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    Economic and Financial Management
    SOE Involvement, Difference in Regional System and M&A Process—From the Legitimacy Perspective
    Ding Jiayan, Su Yiyi, Zhang Qinghua
    2024, 36 (8):  3-14. 
    Abstract ( 205 )   PDF (1200KB) ( 299 )  
    Based on the legitimacy perspective, this study employs domestic merger and acquisition (M&A) events of China's A-share listed companies from 2000 to 2019 to examine the effect of state-owned enterprise (SOE) involvement on the success rate and completion time of domestic M&As, as well as the moderating effect of regional institutional difference. Empirical results show that on the one hand, domestic M&As with SOE involvement have an advantage in gaining legitimacy and hence a higher success rate, but on the other hand, such M&As take a longer time to complete because of SOE's rigorous decision-making and strict investigation process. Furthermore, the positive effect of SOE involvement on the success rate a M&A transaction is more significant when the two sides of the transaction operate under distinctly different regional systems, which is an indirect reflection of SOE's unique role in bridging differences in regional systems. Taking the level of SOEs into account, we find that both central SOEs and local SOEs can improve the success rate of M&A, and the effect of central SOEs is greater. Moreover, local SOE involvement will prolong the M&A process, but central SOE involvement will not. This study not only provides a new perspective for understanding domestic M&A process that involves SOEs, but also enriches the legitimacy management literature.
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    Systemic Risk Contagion Mechanism Based on Trade-Investment Network
    Li Jingwei, Li Shouwei, Liu Xiaoxing, Wang Hu
    2024, 36 (8):  15-27. 
    Abstract ( 120 )   PDF (2929KB) ( 167 )  
    Global economic crises such as the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis indicate that the growing interconnection between international trade and financial investment can contribute to cross-border risk contagion. Analysis of China's resilience to risks that originate and spread in specific ways from different countries is important for the systematic assessment of China's resistance to systemic risks in international trade and investment activities. Therefore, this paper develops a trade-investment network system and a model of systemic risks spreading through different channels among countries. Bilateral trade and portfolio data between China and OECD countries from 2003 to 2019 are selected for analysis. The study finds that:(1) major investing countries as contagion sources cause significant damage to the system, and China as a key trade country has a much lower degree of influence on the network than G7 countries, but its influence continues increasing during the study period. (2) independent of the source of risk contagion, the initial loss of the network system has a strong linear relationship with the final total loss. (3) China is less resilient to risks starting in North America, East Asia and Western Europe, and resistant to risks from Eastern Europe, South America and countries along the border between Asia and Europe; the negative impact of G7 countries on China's trade and investing channel is extremely significant.
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    Lending Facilities, Collateral Channels and Small and Micro Enterprises Lending—A Study of DID Based on Double Machine Learning
    Ouyang Zhigang, Li Wei
    2024, 36 (8):  28-38. 
    Abstract ( 122 )   PDF (1189KB) ( 391 )  
    In order to support the development of real economy and alleviate the financing difficulties of small and micro enterprises (SMEs), on June 1, 2018, the People's Bank of China (POBC) expanded the collateral scope of the medium-term lending facility (MLF) to include high-quality SMEs' loans in the MLF collateral framework. Using this quasi-natural experiment, this paper introduces the Double Machine Learning method into the traditional DID model to study the impact of collateral expansion of MLF on SMEs' loans. The study finds that the inclusion of high-quality SMEs' loans as collateral for MLF by POBC significantly increases the availability of loans to SMEs, and it is mainly achieved by alleviating information asymmetry of SMEs and lowering mortgage guarantee requirements. Heterogeneity analysis shows that the promotion effect on SMEs in eastern regions is greater than that on SMEs in central and western regions, and the promotion effect on SMEs of specialized and special new type is greater than that on SMEs of non-specialized and special new type.
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    Asymmetric Linkage Analysis between Bitcoin Transaction Network Structure Evolution and Bitcoin Price Fluctuation
    Zhang Wen, Xie Rui, Yu Lean, Li Jian
    2024, 36 (8):  39-51. 
