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    28 May 2017, Volume 29 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Liquidity Risk Information Disclosure of China's Commercial Banks Based on Performance Perspective
    Shi Yanli, Liu Yuting, Sun Yuanyuan
    2017, 29 (5):  3-13. 
    Abstract ( 258 )   PDF (1076KB) ( 744 )  

    The research sample is the quarterly data of 17 listed state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks during 2009Q1 to 2015Q3. This paper analyzes the effects of liquidity risk information disclosure level on bank performance of China's listed commercial banks, as well as the differences between the degree of liquidity risk information disclosure level of listed state-owned banks and joint-stock banks. The conclusions are as follows:there exists U-shaped relationship between qualitative and quantitative liquidity risk information disclosure levels and bank performance and the liquidity risk information disclosure level of the state-owned commercial banks is higher than that of joint-stock commercial banks. This indicates that the disclosure of commercial banks' liquidity risk information enables external stakeholders such as investors, creditors and depositors to know about the risks in bank management and operation, make right decisions and take actions to influence bank performance and stability.

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    Does Face-changing Behavior Increase Stock Idiosyncratic Volatility?
    Dai Fangzhe, Yin Libo
    2017, 29 (5):  14-22,130. 
    Abstract ( 247 )   PDF (1607KB) ( 751 )  

    In stock markets, analysts usually have face-changing behavior, which means analysts' forecasts may change according to the fluctuation of stock prices. In order to study whether analysts' face-changing behaviors can affect the idiosyncratic volatility of stocks in different situations, this paper combines market condition (bull & bear), status of analysts (star & non-star) and nature of stocks (growth & value) to make different sub-samples. Empirical results show that:(1) In bull markets, analysts' face-changing behaviors for price forecast and star analysts' face-changing behaviors for EPS forecast can affect the idiosyncratic volatility significantly both for growth and value stocks; (2) In bear markets, analysts' face-changing behaviors for price forecast and star analysts' face-changing behaviors for EPS forecast have no significant effect on growth stocks. Analysts' face-changing behaviors for price forecast can affect the idiosyncratic volatility of value stocks significantly, but star analysts' face-changing behaviors for EPS forecast cannot have this effect; (3) Non-star analysts' face-changing behaviors for EPS forecast have no significant effect on the idiosyncratic volatility in all sub-samples. This paper contributes to the study of influence factors of idiosyncratic volatility of stocks and to the study of influence of analysts' forecasts.

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    A Study of the Relationship among Enterprise Social Capital, Technical Knowledge Acquisition and Product Innovation Performance
    Xiong Jie, Sun Daoyin
    2017, 29 (5):  23-39. 
    Abstract ( 292 )   PDF (1228KB) ( 869 )  

    Technical knowledge acquisition is an important part of Industry-Academy-Research cooperation, and enterprise social capital can promote technical knowledge acquisition. Based on previous studies and Chinese management practice, we construct a theoretical model about the impact of various dimensions of enterprise social capital on technical knowledge acquisition and product innovation performance. The theoretical model of the relationship among social capital, technical knowledge acquisition and product innovation performance is validated through a questionnaire investigation to 151 knowledge-intensive firms in the high technology industry of Beijing. The research results show that:(1) Explicit technical knowledge acquisition and tacit technical knowledge acquisition are influenced by different factors. Relation number, relation intensity, and shared goals have significantly positive effect on explicit technical knowledge acquisition. Relation intensity, trust and shared goals have significantly positive effect on tacit knowledge acquisition. (2) Both explicit and tacit technical knowledge acquisition have positive effect on technical innovation capability. (3) Technical innovation capability and tacit technical knowledge acquisition have positive effect on product innovation performance, but explicit technical knowledge acquisition has no significant effect on product innovation performance. Based on the previous research results, we propose that enterprises which are product innovation oriented should focus on tacit technical knowledge acquisition, and should strengthen relation intensity, trust and shared goals to promote tacit technical knowledge acquisition so as to promote product innovation performance.

