal and external coordination and division of labor cooperation is increasing. The connection between domestic circulation and international circulation is becoming increasingly close.
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    Calculation and Influencing Factors of Capacity Utilization of Equipment Manufacturing Industry in the Yangtze River Economic Belt: From the Perspective of Enterprise Heterogeneity
    Deng Shicheng, Wu Yuming, Xu Jifang
    2024, 36 (1):  53-70. 
    Abstract ( 136 )   PDF (1601KB) ( 92 )  
    Resolving overcapacity and improving capacity utilization are the primary tasks of China's industrial economic structure transformation and upgrading. Based on the database of Chinese industrial enterprises from 1998 to 2013, this paper calculates the capacity utilization of equipment manufacturing industry in the Yangtze River Economic Belt by using the transcendental logarithmic cost function method, and explores the influencing factors of capacity utilization and its heterogeneity from theoretical and empirical perspectives. The findings are as follows. Firstly, the capacity utilization of the equipment manufacturing industry in the Yangtze River Economic Belt has phased characteristics, and its fluctuation trend is basically consistent with the economic cycle. Compared with industry and ownership levels, the problem of overcapacity appears more at the regional level. Secondly, variable input factor prices dominate the overcapacity of equipment manufacturing industry in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. In addition, technological progress and market regulation have a positive effect on capacity utilization, and government intervention has a negative effect on capacity utilization. Thirdly, government intervention weakens the positive effect of market regulation on capacity utilization, and the impact of the government and the market on capacity utilization shows a marginal decreasing effect. Finally, the impact of various factors on capacity utilization is subject to multiple constraints of regional, ownership, and industry heterogeneity, with obvious structural characteristics.
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    The Influence of the Transition of Distribution Channels of Monetary Base on the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy
    Wang Shaolin, Lin Jianhao, Xu Shuyi
    2024, 36 (1):  71-86. 
    Abstract ( 76 )   PDF (2651KB) ( 71 )  
    The decline in the effectiveness of monetary policy is a typical fact of China's macroeconomic policies in recent years, so exploring the underlying reasons and optimization measures has become an important topic in the theoretical and practical circles. For this reason, based on the perspective of the changes in the distribution channels of monetary base, this paper first conducts a theoretical analysis, and then demonstrates at multiple levels how the changes in the distribution channels of monetary base affect the effectiveness of China's monetary policy through macroeconomic effect analysis and micro-mechanism testing. The research reaches the following conclusions. First, according to the estimation results of the VAR model with time-varying parameters, the macroeconomic effects of different channels of monetary base are quite different, but no obvious time-varying characteristics have been found, so one of the important reasons for the decline in the effectiveness of China's monetary policy is the structural changes of distribution channels of monetary base. Second, in terms of micro-mechanisms, there are big differences in the effects of different distribution channels of monetary base on corporate investment, which is an important channel for the distribution of monetary base to affect the effectiveness of monetary policy. Third, there are significant differences in the ability of different distribution channels of monetary base to ease corporate financing constraints. Based on this, this paper puts forward constructive suggestions for optimizing the effectiveness of China's monetary policy.
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    Dynamic Evolution and Trend of Land Use Change Research: A Bibliometric Analysis Based on the WoS Core Database for 1990—2020
    Wang Duomin, Yu Haibo, Huangfu Yubin, Wei Yanying, Dong Zuoji
    2024, 36 (1):  87-102. 
    Abstract ( 192 )   PDF (3454KB) ( 586 )  
    Land use change is one of the key factors that lead to global upheavals in ecosystem, human health and economic development. This paper conducts a bibliometric analysis and draws a knowledge map in relation to land use change literature in the core database of Web of Science from 1990 to 2020. The results show that research focus in the field of land use change is on spatiotemporal pattern, driving mechanism and impact of land use change. Based on a co-citation analysis, we sort out the evolution of land use change into three stages. The first stage is a spatial model of land use change. The second stage is land use change and interdisciplinary research. The third stage evolves into the impact of land use change on areas such as biodiversity, forest change, climate change and hydrology. We find three priorities for future researches in the field of land use change by burst-term analysis. (1) Global environmental and policy responses to land use change; (2) Improving the resolution and accuracy of urban sprawl models based on multi-source spatial geographic data and multi-scale data; and (3) Assessing the impact of land use change on ecosystem services and formation mechanisms. Bibliometric analysis on these emerging research hotspots can improve existing theoretical researches on land use change, which is not only illuminating for the interdisciplinary research on land use change, but also provides a reference for policy formulation in territorial spatial planning.
