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    28 October 2019, Volume 31 Issue 10 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Poverty and Antipoverty: Comments on the Work of the 2019 Nobel Prize Winners in Economic Sciences
    Nie Changhong, Chen Tong
    2019, 31 (10):  3-9. 
    Abstract ( 394 )   PDF (1110KB) ( 666 )  

    Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2019 for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty. Their main contribution is to apply randomized controlled trials to empirical research in the field of development economics, and to propose effective solutions to the external validity of the method. As a result of their contribution, the research methods in this field are enhanced. At the same time, they use randomized controlled trials to study poverty and improve the worldwide ability to fight poverty in practice. This paper summarizes the research contributions of them, then analyzes the enlightenment of their research on China's poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and finally visualizes the potential success that the global poverty reduction efforts may achieve in the future.

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    Government Bailout and International Policy Coordination in Financial Crisis
    Kou Mingting, Yang Haizhen, Yang Xiaoguang
    2019, 31 (10):  10-22. 
    Abstract ( 263 )   PDF (1454KB) ( 772 )  

    Based on government bailout practices in major financial crises, this paper summaries the evolution of government bailout and international coordination mode for the subprime and the European debt crisis. And meanwhile, it proposes a classification and evaluation of rescue measures and effects under different crises. It shows that government bailout plays a leading role in crisis rescue. The most effective measures for crisis relief are traditional monetary policy and fiscal policy. Unconventional policies promote financial stability in a short period of time, but the final choice of policy needs to be weighed under the principle of comprehensive balance between short-term and long-term benefits. The evolution trend of financial crisis rescue and international coordination is characterized by the diversification of intervention subject, the expansion of rescue areas, the innovation of tools and the multi-way of extension. The international coordination has become crucial in reducing the negative cross-border spillovers. High-efficient and proactive international coordination and crossborder cooperation exit will be a powerful guarantee for the effectiveness of crisis relief.

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    Influence of Fund Relation of Analysts on Benefit and Idiosyncratic Risk in China: The Reasons Why “Fee Pressure Hypothesis” Exists
    Wu Wuqing, Su Zihao, Jie Xiaoxiao, Chen Min
    2019, 31 (10):  23-35. 
    Abstract ( 291 )   PDF (1210KB) ( 471 )  

    This paper investigates the impact of fund relation of sell-side analysts on idiosyncratic risk and risk-adjusted return of a specific stock and analyzes the path where the impact takes place using data of stockjobbers' commission fees in China. The empirical results show that fund relation increases the idiosyncratic risk and risk-adjusted return of the stock covered by related analysts; increase of commission fee pressure increases idiosyncratic risk and risk-adjusted return.All these show that "fee pressure hypothesis" exists in China. Further, we explain and confirm that optimistic bias and the motivation of stabilizing stock price of big share-holding institutions is right the reason why "fee pressure hypothesis" exists.

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    Research on the Minimum Capital Requirements and Asset Allocation of Life Insurance Companies: Based on the Perspective of Market Risk
    Zheng Sujin, Zheng Min, Li Wei
    2019, 31 (10):  36-49. 
    Abstract ( 269 )   PDF (2642KB) ( 696 )  

    This paper optimizes a life insurance company's asset allocation within the framework of the classical Markowitz portfolio theory when the company need adhere to market risk capital requirements of China Risk Oriented Solvency System(C-ROSS). On the basis of simplifying the risk profile of assets held by a life insurer, this paper firstly solves a quadratic optimization problem to obtain the efficient frontier with budget, short-sale and investment constraints, and then calculates minimum capital requirements of different portfolios under both Standard Formula and Internal Model respectively. Finally, this paper analyzes the asset allocation and solvency status of efficient portfolios with an exogenous variable of the equity ratio. The result shows that under the C-ROSS Standard Formula, duration gaps between assets and liabilities have a clear and positive impact on the minimum capital requirement of the market risk. Therefore, reducing duration gaps and strengthening asset-liability matching become an effective way to release redundant capital. Compared with the Standard Formula, the Internal Model can describe the diversification effect and the trade-off between risk and return, so it will motivate life insurers to conduct a more active way of asset management and improve the interest spread level.

