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    28 November 2018, Volume 30 Issue 11 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Investor Recognition, Information Asymmetry and Stock Price Delay
    Wang Chunfeng, Li Sicheng, Fang Zhenming
    2018, 30 (11):  3-13. 
    Abstract ( 294 )   PDF (1178KB) ( 1564 )  

    Based on cognitive levels of investors on stocks, this paper investigates the relationship between price delay and investor recognition from the prospective of information asymmetry and verifies that price delay is due to information asymmetry, which can be relieved by higher cognitive levels of investors. Our findings suggest that price discovery efficiency can be developed if the government continues to improve the regulatory system and cultivate institutional investors or intermediaries properly.

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    The Effects of Government Education Inputs on Macro-economy and Resident Welfare
    Chen Pinglu, Mao Jiabing, Hou Junhui
    2018, 30 (11):  14-25. 
    Abstract ( 284 )   PDF (1169KB) ( 896 )  

    In this paper, we use dynamic CGE model to simulate the effects of different changes in the labor supply on macro-economy and resident welfare. We draw up the 2007 Social Accounting Matrix, turn different government education investment policies into different amounts of labor supply and simulate different variations of the junior, medium and senior labor supply in order to analyze the effects on macroeconomic and resident welfare. Our conclusions are as follows: under the current technological conditions, investing heavily in secondary education and enhancing the supply of medium labors will promote the level of residents' income and welfare; increased government spending in higher education will reduce sector output, inhibit the investment and consumption and reduce resident welfare; and in addition, reducing spending in higher education will drive the expansion of domestic demand.

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    Performance of Rural Commercial Banks in China and Its External Factors
    Jia Ruirui, Liu Haiyan, Guo Kun
    2018, 30 (11):  26-34. 
    Abstract ( 497 )   PDF (1201KB) ( 1413 )  

    As an important part of rural financial system, rural commercial banks should undertake the important mission of supporting the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China. However, rural financial market is short of available collaterals and agricultural production is risky by its nature, so the performance of rural commercial banks faces larger challenges than ordinary commercial banks. This paper evaluates the performance of rural commercial banks based on SBM method and finds that the performance has declined as a whole in recent years but with significant regional differences. Then the external factors that affect the performance in different regions are analyzed and the results show that the higher level the rural economic affluence and residents' living standard are at, the better performance rural commercial banks will have, while the more risky the rural production is, the worse performance rural commercial banks will have. In order to ensure the sustainable development of rural financial market, a perfect credit evaluation system must be established, the availability of collaterals must be enhanced, and the agricultural insurance must be vigorously promoted as a powerful supplement of the rural financial market.

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    Corn Financialization, Price Formation Mechanism and Policy Options
    Wu Haixia, Ge Yan, Shi Hengtong
    2018, 30 (11):  35-45. 
    Abstract ( 324 )   PDF (1215KB) ( 691 )  

    The growing trend of financialization and energy conversion of corn has changed the price formation mechanism in the corn market. Based on the monthly price data of corn market from September 2004 to July 2017, this paper uses ARDL model to examine the price formation mechanism of China's corn market from the perspectives of supply and demand fundamentals, import and export trade, industry policies and financial factors. The empirical results show that supply and demand fundamentals and industrial policy play a significant role in the formation of corn prices. However, in the financialization, the role of the Baltic Dry Index, the corn futures, the crude oil prices and the exchange rate are more obvious and direct in the pricing mechanism of the corn market. Sensitivity test also verifies the robustness of these conclusions. New changes in the formation mechanism of corn prices make the macro-control policies not only pay attention to changes in supply and demand and other fundamentals, but also improve the information collection and distribution system of the corn market, as well as strengthen supervision and regulation over the international market, futures market and exchange rate market.

