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    The Frontiers of Value Co-creation Research: Ecosystem and Business Model Innovation
    Jiang Shangrong, Qiao Han, Zhang Si, Liu Ying, Hu Yi, Xu Yanmei
    2020, 32 (2):  3-17. 
    Abstract ( 1039 )   PDF (4285KB) ( 1870 )  

    This paper conducts a statistical analysis, a co-citation analysis and a burst analysis of the sample literatures in the field of value co-creation, and identifies the research focus and trend. The results show that there are three kinds of research focus in the field of value co-creation at the present stage, including value co-creation theory, external environment and service ecosystem, and customer participation practice. In the past 16 years, the research focus in the field of value co-creation has shifted from service-dominant logic and customer participation to enterprise ecosystem and business model innovation. We find two priorities for future researches in the field of value co-creation:(1) Value co-creation and ecosystem research, including the construction of business ecosystem framework and the niche and strategic decision-making of enterprises. (2) Value co-creation and business model, including the influencing factors of enterprise co-created value and business model innovation. Bibliometric analysis on these emerging research hotspots can not only improve the existing value co-creation theory, but also provide theoretical support and practical guidance for enterprise strategic decision-making and business model innovation.

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    Economic and Financial Management
    An Analysis of the Key Causes and Evolution Mechanism of Systemic Financial Risk——Based on Literature Mining Method
    Yang Haizhen, Cheng Xiangjuan, Li Yan, Wang Qiao, Xiang Yue
    2020, 32 (2):  18-28. 
    Abstract ( 330 )   PDF (1833KB) ( 460 )  

    Almost every financial crisis in history is the outbreak of systemic financial risks. After each financial crisis, many researchers devote themselves to exploring the causes of systemic risks and so far they have reached a lot of meaningful conclusions. This paper provides an overview of researches on this topic based on qualitative research method and manages to (i) sort out the key driving causes that are most commonly identified in the researches;(ii) summarize the general evolution mechanism; and (iii) explore core risk sources of systemic financial risks. We use grounded theory to review 194 articles published between 1978 and 2017 in the databases such as Elsevier, JSTOR, SSRN, Springer, ProQuest and China Knowledge Network (CNKI). First, we find eight key driving causes of systemic financial risks, namely:excessive financial innovation, failures in financial regulation and supervision, global economic structural imbalance, shortcomings of economic development model, contradictions of capitalism, lax monetary policy, failures of corporate governance and risk management, and investor sentiment. Second, according to the statistics, about 54.84% views regarding the key driving causes are directly related to the formation of "asset price bubble" and these opinions cover 3 key role players in the systemic risk forming mechanism evolution framework:macro-policy, market mechanism and microscopic individual behavior. On this basis, we build an evolution mechanism framework for analyzing the causes of systemic financial risks with asset price bubble as the core. Third, we highlight the importance of financial innovation to both systemic risk and the formation of asset price bubbles.

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    Relational Embeddedness, Resources Acquisition and OFDI Firms' International Performance
    Tan Yunqing, Zhai Senjing
    2020, 32 (2):  29-39. 
    Abstract ( 297 )   PDF (1207KB) ( 357 )  

    This research focuses on relational embeddedness, resources acquisition and OFDI firms' international performance in China. Using survey data set of 116 OFDI firms in China, this study finds broad support for the proposed analytical framework of OFDI firms' international performance. The results show:relational embeddedness in foreign-owned enterprise network positively influence OFDI firms' resources acquisition, but relational embeddedness in foreign-owned enterprise network also mediates the positive impact of Chinese-owned network on resources acquisition. Both trust and information sharing of Chinese-owned enterprise network positively influence firms' survival performance, which is not significantly related to growth performance, and common problem-solving is positively related to the growth performance and survival performance. Trust, information sharing and common problem-solving of foreign-owned enterprise network positively influence firms' growth performance and survival performance. The results also suggest that resources acquisition plays a positive mediating role between relational embeddedness and OFDI firms' international performance.