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    An Experimental Study of the Impact of Information Feedback on Combinatorial Auction of Emission Permits
    Zheng Junjun, Zhang Bing, Ma Gang, Li Chengzhi
    2019, 31 (10):  50-59. 
    Abstract ( 206 )   PDF (1282KB) ( 430 )  

    This paper uses methods of experimental economics to study the impact of different types of information feedback on combinatorial auction results of emission permits, and we analyze the results from three dimensions:distribution efficiency, total revenue of the bidders and the government revenue. The results show that feedback of demand information can increase the auction efficiency, and more of the overall social surplus resulting from the increase in auction efficiency is allocated to the bidders. However, feedback of distribution result information does not bring about an increase in auction efficiency. This is because distribution result information isn't task information, so the feedback on the distribution result information cannot help bidders better understand the decision-making environment and thus cannot optimize their bidding strategy.

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    A Measurement of China Financial Development Level Based on the Relationship between the Finance and the Real Economy
    Xu Shudan
    2019, 31 (10):  60-71. 
    Abstract ( 291 )   PDF (1673KB) ( 546 )  

    This paper discusses the financial development level and its impact on the real economy in China through building a DSGE model with contracts and a VAR model of the main developed countries and the BRICS. The results show that:The main developed countries have a better financial environment, while the BRICS shows a short financial transmission chain and a lower financial development degree; the financial development level of China doesn't reach an absolute low, reflecting a strong potential for development in the future; there exits needs to ameliorate the problem of credit constraints, the relationship between the supervision and costs, and hence expand the capital chain between the financial sector and the enterprises in the real economy.

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    Study of the Spatial Effects of Financial Agglomeration on the Productivity of Private Economy——Based on the Empirical Test with Panel Spatial Durbin Model
    Zhang Xuan, Ran Guanghe, Chen Ke
    2019, 31 (10):  72-84. 
    Abstract ( 238 )   PDF (1264KB) ( 559 )  

    Private economyplays an important role in the national economy. To improve the private economic growth, it is necessary to increase the financial support for the private enterprises and enhance the technology and management efficiency. Financial agglomeration can promote the private economic growth through increasing the credit capital and improving the financial environment. Aiming to study the influence of financial agglomeration on the regional private economic growth through the technology spillover effect, this paper makes the theoretical analysis at first and then tests the financial agglomeration's spatial effects on the regional private economic TFP with SDM and the panel date of 30 provinces in China from 2004 to 2014. The results show that the levels of regional financial agglomeration and private economic development grow from the west to the east. Financial agglomeration promotes the private economic TFP mainly through promoting the technology instead of the management, but the technological growth is based on the management progress. In the beginning of financial agglomeration, polarization effect is dominant with the regions competing for the financial resources; with the financial agglomeration growing mature, tricking-down effect works and regional economic integration emerges. In the end, some suggestions are given regarding how the private enterprises can develop themselves, how the government can promote the balanced growth of regional financial agglomeration and private economy and realize the regional economic integration.

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    The New Path of the Effect of Openness on Innovative Capacity: A Moderated Mediation Model
    Jiang Zhenyu, Wang Zongjun, Pan Wenyan
    2019, 31 (10):  85-98. 
    Abstract ( 232 )   PDF (1237KB) ( 670 )  

    Under the context of open innovation, this paper explores the new path of the impact of openness on innovative capacity by analyzing questionnaire data from 211 emerging enterprises in China. The study focuses on the mediating effect of knowledge spillovers between openness and innovative capacity, and further investigates the mechanism of organization learning via structuring and examining a moderated mediation model. The findings show that knowledge spillovers mediate the positive relationship between openness and innovative capacity, and additionally, exploitation learning negatively moderate the relationship between corporations' innovation openness and mediator (i.e., knowledge spillover) as well as the indirect relationship between openness and innovative capacity. This paper provides both academic and practical guidance for emerging firms to enhance their innovative capacity by utilizing knowledge spillovers and balancing different forms of organization learning.

