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    30 January 2016, Volume 28 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Model and Empirical Study on the Pulling-effect between Urban and Rural Employment
    Wang Huijuan, Qu Shuangshi, Chen Xikang
    2016, 28 (1):  3-10. 
    Abstract ( 244 )   PDF (1111KB) ( 889 )  

    In this paper, we construct urban and rural employment group multipliers. These multipliers draw lessons from the idea of Miyazawa multipliers model and researches the interrelationship of the employment groups in urban and rural area. This paper focuses on the direct and total employment coefficients between the different employment groups. It opens a new way to the research of employment. On the basis of theoretical model, we construct urban and rural employment input-occupation-output modes 2007, and the result shows that increasing urban employment should drive the biggest on employments, especially for the rural employment.

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    Analysis and Forecast of Aviation Fuel Consumption in China
    Chai Jian, Zhang Zhongyu, Li Xin, Wang Shouyang
    2016, 28 (1):  11-21,41. 
    Abstract ( 352 )   PDF (1599KB) ( 1565 )  

    In this paper, a multi-dimensional forecast for China's aviation fuel consumption is processed to confirm that although aviation fuel efficiency will improve in future, China aviation fuel consumption still rise significantly because of the increasing demand for air transport. There is few literature researching forecast methods of direct explanation and decomposition analysis for the future aviation fuel consumption. Based on a structural decomposition with indirect forecast, aviation fuel consumption is decomposed into efficient factors and total factors (aviation fuel efficiency and total turnover of aeronautical transport). The core influencing factors of these two indexes are selected by path analysis. These two indexes are analyzed and forecast by using univariate and multivariate models (ETS/ARIMA model and Bayesian multivariate regression). Finally, combined forecast of aviation fuel consumption demand is analyzed by integrating the above two results. The results show that route flight carrying rate elasticity of aviation fuel efficiency is 0.8%. Urbanization rate elasticity of aviation total turnover is 3.8% and per capital GDP elasticity is 0.4%. At the end of 2015, China aviation fuel consumption will increase up to 28 million tons, and 50 million tons in 2020.

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    An Empirical Research on Productivity Spillovers from FDI of Producer Service Industry
    Xu Hongyi, Huang Minjiang, Li Cheng, Xu Peng
    2016, 28 (1):  22-30. 
    Abstract ( 317 )   PDF (1044KB) ( 765 )  

    In this paper, we choose China's producer service industry as the research object. Based on an empirical study on the panel data of 5 representative producer service industries in China during the period from 2004 to 2012, this paper aims to illustrate FDI intra-industry horizontal spillover effects and inter-industry vertical spillover effects in the producer service industry (backward linkage and forward linkage). A test by use of the econometric models we established show that the intra-industry spillover effects of FDI are significantly positive, while the vertical spillover effects are significantly negative in producer service industry. Besides, the backward spillover effects are greater than horizontal and forward spillover effects.

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    The Relationship between Quality Management Practices, Organizational Learning and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study on Zhejiang Manufacturing Enterprises
    Feng Xiaobin, Chen Liqiong
    2016, 28 (1):  31-41. 
    Abstract ( 321 )   PDF (1196KB) ( 957 )  

    The influence of quality management infrastructure practices and core practices on firm performance is analyzed based on literature review, in which organizational learning plays a mediator role. A theoretical model including quality management practice (QMP), organizational learning and firm performance is testified by using the data from 424 manufacturing firms of Zhejiang province. The results indicate that not only infrastructure practices and core practices have direct positive impact on firm performance, but also their interacting and matching terms have direct effects. Moreover, both explorative learning and exploitative learning mediate infrastructure practices and firm performance, while only exploitative learning indirectly influences the relationship between core practices and firm performance. Managerial implications for manufacturing firms as to how to implement QMP and achieve quality upgrading are provided according to research findings.

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    Innovation Efficiency Evaluation of Hi-Tech Development Zones Based on the Three-stage DEA Model
    Liu Manfeng, Li Shenghong
    2016, 28 (1):  42-52,155. 
    Abstract ( 285 )   PDF (2822KB) ( 1464 )  

    National high-tech development zones are the pioneers of regional innovation production and their innovative production effects directly influence the technological innovation and economic development in the region. In this paper, using the three stage DEA model, the innovation efficiency of China[DK]'s high-tech zones in 2012 is studied. The authors not only study the effect of innovation efficiency by the environment variables, but also assess the innovation efficiency by the traditional DEA model and the three stage DEA model. The results show that the technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency are the highest for the Yangtze river delta region and the Pearl river delta region, followed by the Northeast and Circum-Bohai sea region, and the worst is the Western region and Central region. The environmental factor is a key constraint to the high-tech zone innovation efficiency of central and western regions. The environment variables play their roles in improving the macroeconomic environment, intensifying policy support and optimizing the industrial structure, all of which are helpful for more efficient innovation in both high-tech areas and underdeveloped areas. And given that market openness on the efficiency of the high-tech innovation effect is not obvious, the improvement of the infrastructure for high-tech innovation efficiency has a certain delay.