    Abstract ( 104 )   PDF (2795KB) ( 152 )  
    Bitcoin is the most influential digital cryptocurrency of the time and its price mechanism has attracted much attention from researchers in the world. Based on the heterogeneous network theory, this paper uses Bitcoin transaction data of 1,307 days from 1 January 2015 to 31 July 2018 to construct a Bitcoin transaction evolution network and, applies long-term series correlation analysis, cointegration test, linear regression and threshold regression model to analyze the linkage relationship between the structure evolution of Bitcoin heterogeneous transaction network and Bitcoin price fluctuation. The research findings are as follows. First, the evolution of number of transactions, number of addresses, average balance of addresses and network diameter has positive linkage effects on the fluctuation of Bitcoin price. Second, the linkage effect is asymmetric in different price ranges:when Bitcoin price is below or above $ 4,360, there is a significant difference on the linkage effect between network structure evolution and price fluctuation as the former has a significantly greater impact on the price fluctuation than the latter.
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    A Combination Forecast Method of Port Container Throughput Based on Secondary Decomposition and Model Selection Strategy
    Liang Xiaozhen, Zhao Xin, Yang Mingge, Wu Junfeng, Deng Tianhu, Tian Xin
    2024, 36 (8):  52-64. 
    Abstract ( 79 )   PDF (2299KB) ( 93 )  
    Accurate prediction of port container throughput is of great significance to government planning of port construction and reasonable allocation of resources by ports and shipping enterprises. Previous studies often use a single decomposition method to deal with the complex features in the container throughput series, which results in incomplete data feature extraction and blind selection of prediction models, and greatly affects the prediction effect of the combined model. Therefore, this paper introduces the strategies of secondary decomposition and model selection based on data characteristics analysis to predict the port container throughput by establishing a combination forecast framework. Firstly, according to the overall characteristics of the original series, a decomposition method is selected to decompose it preliminarily, and several components are obtained. Then, the data characteristics of each component, such as stationarity, seasonality and complexity, are analyzed, and an appropriate econometric model is selected for prediction or the complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN) method is used to decompose the component. Next, the characteristic of long-range correlation is introduced, and the appropriate model for prediction is selected according to the stationarity, complexity, and long-range correlation of the sub-sequences after the secondary decomposition. Finally, the predicted values of all components are integrated to obtain the final prediction results. Taking monthly forecast as an example, the empirical study uses the container throughput data of Shanghai Port and Tianjin Port as samples. The empirical results show that the combination forecast framework proposed in this paper has higher prediction accuracy than the benchmark models, and is a promising tool for port container throughput forecasting, which can provide decision-making reference for relevant government departments, ports, and shipping enterprises.
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    Equal or Pale? Comparison of Production Efficiency between Domestic M&As and Cross-border M&As
    Li Na, Chen Fengxian
    2024, 36 (8):  65-78. 
    Abstract ( 93 )   PDF (1498KB) ( 74 )  
    Enhancing total factor productivity (TFP) serves as the driving force behind high-quality economic development. By constructing a Cournot duopoly model of two countries, this paper compares the TFP differences among companies without M&As, domestic M&As and cross-border M&As, and empirically examines the mechanism of how M&A activities influence TFP by using the data of 1, 229 domestic M&As and 111 cross-border M&As involving Chinese listed companies from 2008 to 2020. This paper employs propensity score matching and time-varying difference-in-differences (DID) methods. The results show that:(1) both domestic M&As and crossborder M&As significantly enhance TFP, with cross-border M&As exerting a greater effect. This phenomenon is particularly significant for non-state-owned enterprises, high-tech companies and companies with low financing constraints. When the bilateral political relationship is friendly and the host country's institutional quality is high, the above phenomenon is also particularly significant; (2) further research shows that cross-border M&As play a stronger role in improving TFP through stronger innovation and management synergies. The distinguishing factor lies in the market monopoly effect, which negatively impacts TFP for domestic M&As but lacks significance for cross-border M&As. The combination of these three effects ultimately leads to a significantly weaker TFP improvement for domestic M&As compared to cross-border M&As. In the context of ongoing trade disputes, it is of great significance for the improvement of TFP and highquality economic growth to encourage Chinese companies to "go out" and integrate external resources, and to actively create a market environment of fair competition to facilitate the integration of internal resources.
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    Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management
    Family Governance and Firm Innovation Investment: An Analysis Based on Survey Data of Chinese Private Enterprises
    Ma Jun, He Xuan
    2024, 36 (8):  79-92. 