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    An Empirical Study on the Impact of Deposit Insurance System on International Capital Inflows
    Wang Xiaobo, Cai Zhiming, Xin Feifei
    2020, 32 (2):  40-52. 
    Abstract ( 262 )   PDF (1212KB) ( 327 )  

    In the framework of a natural experiment, this paper establishes a panel model with difference-in-differences estimation and instrumental variable, taking financial data set of balance of payments from 1991 to 2016 in 31 emerging market countries. Then, from the perspective of capital profitability and capital security, it examines how the introduction of deposit insurance system affects international capital inflows. The results show that the introduction of deposit insurance system has a positive and statistically significant effect on international capital inflows in emerging market countries, and the positive role in the non-crisis period is more significant than that in the crisis period. The promotion degree of foreign direct investment inflow is significantly higher than that of portfolio investment inflow or other investment inflow. On the one hand, from the perspective of capital profitability, the introduction of deposit insurance system has a more positive and statistically significant effect on international capital inflows with the higher level of interest rate, and interest rate is the significant factor affecting the international capital inflows of emerging market countries under the condition of deposit insurance system. On the other hand, from the viewpoint of capital security, deposit insurance system has a positive and statistically significant effect on the international capital inflows in crisis years, which shows that deposit insurance system could increase the international capital inflows of emerging market countries by providing financial security during the crisis period. The results of this study have important policy implication for emerging market countries to establish a prudent management framework of international capital inflows under the condition of deposit insurance system.

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    Does the Monetary Policy Intervention of China's Central Bank on Asset Prices Take on Asymmetric Preferences?——An Theoretical and Empirical Research based on a Linex Loss Function of Central Banks
    Zheng Guanqun, Xu Yan
    2020, 32 (2):  53-62. 
    Abstract ( 219 )   PDF (1167KB) ( 392 )  

    Based on an asymmetric central banks' loss function of Linex functional form and an expanded forward-looking IS-Philips framework, this paper demonstrates central banks' asymmetric preference towards asset price fluctuations and the consequent asymmetric monetary policy rules. Employing China's housing price data and stock price data, the paper empirically tests the Euler equation which describes the asymmetric preferences of central banks. The research results imply that, China's central bank has significant asymmetric preference towards asset price fluctuations. To be specific, it prefers upward departures of asset prices against their equilibrium value rather than downward departures. The asymmetric preference induced interest rate bias calculated through estimated parameters reveals that central banks' asymmetric preference towards asset price fluctuations will induce a downward bias of the benchmark interest rate, thus causing potential financial risks consequently.

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    Private Equity Funds, Institutional Environment and Stock Price Crash Risk
    Wang Jingjing, Liu Pei
    2020, 32 (2):  63-75. 
    Abstract ( 338 )   PDF (1204KB) ( 404 )  

    This paper selects GEM listed companies in China from 2010 to 2016 as sample to study the impact of private equity investment on stock price crash risk. Furthermore, we test whether this relationship is different among different institutional environments. The results show that of companies with private equity investment face significantly lower stock price crash risk than companies without private equity investment, and the higher proportion private equity investment makes up in a company, the less likely the company is to suffer stock price crash risk. So far as the source of private equity investment is concerned, the private equity investment from foreign capital or state-owned enterprises can reduce the stock price crash risk more significantly. Further study finds that in private equity investment and institutional environment play an inter-complementary role in reducing the risk of stock price crash. Therefore, this paper enriches the research literature on the corporate governance effect of private equity investment and has certain reference significance for enterprises and policy makers.

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    A Study on the Interactive and Intertemporal Influence and Mechanism of Corporate Environmental Responsibility and Financial Performance
    Zhang Chi, Zhang Zhaoguo, Bao Lili
    2020, 32 (2):  76-89. 
    Abstract ( 481 )   PDF (1223KB) ( 546 )  

    A constructive interaction between corporate environmental responsibility and financial performance is essential for a company to actively take on environmental responsibility. The existing empirical researches on the relationship between corporate environmental responsibility and financial performance have not yet reached a consensus. This paper takes A-share listed companies of Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchanges in heavy polluting industries from 2010 to 2017 as the research sample, and examines whether there is interaction between the environmental responsibility and financial performance of enterprises and the moderation effect of internal and external factors. The empirical research results show that:(1) corporate environmental responsibility has a positive impact on financial performance, and this positive impact is more significant in one and two lagging periods; (2) corporate financial performance has a positive impact on environmental responsibility, but the impact is not lagging; (3) managers' tenure expectancy, forward-looking environmental strategy and legal regulation all play positive moderation roles in the relationship between corporate environmental responsibility and financial performance; (4) industry competition plays a positive moderation role in the impact of corporate environmental responsibility on financial performance, and plays a negative moderation role in the impact of financial performance on corporate environmental responsibility. The research conclusions provide an empirical reference for enterprises to look, from a strategic perspective, at the relationship between corporate environmental responsibility and financial performance.