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    Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management
    Evolutions and Implications of Enterprise Innovation Models over the Past Century
    Liu Xielin
    2024, 36 (1):  103-106. 
    Abstract ( 109 )   PDF (1088KB) ( 98 )  
    The prevailing innovation paradigm of an era is shaped by the concurrent advancement of new technologies and the impetus derived from economic and societal transformations. During the first Industrial Revolution, innovation primarily emanated from inventors. In the second Industrial Revolution, characterized by laboratory-based innovation, this model assumed a more organizational structured form. The third Industrial Revolution heralded the age of open innovation and internet-driven creativity, with Silicon Valley taking the lead. Presently, with the advent of the fourth Industrial Revolution, we are entering the era of internet digital innovation. Throughout history, there have been winners and losers. Only by aligning with the currents of change can an enterprise aspire to endure and evolve into a centennial stalwart.
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    Impact of Green Finance Policy on Green Technological Innovation and the Mechanism Underlying the Impact—A Quasi-natural Experiment Based on Reform and Innovation Pilot Zone
    Shi Xing, Zhang Ya
    2024, 36 (1):  107-118. 
    Abstract ( 197 )   PDF (1986KB) ( 252 )  
    China announced the establishment of green finance reform and innovation pilot zones in 2017. Does the establishment of the pilot zone contribute to enterprise green technological innovation? And through which pathways? Based on green patent data of China's A-share listed companies during 2008-2019, this paper adopts the difference-in-differences (DID) approach to investigate the above-mentioned questions. Results show that the establishment of the pilot zones significantly promotes both the quantity and quality of enterprise green technological innovation. After a series of robustness checks, the conclusions are still consistent. Dynamic analyses demonstrate that the pilot zones have a long-term promotion effect on high-quality green technological innovation. Further analyses find that the pilot zones could affect both the quantity and quality of green technological innovation through alleviating financing constraints. In contrast, the pilot zones only affect the quality of green technological innovation through reinforcing environmental regulation. Heterogeneity analyses suggest that the promotion effect of the pilot zones differs across firms with different ownership structures, in industries with varying intensities of pollution, and in various types of industries. These findings provide empirical evidence and policy implications for China to improve the green finance policy system.
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    Research on the Impact of Parallel Search and Synergistic Catching-up of Latecomers Mediated by Resource Reconfiguration
    Li Huahua, Feng Xiaobin, Ma Xiaoshu
    2024, 36 (1):  119-130. 
    Abstract ( 97 )   PDF (1677KB) ( 93 )  
    In the context of transformation driven by both technology and market, it is worth paying more attention to how latecomers could realize the synergistic catching-up of technology and market, instead of falling into the dilemma of "ending up laggard despite repeated catch-up". Based on the theory of innovative search, resource reconfiguration and latecomer catch-up, this paper constructs a framework for the relationship between parallel search and synergistic catching-up (SCU), introduces resource reconfiguration as a mediating variable, and then explores the impact of parallel search on SCU. Using survey samples from 212 latecomer enterprises, the proposed hypotheses are tested. And the mediation effect of resource reconfiguration is further tested by the method of Bootstrap. The results are as follows. (1) Leading search and following search have positive effect on the SCU of latecomers. (2) Leading search has a positive effect on resource reorganization but a negative effect on resource reallocation, while following search is the opposite. (3) Both resource reorganization and resource reallocation promote SCU, and either plays a partial mediating role between leading/following search and SCU.
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    New Energy Vehicle Promotion Policy, Financing Constraints and Green Technology Innovation
    Ren Xiaosong, Sun Sha, Ma Qian, Shao Shuai
    2024, 36 (1):  131-148. 