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    The Influence of Overseas Patent Layout on China's Foreign Direct Investment:Based on the Empirical Study of 2002-2014 Country Panel Data
    Li Qing, Zhong Zuchang
    2017, 29 (5):  40-51. 
    Abstract ( 331 )   PDF (1106KB) ( 1219 )  

    This paper empirically analyses the influence of overseas patent layout and structure on China's foreign direct investment, and examines the moderating effect of the level of intellectual property protection in the host country by using 2002-2014 China's direct investment data in 44 host countries and China's patent application data in the host country. The study finds that:(1) The number of overseas patent layout has positive effect on China's foreign direct investment. Among the three types of patent layout, invention patent layout has the most important effect on China's foreign direct investment. (2) The influence of overseas patent layout in the post financial crisis period is significantly less than that in the period before the financial crisis. (3) Overseas patent layout has a lag effect on China's foreign direct investment and the effect reaches the maximum in the third year of lag. (4) The level of intellectual property protection in the host country plays a positive role in the influence of the enterprise's overseas patent layout on the foreign direct investment.

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    Study on Influence of Regional Environmental Factors over S&T Enterprise Scale: Organizational Learning and Intellectual Capital as Mediators
    Zou Guoping, Guo Tao, Ren Xuejiao
    2017, 29 (5):  52-63. 
    Abstract ( 193 )   PDF (1202KB) ( 1020 )  

    In order to investigate the inherent mechanism of how regional environmental factors influence innovation enterprise scale, this study builds a relational model of regional environmental factors, three process elements of organizational learning, intellectual capital and innovation enterprise scale on the basis of resource-based view, knowledge-based view and knowledge management thoughts. Then it makes an empirical test of the model above by conducting the questionnaire survey to 436 innovation enterprise employees. The results show that, regional environmental factors have both direct and indirect effect on the innovative enterprise scale. There are three indirect effect paths. For the first path, the mediators are information acquisition and intellectual capital. For the second path, the mediators are information distribution and intellectual capital. For the last path, the mediators are information acquisition, information distribution and intellectual capital. Information interpretation doesn't have any role in the indirect effect paths.

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    Is Emotional Fit or Emotional Dissonance Better Able to Improve Employees' Performance?——An Experimental Study Based on the Leader Emotional Labor
    Yang Chen, Li Jianbiao
    2017, 29 (5):  64-74. 
    Abstract ( 281 )   PDF (1200KB) ( 1071 )  

    The inner state of emotional labor is divided into emotional fit and emotional dissonance. Using the theory of emotion as social information, the differential leadership is introduced into the study of the relationship between leader emotional labor and employee performance. Based on the public goods game, this paper designs the leader emotional labor and the type of employee 2x2 between subjects experiment, and tests the impact of leader emotional labor on employee performance. The results show that leader emotional labor and the employee performance have significant positive correlation. For high efficiency employees, affective reactions partially mediate the effects of leader emotional labor on employee performance. For low efficiency employees, performance inference partially mediates the effects of leader emotional labor on employee performance. Differential leadership and employee epistemic motivation have significant moderating effect. Finally, suggestions on leader's emotional management, emotional management, relationship management and future research are discussed.

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    The Mediating Effect of Trust in Leader and the Moderating Effect of Frequency of Leader-Follower Interaction on the Relationship between Implicit Leadership Prototype and Leadership Effectiveness
    Jang Sangyoon, Wang Zongshui, Shi Kan, Zhao Hong
    2017, 29 (5):  75-86. 
    Abstract ( 322 )   PDF (1169KB) ( 947 )  

    The objectives of this study are to examine the relationship between leader behavior-implicit leadership prototype difference, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and to investigate the mediating effect of trust in leader and the moderate effect of leader-follower interaction frequency. To achieve this purpose, the data collected from 216 employees who work for manufacturing corporations is used for hierarchical regression analysis. The results show that:First, leader behavior-implicit leadership prototype difference has a significant negative effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Second, leader behavior-implicit leadership prototype difference has a significant negative effect on trust in leader. Third, leader behavior-implicit leadership prototype difference has a significant indirect effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment with mediation effect of trust in leader. Forth, frequency of leader-follower interaction has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between leader behavior-implicit leadership prototype difference and trust in leader.