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    The Impact of the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway on the Equity of Regional Cities
    Yang Heng, Tong Qiong
    2020, 32 (2):  90-101. 
    Abstract ( 242 )   PDF (1204KB) ( 490 )  

    According to the panel data of cities along the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway from 2008 to 2017, this paper builds accessibility model and DID model to illustrate the impact of the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway on travel opportunities and regional economy. This paper also shows the impact of the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway on travel opportunities equity and regional economic equity of cities along the line. The results of the research show that the opening and acceleration of the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway reduce the average travel time of the cities along the line, shorten the gap of the average travel time between the cities along the line, and promote the equity of travel opportunities between the cities along the line. However, although the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway significantly promotes the GDP of cities along the line, it generates a siphonic effect. Talents move to cities with an advantage in recourses, resulting in the phenomenon of people living in one city while working in another, which increases the GDP gap between the cities along the line. Therefore, the opening of Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway is adverse to the regional economic equity of cities along the line.

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    Technology and Innovation Management
    Research on Capability Evaluation of Green Technology Innovation of Carmakers Based on Cloud Model
    Tian Hongna, Sun Qinqi
    2020, 32 (2):  102-114. 
    Abstract ( 224 )   PDF (1395KB) ( 338 )  

    Based on the connotation of green technology innovation capability, the characteristics of carmakers and classical high-frequency indicators, this research constructs an evaluation indicator system of green technology innovation capability of carmakers by three steps of indictor selection:mass-selection, short-listing and rational supplementation. The research identifies five steps of the cloud model evaluation method:The first step is to standardize the evaluation indicators system, the second is to determine the weight of each indicator, the third is to establish the cloud model of each indicator, the forth is to construct a multi-layer comprehensive evaluation cloud model and the fifth is to determine whether the comprehensive cloud model is the final evaluation cloud model. To verify the feasibility and applicability of the evaluation framework, we choose Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co., Ltd. for empirical study. The study result reveals that the evaluation framework can evaluate the level of green technology innovation capability effectively, and supply scientific basis for strategically promoting enterprises' green technological innovation capability.

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    Does Failure in Entrepreneurship Influence the Behavior of Sensing Risk in Second Entrepreneurship?——A Study Based on Cognitive Deviation
    Yang Junping, Xiao Mengyun, Yu Qingqing
    2020, 32 (2):  115-126. 
    Abstract ( 278 )   PDF (1215KB) ( 458 )  

    Based on the combination of Corporate Failure Theory and Social Cognition Theory, this paper constructs the theoretical models of entrepreneurship failure cost, cognitive deviation and entrepreneurial risk cognitive relationship, and conducts an empirical test of the theoretical hypothesis through hierarchical regression model and structural formula model. The study finds that entrepreneurs' re-entrepreneurship risk perception is affected positively by their cost of entrepreneurial failure, overconfidence and optimism bias; and in the path of entrepreneurial failure costs affecting re-entrepreneurial risk perception, entrepreneurial overconfidence and optimism bias play a partially intermediary role. The study expands the application fields of social cognitive theory, further enriches the entrepreneurial management theory and effectively improves the level of re-entrepreneurial risk perception in the re-entrepreneurship activities, so the study is quite meaningful in supporting entrepreneurship.

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    System Dynamics Study on the Tacit Knowledge Sharing between Employees and Customers of Knowledge Service Enterprise
    Chen Huaichao, Lu Yancheng, Cong Zhen, Rui Xueqin
    2020, 32 (2):  127-138. 
    Abstract ( 223 )   PDF (2039KB) ( 512 )  

