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    Economic and Financial Management
    Non-agricultural Income, Land Transfer and Farmers' Agricultural Productive Investment
    Ge Yan, Wu Haixia
    2023, 35 (8):  3-14. 
    Abstract ( 178 )   PDF (1245KB) ( 181 )  
    The flourish urbanization process and land transfer markets have changed the employment and revenue structure in China, thereby producing an impact on the production structure and factor configuration of farmers. Based on the 8,446 farmer sample data of 25 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions from CFPS database in 2018, we divide farmers' agricultural production investment into two categories:liquid asset investment and fixed asset investment and then explore what impacts farmers' non-agricultural income and land transfer have on farmers' investment in liquid and fixed assets. The findings are as follows. First, non-agricultural income has a significant negative impact on farmers' investment in liquid and fixed assets, and the impact on farmers' investment in short-term liquid assets is more significant. Second, the farmers from whom land is transferred out tend to reduce agricultural liquid and fixed asset investment, while land transfer-in has a significant positive impact on farmers' investment in both kinds of assets. Third, there is a significant endogeneity between non-agricultural income and land transfer, and if this is taken into account, land transfer-out has no significant impact on farmers' investment in liquid assets, but still has a significant negative impact on farmers' investment in fixed assets. By contrast, land transfer-in motivates land-receiving farmers to invest more in agricultural liquid and fixed assets.
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    Impact of Enterprise Digital Transformation on the Risk Prediction of Stock Price Crash——Based on the ED-SPCBoost Model
    Hu Jinjin, Zhao Xuefeng, Wu Delin, Wu Weiwei
    2023, 35 (8):  15-30. 
    Abstract ( 232 )   PDF (2827KB) ( 317 )  
    Enterprise digital transformation came into being under the effective coupling of digital technology and enterprise development, which has profoundly impacted China's stock price. Based on the optimization of characteristic relationships, this paper constructs an ED-SPCBoost model to explore the impact of enterprise digital transformation on the risk of stock price collapse and the underlying mechanism. The findings are as follows. (1) Digital transformation can effectively reduce the risk of the stock price crash, and the risk of stock price crash shows a phased downward trend of "stable-sensitive-stable" as the degree of transformation increases. (2) Digital transformation plays a more significant role in reducing the risk of the share price collapse of state-owned enterprises. In the mature period of transformation, non-state-owned enterprises account for 78.03%. Non-state-owned enterprises are more willing to accept digital transformation than state-owned enterprises. (3) Digital transformation can reduce the risk of stock price collapse by enhancing enterprise information transparency, improving market evaluation expectations, and improving internal financial stability. The mechanisms underlying the three paths of impact are different. The ED-SPCBoost model proposed in this paper has high robustness and a low error rate. Empirical data verify that it aligns with the prediction law of digitization and stock price collapse. It can provide a valuable reference for digital technology to optimize the governance environment of listed companies and improve the monitoring of financial market risks.
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    Industrial Environmental Mitigation and Corporate Performance in Cities: Macro and Micro Evidence of Adjustment to Industrial Structure and End-of-Pile Control
    Zhang Lin, An Yao, Yu Xiaojun, Fang Lin
    2023, 35 (8):  31-42. 
    Abstract ( 233 )   PDF (1826KB) ( 228 )  
    As an important industrial region in western China, Sichuan has devoted to eliminating pollution challenges over years. It plays an important role in national economic development and supporting the joint development of "Belt and Road" and Yangtze River Economic Belt. In response to the requirement of building a green energy community in the "Belt and Road" region and ensuring the energy security of all countries, Sichuan has been actively promoting energy transformation, committed to the popularization of natural gas, and led the country in the development of green energy. We construct a cost function of different industrial pollutants and estimate the industrial environmental efficiency through stochastic frontier analysis based on the city level data from 2009 to 2016 in Sichuan province. Popularization of natural gas and adjustment for industrial structure is a proxy for the implementation of prevention from source and pollutants governance represents end-of-pipe environmental treatment. Based on this, we explore both effects of prevention from source and pollutants governance on industrial environment efficiency as well profit in enterprise production. Furthermore, we estimate the pollutants reduction potential and provide policy implications on environmental governance in western China. Specifically, the results from Tobit model indicates that popularization of natural gas significantly improves the regional industrial environmental efficiency, thus reducing industrial pollutants. However, adjustments aiming at industrial structural change are less effective in controlling environmental pollution from source. End-of-pile environmental treatment only reduces emissions of sulfur dioxide, while other pollutants are not well managed. From micro level, we find that firms located in regions with well-adjusted industrial structure tend to present higher profits and growth potential. Energy structural adjustment and end-of-pile pollution control have no significant impacts on firm performance, as production costs are not affected under both measures. During the period of "13th Five-Year Plan", Sichuan province achieved the goal to some extent, in controlling industrial SO2 and industrial soot through end-of-pipe measurement. However, in terms of industrial structure adjustment from source, three industrial pollutants failed to achieve the expected optimal emission reduction target.