    Abstract ( 174 )   PDF (1447KB) ( 173 )  
    Finding out whether new energy vehicle promotion policies can effectively promote the green technology innovation of enterprises has important strategic significance for China to achieve green and low-carbon transformation. Taking the data of A-share listed companies in China's automobile manufacturing industry from 2009 to 2020 as samples, this paper adopts difference-in-difference model to explore the impact of new energy vehicle promotion policies on green technology innovation of enterprises and the mechanism underlying the impact. The results show that the promotion policies induce the green technology innovation behavior of enterprises, but it is more inclined to substantive green technology innovation. Promotion policies stimulate green technology innovation of enterprises through slow release of financing constraints. At the same time, the optimism of investors can strengthen the mediating effect of financing constraints on the promotion policies and green technology innovation, while CSR fulfillment can only strengthen the moderating effect of the promotion policies on financing constraints. In addition, the promotion policies have a more obvious promoting effect on green technology innovation of non-state-owned enterprises, enterprises with high R&D level and enterprises with high market environment. From the adjustment perspective of investor sentiment and corporate social responsibility, this paper provides new literature and empirical evidence for the mechanism of China's new energy vehicle promotion policies to improve corporate green technology innovation, and provides reference for the government to implement targeted policies and enterprises to effectively carry out green technology innovation.
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    Understanding Green Consumer Behavior from the Perspective of Group Empathy—The Moderating Effect of Self-Other Overlap
    Mou Yupeng, Qi Xiaoyan, Ding Zhihua
    2024, 36 (1):  149-160. 
    Abstract ( 158 )   PDF (1362KB) ( 251 )  
    There is often a gap between consumer attitude and behavior in green consumer behavior. Considering the special consumer group and social network characteristics of Generation Z consumers, this study builds a process model of the impact of consumer environmental concerns on green consumption behavior based on the theory of empathy, and explores the moderating driving effect of self-other overlap. The results show that environmental concern has a significant positive impact on green consumption behavior, and empathy plays a mediating role between environmental concern and green consumption behavior. In addition, in the context of group social interaction, self-other overlap plays a moderating role between environmental concern and group empathy, and improving consumers' self-other overlap can significantly improve consumers' green consumption intentions.
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    A Mixed-method-based Research on Consumers' Purchase Intention at Double 11 Online Shopping Carnival: Affective and Cognitive Perspectives
    Shiau Wenlung, Yuan Ye, Shi Puxi, Ouyang Taohua
    2024, 36 (1):  161-174. 
    Abstract ( 170 )   PDF (1403KB) ( 225 )  
    Since its rapid development from 2009, the Double 11 Online Shopping Carnival has attracted wide attention from industry and academia in recent years. This paper takes the topic of how important factors affect consumers' purchase intention through affective and cognitive involvement in the context of Double 11 Online Shopping Carnival, and adopts a mixed method that combines case study with quantitative study. In the case study, through 34 in-depth interviews, 4 factors affecting consumers' intention to participate in Double 11 Online Shopping Carnival are summarized, namely, perceived information credibility, familiarity, festival atmosphere and interactivity. In the quantitative research, a cognitive-affective involvement motivation model is constructed and a quantitative analysis on the questionnaires of 213 participants is conducted. This paper reveals that consumers' cognitive involvement and affective involvement are important predictors of their purchase intention at Double 11. Perceived information credibility, festival atmosphere and interactivity have significant positive effects on cognitive involvement and affective involvement, while familiarity only has an effect on affective involvement. The conclusions of this paper support and expand the applicability of cognition and emotion related theories in the context of Double 11, propose and explain the new connotation of the two constructs of festival atmosphere and interactivity in the context of Double 11. We also provide practical suggestions for e-commerce platforms to develop online shopping carnival strategies, such as emphasizing the festival atmosphere, strengthening interaction, understanding and satisfying consumers from both cognitive and affective perspectives.
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    Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
    A Research into the Mechanism of Job Stress' Influence on Employees' Wellbeing from the Perspective of Cognitive Evaluation—The Role of Work-related Rumination and Trait Mindfulness
    Feng Xingyu, Han Ping
    2024, 36 (1):  175-187. 