    The tacit knowledge sharing between employees and customers is related to the improvement of innovation capability of knowledge service enterprise, which needs more attention. Taking knowledge service enterprise as the study object, based on the analysis framework of the tacit knowledge sharing between employees and customers according to the theory of reasoned action, the paper constructs a system dynamic model about the tacit knowledge sharing between employees and customers. Then, the paper conducts the test using Vensim PLE software, and conducts the sensitivity analysis through adjusting the quantitative value of self-efficacy, expected benefit, reciprocal responsibility and altruism of employees respectively. The results show that the theory of reasoned action is suitable for analyzing the tacit knowledge sharing between employees and customers; the system dynamics model can better simulate the actual tacit knowledge sharing between employees and customers; the tacit knowledge sharing of two parts has high sensitivity to self-efficacy, expected benefit, reciprocal responsibility and altruism of employees, and these four factors influence the tacit knowledge sharing behavior of two parts through the sharing intention; the tacit knowledge sharing behavior of employees has an impact on the sharing behavior of customers. The results can provide suggestions for the tacit knowledge sharing between employees and customers, and thus promote the innovation development of knowledge service enterprise.

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    The Effect of Social Proximity on Cluster Firms' Innovative Performance under Nonlocal Context: The Moderating Role of Technological Proximity
    Xiang Xiyao, Pei Yunlong
    2020, 32 (2):  139-150. 
    Abstract ( 286 )   PDF (1238KB) ( 314 )  

    Based on multi-dimensional proximity perspective, this study explores the contingent effect of social proximity and technological proximity on cluster firms' innovative performance by investigating biomedical clusters in Nanjing and Xi'an. The results indicate that the quantity of nonlocal subsidiaries and the number of close nonlocal partners have significant influence on innovative performance of cluster firms. However, the effect of sustainability and frequency of nonlocal contacts are not found. Technological proximity not only affects cluster firms' innovative performance directly, but also moderates the effect of social proximity partially. Thus, this paper contributes to literature by confirming the integrant effect of multi-dimensional proximity under the nonlocal context.

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    Who Is More Likely to Open Online Shop: A Study Based on Previous Experience and Legality
    Zhang Yanhui, Zhang Chunkai, Li Zongwei
    2020, 32 (2):  151-164. 
    Abstract ( 227 )   PDF (1208KB) ( 374 )  

    To answer the question "who is more likely to open online shop", this study takes previous experience and legality as the main line to study the factors influencing entrepreneurs' decision-making. Based on the analysis of Jiaxing statistic data, this study finds that people with online shopping experience and self-employed experience are more likely to open online shops, the impact of online shopping experience is stronger in rural areas. However, there is no difference between urban and rural areas considering the self-employed experience. The number of online shopping platform does not affect online shopping. The earlier online shopping experience a person has, the more likely he or she is to open an online shop and the earlier he or she may open the online shop. While individual suppliers for the online shops are also likely to open online shop, they don't act early. The investigation of legitimacy factors finds that self-employed businesses without business license are more likely to open online shop in order to relieve the pressure from legitimacy issue. This study confirms the traditional view that previous experience has an impact on entrepreneurial behavior is still applicable in the research of electricity business and reflects the uniqueness of e-business entrepreneurship in China. This conclusion is important for entrepreneurial research, entrepreneurial practice and policy making.

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    Research on Cooperation Strategy between Enterprises and R&D Institutions with Dynamic Game Method
    Wang Xuna, Sheng Yongxiang, Tan Qingmei, Wu Jie
    2020, 32 (2):  165-173. 
    Abstract ( 184 )   PDF (1381KB) ( 351 )  

    In the cooperation of an enterprises and a R&D institution, the two parties' effort level and the benefit from their cooperation will be affected by their willingness to maintain a long relationship. This paper constructs a cooperative strategy model between an enterprise and a R&D institution from the perspective of dynamic game to analyze the internal logical relationship between the strategy choice of different cooperation schemes and the incentive of enterprises and then analyze the profit trend and strategy choice of the two parties under different incentive through numerical simulation. The results show that when both parties consider follow-on cooperation, they will benefit the most from the current cooperation; there is a reasonable range of incentives, in which both parties are willing to consider follow-on cooperation; cost subsidy for R&D institutions has an effect on the optimal incentive for continuous cooperation between the two sides. When the cost subsidy decreases, the optimal incentive increases; when the cost subsidy increases, the optimal incentive decreases.