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    How does Export Trade Transformation Affect Environmental Pollution?
    Jin Yousen, Xu Helian
    2023, 35 (8):  43-55. 
    Abstract ( 105 )   PDF (1403KB) ( 139 )  
    How to achieve a win-win result in both foreign trade transformational upgrading and environmental governance is a key issue that needs to be solved urgently in the Chinese economy under the new development stage. Based on matched Chinese customs data and Chinese city-level data, this paper empirically examines the effects and mechanisms of export trade transformation on pollution. The results show there is a significant inverted U-shaped relationship between export trade transformation and pollution, which is still robust after considering endogenous problems and changing the measurement of variables. The transformation of export trade affects pollution through the positive composition effect and negative technique effect. When the transformation of export trade does not reach the critical value, the composition effect is greater than the technique effect; when the transformation of export trade exceeds the critical value, the composition effect is less than the technique effect. The inverted U-shaped relationship between export trade transformation and pollution is more evident in the central and western regions and cities with relatively low levels of financial development. These findings provide a new perspective to better understand the relationship between international trade and the environment.
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    Provincial Boundaries, Geographical Endowment and Corporate Environmental Performance
    Long Wenbin, Li Lidan, Hu Jun, Zhong Qiqi
    2023, 35 (8):  56-70. 
    Abstract ( 98 )   PDF (1307KB) ( 106 )  
    Based on the externality characteristics of provincial border areas, this paper uses hand-collected data of listed companies' geographic information, environmental investment data and green innovation data to examine the relationship between companies' border location and their environmental performance. The paper finds that compared with enterprises located in inland areas, enterprises in border areas show a poor environmental performance, and this negative relationship is more significant in hilly and mountainous areas, areas with abundant natural resources and lakes across provincial boundaries. Further analysis shows that resource constraints and lack of supervision are important reasons for the poor environmental performance of enterprises in border areas; the improvement of transportation facilities has a certain boundary breakthrough effect, which can alleviate the poor environmental performance of border enterprises in plain areas and areas with lakes across provincial boundaries. The paper enriches and expands the literature of boundary effect and enterprise environmental performance research, and has important implications for solving the imbalance of regional environmental development, achieving the goal of "carbon neutrality" and promoting the transformation of green innovation and high-quality development of enterprises.
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    Study on the Influencing Factors of Chinese Medical Insurance Fund Development: Based on Provincial Panel Data
    Zhao Jiuyang, Guo Kun
    2023, 35 (8):  71-84. 
    Abstract ( 183 )   PDF (2634KB) ( 154 )  
    National health is a fundamental condition of economic and social development, and national medical insurance is an important institutional arrangement to promote national health. The stable operation of medical insurance fund, which functions as the "lifeline" of the medical insurance system, is a premise and foundation of the sustainable development of health care system, which also depends on the level of economic and social development. This paper theoretically analyses the important factors influencing medical insurance fund operation as well as the influence mechanism of the related factors. Then based on dataset of 31 provinces and cities worker medical insurance fund and related indicators, factors affecting the fund income, expenditure and the total balance are explored respectively using panel regression model for empirical analysis. It can be found that there are many factors affecting the medical insurance fund operation and development in the aspects of macro-economic level, micro-economic level, medical resource demand and supply, and urban employee health insurance participation structure. Further, the influencing factors in different regions are different to some extent.
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    Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management
    The Impact of Public Service Motivation on Social Enterprise Performance: The Mediating Role of Business Model Innovation
    Wu Jianlin, Tao Yanni, Lv Ping
    2023, 35 (8):  85-99. 