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    Birds of a Feather Flock Together? A Study of University Scientific Collaboration under the Double First-Rate Policy——Based on Literature Analysis
    Wang Zongshui, Liu Haiyan, Wang Shouyang
    2019, 31 (10):  99-109. 
    Abstract ( 241 )   PDF (1698KB) ( 617 )  

    This paper studies the present situation of university scientific collaboration under the Double First-rate policy by analyzing the papers within CNKI database. By statistical analysis and social network analysis of 41,104 papers from 137 journals of natural science and 16,383 papers from 104 journals of social science, the results show that (1) the universities of Double First-rate published much more high-quality papers than other universities; (2) the node degree of the collaboration networks follow the power-law distribution and with short average distance and the networks have small-world properties; (3) The frequency of both natural and social research science collaboration is relative low, reflecting that most of the papers were fulfilled by internal collaboration or unique affiliation, and the average frequency of collaboration among Double First-rate universities is much higher than other universities, indicating that birds of a feather flock together, yet the co-occurrence coefficient between Double First-rate universities and none Double First-rate universities is higher than other kinds of universities, which means there is a strong collaborative relationship between them. At last, suggestions on collaboration and development strategies are given.

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    R&D Investment, Venture Capital and Financial Constraints: Evidence from the Listed Manufacturers in China
    Chen Sanke, Zhao Bei
    2019, 31 (10):  110-123. 
    Abstract ( 292 )   PDF (1213KB) ( 991 )  

    This paper investigates the association among R&D investment, venture capital and financial constraints by analyzing A-share listed manufacturers from 2008 to 2014. The empirical results show that venture capital could play a very important role in reducing the information asymmetry through active participation and effective supervision, thus easing the financial constraints caused by the increase of R&D investment. Furthermore, the main conclusion of this study is further verified by the analyses on the following three aspects:product and market environment, the enterprise characteristics and the venture capital features.

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    A Study of E-supply Chain Advertisement Strategy Based on the Third Party E-commerce Platform for Sales
    Wang Yuyan, Shen Liang
    2019, 31 (10):  124-132. 
    Abstract ( 351 )   PDF (1305KB) ( 1067 )  

    With the development of Internet popularity and application, the E-supply chain has gradually formed and attracts more and more enterprises with its unique advantages. This paper studies the advertisement, pricing and service strategy of the E-supply chain. According to the different responsible parties of advertising strategies, four decision-making models are structured. Then, the four models are solved, and the optimal advertising strategy, pricing strategy, and e-commerce platform service strategy also are given. Lastly, combining with the numerical analysis, all models' the optimal variables are compared and the corresponding management implications are provided. The study shows that:(1) advertising strategy could increase the sales price and enhance manufacturers' profit growth and E-supply chain channels' competitiveness. (2)When the manufacturer and the e-commerce platform share advertising costs, the advertising investment reaches the largest. Moreover, when the e-commerce platform bears advertising cost solely, the advertising investment reaches the smallest. (3)Only when the advertising cost is borne by the manufacturer, will the advertising strategy lead to higher profit of the e-commerce platform. As a result, the e-commerce platform has little enthusiasm to participate in advertising. Coordination strategies should be used to mobilize its enthusiasm. (4)In the E-supply chain, the advertising investment of the manufacturer or e-commerce platform will not affect the service level of the e-commerce platform. The conclusions provide a theoretical basis for the enterprises to develop a reasonable advertising strategy in E-supply chain.

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    Study of Group-buying-induced Strategies for E-commerce Platform Based on Social Group-buying
    Zhang Yang, Xu Bing
    2019, 31 (10):  133-141. 
    Abstract ( 436 )   PDF (1431KB) ( 748 )  

    There is a widespread phenomenon of social group-buying and platform inducing consumers to join groups in e-commerce. Considering the influence of social cost and flow spillover effect in the supply chain consisting of a single social group-buying platform and a single e-commerce enterprise, we establish the decision model of e-commerce enterprises when platform doesn't induce group-buying and the Stackelberg game model between platform and enterprise when platform induces group-buying respectively. Then, we use KT method to obtain the optimal group-buying pricing strategy of the e-commerce enterprise, the implementation conditions and incentive strategies of the platform guiding group-buying. The results show that the platform should adopt the strategy of inducing group-buying only when the social acceptability of consumers, the push money and flow spillover effect of platform are high; the strength of inducing such as the amount of inducing money, should increase with the increase of flow spillover and price elasticity, and decrease with the increase of social acceptability difficulty; the sale price determined by e-commerce companies and the number of customers participating in groupbuying are higher when platform induces group-buying than those when platform doesn't induce group-buying. Finally, the validity of the conclusions is verified by using the derivative method and numerical simulation, and the sensitivity analysis of the key parameters is carried out. The platform inducing group-buying can realize a win-win situation for both the platform and the e-commerce enterprise. So, the e-commerce enterprise should actively cooperate with the platform by giving the platform a higher push money and so on.