    Abstract ( 133 )   PDF (1231KB) ( 198 )  
    Family business governance is a process of both corporate governance and family governance, but most of existing researches focus on corporate governance from the corporate system, ignoring the governance within the family. In particular, as more and more Chinese family businesses enter the firstand second-generation succession process, it is obvious that just focusing on corporate governance cannot guarantee the stable operation and smooth inheritance of the company, and the design and implementation of family governance mechanisms will become indispensable. In view of this, this paper uses the database of the 14th China Private Enterprise Survey to focus on the impact mechanism and effect of family governance on corporate innovation investment. The study finds that family governance significantly improves the level of innovation investment of enterprises. Furthermore, with the development of firm life cycle, the level of family involvement and the improvement of level of owner's identification with family business identity, the positive role of family governance is gradually enhanced, and the joint effect between family governance and corporate governance is also transformed from substitution to synergy. Mechanism test shows that family governance can enhance the level of innovation input by strengthening family succession intention and reducing labor and financing costs. This paper helps to deepen the knowledge and understanding of the effect of family governance in family business, and thus provides some practical inspiration on how to design and implement family governance in a timely and appropriate manner.
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    Big Data Capability, Business Model and Innovative Performance of Logistics Enterprises: Based on the Simulation Analysis of System Dynamics
    Zhang Huan, Gao Hua
    2024, 36 (8):  93-104. 
    Abstract ( 114 )   PDF (3553KB) ( 173 )  
    Based on the resource base concept and business model theory, this paper constructs a systematic dynamic model of big data capability, business model and innovation performance of logistics enterprises.Through simulation and sensitivity analysis, this paper reveals the mechanism of how big data capability influences the innovation performance of logistics enterprises. The results show that big data capabilities can directly and positively affect the innovation performance of logistics enterprises, and the effect of big data infrastructure capabilities on innovation performance is the most significant. Big data capabilities can also indirectly affect the innovation performance of logistics enterprises through business model, of which three key elements:market positioning, business process and profit model, are most sensitive to changes in market growth rate, enterprise retained earnings and customer number, respectively. In addition, the effect of big data capabilities indirectly affecting the innovation performance of enterprises through business models is more obvious than the effect of directly affecting innovation performance. This study clarifies the multiple feedback relationships among big data capabilities, business models and innovation performance from a dynamic perspective, reveals the mechanism of how they act on each other, and provides theoretical guidance and decision-making basis for logistics enterprises to improve innovation performance.
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    The Effect of Institutional Complexity on MNEs' Innovation Performance: Based on the Perspective of Institutional Logics Theory
    Shen Liying, Chen Deqiu
    2024, 36 (8):  105-118. 
    Abstract ( 133 )   PDF (1233KB) ( 212 )  
    Emerging economy multinational enterprises (MNEs) not only need to face institutional difference between home and host countries, but also between different host countries. Under the background that China is in a critical stage of high-quality economic development and transformation, it is of great significance to understand the effect of institutional complexity on MNEs' innovation performance from the institutional logics perspective. Based on the data of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2007 to 2017, this paper examines the relationship between institutional complexity of host countries and MNEs' innovation performance. Our findings suggest that institutional complexity has a significantly positive impact on MNEs' innovation performance, which is reflected in the increase of the number of patent applications. In addition, we find that the institutional constraints from home country and MNEs' international experience positively moderate the institutional complexity-innovation relationship. Moreover, our results show that institutional complexity promotes MNEs' innovation performance by improving their absorptive capacity. This paper not only confirms the positive effect of institutional complexity on MNEs' innovation performance, thus providing new empirical evidence for MNEs' strategic responses to institutional complexity, but also has important policy implications for the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy.
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    A New Social Risk Assessment Method for Deepfake Technology
    Ma Lixia, Gao Gege, Wei Yunjie, He Ran
    2024, 36 (8):  119-132. 