    Abstract ( 117 )   PDF (1433KB) ( 112 )  
    Social enterprises play an important role in solving social problems, breaking welfare deadlock and promoting social sustainable development. How to improve the performance of social enterprises has attracted academic attention. Public service motivation, as the internal power that drives social entrepreneurs to develop social enterprises, has an important impact on the performance of social enterprises. However, the internal mechanism of how public service motivation of social entrepreneurs affects the performance of social enterprises has not been systematically explained and empirically studied. Based on the upper echelons theory, this study examines the mechanism of how social entrepreneurs' public service motivation influences social enterprise performance, including the mediating role of business model innovation and the moderating role of environmental dynamism. By analyzing the survey data from 198 social enterprises, we find that public service motivation has a positive effect on social enterprise performance. Novelty-centered business model innovation plays a mediating role between public service motivation and social enterprise performance. Efficiency-centered business model innovation mediates the relationship between public service motivation and economic performance of social enterprises. Environmental dynamism positively moderates the relationship between public service motivation and efficiency-centered business model innovation. Environmental dynamism significantly moderates the relationships between public service motivation and novelty-centered business model innovation. The results enrich the research on antecedents of social enterprise performance, and reveal the internal mechanism and the boundary condition of public service motivation affecting social enterprise performance. This study also provides practical implications for improving social enterprise performance.
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    Research on the Impact of Firms' R&D Behavior on Patent Quality from a Hierarchical Perspective——With Chinese Listed Firms as an Example
    Gan Jingxian
    2023, 35 (8):  100-116. 
    Abstract ( 103 )   PDF (1517KB) ( 71 )  
    This study examines the interplay between firms' R&D behavior, R&D fields and patent quality, utilizing a sample of 136,484 invention patents that Chinese listed companies applied and got approved for between 1988 and 2017. Firstly, we construct the relationship between exploration and exploitation R&D behaviors and the depth and breadth of R&D fields at both project and field levels, measured from the perspective of technology boundaries. Secondly, we apply a text analysis method to measure patent quality. Lastly, we analyze the balanced relationship between exploration and exploitation and its optimal combination with the depth and breadth of R&D fields, and explore the impact of R&D behaviors of firms under different technology fields on patent quality. The findings of this study indicate that:(1) a balanced approach with exploitation as the main focus and exploration as the supplement is most conducive to improving patent quality; (2) the breadth of R&D fields has a negative impact on patent quality, while depth exhibits an inverted U-shaped impact; (3) the breadth and depth of R&D fields have different moderating effects on the relationship between exploitation and exploration behaviors and patent quality; and (4) the impact of different R&D behaviors on patent quality differs across various technology fields.
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    Industrial Policy, Signal Effect and Enterprise Innovation——Based on the Quasi-natural Experiment of “China Manufacturing 2025”
    Wei Xiangjie, Cheng Qi
    2023, 35 (8):  117-130. 
    Abstract ( 158 )   PDF (1460KB) ( 287 )  
    Improving innovation capabilities is the core of China's response to global manufacturing competition, and industrial policies play a key guiding and leading role. Existing researches mostly focus on the innovative effects of industrial policy tools. Based on the overall perspective of industrial policy, this paper uses the data of China's A-share listed companies from 2012 to 2018 to carry out quasi-natural experiments with "China Manufacturing 2025", and uses DID model with "policy signals" as an intermediary variable to explore the mechanism of how industrial policies influence enterprise innovation. The results show that:the effect of industrial policy innovation has heterogeneous effects in terms of enterprise age, size, nature of property rights and the degree of regional marketization; the signal effect of industrial policy is manifested in the expansion of external financing of enterprises, thereby increasing enterprise innovation output; regional marketization degree is inversely related to the strength of the mediating effect of external financing.
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    The Impact of Routines Replication and Inter-organizational Dependence on Innovation Catalyst: A Moderated Mediating Model
    Wei Long, Dang Xinghua, Li Lixu
    2023, 35 (8):  131-143. 