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    Analysis of the Factors that Influence Hammer Price in Artwork Auction——Based on Hedonic Price Model and Televised Auction Data
    Li Yanxi, Sun Wenzhang, Zhu Jiawei
    2019, 31 (10):  142-152. 
    Abstract ( 259 )   PDF (1190KB) ( 620 )  

    One after another astonishing hammer price has been announced from China's artwork auction market over the decades since the market resumed its development. This paper applies Hedonic Price Method to reveal the relationship between artwork attributes and implicit prices on the basis of auction bidding prices obtained from televised auctions. Furthermore, it estimates the influences on hammer prices from some particular aspects, including attributes of auctions, characteristics of clients and auctioneers. The results indicate that the internal attributes of artwork have no significant effects on its final price; and compared with others, the confidence of principals, expected prices and positive directions of auctioneers have significant correlations with final price. Moreover, three key factors, i.e. expected prices, male bidders and specialization degrees of bidders, contribute positively to the consistence between hammer prices and reference prices and minimize the risk of price over-estimation. Finally, there is a dramatic influence on the expected prices from confidence degree and the gender of client.

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    Service Is Not Good, Try to Be Vaccinated against Complaints——Study on Preventive Service Recovery Based on Complainant Heterogeneity
    Yang Qiang, Meng Lu, Dong Zerui
    2019, 31 (10):  153-163. 
    Abstract ( 351 )   PDF (1236KB) ( 704 )  

    Service failures are inevitable, and the existing service remediation of the enterprise mainly focuses on the remedy after the service failure. Based on the theory of vaccination and the theory of evaluation trend, this study explores the effect of preventive service remedy on customer complaint intention in service failure. (1)Preventive service remediation is to provide the necessary negative information before the service to reduce service failure when the customer has a significant effect on the intention of complaints; (2)Expectation value has a mediating role in the effect of preventive service remedy on customer complaint intention; (3)The effectiveness of preventive service remedies varies significantly among different customers for inclusive customers, preventive service remedies that contain symbolic information and material information significantly reduce their complaint intent; for specified customers, only substances that contain substances preventive service remediation of sexual information will significantly reduce the intention to complain. This study will help develop the view in the field of service recovery, and has a certain value in improving the effectiveness of corporate service remediation strategy.

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    ESOP Confusion on Major Shareholder's Share Selling: Based on Comparative Analysis between the Equity Incentives and Employee Stock Ownership Plans
    Hao Yongliang, Jin Xin, Zhang Yongji
    2019, 31 (10):  164-177. 
    Abstract ( 467 )   PDF (1271KB) ( 762 )  

    Re-introduction of Employee Stock Ownership Plan is a new institutional exploration in Chinese stock market. However, in last 4 years, ESOP has been mired in controversies because of the floating loss and controlling shareholder's share selling. This paper first compares ESOP with proven equity incentives and then uses difference-in-difference matching estimators to compare different effects between the two incentive approaches and find out the underlying reasons. The results show that, firstly, firms implementing ESOPs have less improvement in financial performance compared with these employing equity incentives. Secondly, the unlocking of restricted stock has significant positive effect on the implementation of ESOP in the future. Thirdly, investors could distinguish ESOPs containing self-interest motivation of major shareholder from common ESOPs by stock resources, so such ESOPs might have a significantly downward market reaction in short term. These findings provide empirical evidences for the further improvement of ESOP's policy design and the supervision on major shareholders' uncommon selling approaches. These findings could enrich the studies of equity compensation contract as well.