    Abstract ( 207 )   PDF (1301KB) ( 354 )  
    Drawing on the transaction theory of stress and perseverative cognition model, this paper introduces work-related rumination and trait mindfulness as intermediate variables. Based on 385 longitudinal questionnaire data analysis, this study finds the following results. Individuals will have challenge, hindrance and threat appraisal on stressors. Challenging stressors mainly lead to challenge appraisal, and hindrance stressors mainly lead to threat appraisal. Challenge appraisal positively predicts problem-solving pondering, while hindrance and threat appraisal positively predict affective rumination. The chain mediating relationship of "stressor → cognitive appraisal → perseverative cognition → wellbeing" is established. Trait mindfulness enhances individuals' positive appraisal of challenging stressors and weakens individuals' negative appraisal of such stressors, but the cognitive appraisal of hindrance stressors is not affected by mindfulness. Mindfulness can transform individuals' positive appraisal of stressors into positive perseverative cognition, and slow down individuals' negative appraisal of stressors into negative perseverative cognition, which is ultimately conducive to improving wellbeing. The study reveals the complex mechanism of work stress' influence on employees' wellbeing, and provides inspiration for managers to formulate targeted stress management strategies.
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    The Mechanism of How Proactive Personality Influences Employees' Task Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
    Chen Yashuo, Yang Chunjiang
    2024, 36 (1):  188-200. 
    Abstract ( 186 )   PDF (1387KB) ( 242 )  
    Employees' proactiveness in transforming their environment is one of the most important things that businesses need to get and keep a competitive edge in a rapidly shifting market. Since leader-member exchange (LMX) is a key part of workplace that helps employees reach their goals, it makes sense for employees with a high level of proactive personality to try to change it. Based on social exchange theory, this study constructs a moderated mediation model to explore the relationship between proactive personality and task performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), as well as the mediating role of LMX and the moderating role of benevolent leadership in this relationship. Two studies are conducted. Study 1 collects a sample of 200 employees from various industries and organizations via an online survey platform, and study 2 collects paired data from 44 supervisors and 206 employees via a multi-source, multi-time field survey. Using structural equation modeling to examine the two surveys' data, the research reaches the following conclusions. (1) Proactive personality has positive effects on task performance and OCB; (2) LMX mediates the effects of proactive personality on task performance and OCB; and (3) Benevolent leadership has a negative moderating effect on the relationships between LMX and task performance and OCB. That is, the more benevolent leadership there is, the weaker the positive relationship between LMX, task performance and OCB is. This paper not only helps us learn more about how proactive personality affect employees' task performance and OCB based on a multifaceted view of member, leader and LMX, but it also gives us new ideas and useful information to learn more about benevolent leadership from every angle and in a dialectical way.
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    “This Is My Fault!”: Examining the Impact of Perceived Workplace Negative Event Strength on Creativity
    Song Qi, Tang Rongbin, Chen Yang, Jing Lindi, Yang Sha
    2024, 36 (1):  201-212. 
    Abstract ( 174 )   PDF (1418KB) ( 115 )  
    By drawing on job crafting theory and attribution theory, this study examines the interactive effects of negative workplace event strength perception and employee internal attribution of events on employee task crafting and subsequent creativity. 3-stage data from 12 companies' 292 employees and their leaders are used to test the model. The empirical results show that internal event attribution moderates the positive relationship between perceived workplace negative event strength and employee task crafting, such that the relationship is stronger when internal event attribution is higher. Besides, perceived workplace negative event strength and internal event attribution interact to foster employee task crafting, which is in turn positively related to employee creativity. This research has several contributions:First, it expands our understanding of the drivers of task crafting by examining the impact of workplace event strength on task crafting. Second, it contributes to our understanding of how and when an event impacts task crafting by revealing the synergistic effects of perceived workplace negative event strength and internal event attribution on employee task crafting. Third, it uncovers employee task crafting as a pivotal behavioral mechanism underlying the interactive effects of perceived workplace negative event strength and internal event attribution on employee creativity. Fourth, this study contributes to the event-oriented literature by exploring the overall effects of event strength on employee task crafting and subsequent creativity. The study also provides important practical implications.
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    Risk and Emergency Management
    Impact of Internet Technology Application on Survival Risk of Manufacturing Enterprises
    Wang Yu, Jiang Bochuan, Wu Wei
    2024, 36 (1):  213-224. 