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    Analysis of the Impact of Different Environmental Policy Instruments on Technology Innovation: Evidence from China's 30 Provinces' Panel Data from 2004-2011
    Yu Wei, Chen Qiang, Chen Hua
    2016, 28 (1):  53-61. 
    Abstract ( 334 )   PDF (1309KB) ( 1327 )  

    This paper analyses the impact of different type environmental policy instruments on technology innovation based on the panel data of China's provinces over the period of 2004-2011. We classify environmental policy tools into three major categories: direct regulation, economic instruments and soft instruments, using "three-simultaneity" investment, sewage charges and environment news quantity as the proxy variables respectively. The results show that the direct regulation and economic instruments have significant positive impact on R&D expenditure of China, and the effect is not significant, while the soft instruments have a significant positive impact on R&D expenditure of China. This paper also finds that the result is diverse in different regions. The direct regulation has a positive impact on R&D expenditure of eastern and inland region, and the effect is not significant. The economic instruments have a negative impact on R&D expenditure of eastern region, while have a significant positive impact on R&D expenditure of inland region. The soft instruments have a significant positive on R&D expenditure of eastern, while have no significant positive on R&D expenditure of inland region.

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    Product Innovation and Network Embeddedness——Mediating Role of Organizational Learning
    Li Zhidong, Jin Hui
    2016, 28 (1):  62-72. 
    Abstract ( 237 )   PDF (1125KB) ( 857 )  

    On the basis of resource gaps generated in process of product innovating, the network embedding mechanism for two types of product innovation is studied by using Enterprise Resource theory and Organizational Learning theory and some corresponding hypotheses are proposed. Aided by sample data from 345 manufacturing companies, the hypotheses are empirically tested. Test result shows that: to effectively obtain the needed complementary resources, radical product innovation enterprises are likely to intensively interact with relatively large scale of weak ties through exploratory learning but incremental product innovation enterprises tend to loosely interact with relatively small size of strong ties through exploitative learning. Therefore, the two types of product innovation couple with their network embeddedness and in between two types of organizational learning respectively play an intermediary role.

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    The Influence of Negative Media Coverage on Tunneling of Controlling Shareholder: Evidence from China
    Li Ming, Ye Yong
    2016, 28 (1):  73-82. 
    Abstract ( 306 )   PDF (1054KB) ( 870 )  

    As an important external corporate governance mechanism, negative media coverage has great impacts on restraining controlling stakeholder's behavior and protecting the interest of investors. Under the Chinese especial institutional background, we empirically test the impacts of negative media coverage on controlling shareholder's tunneling behavior, with the sample of 2010-2012 non-financial listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen. The empirical results demonstrate that negative media coverage can reduce controlling shareholder's tunneling behavior, and compared with state-owned listed companies, non-state owned listed companies are more likely to reduce the controlling shareholder's tunneling behavior when there's negative media coverage. The research results are not only conducive for a deeper understanding of media's role in corporate governance, but also helpful in promoting the perfection of corporate governance and protecting the interest of investors.

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    The Relationship between Big-five Personality and Subjective Career Success: A Meta-analysis of the Prior 15-year Researches
    Weng Qingxiong, Peng Chuanhu, Cao Weilin, Xi Youmin
    2016, 28 (1):  83-95. 
    Abstract ( 439 )   PDF (1226KB) ( 3240 )  

    Using Meta-analysis, we conduct a qualitative review on the prior 15-year literatures of the relationship between Big-five personality and subjective career success (career satisfaction). A 17331 sample included in 16 valuable papers is selected through literature search, the analysis on which show that: Big-five personality is positively related to career satisfaction; the relationship between neuroticism (r=-0.339) and career satisfaction is the highest, followed by extravert (r=0.158) and agreeableness (r=0.158), and then responsibility (r=0.137) and open to experience(r=0.125); the measurement of personality, the time span of data, job category moderated the relationship between big-five personality and career satisfaction. It infers that Big-five personality is a significant predictor of career satisfaction, and the relationship between them varies in different regions and different job categories. The direction of further exploring the relationship between personality and career satisfaction is discussed as well.