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    The Concept, Measurement, and Mechanism of Shared Leadership
    Hao Po, Long Lirong
    2017, 29 (5):  87-101. 
    Abstract ( 420 )   PDF (1375KB) ( 2570 )  

    Due to the flat structures and the prevalence of team-based management in organizations, shared leadership which is horizontal, bottom-up and distributed among team members, has drawn much attention of researchers and practitioners. We first make clear the origins, concepts of shared leadership, its difference with other related concepts, and its measurement by systematically reviewing the existing literature of shared leadership. Then we clarify the fundamental theories about how shared leadership forms and summarize its empirical studies. On this basis, we construct a theoretical model of shared leadership. Lastly, we summarize the managerial implications, limitations and future directions of shared leadership.

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    Impacts of Decision Framing and Psychological Distance on Individual Cooperative Behavior
    Zheng Junjun, Cai Ming, Li Chengzhi, Shao Cong
    2017, 29 (5):  102-109. 
    Abstract ( 350 )   PDF (1133KB) ( 1288 )  

    This research explores the impact of decision framing and psychological distance on individual cooperative behavior based on construal level theory. By adopting the mixed experimental design of 2 (giving frame vs. taking frame)×2 (psychological distance:high vs. low) and analyzing the experimental results using ANOVA, we discuss the mechanism of decision framing and psychological distance on cooperative behavior, and further analyze the effect of psychological distance on framing effect. The results show that the message framing and psychological distance will both affect individual cooperative behavior, that is, giving frames are more conducive to cooperation than taking frames, and in contrast with high psychological distance, individuals are more willing to cooperate when psychological distance is low. In addition, the experimental results also show that psychological distance will have an impact on the framing effect and high psychological distance will lead to more significant framing effect.

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    Relationship Research between Humble Leadership and Employees' Prohibitive Voice
    Zhang Yajun, Zhang Jinlong, Zhang Junwei, Cui Ligang
    2017, 29 (5):  110-119. 
    Abstract ( 362 )   PDF (1099KB) ( 1116 )  

    This paper aims to investigate the influence mechanism of humble leadership on employees' prohibitive voice, focusing on the mediating effect of voice efficacy and the moderating effect of zhong-yong thinking. We select an enterprise's employees and their direct supervisor as research subjects and analyze the survey data through structural equation model, hierarchical regression and so forth. The results indicates that humble leadership has remarkable positive influence on employees' prohibitive voice; voice efficacy plays a totally mediating role in the relationship between humble leadership and employees' prohibitive voice; zhong-yong thinking negatively moderates the relationship between humble leadership and employee's prohibitive voice, that is, the positive relationship between humble leadership and employee's prohibitive voice would be weaker when employees has higher zhong-yong thinking.

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    The Influence of Differentiated Transformational Leadership on Employee Innovative Behavior
    Feng Cailing
    2017, 29 (5):  120-130. 
    Abstract ( 291 )   PDF (1156KB) ( 944 )  

    There are few researches about the interaction between organizational-level transformational leadership and individual behavior. This paper selects two important variables from organizational level to explore the influence of differentiated transformational leadership on employee innovative behavior. A total of 51 companies from East China and North China are enrolled by one more pair. Results of cross-level analysis support the mediating and significant influence of organization-focused transformational leadership on employee innovative behavior through entrepreneurial orientation, and organizational innovative climate is a moderator for the relationship between differentiated individual-focused transformational leadership and employee innovative behavior. The results will further expand leadership theory, organizational strategy theory and organizational innovation. We highlight the theoretical and managerial implications of the relationship between the differentiated transformational leadership and employee innovative behavior in Chinese context.

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    Employer's Risk Allocation and Contractor's Behavior in Project Organization: Parallel Mediating Effect of Contractor's Feeling Trusted and Contractor's Trust
    Wang Xueqing, Xu Shusheng, Xu Zhichao
    2017, 29 (5):  131-142. 
    Abstract ( 258 )   PDF (1139KB) ( 698 )  

    Persistent improvement of project performance not only requires the contractor to complete the in-role behavior, but also requires the employer to stimulate the contractor's extra-role behavior. However, in reality, the incentives based on risk allocation focus on economic incentives, but neglect the needs of contractors as social beings, which hinder the incentive role of risk allocation. Based on self-fulfilling prophecy theory and social exchange theory, the study introduces the contractor's feeling trusted and the contractor's trust, in order to explore the mechanism of how the employer's risk allocation motivates the contractor. Empirical test results based on an analysis of 149 valid questionnaires show that:First, there is a positive correlation between the employer's risk allocation and the contractor's in-role and extra-role behavior. Second, the contractor's feeling trusted plays a partial mediating role between employer's risk allocation and contractor's behavior. Third, the employer's risk allocation is weakly related to contractor's trust, but contributes to generate contractor's in-role and extra-role behavior. In theory, this study further deepens the understanding of incentive for contractor in the project organization. In practice, the findings provide theoretical guidance and management implication for improving the effectiveness of incentives on the contractor.