    Abstract ( 77 )   PDF (1214KB) ( 71 )  
    As a new field of commercial application of artificial intelligence, deep synthesis is attracting more and more public attention. Deepfake technology is a destructive application of deep synthesis, which poses a great threat to national security, social security, and citizens' personal security. Its further development and evolution have been highly valued by governments, companies, and individuals in China, Europe and the United States. Given the lack of quantitative assessment methods and regulation system of a social risk of deepfake technology, this paper, based on the comprehensive analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, develops a new social risk assessment method to evaluate the social risk of deepfake technology. According to the evaluation results, this paper further puts forward the view that China's deepfake technology is currently in the stage of "medium and high" social risk and then reasonably infers that the main problem with China's Deepfake technology at present lies in:(1) immature theory and technology, (2) unsound legal supervision and (3) loopholes in products and services. The evaluation index system established in this paper can provide support for the application of deepfake technology and further social risk research in China, and the suggestions on regulating the social risk of deepfake technology can provide reference for the decision-making of relevant departments.
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    Research on Market Driving Mechanism of Green Innovation by Common Institutional Investors: Based on Industry Coordinating Network of Green Governance
    Han Yun, Chen Wei, Zhang Yun, Wen Fenghua
    2024, 36 (8):  133-145. 
    Abstract ( 157 )   PDF (2265KB) ( 351 )  
    With professional investment advantages and common shareholding position in the industry, common institutional investors can influence corporate green innovation decisions through the capital market. This study combines the practice of the Green Finance Reform and Innovation Pilot Zone to study the green innovation effect and mechanism of common institutional ownership. We find that common institutional ownership has a significant positive effect on the green innovation of listed companies, and the increase in the degree of common institutional ownership linkage or the proportion of common institutional ownership can enhance the level of green innovation. A study of the green innovation transmission path finds that common institutional ownership has an effect of governance and synergy, and enhances the green innovation effect of common institutional investors through investigation, exit threat or higher industry power. We further introduce a green finance natural experiment and find that common institutional ownership plays a capital allocation effect through the implementation of Green Finance Reform and Innovation Pilot Zones, resulting in a more significant green innovation driving role. The test of heterogeneity analysis finds that compared with green invention patents, common institutional investors have a more significant positive effect on green utility patents, and long-term common institutional investors, environmental protection industry attributes or mature corporate characteristics can enhance the positive effect of common institutional ownership on green innovation. The research results of this paper enrich the research on the formation mechanism of the green governance system with the market as the main body, and provide empirical evidence for the exploration of the market mechanism of green transformation in China.
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    Literature Review and Prospects of Social Media Marketing: A Comprehensive Analysis of Core Database of Web of Science and CNKI
    Wang Yonggui, Wang Haoyue, Yang Jianglin, Liu Junqin
    2024, 36 (8):  146-160. 
    Abstract ( 166 )   PDF (1481KB) ( 568 )  
    In the era of the digital economy, the use of social media has transcended its traditional role in user communication and opinion sharing. Increasingly, enterprises are harnessing social media as a powerful marketing tool to improve their efficiency and enhance their brand assets. Consequently, social media marketing has attracted more attention from scholars and managers. However, research that aims at constructing a holistic framework for social media marketing is still in its exploratory stage, with several key issues to be resolved. Based on the core database of Web of Science and CNKI, this paper meticulously analyzes 1,472 pieces of English literature and 519 pieces of Chinese literature to construct an integrated framework for social media marketing research. The theoretical foundations of social media marketing research are summarized from three perspectives:individual perspective, interaction perspective and contextual perspective. Furthermore, the influencing factors are elucidated from four dimensions:consumers, enterprises, platforms and society, and the significant role is expounded from three dimensions:enterprise benefits, consumer benefits and society benefits. In addition, this paper explores the mediating effects of product innovation, brand assets and perceived value, as well as the moderating effects of societyrelated factors, enterprise-related factors, customer-related factors and technology-related factors. Then this paper further highlights the main issues in the existing social media marketing research and identifies future research directions to provide insights for developing more systematic theory of social media marketing and guiding social media marketing practices in future.
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    Can Incorporating Chinese Elements Improve the Box Office of Foreign Films in China? Mechanism Analysis of Home Bias for Cultural Products
    Yu Feng, Li Ning, Chen Jingwei, Ji Ting, He Kejing
    2024, 36 (8):  161-172. 