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    Performance Driven, Market Transition and Innovative Spirit of Family Business
    Li Jing, He Xiaogang, Lian Yanling, Lv Feifei
    2016, 28 (1):  96-108. 
    Abstract ( 330 )   PDF (1173KB) ( 929 )  

    This paper analyzes the relationship between firm performance and innovative spirit of family business from the perspective of internal resources, and the moderating effects of institutional environment and competition environment. Based on the data of public listed family firms, this paper gets the following results: first, there is an inverted U shape relationship between firm performance and innovative spirit. That is, firm innovative spirit increases as the performance goes up, but when performance reaches a certain level, firm innovative spirit decreases as performance continues increasing. Second, given a certain performance level, when the institutional environment is better, innovative spirit of family business is better. So a better institutional environment has a positive moderating effect on the relationship between firm performance and firm innovative spirit. Third, competition environment also has a significantly moderating effect on the relationship between firm performance and innovative spirit, and when the completion is serious, firm innovative spirit decreases given a certain performance level.

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    A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Employability and Job Search Behaviors on Job Search Outcomes of College Graduates
    Xie Yizhong, Lu Hailing
    2016, 28 (1):  109-120. 
    Abstract ( 395 )   PDF (1140KB) ( 1111 )  

    Based on a three-wave survey of Chinese college graduates, the relationships among employability, job search behaviors and job search outcomes are explored by multiple regression analysis using the two matched data (nT1-T2=553, nTI-T3=241). The major findings include that: (1) Employability has significant effects on job search outcomes (employment status, expected starting salary and employment satisfaction) after the autumn campus recruitment peak and employment satisfaction before graduation, and has significant effects on job search behaviors (preparatory job search behaviors, active job search behaviors, and general job search efforts) during the autumn recruitment. (2) Job search behaviors during the autumn recruitment have significant effects on employment status after the autumn recruitment peak. Additionally, general job search efforts during the autumn recruitment have marginal significant effects on employment satisfaction after the autumn recruitment peak. (3) In the whole job searching period, job search behaviors have significant or marginal significant effects on employment status and expected starting salary before graduation. (4) Job search behaviors during the autumn recruitment partially mediated the effects of employability on employment status after the autumn recruitment peak. What's more, general job search efforts during the autumn recruitment partially mediate the effects of employability on employment satisfaction after the autumn recruitment peak.

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    A Cross-level Research on Corporate Social Responsibility's Impact on Employee Performance: Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Perceived External Prestige
    Yan Aimin, Li Ge
    2016, 28 (1):  121-129. 
    Abstract ( 417 )   PDF (1084KB) ( 1820 )  

    With a survey of 1308 employees from 83 companies, this research explores the cross-level effect of corporate social responsibility on employee's in-role behavior and organizational citizenship behavior, and the mediating role of perceived organizational support and perceived external prestige in this relation. The results indicate that corporate social responsibility has positive influence on employee's in-role behavior and organizational citizenship behavior. Additionally, perceived organizational support plays a complete mediating role both in the relation of corporate social responsibility and in-role behavior and the relation of corporate social responsibility and organizational citizenship behavior; perceived external prestige plays a complete mediating role in the relation of corporate social responsibility and organizational citizenship behavior, while partial mediating role in the relation of corporate social responsibility and in-role behavior. Study limitations and future research are discussed.

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    Effects of TMT Team Processes and Team Reflexivity on Decision Performance
    Liu Xihuai, Ge Yuhui, Zhao Bingyan
    2016, 28 (1):  130-140. 
    Abstract ( 359 )   PDF (1176KB) ( 942 )  

    This paper introduces firstly team reflexivity into TMT theory, sorts out and summarizes relevant literatures, puts forward theoretical hypotheses, constructs structural equation modeling, and then studies the effects of TMT team processes, team reflexivity on decision performance by empirically analyzing the sample data of questionnaire. The results show that the internal processes of TMT have significant positive effects on the decision quality and satisfaction, the external processes of TMT also have significant positive effects on both of them, the internal processes of TMT have significant positive effects on the TMT task reflexivity and emotion reflexivity, the external processes of TMT also have significant positive effects on both of them, TMT task reflexivity have significant positive effects on the decision quality and satisfaction, emotion reflexivity also have significant positive effects on both of them. In addition, team reflexivity have partial mediating role between TMT team processes and decision performance.