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    Dimension Determination and Scale Development of Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Enterprises
    Qi Liyun, Li Tengfei, Shang Ke
    2017, 29 (5):  143-152. 
    Abstract ( 575 )   PDF (1056KB) ( 1666 )  

    Based on the key themes raised by ISO26000 and GRI 4.0 as well as domestic and foreign scholars' research results, this study divides CSR into eight dimensions:labor practice, economic development, human rights, fair operation, consumer issues, responsibility governance, environment and community development. Then through literature review, interview and questionnaire survey to Chinese 203 companies, we obtain the appropriate data. Further, se use software such as SPSS and Lisrel to analyze the questionnaire data, develop a scale that has good reliability and validity, and makea deep analysis to the excluded items. The scale we develop provides a basic tool for the quantitative research of corporate social responsibility, points out a direction for enterprises to convert responsibility to the power of innovation and the implementation of corporate social responsibility, and offers a framework for government to oversee corporate social responsibility.

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    Model Construction and Empirical Analysis of the Symbiosis Pattern among Software Products of the Same Firm: An Extended Logistic Model Based on Quality Parameter Compatibility
    Sun Bing
    2017, 29 (5):  153-164. 
    Abstract ( 220 )   PDF (1260KB) ( 752 )  

    The symbiosis phenomenon of software products within the same company has become a new character of the development of software firms in the network economic era. The paper constructs a theoretical symbiosis model of a company's software products and verifies the reasonability of the model by analyzing the MAU data of QQ and Wechat, two instant messaging software of Tencent. Thereafter, by way of finding the symbiosis pattern and evolution rules of the two products at different development stages, the paper analyzes the reasons for the symbiosis evolution.

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    The Impact of Lean Inventory Management on Firm Performance——Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Manufacturing Firms
    Wang Chunhao, Zhang Jie, Ma Jun
    2017, 29 (5):  165-174. 
    Abstract ( 371 )   PDF (1096KB) ( 1004 )  

    Based on the Chinese manufacturing firms listed in the period of 2009 to 2014, we use Panel Data models to verify the impact of lean inventory management on firm performance. The results indicate that inventory management has a positive impact on firm performance. There is a significant difference between firms with deep lean inventory management and firms without that, and firms with deep lean inventory management have higher level of performance. There is an inverted U shape relationship between lean inventory management and firm performance, and it is advised that there is an optimal lean inventory management interval range effective for firm performance. And the further results indicate that the impact of lean inventory management on performance varies across industries, and industry scale and gross margin are the main causes of industry difference.

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    A Comparative Study of the Container Terminal Operating Efficiency between China and South Korea
    Lu Bo, Wang Shouyang
    2017, 29 (5):  175-182. 
    Abstract ( 250 )   PDF (1117KB) ( 1296 )  

    The port competition between China and South Korea, as a key driver of the logistics development in Northeast Asia, represents the most typical and important part of the increasingly fierce competition among Northeast Asian ports from the perspective of port condition, geographical location and even the policy influence. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) that is designed to reveal the complex production relationships with multiple inputs and outputs can be used to evaluate the efficiency of such decision making units as port services with complex inputs and outputs. Therefore, this paper uses three models-DEA-Super-Efficiency, DEA-BCC and DEA-CCR-to analyze and compare the production efficiency of the 31 major container terminals in China and South Korea. Firstly, the total efficiency value of the container terminals is sorted according to the model, and then the potential mode of the non efficiency terminals is determined by using the slack variable analysis method. Finally, based on the empirical results, the efficiency of the non efficiency terminals is adjusted, and the scale efficiency is analyzed to provide a reference for the operation direction of the terminals, and to provide a theoretical basis for the port management.