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    The Differential Mechanisms of High-performance Work Systems on Employee Job Performance and Emotional Exhaustion
    Zhang Junwei, Xiao Xiaohong, Zhang Yajun, Zhou Fangfang
    2019, 31 (10):  178-190. 
    Abstract ( 327 )   PDF (1294KB) ( 825 )  

    Prior researches have suggested that high-performance work systems (HPWS) contribute to employee job performance and emotional exhaustion. For this conclusion, however, there is a lack of theoretical explanation. In order to address this issue, according to attribution theory and exchange relationship perspective, this research constructs the differential mechanisms linking HPWS to employee job performance and emotional exhaustion. We examine the hypotheses proposed with matched field data collected from 84 department supervisors and 382 employees. We test the distinctiveness of the study variables using structural equation model (SEM), and hierarchical linear model (HLM) and parametric bootstrap methods are applied to examine our hypotheses. Consistent with hypotheses, the results of HLM reveal that transformational leadership enhances the relationship between HPWS and social exchange, and thus promotes employee job performance and reduces employee emotional exhaustion. Transactional leadership augments the relationship between HPWS and economic exchange, and therefore increases employee emotional exhaustion.

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    Study of Government Regulation and Corporate Labor Dispatch Behavior on the Basis of Evolutionary Game Theory
    Li Guangping
    2019, 31 (10):  191-199. 
    Abstract ( 245 )   PDF (1171KB) ( 680 )  

    In view of the enterprise labor dispatch behavior and through the evolutionary game model about government and enterprises, this paper analyzes the evolution pattern of government regulation and corporate labor dispatch behavior on the basis of evolutionary game theory. As shown in the study, there is no evolution stable strategy (ESS) in the evolutionary game of the government and enterprises labor dispatching, and instead, it is a dynamic process of evolution. In this process, the government regulation mainly depends on regulation costs, returns and the negative effect caused by the omission of the relevant regulations, while the enterprises labor dispatching is affected by government regulation, supervision of the public and the labors' attention for their employer and brand, etc. Finally we provide some specific suggestions for building a more equitable, efficient labor dispatching market.

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    The Construction of Stock Fund Manager Competency Model
    Li Yumeng, Meng Xiangying, Liu Ronghui, Wei Xianhua
    2019, 31 (10):  200-211. 
    Abstract ( 293 )   PDF (1228KB) ( 614 )  

    Instead of market data, our research focuses on fund managers as involving the research topic of investment ability. We use the method of Behavioral Event Interview and Thematic Analysis to build the competency model of stock fund managers. According to the research results, the competency model includes 9 categories of competency indicators:self-awareness, behavior control, learning ability, emotion control, game ability, knowledge and skills, personality appropriateness, logic and analytical ability as well as sociability. These 9 categories of competency can be divided into 12 second-level competencies. They are correct attribution, independent decisionmaking, investment discipline, self-control, summary of experience, calming mood swing, compressive capacity, investment intuition, research ability, interest & passion, macroscopic analysis and information collection. The study of fund manager competency model represents a breakthrough in the study of special talent competency models. Theoretically and practically, this study provides a theoretical tool of evaluating fund managers' investment capacity and predicting their future earnings, which can be used by the fund companies to select talents and the fund investors for proper investment decision-making.

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    Non Audit Services, Institutional Environment and Audit Quality——Based on the Perspective of Enterprise' Purchasing Joint-audit Services and Non-audit Services
    Zhuang Feipeng
    2019, 31 (10):  212-221. 
    Abstract ( 259 )   PDF (1620KB) ( 488 )  

    Combined with enterprise property, local accounting firms or legal environment of different regions to test the effects of no audit services on audit quality, the empirical researches show that:Generally, there is no significant negative correlation between non audit service scales and audit quality, but in non state controlled companies or under the condition that company and accounting firm are in the same province, there exist significant negative correlations between them. At the same time, it is found that the relationships only exist in the relatively backward legal environment. The researches show that non audit services under specific circumstances may become a mean of mutual rent-seeking between enterprises and certified public accountants, but a sound legal environment can better restrain the negative effects of non audit services.