    Abstract ( 121 )   PDF (1254KB) ( 145 )  
    With the increasing trend of globalization, film, a representative cultural product, is affected by home bias in international trade. Taking movies as an example, this paper examines how adding host country elements to cultural products to cater to their market tastes breaks through the constraint mechanism of home bias in international trade by constructing the theoretical derivation of the Armington model, which includes two dimensions of product home bias and product quality, and aggregating the empirical test of the data of foreign revenue sharing films introduced in 1994-2019. Consistent with the theoretical model conclusion, the empirical results show that after controlling for film quality, shooting on Chinese locations or staffing more Asian actors has a positive effect on boosting box office in the Chinese market; while staffing Chinese actors in the main cast has little effect on box office, and indeed the inclusion of Chinese actors in the male and female leads has a significant negative effect. Robustness tests based on the European market yields consistent conclusions. Interestingly, European leads and directors show a positive contribution to the box office of foreign films in Europe. Further analysis reveals that the inclusion of Chinese actors in lead roles reduces the quality of foreign films, while other factors have no effects on film quality. This further supports that the positive effect of incorporating Chinese elements on the box office of foreign films in China is independent of product quality. The results of this study not only provide a theoretical basis for cultural products to break through the home bias mechanism in international trade, but also help inspire Chinese cultural products to go abroad and enhance China's cultural influence through overseas filming, staffing more overseas faces, and staffing internationally recognized overseas actors.
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    Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
    How does Leader Perfectionism Affect Employee Performance?—A Study of a Serial Moderated Dual Pathway Model
    Zheng Lixun, Wang Yanfei, Guo Zisheng, He Guohua, Zhu Yu
    2024, 36 (8):  173-184. 
    Abstract ( 199 )   PDF (1348KB) ( 294 )  
    To better cope with the fierce market competition, more and more enterprises encourage or require employees to finish their work as per high standards. Although many studies have discussed the intrapersonal effect of perfectionism, there is still a lack of attention to its interpersonal effect in workplace interaction. Based on social information processing theory, this study explores how leader perfectionism influences subordinates' job performance. A three-wave survey of 75 team leaders and 272 direct subordinates shows that leader perfectionism could affect subordinates' work overload and task reflexivity through performance pressure, then influence their job performance, and self-efficacy of subordinates moderates the above two mediating paths. By clarifying the mechanism of how leader perfectionism affects subordinates' job performance and the boundary conditions, this study provide a more comprehensive and dialectical perspective for understanding workplace perfectionism and a practical guide for organizations to promote the positive influence of leader perfectionism and avoid its negative impact.
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    Will Leader Critical Thinking Trigger Team Creativity? A Three-way Interactive Model
    Jiang Jing, Dong Yanan, Wu Xin, Tu Xingyong
    2024, 36 (8):  185-199. 
    Abstract ( 106 )   PDF (1383KB) ( 192 )  
    With the increasing status of innovation-driven development strategy and the prevalence of teamwork, team creativity has attracted more and more attention from scholars. The current study explores the influence of leader critical thinking on team creativity from the cognitive perspective. We examine the effectiveness of leader critical thinking on team creativity with 82 R&D teams from a mobile communication company as the sample. Drawing on MIP-G, the study finds that leader critical thinking is positively related to team creativity, in which team information elaboration plays a mediating role. In addition, time pressure and task complexity moderate the relationship between leader critical thinking and team information elaboration, in such a way that time pressure attenuates the relationship, while task complexity strengthens the relationship. In addition, leader critical thinking, time pressure and task complexity have a three-way interactive effect on team information elaboration, in such a way that the relationship between leader critical thinking and team information elaboration is the strongest when time pressure is low and task complexity is high. At last, we discuss the theoretical implications and practical suggestions.
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    The Impact of Digital Transformation on Organizational Resilience—The Moderating Effects of Financial Slack and Managerial Myopia
    Yang Wei, Wang Wenjie
    2024, 36 (8):  200-211. 
    Abstract ( 193 )   PDF (1357KB) ( 421 )  
    Enhancing organizational resilience is key to the survival and development of enterprises in an uncertain environment. In the digital economy era, whether and under what circumstances digital transformation can improve organizational resilience is a topic of common concern for academic research and business practice. Based on panel data from Chinese A-share listed companies on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges from 2010 to 2021, this study investigates the impact of digital transformation on organizational resilience, as well as the moderating effects of financial slack and managerial myopia. The study shows that digital transformation has a significant positive impact on organizational resilience; financial slack can strengthen the positive impact of digital transformation on organizational resilience; managerial myopia can weaken the positive impact of digital transformation on organizational resilience. This paper broadens the research on the antecedent variables related to organizational resilience and enriches the theoretical understanding of digital transformation in enterprises, providing valuable insights for both theory and practice.