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    E-business and Information Management
    A Study into the Effect of Mobile Shopping Situational Factors on Impulsive Purchasing Intention
    Zhang Wei, Yang Ting, Zhang Wukang
    2020, 32 (2):  174-183. 
    Abstract ( 420 )   PDF (1272KB) ( 854 )  

    The popularity of mobile shopping makes shopping behavior no longer limited by time and space, so impulse purchase is more commonly seen nowadays. However, consensus has not been reached regarding how impulse purchase emerges as a phenomenon, thus making it difficult to promote consumers' purchase behavior. This paper aims to explore how consumers' impulse purchase intentions are affected in the context of mobile shopping. For this purpose, the research proposes three mobile situation factors:personalized recommendation, visual appeal and system usability. They have a positive impact on impulse purchase intention by influencing perceived arousal and perceived enjoyment. The experimental method is used for data collection and hypothesis testing. All the hypotheses are supported. And the theoretical value of the model of "mobile environment stimulation-consumer emotion-impulse purchase intention" is confirmed. Based on the conclusion, management suggestions are proposed for mobile shopping merchants from the perspective of improving consumers' shopping experience and expanding marketing.

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    The Influence of Out-of-Stock of New Products on Consumers' Willingness to Pay Price Premium: Based on the Mediating Effect of Psychological Ownership and Relative Deprivation
    Liu Jianxin, Li Dongjin, Li Yan
    2020, 32 (2):  184-196. 
    Abstract ( 377 )   PDF (1302KB) ( 841 )  

    Nowadays, out-of-stock of new products happens occasionally, as a result of which, not only vendors suffer direct loss or miss potential sale opportunities, but also consumer's may become less satisfied or turn to alternative products. When their new products are out of stock, many vendors raise the selling price to gain a higher return. This behavior is widely controversial, but has been effectively explored in the academic world. The relevant observations and researches show that out-of-stock of new products has two effects on consumers:one is psychological ownership, which entices consumers to pay premium, and the other is relative deprivation, which disincline consumers from paying premium. Through two experiments, the study finds that (1) out-of-stock of new products will influence consumers' willingness to pay premium, and this is more true of supplied new products than demanded new products, (2) psychological ownership and relative deprivation jointly mediate the influence of out-of-stock of new products on consumers' willingness to pay premium, and (3)self-construal will moderate the joint mediating effect of psychological ownership and relative deprivation, and moreover it will have a matching effect on psychological ownership but not on relative deprivation. These conclusions' not only contribute to new product out-of-stock theory, psychological ownership theory and relative deprivation theory, but also have important implications for direct businesses to carry out new product marketing, for consumers to rationally tread out-of-stock new products and for regulatory bodies to keep out-of-stock marketing behaviors under a reasonable framework.

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    Managerial Strategy of Choosing the Key Consumers by Considering Network Externality
    Liu Xin, Li Yongli, Zhang Jie
    2020, 32 (2):  197-204. 
    Abstract ( 327 )   PDF (1249KB) ( 455 )  

    In the era of "Internet +", the ability of identifying the key consumers has become an important factor that affects the manufacturer's profit. The paper adopts the utility function with network externality to analyze how the monopolistic manufacturer chooses the key consumers by maximizing their own interests. In the market structure of complete monopoly, the paper constructs a multi-stage game process to derive the feature function of reflecting the consumers' importance, under two cases:with and without considering the first consumer movers. Finally, the complexity of the algorithm is tested by a series of simulations and this model is applied in the specific real scenario that shows how the mobile phone communication provider chooses the key consumers. The above analyses show that the strategies of choosing key consumers proposed by the paper are feasible and effective, which can significantly improve the profit of monopolistic manufacturer. In all, the proposed model and the achieved strategy has a certain application value in solving specific management problems.

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    Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
    Does Parental Leadership Contribute to Employees' Altruistic Behavior?——Multiple Mediating Effects Based on Chinese Context
    Wu Shijian, Sun Zhuanzhuan, Liu Xinmin, Zhou Zhongbao
    2020, 32 (2):  205-217. 
    Abstract ( 417 )   PDF (1203KB) ( 570 )  

    Altruistic behavior is an important core of Chinese traditional culture. Based on the management practice in Chinese context, this paper empirically researches the influence mechanism between the parental leadership typical of Chinese enterprises and employees' altruistic behavior, and tests the multiple mediating effects of affective commitment, psychological empowerment and leader-member exchange. An empirical analysis of the questionnaire based on structural equation model derives the following conclusions. Firstly, benevolent leadership, moral leadership and authoritarian leadership all have a significant positive impact on employees' altruistic behavior. Secondly, affective commitment, psychological empowerment and leader-member exchange play a full mediating role in the relationship between three dimensions of paternalistic leadership and employees' altruistic behavior respectively. Thirdly, there is a significant difference between any two mediating pathways in addition to the mediating effects of psychological empowerment and leader-member exchange between benevolent leadership and employees' altruistic behavior, and the mediating effects of psychological empowerment and leader-member exchange between authoritarian leadership and employees' altruistic behavior.