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    Venture Capital, Enterprise Accounting Information Transparency and Agency Cost
    Ma Ning
    2019, 31 (10):  222-233. 
    Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (1171KB) ( 727 )  

    Take the small and medium-sized board and GEM listed companies as sample, the paper analyzes the mechanism and effect of venture capital's influence on enterprise accounting information transparency and agency cost by comparing the listed companies before and after IPO. The empirical results show that venture capital has a positive influence on target enterprise's corporate governance, which can reduce agent cost. This effect also can be realized by increasing the accounting information transparency of venture enterprise and the supervision and certification function of venture capital could highlight. Further research also shows that venture capital with different characteristics has different effect in the information disclosure, the joint venture capital and high reputation venture capital institutions' influence on corporate governance and operation management are positive, but state-owned venture capital institutions do not play an effective role in supervising accounting information disclosure, the conclusion of state-owned venture capital institutions poses a challenge on the supervision and certification function of venture capital.

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    Study of the Efficiency Measurement of Logistics Industry in East China Based on Three-stage DEA Model
    Mei Guoping, Gong Yaling, Wan Jianxiang, Ji Kaiwen
    2019, 31 (10):  234-241. 
    Abstract ( 365 )   PDF (1114KB) ( 614 )  

    Logistics industry is a basic and strategic industry of China's national economic development. Realizing the transformation and upgrading of logistics industry from factor-driven to efficiency-driven is an important issue to be solved urgently in the current development of logistics industry. It is of great significance to study the efficiency of logistics industry at the regional level. Taking the input-output indexes of transportation, logistics warehousing and postal industry as the research data, this paper uses three-stage DEA model to measure the efficiency of logistics industry in East China from 2012 to 2016. Empirical results show that without considering the influence of environment and random error, the efficiency of logistics industry in East China shows a spatial law of attenuation from coastal area to inland area. SFA regression analysis shows that environment and stochastic factors are important factors affecting the efficiency of logistics industry in East China. Increasing road mileage and residents' consumption level is not conducive to improving the efficiency of logistics industry. Increasing total retail sales of social consumer goods can promote the efficiency of logistics industry. The overall scale efficiency of logistics industry in East China keeps increasing. The average comprehensive efficiency of the adjusted logistics industry reaches 0.89. However, due to the large gap of pure technical efficiency, the efficiency of logistics industry among provinces presents obvious spatial heterogeneity.

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    Governance Mechanism of Supply Chain Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility and Supply Chain Partnership
    Li Jinhua, Huang Guangyu
    2019, 31 (10):  242-254. 
    Abstract ( 417 )   PDF (1383KB) ( 2003 )  

    In this paper, we divide the governance mechanism of supply chain social responsibility into four dimensions:monitoring, evaluation, incentive and assistance. Based on stakeholder theory, corporate reputation theory and contingency theory, a conceptual model from the perspective of the seller is constructed. With manufacturing enterprises in Pearl River Delta region as research samples, we empirically examine the impact of the governance mechanism of supply chain social responsibility from the buyer on the corporate social responsibility performance of the seller, and the impact of the corporate social responsibility performance of the seller on the partnership with the buyer in the case of market turbulence. The results indicate that (1) monitoring and assistance from the buyer have a significant positive effect on the corporate social responsibility performance of the seller, while the impact of evaluation and incentive is not significant; (2) the corporate social responsibility performance of the seller has a significant effect on the partnership with the buyer; (3) the market turbulence has a significant negative effect on the relationship between the corporate social responsibility performance and the supply chain partnership. We suggest that focal enterprise in supply chain need to enforce the standardization and strategy of supply chain social responsibility management, and unearth the value creation of supply chain social responsibility by integration and collaboration.

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    Study of Extreme Flood Key Scenario Reasoning for Emergency Decision
    Yin Jie, Shi Qinfen, Li Feng
    2019, 31 (10):  255-262. 
    Abstract ( 254 )   PDF (1225KB) ( 454 )  

    Effective scenario reasoning can help emergency decision makers work out reasonable solution under high pressure of the extreme flood key scenario, but the existing method of CBR could not address the difficulty caused by multiple data types and insufficient historic samples. Extreme flood scenario is defined and represented generally based on knowledge element by scenario division, and belief rule-base for scenario reasoning is constructed based on relation of knowledge elements and expert knowledge. Based on belief rulebased inference methodology by evidential reasoning approach, extreme flood key scenario retrieval and reasoning is completed, which could improve the effectiveness of decision-making by historical emergency solution for extreme flood key scenario emergency management. Taking the scenario of Mengwa flood storage areas starting in Huaihe Valley as an example, the applicability and feasibility of this method is proved.