    Abstract ( 88 )   PDF (1324KB) ( 64 )  
    With the advent of Internet technology, the manufacturing industry is in a critical period of accelerating the transformation to the Internet, and Internet technology has become a core force underlying the survival and development of enterprises. This paper is based on a large sample of micro data generated by matching industrial enterprise databases and customs databases. Firstly, a KM survival analysis finds that the average survival time of Internet-based companies is 3.13 years, the average survival time of non-Internet-based companies is 2.72 years, and the proportion of the former in 4~6 years and more than 7 years survival time group is significantly higher than that of the latter. Secondly, an empirical analysis based on propensity score matching method (PSM), Cox survival analysis model and Oaxaca-RIF decomposition model reaches the following conclusions. (1) Internet technology can significantly reduce the survival risk of manufacturing enterprises. A heterogeneity test shows that Internet technology has a greater effect in reducing the survival risk of state-owned enterprises, medium-sized enterprises, non-export enterprises, enterprises in the central region, and labor-intensive enterprises. (2) Through an analysis of the gap contribution of the survival time of enterprises, it is found that, regardless of the characteristic effect or the coefficient effect, Internet technology has a greater impact on high-quantile enterprises. From the perspective of the overall survival time distribution, the application of Internet technology by enterprises can eliminate the impact of differences in survival time in different regions to a certain extent. The research conclusions of this paper provide an important theoretical reference basis for manufacturing enterprises to survive and develop by taking advantage of Internet.
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    Research on the Risk Evolutionary Mechanism of Critical Infrastructures in Complex Interdependent Scenarios
    Wang Lin, Suo Weilan
    2024, 36 (1):  225-235. 
    Abstract ( 124 )   PDF (1791KB) ( 206 )  
    Clarifying the risk evolutionary mechanism of critical infrastructures is vital to preventing risks and mitigating the huge losses they may induce. However, the situation is extremely complex due to its nature of multiple risks, multiple systems, and their dynamically evolving interdependency. Hence, this paper firstly investigates the complex interdependency scenarios, and analyzes the respective evolutionary mechanism of multiple risks and multiple systems. Based on the analysis, it constructs a system dynamics model to demonstrate the risk evolutionary behaviors in critical infrastructures, and designs three targeted simulation experiments. By setting different interdependent scenarios, the comprehensive evolutionary mechanism from major risk factors to the overall critical infrastructure systems can be identified. Simulation results show that the risk factors affecting the operation of critical infrastructures are dynamically evolving, and the relevant regulatory authorities should pay attention to different risk factors at different stages; the interactive effects of multiple risks will induce more losses to multiple systems, and higher interdependency between systems will expand the loss; the different strength of system interdependence will affect the recovery efficiency of risk response strategies. This paper provides important scientific evidence for the relevant regulatory authorities of critical infrastructures to intuitively identify the dynamic evolutionary path of multiple risks under complex interdependent scenarios, clarify the key risk factors affecting the operation of multiple systems, and formulate risk response strategies.
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    Public Management
    The Effect of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policies on Household Consumption of Poverty-stricken Farmers—Evidence from Survey Data in the Neighboring Ethnic Regions of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, and Guizhou
    Meng Yuan, Lu Yuanquan, Chen Li
    2024, 36 (1):  236-250. 
    Abstract ( 110 )   PDF (1309KB) ( 81 )  
    Based on the data of neighboring ethnic regions, including Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, and Guizhou, this study investigates how targeted poverty alleviation policies affect the household consumption of poverty-stricken farmers. The result shows that:(1) The targeted poverty alleviation policy promotes the household consumption of poverty-stricken farmers who reside in the adjacent ethnic areas of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, and Guizhou. On the structure of consumption, the targeted poverty alleviation policies have increased the proportion of poverty-stricken households' expenditure in housing, transportation and communication, and decreased the proportion of their education and medical care expenditure. On types of consumption, compared with development consumption, the promotion of subsistence consumption is more obvious. For poverty alleviation policies, industrial employment poverty alleviation policies work the most important role, while insurance poverty alleviation works little. The above conclusions are still valid through quantile regression, placebo tests, and other methods. (2) The heterogeneity results show that the targeted poverty alleviation policies have different effects on poverty-stricken farmers of different regions, ethnicities, and incomes. (3) Further research shows that families impoverished due to illness, education and marginalization have benefited from a diverse range of poverty alleviation policies oriented to health, education and industrial employment, as evidenced by the improvement of their consumption level and life quality. This paper aims to provide a theoretical basis and practical support for consolidating and expanding the compelling connection between poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization and promoting the sustainable development of ethnic minority rural areas.