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    “Leader” or “System”? Understanding the Relationship between Servant Leadership, Service-Oriented Human Resource Management and Employee Service Innovation
    Wang Zhen, Song Meng, Peng Jian, Zhang Yuqi
    2018, 30 (11):  46-56,67. 
    Abstract ( 420 )   PDF (1368KB) ( 1075 )  

    With the rapid development of service industry, considerable attention has been given to the notion of service innovation. However, prior literature primarily investigated service innovation from macro or meso perspectives, paying less attention to the antecedents and mechanisms of frontline employees' service innovation from a micro perspective. Based on the AMO framework (ability-motivation-opportunity), we introduce service innovation ability, service innovation motivation, and service innovation opportunity, to test the influence of “leader” (servant leadership) and “system” (service-oriented human resource management system) factors on service innovation through these three paths. Analysis of a sample of 397 frontline client managers from a commercial bank indicates: service-oriented human resource management has a positive effect on service innovation, through the mediating role of service innovation ability, service innovation motivation, and service innovation opportunity; servant leadership has a positive effect on service innovation through the mediating role of service innovation motivation and service innovation opportunity (not service innovation ability). Further, servant leadership and service-oriented human resource management have an interactive influence on service innovation through service innovation ability, service innovation motivation, and service innovation opportunity. The findings deepen our understanding of antecedents that foster frontline employees' service innovation, and provide implications for service innovation management from both the “leader” and the “system” perspectives.

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    The Influence of Corporate Philanthropy on Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Industry
    Chen Shouming, Zhou Jie
    2018, 30 (11):  57-67. 
    Abstract ( 317 )   PDF (1247KB) ( 818 )  

    Corporate philanthropy can bring benefits to the firms. This study links corporate philanthropy to corporate innovation and examines the moderating role of ROA and slack resource in this relationship. Drawing on stakeholder theory and resource dependence theory, we develop and test hypotheses using secondary data from 381 manufacturing firms listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2014. It is found that the positive relationship between corporate philanthropy and innovation is stronger when ROA or slack resource is higher.

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    Influences of International Collaboration and Overseas Experiences on Paper Quality of Scientific Researchers: A Case of Life Sciences
    Li Wencong, He Jing, Dong Jichang
    2018, 30 (11):  68-75. 
    Abstract ( 213 )   PDF (1101KB) ( 747 )  

    Based on academic papers published by principal investigators of 4 life sciences institutions, this paper studies whether international collaboration is more effective in improving paper quality than intramural and extramural domestic collaboration, and whether international mobility experience results in better paper quality. Results show that international collaboration has a positive effect on paper quality, but the effect is not significantly different than intramural and extramural domestic collaboration. International mobility also has a positive effect on paper quality, especially by helping researchers to publish papers on journals with higher impact factors. But obtaining PhD degree from a foreign institution is not an important factor for their paper quality.

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    Paradox Cognition, Institutional Environment and Green Performance
    Wei Zesheng, YangYi, Wei Zelong
    2018, 30 (11):  76-85. 
    Abstract ( 231 )   PDF (1154KB) ( 732 )  

    Based on paradox theory and institutional theory, this study investigates the direct effect of paradox cognition on corporate green performance, the mediating effects of internal technology development and external technology acquisition, and the moderating effects of institutional incompleteness and dysfunctional competition. The study proposes 7 hypotheses, and examines them with survey data from 238 firms. We find that paradox cognition has a significant and positive effect on green performance, and this positive effect is mediated by internal technology development and external technology acquisition. Furthermore, we find that institutional incompleteness strengthens the effect of external technology acquisition while weakens the effect of internal technology development on green performance. On the contrast, we find that dysfunctional competition weakens the effect of external technology acquisition while strengthens the effect of internal technology development on green performance.