    Abstract ( 109 )   PDF (1317KB) ( 110 )  
    In order to reveal the mechanism of innovation catalyst in technology innovation network, based on the theory of value co-creation, this paper analyzes the influence of technological innovation network routines replication on the catalyst of innovation, and further examines the mediating effect of inter-organizational dependence and the moderating effect of external search. With the data of high-tech enterprises in China, this paper makes an empirical test. The results show that, the micro dynamics of routines replication among technological innovation network organizations is the supporting condition for innovation catalyst based on the perspective of ambidexterity capabilities; the deconstruction dimensions of conventional routines replication and flexible routines replication have a positive impact on the catalyst of innovation. Inter-organizational dependence plays a different mediating role between routines replication and the catalyst of innovation, joint dependence plays a complete mediating role between convention routines replication and innovation catalyst, and asymmetric dependence plays a partial mediating role between flexible routines replication and innovation catalyst. External search positively moderates the effect between joint dependence and innovation catalyst, but the effect between asymmetric dependence and innovation catalyst is not significant. The external search positively moderates the mediating effect of joint dependence between convention routines replication and innovation catalyst, but it doesn't have any effect on the mediating role of asymmetric dependence. The conclusions extend the theory of innovation catalyst, help reveal the value of co-creation behavior for network organizations and contribute to the construction of innovation ecosystem.
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    New Venture Team Faultline and Business Model Innovation——Empirical Evidence from CPSED Ⅱ Database
    Han Wei, Song Lang
    2023, 35 (8):  144-156. 
    Abstract ( 79 )   PDF (1281KB) ( 69 )  
    Business model innovation is an important way for new ventures to gain competitive advantages. However, it remains unclear how the "faultline" structure of new venture teams affects business model innovation. By using Chinese Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Development (CPSED Ⅱ), based on the theory of social classification and knowledge based theory, this paper analyses how relationship related faultline strength and task related faultline strength of new venture teams affect efficiency-centered business model innovation, and then discusses the moderating effect of faultline distance. It is found that new venture teams with strong relationship related faultlines are less inclined to make efficiency-centered business model innovation, and new venture teams with strong task related faultlines are more inclined to make efficiency-centered business model innovation. Faultline distance positively moderates the above relationship. This study expands the research on the result effect of team faultline, enriches the mining of incentives for business model innovation, and explores the theoretical boundary of team faultline from the perspective of effect "activation".
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    Can SOEs' Participating in Venture Capital Foster Start-ups' Innovation
    Shi Guoping
    2023, 35 (8):  157-170. 
    Abstract ( 110 )   PDF (1350KB) ( 91 )  
    While encouraging state-owned enterprises (SOE) to participate in venture capital is one of the important supporting tools for the central government to implement its SOE reform, innovation-driven development and other relevant national strategies, theoretical researches have paid little attention to this, and the existing literature focuses only on the impact of SOEs' venture capital on their own innovation. In this paper, we study whether SOE venture capital can nurture start-ups' innovation and the underlying mechanism. Based on a sample of venture capital backed start-ups from 2009 to 2016, we find that SOE venture capital can promote start-ups' innovation effectively, and the results hold when using heterogeneous timing DID as identification strategy. The mechanism tests show that SOEs' tolerance for failure as well as their ability to provide more technological expertise and more government resources for start-ups are the main reasons why they can nurture innovation. Our study reveals the important role of SOE in fostering innovation and provides a certain guidance for the implementation of SOE reforms and strategy of innovation-driven development.
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    How Green Technology Transfer Curbs Carbon Emissions——Empirical Evidence from Cities in the Yangtze River Delta
    Yan Xiang, Huang Yongchun, Hu Shiliang, Qian Xinyi
    2023, 35 (8):  171-183. 
    Abstract ( 136 )   PDF (1338KB) ( 118 )  
    Given the increasingly significant resource & environment constraints, revitalizing domestic green technologies and promoting their transfer and application has become a key for China to achieve the "dual carbon" goal. Based on the data of green technology patent transfers in the Yangtze River Delta, this paper empirically tests the carbon emission reduction effect and the transmission mechanism of inter-city green technology transfer (GTT). This study finds that:(1) GTT can significantly suppress regional carbon emissions, and there is a lag period; (2) The mediating effect of industrial structure changes is mainly reflected in "advanced-quality" and "rationalization", but the "advanced-quantity" does not play a significant mediating effect; (3) The improvement of R&D level plays a mediating effect by alleviating the distortion of R&D human and capital allocation, and improving the R&D capability; (4) The emission reduction demonstration effect of the "internal" type of GTT within the same city is lower than that of the "external" type's cross-city transfer. We further point out pragmatic ways to curb carbon emissions, such as focusing on "demand-driven supply, supply-creating demand", promoting the quantity and quality of GTT, accelerating its embedding in industrial chain, transforming its demonstration effect into a scale effect, and promoting the linkage of elements among talent chain, capital chain, and innovation chain.