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    Price and Service Decisions of Dual-channel Supply Chain in Cooperation
    Yang Haoxiong, Sun Lijun, Sun Hongxia, Liu Shuqin
    2017, 29 (5):  183-191. 
    Abstract ( 260 )   PDF (1260KB) ( 774 )  

    Manufacturers today are increasingly adopting the direct online channel to sell products. But the addition of a direct online channel will likely cause channel conflict. To ease channel conflict, manufacturer and retailer could take appropriate cooperation mechanism, and both sides may take cooperative strategies to share the costs of service. By using service sensitivity of consumer as a measurement index of sharing the costs of service, this paper establishes a cooperation model of dual-channel supply chain to explore the optimal pricing and service strategy in two situations:centralized control and decentralized control. The findings show that when service sensitivity of consumer is at a low level, manufacturers should pay attention to improving the quality of service at the early state of establishing network marketing channels and to other directions after the channels enter the mature stage. Retailers should make full use of offline advantages to narrow the scope of business, increase targeted goods and provide personalized services to consumers. When service sensitivity of consumer is at a high level, manufacturers should seek solutions from the innovation of big data and other Internet technologies, the construction of logistics distribution system.

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    The Condition and Strategy of Media Participating in Food Safety Social Co-governance
    Xie Kang, Liu Yi, Zhao Xin
    2017, 29 (5):  192-204. 
    Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (1662KB) ( 699 )  

    The existing literature often starts from the rational behavior assumption to discuss the value of media participating in the food safety governance, but seldom discusses the condition and strategy media participating in food safety. This paper develops a dynamic game theory model of media and food safety firm based on the bounded rational behavior assumption. Result shows that the condition of media participating in food safety social co-governance includes three parts:the level of reputation sensitivity of food firm, the judge of media and the punishment of government regulation. As a result, the strategy of media participating in food safety social co-governance is as follows:(1) The social reputation of media is the condition of media participating in co-governance, so that government can use other methods to maintain the social reputation institution; (2) The style of media reporting food safety violation behavior should be constant and deep, rather than just transient. (3) Both traditional media and new media should participate in food safety social co-governance, so that media can deter the violation of food safety; (4) Government should develop a media supervision system so that media participation can become legal and more qualified reporters would participate in this area.

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    Stakeholder Influence Analysis of Public-Private Partnership Projects from the Perspective of Communication, Workflow and Contract
    Peng Wei, Chen Jianguo, Wu Di, Shen Liangfa, Cui Qingbin, Amir Ghorban
    2017, 29 (5):  205-215. 
    Abstract ( 279 )   PDF (2796KB) ( 1316 )  

    In order to explore what important stakeholders there are and what factors determine the influence of stakeholders in Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) projects, two highway PPP projects are used as case study for further investigation. The research establishes multiple PPP social network models to analyze the social, authority and political influence of project stakeholders embedded within the project communication, work, and contractual relationships. Multiple regression analysis is then used to explore the relationships between influence and stakeholder positions in different types of networks. The result shows that the social network model can effectively identify the core and periphery stakeholders in project network. The stakeholders' influence can also be determined by the central index of various types of networks. The stakeholder's position in the project network has a large role in determining how much influence project stakeholders have. Suggestions for PPP stakeholder management are proposed.

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    Formation Mechanism of Objective Deviation in the Process of the Safety Evaluation System
    Mei Qiang, Zhang Jingjing, Liu Suxia, Zhong Jingjing, Wang Qiwei
    2017, 29 (5):  216-225. 
    Abstract ( 224 )   PDF (1235KB) ( 644 )  

    In order to study the reason of objective deviation in the process of marketization of the safety evaluation system, grounded theory is applied in the research and a model of interaction of three participants is established by means of in-depth interview. It is found in this paper that local safety inspection authorities prefer symbolic inspection strategies, service agencies prefer self-preservation and profit-seeking strategies, small and medium enterprises prefer faking compliance. These strategies are formed under their dominant logics, resource dependence as well as the influence of other two participants' behavior strategies. These passive behavioral strategies have negative effect on the interaction and may lead to the objective deviation of the safety.