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    Competitive Propagation of Multi-heterogeneous Information with Occurrence Time Differences in Emergencies——Two-stage Competition Model
    Wang Zhiying, Liang Jing
    2019, 31 (10):  263-272. 
    Abstract ( 326 )   PDF (1393KB) ( 726 )  

    In view of the fact that the existing studies rarely consider the competitive propagation pattern and formal publishing mechanism of multi-heterogeneous information that exist when there are occurrence time differences under emergencies, this paper first analyzes the information types, propagation stages and competitive characteristics in this situation in combination with real cases, and then proposes a two-stage propagation framework and the research theme. Next, based on the construction ideas of logistic growth model and LotkaVolterra competition model, a two-stage competition propagation model of informal and formal information is constructed, and the equilibrium points and their stability conditions of the model are derived afterwards. Finally, the simulation and case analysis are conducted to verify the validity of the proposed model and its derivation results, and then the way that publishing time and intensity of formal information influences the evolution of competitive relationships among multi-heterogeneous information is investigated.

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    Decision Rights Allocation of Pluralistic Shareholders: Behavior Logic and Path Analysis——A Case Study of Vanke Co.,Ltd
    Ma Lianfu, Du Bo
    2019, 31 (10):  273-289. 
    Abstract ( 309 )   PDF (1834KB) ( 948 )  

    Decision rights allocation of pluralistic shareholders has aroused considerable attention in academic researching and business practice. Decentralized and diversified ownership structure leads to the appearance of pluralistic participators incorporate governance. With different identities and preferences, pluralistic participators break the linear decision frames of ‘Shareholders-Boards-Management’ and form decision networks linked by economic and social relationships. Through the case study of Vanke control conflict under "ownership-networks" mechanisms, it is found that ownership and network power serve as the foundation of decision rights in pluralistic participators decisions. According to the different level of ownership and network power, we summarize 4 patterns of decision rights allocation. Corresponding to that 4 patterns of decision rights allocation, pluralistic shareholders may play 4 different roles in decision-making process and follow different behavioral logics. Based on the decision power contest and decision power transaction model, we analyze the behaviors of pluralistic shareholders within the decision rights allocation model. Then, we can find paths of decisions participation and power acquisition. Except that, our conclusion also shows that decision rights separate from ownership and get more diversified under the circumstance of decentralization of ownership structure; Networks power becomes an important dimension of decision rights. So the networks centrality becomes more important for pluralistic shareholders. It is necessary to subdivide the decision rights and allocate properly to different pluralistic shareholders, then we can integrate their preferences in scientific decision making.

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    From "Individual Heroes" to "an Outstanding Organization"——A Case Study of the Schema Formation Mechanisms of “Step Progression” under the Organizational Context
    Su Jingqin, Liu Dianguang
    2019, 31 (10):  290-304. 
    Abstract ( 336 )   PDF (1526KB) ( 454 )  

    The Schema is the core cognitive structure which exists in the organization in long-term. It embodies the shared knowledge structure and consistent belief structure of the organization, and has a fundamental impact on organizational behavior. However, there are still research gaps in the existing studies on the "generalization" and "solidification" mechanisms of the Schema formation. Based on Schema theories, Organizational Learning and other related theories, through case studies, this paper finds that from "individual possess" to "group share", Schema is driven by key individuals; under the unified promotion of the organization, the Schema develops from "group share" to "organization own", thus achieving the Schema "generalization"; individuals, groups and organizations all experience 3 key steps:perception, learning and memory, which help them achieve the Schema "solidification"; overall, the Schema presents a "step progression" formation mechanisms. The research theoretically refines the Schema formation mechanisms, portrays the Schema "Z" curve formation path, extends the Schema to the organizational complex task context, reinforces empirical evidence for the Schema theory and provides inspiration for cultural development in practice.

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