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    Research on the Dual Path Influence Mechanism of Online Brand Community Quality on Brand Well-being
    Shen Pengyi, Wan Demin, Li Jinxiong, Xu Jinan
    2023, 35 (8):  184-197. 
    Abstract ( 216 )   PDF (1420KB) ( 336 )  
    Based on the integration of the multiple theoretical perspectives of SOR theory, self-determination theory, social identity theory and goal congruence theory, this paper explores the dual-path influence mechanism of online brand community quality on brand well-being and adopts a questionnaire survey of online brand community users to obtain 417 valid data. And the model is tested by using structural equation and Bootstrap method. The results show that online brand community quality has a significant positive effect on flow experience and psychological empowerment, and flow experience and psychological empowerment also cast a positive effect on brand well-being significantly. Meanwhile, flow experience and psychological empowerment partially play a mediating role in the relationship between online brand community quality and brand well-being, and the mediating effect of psychological empowerment can be greater than that of flow experience. Moreover, self-brand connection and brand goal-consistency have a positive moderating effect on the quality of online brand communities in relation to flow experience and psychological empowerment. Specifically, the findings of this paper not only have important theoretical implications for deepening and improving online brand community quality, brand well-being, flow experience and psychological empowerment, but also have important insights for companies to design online brand communities and help consumers enhance brand well-being.
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    Research on Consumer Identification Path in the Context of Social New Retail Business Model
    Wang Bingcheng, Zhao Jingyi, Yang Zhenhua
    2023, 35 (8):  198-208. 
    Abstract ( 213 )   PDF (1293KB) ( 434 )  
    Consumer identification is an important factor affecting the sustainable development of social new retail business model. However, existing researches pay little attention to the consumer identification path of social new retail business model, so they cannot better guide enterprises to enhance consumer stickiness and promote the development of social new retail business model. Based on this, this paper takes the consumers under the social new retail business model as the sample, and applies the grounded theory to construct a consumer identification path model of the social new retail business model. The results show that:(1) Consumers' use of social new retail business model is influenced by such factors as scene touch, word-of-mouth attraction, brand trust and profit drive; (2) Flow experience is the key reason for consumers to identify with the social new retail business model, including continuous engagement in interaction, platform content immersion and product consumption satisfaction; In addition, network externality will further affect consumers' flow experience; (3) When consumers identify with the social new retail business model, they will generate value transfer behaviors such as use feedback, active sharing and communication, as well as value creation behaviors such as social fission diversion and platform content creation; (4) The continuous identification of consumers needs to be achieved through sticky maintenance, which requires enterprises to strengthen the links of community relations and enhance the value of content, so as to further enhance the cognitive identification and emotional identification of consumers. On this basis, the paper further analyzes and discusses the research results, and puts forward some relevant suggestions.
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    Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
    The Relationship between Error Reporting and Reporters' Psychological Well-beings: Based on Secret Revealing Framework
    Zhang Kaili, Wang Yumei, Tang Ningyu
    2023, 35 (8):  209-220. 
    Abstract ( 141 )   PDF (1830KB) ( 152 )  
    Errors are defined as employees' deviations from work goals or standards; after error commission, employees are more likely to hide than to reveal their personal errors. As such, our study treats errors as workplace secrets. Applying the secret revealing framework, we propose that error reporting can reduce employees' error-related anxiety and rumination, which can ultimately enhance their psychological well-beings. Furthermore, with the incorporation of error literature, we propose that error severity works as the boundary condition to affect the above relationships. We test our hypotheses with a field study (N1=449) and an experimental design (N2=120). Results show that error reporting is negatively related to error-related anxiety and rumination; error reporting is positively related with psychological well-being via the reduction of error-related rumination; error severity moderates the above direct and indirect effects to make the relationships stronger under high error severity. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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    Employees' Approach-Avoidance Behavioral Response Toward Leader Narcissism
    Cao Chunhui, Cheng Mengfei, Zhang Hua, Yang Ningran, Tan Le
    2023, 35 (8):  221-231. 