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    Operations Management
    Crossing Efficiency Evaluation Method through DDF Projections According to Indicator Ratios
    Wang Qing, Meng Haining, Wu Huachen, Li Anda
    2024, 36 (8):  212-223. 
    Abstract ( 57 )   PDF (1466KB) ( 38 )  
    To solve the problems of the traditional data envelopment analysis (DEA) and directional distance function (DDF), scholars have proposed crossing DDF methods, but those methods are still defective in that evaluation results are inaccurate for the slacks of indicators being neglected; evaluation benchmarks (reference points) are inconsistent among DMUs; there may be multiple optimal solutions; and the efficiency of decision-making units cannot be fully ranked. In order to solve the above defects, this paper gives a cross efficiency evaluation method through DDF projections according to the indicator ratios between two DMUs. Firstly, this method gives the definition of relative efficiency based on reference DMUs, i.e., the ratio of comprehensive input ratio and comprehensive output ratio of DMUs, and makes all indicators' information of DMUs to be taken into account in efficiency evaluation. Secondly, based on the DDF method, the second objective function model that minimizes the sum of the slacks of inputs and outputs is constructed to obtain unique projection and unique evaluation result for DMUs. Finally, taking the DDF projections as references, the crossing efficiency of DMUs is evaluated according to the definition of relative efficiency, which ensures that evaluation reference points are consistent among the DMUs, evaluation results are not affected by the length of direction vectors and have strong consensus, and all DMUs are fully ranked according to their efficiencies. Two numerical examples are used to show that to a certain extent, the proposed method is scientific and feasible.
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    The Expansion of P2P Platforms' Self-operated B2P Business and Its Impact on Manufacturers and Consumers
    Ye Fei, Zheng Kaiming, Ni Debing
    2024, 36 (8):  224-236. 
    Abstract ( 69 )   PDF (2792KB) ( 43 )  
    This paper game-theoretically examines the strategic behaviors of manufacturers, P2P sharing platforms (referred to as platforms), and consumers with platforms conducting and not conducting self-operated B2P sharing business. Based on the corresponding equilibria, this paper finds that:the market conditions for platforms' expansion of self-operated B2P sharing business are that for any given level of service quality of B2P and P2P sharing business, and the fixed investment cost and product usage rate are low; (2) the platforms' expansion of self-operated B2P sharing business increases the manufacturer' s operating profit and total consumer surplus; (3) upgrading the service level of platform self-operated B2P sharing business has a positive impact on its expansion of self-operated business, while improving the service level of P2P sharing business has a non-monotonic impact on its expanding self-operated B2P sharing business; (4) when the platform expands its self-operated B2P sharing business, if the service quality of both the platform's selfoperated B2P and P2P sharing business is high, improving the service quality of self-operated B2P and/or P2P sharing business will result in a triple-wins for the platform, manufacturer and consumers;however, when the service quality of the P2P sharing business is low, only improving the service quality of the P2P sharing business will lead to a triple-losses situation for the platform, manufacturer, and consumers.
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    Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    The Impact of Lean Management on Sustainable Supply Chain Performance—A Role Analysis of Big Data Analysis Capability and Supply Chain Integration
    Han Bing, Wang Mengjun, Xu Shubo, Kuang Haibo
    2024, 36 (8):  237-246. 
    Abstract ( 111 )   PDF (2017KB) ( 144 )  
    The blind pursuit of profits has brought environmental pollution and social responsibility issues to the supply chain. A novel way to solve these problems is to find out how to construct an effective and feasible sustainable supply chain. Based on the triple bottom line (TBL), we comprehensively evaluate the performance of sustainable supply chain from economic, environmental and social aspects. Furthermore, we introduce supply chain integration as a mediating variable and big data analytics capability as a moderating variable to investigate their mediating and moderating role in the relationship between lean management and supply chain performance. Finally, we select samples from Chinese manufacturing enterprises for empirical analysis. The empirical results indicate that lean management has a positive impact on sustainable supply chain performance; the impact of lean management on supply chain performance is partially mediated by supply chain integration; likewise, big data analysis capability has a moderating effect:it positively moderates the relationship between lean management and sustainable supply chain performance, and it also positively moderates the mediating process of supply chain integration between lean management and sustainable supply chain performance. Our research provides a theoretical and practical reference for enterprises to build a sustainable supply chain and sustainable operating.