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    Effects of Product and Customer Resource Configuration Strategies on Foreign Banks' Performance: Based on 21 Foreign Corporate Banks' Panel Data
    Wu Xiaoyun, Chen Pengfei
    2016, 28 (1):  141-155. 
    Abstract ( 262 )   PDF (1272KB) ( 1028 )  

    Foreign banks have finished the first phase of the layout after entering the Chinese market. An urgent problem for foreign banks to solve in the next stage of development is how to overcome the "outsiders' disadvantage", such as small scale and small market share. Based on the Configuration Theory, this paper researches the effects of product and customer resource configuration strategies on foreign banks' performance. By analyzing 21 foreign banks' data from 2008 to 2012, this paper concludes that the four kinds of product and customer resource configuration strategies have an significantly different influence on foreign banks' performance: the strategy Product Diversification-Customer Decentralization and strategy Product Diversification-Customer Centralization have a positive effect on performance; the strategy Product Concentration-Customer Centralization has a negative effect on performance; the strategy Product Concentration-Customer Decentralization has no significant impact on performance. In addition, the Market Risk has a significant influence on the relationship between the resource configuration strategy and bank performance. Finally, this paper puts forward some management suggestions for foreign banks' development strategy in the next phase and Chinese banks' market strategy.

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    Perceived Fit and Its Impact on Brand Extension Evaluation——A Review Based on the E-PBE Framework
    Zheng Chundong, Chen Ya, Tang Jiansheng
    2016, 28 (1):  156-168. 
    Abstract ( 336 )   PDF (1238KB) ( 1205 )  

    Success of brand extension depends largely on consumer's brand extension evaluation and perceived fit is an important factor that affects the extension evaluation. Firstly, based on the perspective of explanatory links, this paper unifies the different concepts of fit. Secondly, through literature review, the article constructs a PBE basic framework and an E-PBE extended framework. The PBE basic framework describes the relationship between the three dimensions of perceived fit (product fit, brand fit and other fit) and extension evaluation. While, the E-PBE extended framework shows the influencing factors that impact the relationship between perceived fit and extension evaluation. The influencing factors consist of the direct influencing factors which include consumer level factors and marketing strategy level factors that affect the level of fit, and the moderator variables which include consumer level variables, brand level variables and extending strategy level variables that adjust the mentioned relationship. Finally, this paper reaches a conclusion and points out some potential areas for further studies based on the PBE and E-PBE frameworks.

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    Research on Development Incentive Mechanism of Industrial Park Waste Logistics System
    He Kailun, Li Wei, Liu Zhixue
    2016, 28 (1):  169-178. 
    Abstract ( 212 )   PDF (1145KB) ( 1060 )  

    In this paper, the waste logistics system structure and characteristics of industrial parks are analyzed. It is indicated that the waste logistics system has significant environmental benefits; the government should actively coordinate the waste logistics system of industrial parks to establish the cooperation mechanism between enterprises and give financial subsidies for environmental benefits the system produced. The waste logistics system of industrial parks could be simplified as a hegemony enterprise, the principal-agent incentive model between the government and enterprise is constructed based on the incentive requirements and conditions, and the development incentive mechanism and its implementation strategy of the waste logistics system of industrial parks are put forward by analyzing the model constructed. Taking the waste oil processing of an industrial park for example, the theoretical model is used to analyze the development incentive mechanism of the waste oil logistics system. This study shows that under the conditions of complete information the government only pay to the waste logistics system of industrial parks fixed subsidies, and the government may cancel the fixed subsidy as the economic capacity of the waste logistics system is strong enough. On the contrary, under the condition of incomplete information the government can use the incentive intensity coefficient to mobilize effort level of the waste logistics system, and make the system bear a certain risk.

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    Carryover for Actual Cost Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
    Meng Qiunan, Lou Jian, Bai Xue
    2016, 28 (1):  179-190. 
    Abstract ( 262 )   PDF (1534KB) ( 837 )  

    To solve the problem of actual cost carryover with the product circulations accurately in complex production processes, the cost carryover mathematical model which takes the product and batch as main research objects is built up. The improved Genetic Algorithm (GA) is designed to solve the model. The chromosome encoding and decoding with two layers of segments under the constraint of sequences are presented to realize valid chromosomes in the whole evolution process of GA and omit the complex operations of decoding and repairing. The multi-point crossover and mutation with gene fragments are provided. The population perturbation strategy including optimum retention, roulette wheel selection limits on the number of individual and population disturbance is proposed to overcome the premature convergence. Compared with basic Genetic Algorithm, the improved GA is better in accuracy and efficiency. Finally, an illustrative example is given to testify this above method with the carryover method used in the enterprise; the results show that the improved GA has better effectiveness in improving costing accuracy and decreasing the time of accounting.