    Abstract ( 217 )   PDF (2203KB) ( 234 )  
    Based on resource conservation theory and approach-avoidance framework, this research collects a sample of 559 employee data by questionnaire at two-time points, and investigates employees' approach-avoidance behavioral response toward leader narcissism by exploring the mediating role of hindrance stress and the moderating role of self-monitoring and attachment avoidance. The results show that leader narcissism is positively related to employees' loafing and ingratiating behavior. Besides, hindrance stress mediates the relationship between leader narcissism and employees' loafing and ingratiating behavior. The mediating effect of hindrance stress is moderated by self-monitoring and attachment avoidance. This study clarifies the mechanism and boundary conditions of employees' approach-avoidance behavioral response when coping with leader narcissism and provides theoretical and practical implications for research on employees' response toward leader narcissism.
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    A Career Perspective to Understanding Long-term Residence Intention: From the Analytical Frames of Labor Value and Yin-Yang Harmony Cognition
    Chin Tachia, Xu Tiantian, Jia Kan, Shi Yi, Cai Qi
    2023, 35 (8):  232-243. 
    Abstract ( 87 )   PDF (2842KB) ( 100 )  
    Stabilizing employment and retaining talents, as an important national initiative against a backdrop of turbulent environment outside, has attracted increasing attention from both academic and practical circles. Unlike prior researches mostly grounded in the economic and sociological logic, we depart from the Chinese context, follow the Chinese core ideology of "labor upmost", take a career perspective that can reflect the dialectical mechanisms between individuals' activeness and passivity, and leverage on the cognitive framework of Yin-Yang harmonizing to explore the impacts of individuals' career competencies and career sustainability on their long-term residence intentions. We employ SmartPLS3.0 to analyze 196 survey data by building a series of structural equation models. Results show that:(1) Career competencies are positively related to individuals' long-term residence intention; (2) Career sustainability is positively related to individuals' long-term residence intention; (3) The interactions between career competencies and career sustainability are negatively related to individuals' long-term residence intentions. The antagonistic interacting effects embody the idiosyncrasy of dynamic balancing at the heart of Yin-Yang harmonizing cognition. The main contributions of this paper are as follows. (1) Built upon the distinctive institutional environment of China, this research rooted in the conceptualization of labor in the Marxist philosophy expands and makes sense of the notion of career that was originally defined by Western instrumental value; it thus enriches relevant literature; (2) The hypotheses development underpinned by the cognitive frame of Yin-Yang harmonizing provides novel insights into understanding the intricate interactions among variables in the field of Chinese human resource management; (3) Integrating the philosophical perspective with the post-Covid-19 context, this research offers important reference for the government and enterprises to formulate and implement the policies related to career development, recruitment and retention of talents.
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    The Influence of Abusive Leadership on Work Engagement——Based on the Role of Subordinates' Perceived Justice and Power Distance Orientation
    Miao Bin, Suo Yueyue, Liang Yingjie, Wang Guotao
    2023, 35 (8):  244-254. 
    Abstract ( 177 )   PDF (1650KB) ( 205 )  
    Based on social information processing theory, this paper discusses the cross-layer influence mechanism of abusive leadership on employees' work engagement. Through a two-stage survey of 53 team leaders and 295 employees, the questionnaire matching and cross-level analysis shows that the team level of abusive leadership has a significant negative impact on employees' work engagement, and the subordinates' perceived justice has a significant positive impact on employees' work engagement. Subordinates' perceived justice partially mediates the relationship between abusive leadership and employee work engagement. The power distance orientation positively moderates the relationship between abusive leadership and the subordinates' perceived justice, and can moderate the strength of the mediating effect of subordinates' perceived justice. The findings expand the research on the mechanisms of how abusive leadership influences work engagement, and provide insights on how to motivate employees' work engagement through negative leadership styles in the daily management of companies.
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    The Inverted U-shaped Relationship between Fun Activities and Employees' Innovative Behavior——Based on the Role of Work Engagement and Job Autonomy
    Yang Jie, Wu Maojuan, Huang Yong
    2023, 35 (8):  255-267. 