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    The Generation Mechanisms of E-business Collaborative Capabilities: Based on the Drivers of the Need-Technology-Governance
    Chi Maomao, Li Yanhui, Wang Weijun, Wang Xiao, Cheng Xiufeng
    2018, 30 (11):  86-96. 
    Abstract ( 263 )   PDF (1241KB) ( 513 )  

    The world has entered a DT (digital technology) era. Under this environment, the key for traditional enterprises to achieve success is to enhance inter-firm e-business collaboration. However, few literatures explore the generation process of e-business collaborative capabilities by integrating the technical and business perspectives. Based on technology-push and need-pull, and governance literatures, this paper explores the generation process of business needs, information technology, formal governance and relational governance on e-business collaborative capabilities from the need-technology-governance perspective. By collecting 209 firm-level data, this paper studies the generation process of e-business collaborative capabilities through OLS. From the technical and business integration perspective, this paper expands the antecedents of e-business collaborative capabilities, and also advises traditional firms in China on how to effectively develop collaborative e-business under DT environment.

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    The Influence Mechanism of Privacy Policies on Consumers' Willingness to Provide Information: Based on Moderating Effects of Information Sensitivity
    Liang Xiaodan, Li Yinghao, Liu Fang
    2018, 30 (11):  97-107,151. 
    Abstract ( 382 )   PDF (1304KB) ( 1342 )  

    Based on the signaling theory and CPM theory, this paper examines how the contents of online privacy policies influence the consumers' willingness to provide personal information and the moderating effects of information sensitivity through three between-subjects experimental designs. The results demonstrate that the notification clarity, permissiveness and protection degrees offered by privacy policies have significant impacts on consumers' perceived information control and perceived privacy risk. Information sensitivity moderates the correlations between permissiveness, protection degrees offered by a privacy policy and consumers' perceptions. The results also reveal that perceived information control has a significant positive influence on the willingness to provide personal information, and the willingness is also influenced by perceived privacy risk negatively.

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    Consumption Sense-making Model and Subjective and Objective Interpretation Comparison: A Qualitative Study
    Li Qianqian, Xue Qiuzhi
    2018, 30 (11):  108-118. 
    Abstract ( 301 )   PDF (1203KB) ( 1444 )  

    The meaning of consumption has surpassed the product and brand values, and reflects social culture and group values. This study introduces Transformative Consumer Research (TCR) and conducts a qualitative research based on the theories of value, rationality and meanings, with iPhone consumption as a typical case. Following the key steps of grounded theory method, it constructs a theoretical model of Sense-making in iPhone consumption behaviors and compares the subjective and objective interpretation for such behaviors. The findings show that consideration of functional value and signal value influences the consumption behavior, and external factors and individual factors influence the sense-making of such values. Besides, there exists inconsistency between subjective and objective interpretation. The paper also discusses theoretical and practical implications, and orientation for further researches.

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    The Impact of Social Interactions in Online Businessmen Communities on Sales Performance
    Zhang Yin, Lu Baozhou, Hu Bo
    2018, 30 (11):  119-129. 
    Abstract ( 230 )   PDF (1195KB) ( 735 )  

    Online community is of vital importance for enterprises in expanding potential market. Drawing on social network theory and social exchange theory, the authors investigate the impact of social interactions of community members in online businessmen communities. Based on data from real businessmen community, we examine how the characteristics of social interactions and third-party ratings influence online sales performance of e-vendors represented by community members. The results indicate a positive relation between both frequency and response speed of community members in online communications and their sales performance, which is mediated by network centrality of community members in online social network. Besides, third-party ratings on e-vendors represented by community members positively moderate the influence of social interactions on the network centrality of community members.

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    Job Embeddedness, Work-Family Balance and Family Relationship: Based on the Employees and Their Spouses Paired Perspective
    Wang Yongli, Lu Hailing
    2018, 30 (11):  130-140. 
    Abstract ( 444 )   PDF (1225KB) ( 1227 )  

    In this study, using a resource conservation theoretical base, we explore the relation among job embeddedness, work-family balance and family relationship. Data are collected from a sample of 234 married fulltime employees and their spouses. The results of structural equation model show that: (1) Job embeddedness of employees has significant positive effects on self-rated work-family facilitation and family-work facilitation, and exerts a negative effect on self-rated family-work conflict significantly. (2) Job embeddedness of employees has significant positive effects on spouse-rated work-family conflict and family-work conflict. (3)The effect of spouse-rated work-family conflict on spouse-perceived family conflict is positive. Additionally, the effect of spouse-rated family-work conflict on spouse-perceived family cohesion is negative. What's more, spouse-rated family-work facilitation has a significant negative effect on spouse-perceived family conflict, and has a significant positive effect on spouse-perceived family cohesion. (4) Self-rated work-family facilitation and spouse-rated work-family conflict mediates the effect of job embeddedness on spouse-perceived family conflict. Spouse-rated family-work conflict plays a mediating role in the relation of job embeddedness and spouse-perceived family cohesion.