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    Evolutionary Game Analysis of Governments and Polluting Firms Considering Environmental Tax Regulation
    Chen Zhenling, Wang Wenju
    2017, 29 (5):  226-236. 
    Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (1495KB) ( 1538 )  

    Based on the game theory, this paper constructs two revenue functions of micro subject models:the principal-agent model relating to the central government and local governments, and the evolutionary game model relating to the government and pollution enterprises. We also analyze and simulate their intrinsic interest relations in the relation among the central &local governments and the enterprises. The reason findings show that:Firstly, the evolutionary stable strategy between the governments and polluting firms can achieve the Pareto optimality in the condition of environmental tax when the subsidy is greater than the cost. Secondly, it is significant to increase the share ration of tax revenue between the central and local governments which can improve the local government's supervision of pollution firms. Thirdly, when we strengthen environmental regulation and increase environmental tax, pollution emission will decrease. However, once environmental regulation is relaxing, polluting firms will not adopt pollution abatement strictly though we increase environmental tax. polluting firms will have two choices:Some firms are unwilling to reduce pollution, others will choose the strategy of pollution reduction. So, it is important to stipulate the reasonable mechanism of environmental tax which can promote actively pollution abatement of firms, and economic green development.

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    How Trade Openness Affects PM2.5——Causal Effect Studies Based on Heating Policy Differences between the Two Sides of Huai River
    Dai Lihua
    2017, 29 (5):  237-245. 
    Abstract ( 173 )   PDF (1087KB) ( 816 )  

    This paper estimates the casual effect of trade openness on PM2.5 on the basis of 74 cities' cross-section data. We use the two-stage instrumental variable empirical method raised by Blanchard and Perotti to figure out the reverse causality bias caused by pollution to trade openness. When choosing the IVs for PM2.5 in the first stage regression, we choose the latitude distance between cities and Huai River as the proxy variable of PM2.5 in view of the fact that China's central heating policy applies differently to the two sides of Huai River and coal burning is the main reason of PM2.5. We find that increase in PM2.5 leads to statistically significant decrease in trade-GDP ratio. We use the first stage regression residuals to instrument trade openness in the second stage regression in order to solve the reverse causality effect. The result shows that trade openness is bad for environmental quality. Mechanism analysis shows that exports of pollution intensive sectors lead to the pollution.

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    The Past, Present and Future of MADIS and Some Hints to the Management of Interdisciplinary Research Organizations in China
    Liu Haiyan, Tang Chaoying
    2017, 29 (5):  246-255. 
    Abstract ( 182 )   PDF (1165KB) ( 673 )  

    Doing interdisciplinary research is increasingly necessary in the age when there is a tendency of knowledge emerging among contemporary science fields. However, this work often faces big challenges in resources requirement, performance identification, talent education etc. How to help the scientific research organizations get continuous development is an important management task. This paper analyses the growth of Key Laboratory of Management, Decision and Information Systems in Chinese Academy of Sciences (MADIS) over the past 28 years. MADIS has gained important international influence in operations science, system engineering, management science, computer science and applied mathematics, and has fostered a number of leading talents in these fields. Its related management experience and the challenges it faces are summarized. Furthermore, this paper points out the key factors for the growth of interdisciplinary labs at the stages of establishment, development, and continuous development and the related management strategies. At last, based on this case study some hints are pointed out for the policy making and management of interdisciplinary scientific research organizations.

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    Building Crowdfunding Ecosystem: A Multi-case Study
    Wang Zhengpei, Li Guoxin
    2017, 29 (5):  256-272. 
    Abstract ( 290 )   PDF (1494KB) ( 2878 )  

    Crowdfunding ecosystem has a great effect on crowdfunding platforms, so this paper aims to propose crowdfunding ecosystem construction model and evolution rule. Based on multi-crowdfunding platforms, we put forward three types of crowdfunding ecosystems. The results show that:Fusion crowdfunding ecosystem has most types of species, but species relationship is a little loose; independent crowdfunding ecosystem has few types of species, but species relationship is tight. The business resources behind crowdfunding platform determine the crowdfunding ecosystem structure and development way. The basic functions of crowdfunding ecosystems are information spreading and value flow. The evolutionary dynamic of crowdfunding ecosystem comes from the development of biological and species. When the number of biology and species in crowdfunding ecosystem reaches a certain "threshold", new resources and service requirements will be generated and designers of the crowdfunding ecosystems should meet the needs only if the crowdfunding ecosystems can be upgraded. The evolution of crowdfunding ecosystems is driven by the joint effort of entrepreneurs, investors and the crowdfunding platform. The types of crowdfunding ecosystems can be used as a reference for crowdfunding platforms and entrepreneurs.

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