    Abstract ( 170 )   PDF (1331KB) ( 148 )  
    Although companies pay more attention to the positive role of fun activities in the workplace, the influencing mechanism of fun activities is still not explored deeply, and controversies still exist among different researches. Based on conservation of resource theory, this study explores the mechanism of how fun activities influence employees' innovative behavior, especially the instantaneous mediating role of work engagement and the moderating effect of job autonomy, thus providing a broader perspective to understanding the nonlinear relationship between fun activities and employees' job attitude and behavior from a new point of view. Results from 3-phase time-lagged supervisor-employees matched data show that:1) Fun activities have an inverted U-shaped relationship with employees' work engagement and innovative behavior; 2) Work engagement plays an instantaneous mediating role between fun activities and employees' innovative behavior; 3) Job autonomy moderates the relationship between fun activities and work engagement, and the mediating effect of work engagement. The results provide insights into the divergence between fun activities and employees' innovative behavior in extant literature, and put forward suggestions for managers on how to properly organize fun activities in the workplace.
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    Accounting and Financial Management
    Rookie Independent Directors and Stock Price Crash Risk
    Cao Feng, Zhang Xueyan
    2023, 35 (8):  268-282. 
    Abstract ( 177 )   PDF (1317KB) ( 237 )  
    Rookie independent directors (RIDs) refer to those who serve as independent directors for the first time and lack experience in the board of directors. Will they lead to ineffective supervision due to their lack of independence and experience or lead to more effective supervision because they are motivated to build personal reputation and more independent? This paper explores the above questions from the perspective of stock price crash risk which has a significant impact on the capital market and investors and can comprehensively reflect the supervision effect of the RID. Research findings:RIDs increase the risk of stock price crash. Further analysis shows that when RIDs have industry expertise, a not very busy schedule, an academic background, overseas experience and exposure to a strict legal environment, their positive impact on the stock price crash risk is weakened. The mechanism test shows that poor performance of RID (as evidenced by their lack of dissenting voices or resulting in lower quality of corporate information disclosure), which is the path through which RIDs influence the risk of stock price crash. On the one hand, this study enriches the literature on the RIDs and stock price crash risk. On the other hand, it has enlightening significance for deeply understanding the governance behavior and effect of RIDs, improving the mechanism of selecting and hiring independent directors, and promoting the steady and healthy development of capital market.
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    Investors' Irrational Preference and Corporate Catering:Evidence from Sentiment-driven Stock Splits
    Cui Chenyu, Zhang Xinyi, Xie Deren
    2023, 35 (8):  283-300,326. 
    Abstract ( 133 )   PDF (1480KB) ( 108 )  
    This paper utilizes firms' stock splits driven by sentiment as the research setting to provide sufficient evidence on "investors' irrational preference and corporate catering". Specifically, we obtain threefold evidence:(1) Portfolio returns of longing low price stocks and shorting high price stocks are significantly and positively associated with sentiment, indicating that irrational preference of low-price stocks has significant price impact; (2) The propensity of stock splits is higher when investor sentiment is higher, and the association is stronger when the pre-split price is higher; (3) The market timing association between irrational preference and stock splits becomes stronger when insiders have strong incentives to boost stock price. Overall, our evidence illustrates that firms will conduct market timing stock splits to cater to investors' irrational preference for low price stocks.
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    Public Management
    Government Strategic Management:The Development Trends of Foreign Theories and the Prospects of Chinese Studies
    Zhao Jinghua, Qi Jing
    2023, 35 (8):  301-314. 
    Abstract ( 102 )   PDF (3504KB) ( 261 )  
    Government strategic management has increasingly become a significant research field of international concerns. This paper selects the government strategic management literature collected by Web of Science as the analysis objects and uses Citespace and Vosviewer software to analyze the research overview, research venation, research hotspots and development trends of foreign government strategic management theories. The research results illustrate that:(1) The research achievements of the government strategic management theories are increasingly abundant, attracting the attention of scholars in the fields of public administration, economics, computer science and others; (2) The government strategic management theories have experienced the theoretical infancy stage, the theoretical breakthrough stage and the theoretical integration stage. In recent years, the research focuses on four aspects:government strategic triangle model, government strategic types, government strategic planning and government strategic performance management; (3) Future theoretical development trend mainly includes the following four aspects:transformation of the role of government strategic management, transformation of the organization and mechanism of government strategic management, organizational ethics in government strategic management and the technique innovation of government strategic management. At the same time, this paper briefly reviews the development of domestic theories, and looks ahead to the future localization research of Chinese government strategic management theory.