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    The Influence of Authentic Leadership on Employment Relationship Climate and Employee Engagement: The Moderating Effect of Organizational Culture
    Ma Ling, Zhao Shuming, Chen Xin
    2020, 32 (2):  218-231. 
    Abstract ( 406 )   PDF (1267KB) ( 709 )  

    Based on investigation of senior managers, HR managers and employees from 146 enterprises, the study examines the positive effect of CEO's authentic leadership on employee engagement, as well as the mediating role of employment relations climate and the moderating effect of organizational culture. The results show that CEO's authentic leadership can promote employee engagement by forming a harmonious climate of employment relationship; meanwhile, the organizational culture with high internal integration and external adaptation is conducive to positive employment relationship. Through cross-level research of senior leaders and individual behaviors, the study reveals the mechanism of how CEO's authentic leadership influences employee engagement and such mechanism is helpful for enterprises to manage their human resources.

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    The Influence of Inclusive Leadership on Employees' Proactive Behavior: The Mediating Effects of Organizational-based Self-esteem and Error Management Climate
    Kong Liang, Li Xiyuan, Zhang Fawang
    2020, 32 (2):  232-243. 
    Abstract ( 476 )   PDF (1207KB) ( 1102 )  

    In the new normal economic background, an employer expects its employees not only to meet basic job requirements, but also to break through routine work requirements by showing initiative and thinking proactively to help their company respond effectively to environmental challenges. Globalization has brought about an increase in cross-regional population flows. The new generation of employees has gradually become the main force in the workplace, and staff in the workplace is becoming increasingly diversified. In view of the diversification of employees, a challenge that management team has to face is to find out how to carry out diversified management and give full play to the diversification of the employees' work initiative. This issue has also attracted the attention of academia. Inclusive leadership can inspire the initiative of diversified employees because of its openness, availability, and accessibility. Based on the theory of self-determination, this paper constructs a multiple mediator model with organizational self-esteem and error management climate to explore the influencing mechanism of inclusive leadership on employees' proactive behavior in organizations. Data are collected through paired questionnaire survey of 67 team leaders and 304 employees. The results show that inclusive leadership has a positive effect on employees' proactive behavior. HLM results reveal that organizational-based self-esteem and error management climate play a full mediating role between the two in the individual and the team level. The conclusion of the research reveals the influencing path of inclusive leadership on employees' proactive behavior. This not only confirms the inclusive leadership has the characteristics of fault tolerance, but also enriches the research of the influence factor of error management climate. At the same time, this research also confirms the positive effect of the error management climate on the employee's proactive behavior, and provides a theoretical reference and management inspiration for the cultivation of the leadership's inclusiveness and the construction of organizational error management climate.

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    The Relationship between Abusive Supervision and Subordinates' Feedback Avoidance Behavior: A Mediated Moderation Model
    Shen Chuangang, Yang Jing
    2020, 32 (2):  244-253. 
    Abstract ( 394 )   PDF (1220KB) ( 498 )  

    Drawing from an approach-avoidance perspective, this study examines the influencing mechanism of abusive supervision on subordinates' feedback avoidance behavior and the moderation mechanism of supervisor's organizational embodiment. We collect 392 employees as empirical samples to testify the model. The results corroborate our predictions by demonstrating that:(1) Abusive supervision is positively related to employees' feedback avoidance behavior; (2) Subordinates' fear partly mediates the relationship between abusive supervision and employees' feedback avoidance behavior; (3) Supervisor's organizational embodiment positively moderates the relationship between abusive supervision and employees' feedback avoidance behavior, and the interaction of supervisor's organizational embodiment and abusive supervision also significantly predict the employees' feedback avoidance behavior via their fear. When perceived supervisor's organizational embodiment is high, those who are abused by their supervisor would feel more fear and tend to avoid feedback.