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    Research on Credit Guarantee Financing Strategies of Supplier and Third-party Logistics with Additional Contract Clauses
    Liu Tao, Kang Kai, He Mengyu
    2024, 36 (8):  247-261. 
    Abstract ( 80 )   PDF (1967KB) ( 92 )  
    The essence of credit guarantee financing is the risk sharing between the guarantor and financial institution. Based on two power structures, supplier leadership and third-party logistics (3PL) leadership, this paper studies the effectiveness of supplier credit guarantee financing and 3PL credit guarantee financing with additional cost sharing, revenue sharing and quantity flexibility contract clauses in a three-tier supply chain composed of a supplier, a 3PL and a capital-constrained retailer. The following conclusions are obtained. First, the preferences of supply chain members for the two methods of credit guarantee financing under different power structures are affected by the guarantee coefficient, the initial capital of retailer and the market demand. Second, the choice of additional contract clauses in the two methods of credit guarantee financing is affected by the default rate of retailer. Third, compared with the supplier as the leader, the power structure of 3PL as the leader is more beneficial to the supply chain. The research results provide suggestions for the design of supply chain credit guarantee scheme and guarantee risk compensation contract clauses under different power structures.
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    Case Studies
    Uncovering Identity: Constructing the Structural Model of Organizational Identity
    Lin Haifen, Liu Xiangtong
    2024, 36 (8):  262-274. 
    Abstract ( 98 )   PDF (1306KB) ( 132 )  
    Organizational identity represents the essential value of why an organization exists, which is the fundamental basis for audiences to understand and explain organizational behaviors, but the theoretical connotation of it, especially the elemental and structural dimensions, remains unarticulated. To this end, CalEx Tech, Feihe, and Zhuyeqing are selected as the samples, and a structural model of organizational identity is constructed using case study supplemented by grounded coding methodology. This study finds that:(1) organizational identity consists of genetic identity dimension, expressive identity dimension, interpretive behavior dimension and deductive behavior dimension, involving both cognitive and behavioral aspects, and (2) the cognitive and behavioral aspects have internal relationships respectively. Genetic identity dimension is the basis of expressive identity dimension, and expressive identity dimension expresses it and influences the perception of organizational identity. Interpretive behavior dimension and deductive behavior dimension are based on and supportive to each other, and (3) there is an interaction between the two aspects. Genetic identity dimension is at the center of the organizational identity structure, expressive identity dimension is at the outer layer of it, connecting the behavioral dimensions. The core idea is the fundamental logical base and cognitive starting point of organizational identity, while the elements of other dimensions interact with and relate to each other. This study contributes to theoretical research in organizational identity and provides some theoretical guidance for managers.
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    How to Accomplish the Science-based Innovation in the Digital Era?—The Innovation Capability System and Its Construction Paths
    Ma Jia, Li Tianzhu, Lu Ruoyu
    2024, 36 (8):  275-288. 
    Abstract ( 132 )   PDF (1769KB) ( 170 )  
    In the digital era, the data-intensive science has become a key force driving the frontier technological innovation and it requires local enterprises to have new abilities in carrying out science-based innovation. Taking 37 local enterprises as research samples, this study applies the multiple case study method combining grounded analysis and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), to explore the structure of the science-based innovation capability system, and how to build up the capability system in the digital era in differentiated paths. The findings show that:(1) the data-intensive scientific ability, data engineering ability, and the interactive ability between science and society compose the science-based innovation capability system in the digital era; the adequate data resources, complete data infrastructures and advanced data underlying technologies provide resource conditions for the capability system construction; (2) the different types of local enterprises build up their science-based innovation capability system by different paths. The science enterprises usually follow the data intensive science-driven path in sequence of "Science-Engineering-Society". The internet platform enterprises often adopt the data engineering-driven path in sequence of "Engineering-Science-Society". The integrated enterprises of research, production, and sales normally follow the social application-driven path in sequence of "Society-Science-Engineering". This study reveals the interactive relationship among the science, technology, engineering, and application in the science-based innovation area, and provides theoretical references and management enlightenment for local enterprises to obtain the innovation opportunities brought by the data-intensive scientific research paradigm, and to carry out frontier technological innovation in the digital era.
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