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    Research on the “Time-Degree-Effect” Governance of Online Public Opinion Based on Evolutionary Game
    Wang Mingzhu, Liu Yijun, Guo Linjiang
    2023, 35 (8):  315-326. 
    Abstract ( 149 )   PDF (3341KB) ( 246 )  
    "Time-Degree-Effect" is the method and standard for guiding online public opinion. In order to explore the relationship between the "time" and "degree" of online public opinion governance, and answer the question of how to combine "time" with "degree" to achieve the best "effect" of the governance. This paper constructs an evolutionary game model with "time" and "degree" as game players, analyzes the evolution path and the final evolutionary stability strategy of each player, and performs a stability analysis. Finally, a full-spectrum simulation of the "effect" of public opinion governance is conducted with the case of "a woman who gave birth to eight children in Feng County". The results show that there is a dynamic game relationship between "time" and "degree", and "time" and "degree" have different degrees of influence on the "effect" of online public opinion management, the magnitude of the influence is affected by the nature of the event and the benefits of the game. The research conclusions have reference significance for the decision-making departments to carry out the "Time-Degree-Effect" governance of online public opinion.
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    Case Studies
    A Mult-case Study on the Mechanism of How Digital International Entrepreneurial Models Come into Being
    He Jiandu, Sun Xinbo, Zhang Qingqiang
    2023, 35 (8):  327-341. 
    Abstract ( 130 )   PDF (1626KB) ( 140 )  
    The fast-developing digital technologies, have brought international entrepreneurial enterprises far more benefits than just the convenience in their entrepreneurial activities. New features and connotations of the emerging international entrepreneurial models that arise from the digital technologies integrated into international entrepreneurial context and opportunities have become a core issue well worth an exploration in both practical and theoretical circles. Through a multi-case analysis of 8 typical international entrepreneurial enterprises, this paper explores the mechanism of how digital international entrepreneurial models come into being. Our study finds that the logical thread under the mechanism is "digital international entrepreneurship context iteration-digital international entrepreneurship opportunity construction-digital international entrepreneurship model". Further, there are 4 types of digital international entrepreneurship context iteration, which give rise to 4 types of digital international entrepreneurial opportunity construction processes, and ultimately 4 different digital international entrepreneurship models:export-oriented, profit-oriented, value-oriented and customer-oriented. These findings provide theoretical guidance and practical insights for digital international entrepreneurial enterprises to choose an appropriate digital international entrepreneurial model for sustainable development in the international market, expand the context of the application of digital technology in international entrepreneurship research and enrich the research related to digital international entrepreneurship.
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    The Mechanism of How Business Model Innovation and Digital Empowerment Drive Digital Transformation——A Case Study Based on TJ-QCA
    Liu Sihui, Li Wen, Yu Rongjian, Mei Lei
    2023, 35 (8):  342-352. 
    Abstract ( 196 )   PDF (1536KB) ( 265 )  
    Digital empowerment and business model innovation are two important driving factors for enterprises to realize digital transformation. This paper uses case studies and trajectory-based qualitative comparative analysis to explore the mechanism of how the two factors synergistically act on manufacturing enterprises' digital transformation, and tracks the evolution path of their transformation process. The research finds that the transformation mechanism of digital empowerment includes control empowerment, analytical empowerment and cascade empowerment; the business model innovation mechanism mainly includes income-generating business model and orchestration business model; there are four paths for the two factors to synergistically drive the digital transformation:industry coupling drive, independent innovation drive, capacity connection drive and control auxiliary drive; and among them, industrial coupling drive and independent innovation drive are the most conservative paths. Analytic empowerment, cascade empowerment, income-generating business model and orchestration business model are core conditions to promote the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises, while control empowerment is a marginal condition. The research results reveal the trajectory along which digital empowerment and business model innovation synergistically promote digital transformation, and reveal the laws behind it, so the conclusions can be used as a reference for manufacturing enterprises to carry out their digital transformation.
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