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    Did the Government Service Rating System Improve the Effectiveness of Online Government Services?—Empirical Tests Based on a Natural Experiment Using Regression Discontinuity Design
    Wang Tianmei, Zhao Yuning, Yu Peng, Zhu Yanchun
    2024, 36 (1):  251-263. 
    Abstract ( 101 )   PDF (1328KB) ( 51 )  
    Implementing the "Good/Poor Rating System" for government services is one of the reform measures that have received great attention and expectation since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The policy effect of this reform and its optimization direction has gained extensive attention from academia. The Message Board for Leaders on People's Daily is an online political deliberation platform. As the epitome of online government services, the Message Board for Leaders added the satisfaction rating function in June 2019, which became the natural intervention of the "Good/Poor" rating system. Using the exogeneity of the satisfaction rating function, this paper applies deep learning methods to analyze the textual features of more than 27,000 netizens' posts and government responses and measures the effectiveness of online government service and related variables. This paper estimates the impact of netizens' satisfaction ratings on the effectiveness of online government service with regression discontinuity design. As expected, the netizens' satisfaction ratings play a decisive role in improving the effectiveness of government online services. Also, the positive impacts vary in degree and statistical significance among different local governments. The results remain robust with different estimation methods, model settings, and bandwidth selections. The conclusion of this study deepens the understanding of the "Good/Poor Rating System" and sheds light on the key issues that should be optimized.
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    Case Studies
    Digital Financial Technology Platform Enabled Supply Chain Finance Pattern: A Comparative Case Study from Information Processing Perspective
    Song Hua, Han Siqi, Liu Wenyi
    2024, 36 (1):  264-275. 
    Abstract ( 207 )   PDF (3415KB) ( 156 )  
    The development and innovation of supply chain finance has been a major subject of theoretical and practical concern in recent years. From the perspective of information processing theory, this paper analyzes the technical architecture, organizational network structure, coordination and risk control mechanisms based on information processing and transmission of fintech platforms, and explores how fintech platforms can help financial institutions to improve the ability of credit risk assessment for small and medium enterprises, thereby promoting the realization of supply chain financing. Through case study, this paper finds that financial technology is the key factor for the implementation of supply chain finance. The digital platform can evaluate the authenticity of enterprise trade background based on specific technical means and data of all parties in the supply chain, and takes advantage of a structural hole in information network to control the risk, so as to provide real, transparent and traceable real-time information for financial institutions. This study expounds the fitting problem between the information processing ability of fintech platforms and the information processing requirements of financial institutions in differentiated supply chain approaches. Based on the above findings, this study proposes an integrated theoretical framework and further puts forward policy suggestions for solving the information asymmetry in supply chain finance and alleviating the financing difficulty for small and medium enterprises.
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    “Dilemma” and “Breakthrough” in the Identification of the Membership of Rural Collective Economic Organizations—Research on the Paradigm of Public Value Management
    Wei Guangcheng, Kong Xiangzhi, Li Xin, Gao Qiang, Xu Guangqing
    2024, 36 (1):  276-288. 
    Abstract ( 110 )   PDF (4280KB) ( 68 )  
    Based on the paradigm of public value management, this paper makes coding analysis of interviews and texts, depicts the process of promoting membership identification of two collective economic organizations by using case study method, starts with the formulation and adjustment of the reform plan by the property rights reform group, divides membership identification into two stages:the "stagnation" and the "turnaround" of the reform, and deeply explores how the membership identification breaks through the "predicament" and completes the membership identification. From the perspective of public value management, this paper sums up the evolution mechanism of membership identification of collective economic organizations, and probes into the process of realizing public value construction from four dimensions:building subject, building ability, building environment and building conditions. The research shows that multi-party participation in reform is an important prerequisite for realizing public value, the ability building of participants is a necessary guarantee for building public value, the system design according to local conditions is the system guarantee for building public value, and the smooth information transmission mechanism is an important foundation for building public value.
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