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    Organization and Strategic Management
    Corporate Philanthropy and Tax Avoidance——A Study Based on the Perceptive of Corporate CSR Culture
    Shen Yi, Xu Guanghua, Lyu Minghan, Qian Ming
    2020, 32 (2):  254-265. 
    Abstract ( 382 )   PDF (1185KB) ( 381 )  

    Drawing on the theory of corporate culture, this paper explores whether the corporate social responsibility (CSR) culture could drive firms toward both corporate donation and taking more tax. Based on the samples of Chinese listed companies, we find that the association between corporate philanthropy and tax aggressiveness is significant and we attribute this association to the function of CSR culture. Furthermore, we find that this negative relevance is more pronounced in the samples of SOEs and those private firms with political connections. This study deepens the understanding of the drivers of CSR and sheds a new light on the issue of government-enterprise relationship.

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    Does Analyst Expectation Deficit Stimulate Strategic Change?——Evidence from China's Listed Manufacturing Companies
    Zhong Xi, Song Tiebo, Chen Weihong, Tang Yuanyou
    2020, 32 (2):  266-277. 
    Abstract ( 275 )   PDF (1244KB) ( 359 )  

    Does analyst expectation deficit stimulate strategic change? To answer this question, this study investigates the impact of analyst expectation deficit on a firm's strategic change by considering the moderating effect of CEO's tenure expectancy and the combined effects of CEO's tenure expectancy and CEO shareholdings. Hypotheses are tested through the manufacturing companies listed in China from 2008 to 2015. The findings show that:when an enterprise fails to reach the performance target expected by the analyst, analyst expectation deficit will play a positive role in strategic change; when CEO's tenure expectancy increases, the positive influence of analyst expectation deficit in firm's strategic change will strengthen; when CEO shareholdings increase, the facilitating effect of CEO's tenure expectancy on the relationship between analyst expectation deficit and strategic change will be enhanced. The conclusion deepens the understanding of strategic change from an external perspective.

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    Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    Design of Commission Contract in Offline to Online Supply Chain in the Presence of Showroom
    Zhang Xumei, Jin Liang
    2020, 32 (2):  278-286. 
    Abstract ( 283 )   PDF (1232KB) ( 542 )  

    This paper explores commission contract design in an offline to online (O2O) supply chain where an online retailer sells a product and an offline showroom provides experience service to consumers. Considering that consumers are uncertain about whether the product sold by online retailer fits their needs, we establish a principal-agent model between the online retailer and the offline showroom. Then we design the optimal commission contracts in two scenarios where offline experience service effort is observable and is unobservable to the online retailer, respectively. Further, the impact of return rate and consumers' return cost on the equilibrium results is analyzed. The results show that commission rate and fixed payment of the optimal commission contracts have different incentives to the offline showroom. Compared with the observable scenario of the offline experience service effort, the unobservability of the offline experience service effort leads to the decline of the online retailer's profit; but when consumers have higher probability to purchase through the online retailer or the return rate is higher, the profit loss of the online retailer which caused by the unobservability of the offline experience service effort will decrease effectively.

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    The Optimal Strategy of All Parties Involved in Market Transaction Linkage under the Background of Interest Rate Liberalization——From Supply Chain Finance Perspective
    Tan Yuying, Yang Zheng
    2020, 32 (2):  287-298. 
    Abstract ( 269 )   PDF (1352KB) ( 391 )  

    Whether the interest rate marketization has a direct impact on the capital structure and operational decisions of SMEs with financing difficulties in the supply chain finance is an important subject of current researches. From the perspective of supply chain finance, this paper constructs a three-dimension game model involving suppliers, retailers and banks in the context of interest rate marketization, and explores how to achieve optimal strategies for the parties involved in financing business to achieve their respective interests, especially how to conduct risk control and determine the optimal self-loan interest rate. By establishing a single-cycle newsboy model, this paper reveals the decision-making linkage relationship among the parties involved in the market transaction, and firstly it is found that the retailers who are in a decision-making disadvantage in the financing business can achieve the sub-optimal order under the participation constraint. Secondly, by analyzing the expected return and loss limit of the supplier and the risk attitude of the bank, the optimal wholesale price of the supplier in the transaction contract and the value range of the bank's pledge rate and the optimal independent interest rate decision are determined. Finally, the numerical simulation compares the decision results of whether the interest rate is marketized. The research shows that supply chain finance can improve supply chain performance, interest rate policy will have a direct impact on supply chain performance, but interest rate marketization cannot completely solve the structural problems of SME financing difficulties.