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    The Effect of Litigation on Tunneling of Debt
    Wang Yanchao, Jiang Guohua
    2016, 28 (1):  191-204. 
    Abstract ( 263 )   PDF (1251KB) ( 854 )  

    It is one of vital issues on rule of law to study the effect of law on investor protection. Tunneling of firm by large shareholder can not only cause damage to the minority shareholders, but impair thevalue of creditors. Increasing rise of other receivables in firm will intensify agency conflict between shareholder and creditors. To regulate the behavior of large shareholder, creditors will fall back on the law as outside governance that lessens the conflict between shareholder and creditors, which can protect creditor`s rights. Based on the hand collected debt lawsuits from 1998-2007 in China, the results show that occurrence of litigation keep positive correlation with degree of tunneling via internal corporate loan, and the relationship get strongly when there are less leverage in firm. Since second year after litigation against firm, degree of tunnel from large shareholder get less, which verifies the effect of litigation on the creditor protection, and of the law as outside governance on controlling shareholder behavior.

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    Is It Heuristic Bias or Interest Relation that Leads to Optimistic Earnings Forecast of Securities Analysts?
    Zhou Donghua, Zhao Yujie
    2016, 28 (1):  205-218. 
    Abstract ( 309 )   PDF (1137KB) ( 993 )  

    Based on an analysis of optimistic earnings forecast made by securities analysts in China, this paper reaches two conclusions. (1) Driven by heuristic bias, underwriter analysts tend to issue positive forecast reports and give higher earnings forecasts than non-underwriter analysts do and the stronger bias analysts have, the more different EPS forecast they tend to give in comparison with actual EPS. (2) Heuristic bias and interest relation are usually independent of each other in leading analysts to make optimistic earnings forecasts, but they may complement each other and mutually affect analysts' forecasts when listed companies with great financing have significant economic relationship with security companies, which would arrange non-star analysts to follow such listed companies.

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    Study on the High-tech Enterprise Strategic Transformation Driven by the Combination of Multi-level Ambidexterity Capability: The Case of Lenovo Mobile
    Ouyang Taohua, Cui Zhengyan, Zhang Di, Zeng Delin, Hu Jingbo
    2016, 28 (1):  219-228. 
    Abstract ( 363 )   PDF (1213KB) ( 1676 )  

    Thepaper takes Lenovo Mobile as a study case to explain high-tech enterprise strategic transformation process and internal mechanism from the angle of organizational ambidexterity. This study opened the high-tech enterprise strategic transformation of "black box" and explains how to achieve strategic transformation through the inner mechanism of the organizational ambidexterity. The conclusion is that in the process of strategic transformation, Lenovo Mobile faced exploitation and exploration as the strategy paradox and these paradox elements supported each other and converted in one-way. We Identify the Lenovo Mobile through the primary level organization of the structure ambidexterity, middle organization of the contextual ambidexterity, high-level organization of the leadership ambidexterity to work together to effectively dissolve the strategy paradox. We further analyze the mechanisms of differentiation and integration that help promote the implementation of the strategic transformation. The study is significant in enriching the organizational ambidexterity and the relevant theories of strategic transformation system and helping China's high-tech enterprise achieve strategic transformation.

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    Discover and Create 3 Dimensions Business Competition Space——A Multiple Cases Study
    Wei Wei, Hu Yong, Chen Weijian
    2016, 28 (1):  229-240. 
    Abstract ( 275 )   PDF (1096KB) ( 1391 )  

    After an intensive analysis of the competition space of online travel, smart phones and antivirus software by a multiple case study, we discover that modern enterprises compete with each other in new space-business model space, symbiont space and the traditional strategic space. The different logic of the 3 competition spaces are: (1) The main strategic space has its own three dimensions: customers, competitors and enterprises; (2) The business model space has its own three dimensions: operational activities, profit model and cash flow structure; (3) The symbiont space has its own three dimensions: evolution, demise and birth of asymbiosis. In different competitive space, companies need to consider different problems and integrate their respective development logic to cope with the potential competitions from various competitive space.

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