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    Dual Sourcing Policy under Bi-level Uncertain Demand Information
    Han Sumin, Song Huaming
    2020, 32 (2):  299-307. 
    Abstract ( 298 )   PDF (1425KB) ( 511 )  

    In this paper, we investigate the retailer's dual sourcing policy of multi-stage demand. We assume that the demand of the product has two level uncertainty, i.e., the uncertainty of the product requirements and distribution parameters. Models are constructed for one procurement opportunity and dual sourcing procurement respectively. In order to compare the impact of Bayesian information updating, we compare the optimal policies of three different cases. The result shows that Bayesian information updating can help retailers grasp the changes of market and gain more profits. We also discuss the influences of each parameter on the retailer's optimal policy and the value of demand forecast updating. It is found that the value of demand forecast updating is positively related to the uncertainty of the distribution parameters and negatively related to the uncertainty of the product requirements. Another finding is that when the purchasing cost in the second period is not too high, or both the purchasing cost in the second period and the sum of the purchasing cost and inventory cost in the first period are at similar levels, the demand forecast updating is valuable.

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    Case Studies
    The Fit between Servitization Strategy and Maintenance Business Model Innovation in Manufacturers: Based on Multi-Case Study
    Zhang Ruijun, Chen Juhong, Wu Di
    2020, 32 (2):  308-326. 
    Abstract ( 346 )   PDF (1551KB) ( 409 )  

    Maintenance service has become an important business form for manufacturers to create value for customers and gain competitive advantage. "Service paradox" caused by value creation of maintenance services can hardly be explained from the perspective of traditional "strategy-organizational structure" fitting. This paper studies the important issue of how to effectively fit servitizaton strategy with maintenance business model innovation from the perspective of "strategy-transaction structure" fitting. Through the exploratory multi-case study, three types of servitization strategies of manufacturing enterprises in China are identified according to the embedding degree in customer operation process, the influences of servitizaton strategy and fitting with maintenance business model innovation on enterprise performance are explored. Nine propositions are put forward, and theoretical framework of "servitizaton strategy-maintenance business model innovation-enterprise performance" is constructed. The results show:(1) Supporting product maintenance-, supporting customer maintenance- and taking over customer maintenance-servitization strategies have differences in the impact on the market and financial performance; (2) The fitting between servitization strategy and maintenance business model innovation has a significant impact on enterprises performance. Fitting relationship between the two corresponds to enhanced or weakened interaction to the enterprise performance respectively. The theoretical contribution of this paper is to reveal the fitting relationship between servitization strategy and maintenance business model innovation from the business level, and provide a new insight for manufacturers to avoid "service paradox".

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    Analysis of Value Web Conversion from Creativity to Innovation: A Case Study of Cultural Creativity and Design Service Enterprises in Sichuan Province
    Liu Lingyan, Yang Yongzhong
    2020, 32 (2):  327-336. 
    Abstract ( 269 )   PDF (2631KB) ( 474 )  

    The traditional value chain used by the managers of creative enterprises as reference is unable to explain all kinds of behavior activities in the process of realizing the transformation from creativity to innovation. As a result, the enterprise cannot grasp the clear direction of management and improve its own competitive advantage. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to re-analyze the value link and its composition in the process of realizing the successful development (creativity) and marketization (innovation) of creative products. In this paper, we conduct an exploratory case study of six enterprises of cultural and creative and design service. Based on the behavioral activities of enterprises with the two types of creativity and innovation, this paper constructs a "value net model in the process of transformation from creativity to innovation". The basic principle of the value network developed in this paper includes three core structure units as follows:(1) The unit of consumers, the change from consumer to value creator. (2) The unit of enterprises, value creation networks formed by related enterprises in the value chains that transcend individual ones, providing value to the final consumers. (3) The virtual value net unit formed by digitization and Internet, due to the supplement and improvement to the physical value net made by virtual value net, which maximizes the value creation from the perspectives of virtuality and reality.

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