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    How does Work Engagement Transmit from Supervisors to Subordinates: The Test of a Trickle-Down Model
    Xie Baoguo, Guo Yongxing, Xia De
    2018, 30 (11):  141-151. 
    Abstract ( 413 )   PDF (1257KB) ( 841 )  

    Under the logic of the trickle-down model, this study examines whether and how work engagement transits from team leaders to their direct followers. In order to reduce the common method bias, the time-lagged sampling is used to collect data. The participants are customer services employees working in a call centre of a large state-owned telecom company in China. Hierarchical Linear Mode (HLM) is used to test the hypotheses. The results show that: (1) team leaders' work engagement is positively related to their followers' work engagement, (2) followers' work meaningfulness mediates the relationship between leader's work engagement and followers' work engagement, (3) empowering leadership moderates the relationship between work meaningfulness and subordinates' work engagement, and (4) the indirect effect of work meaningfulness is moderated by empowering leadership. In the end, some theoretical and managerial implications are offered, and limitations and future directions are discussed.

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    Cross-level Effect of Entrepreneurial Passion on Employees' Work Passion: Mediation of Emotional Contagion
    Zhang Jian, Li Jingjing, Song Yahui
    2018, 30 (11):  152-163. 
    Abstract ( 329 )   PDF (1194KB) ( 784 )  

    This study explains why entrepreneurial passion is not transferred to employees from emotional contagion view. Basing on survey data from 206 respondents, we develop and test a hierarchical linear model. The results show that emotional mimicry partially mediates entrepreneurial passion for developing and employees' positive feelings, and social comparison fully mediates the relationship for entrepreneurial passion for developing and organization or work meaningfulness. The mediation effects of emotional contagion between entrepreneurial passion for inventing / founding and employee's work passion are not supported. The conclusion is that only via social comparison could entrepreneurial passion be transferred to employees and social comparison (cognitive driving mechanism) is the main means for the passion transference from entrepreneurs to employees; this needs more attention in future researches.

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    Human Resource Management Practices and Affective Commitment Under the Transformation of China's Manufacturing: A Yin-Yang Harmony Perspective
    Chin Tachia, Hu Lingyan, Liu Renhuai
    2018, 30 (11):  164-175. 
    Abstract ( 339 )   PDF (1176KB) ( 744 )  

    The foundation of China's manufacturing innovation and transformation is the upgrading of workforce, which is greatly related to human resource management (HRM) practices. However, there has been a dearth of studies incorporating the views of Chinese culture and human capital to address relevant issues. Hence, this paper based on the Yin-Yang harmony perspective explores the effects of HRM practices on affective commitment (AC) during the transformation of Chinese manufacturing. Our research team investigates seven first-tier original equipment manufacturers (OEM) of Adidas Group in China, and then analyzes the data from 1,920 participants. Our results indicate that four HRM practices have significantly positive influence on AC (the sequence as per the weight of each factor is: performance appraisal, training, wage and welfare management, recruiting and selection). Moreover, the variable of age moderates the relationship between performance appraisal and AC, while the interaction effects between performance appraisal and salary & welfare management, and between training and recruitment & selection are positively related to AC. The main theoretical contribution of this paper is to integrate the Yin-Yang harmony perspective with Western theories to examine the impacts of HRM practices on AC in a specific context — which facilitates the establishment of indigenous, deeply-contextualized Chinese management theories. In addition, facing the challenges of China's economic new normal, this study can provide a valuable empirical basis that helps all manufacturers in China to lay out human capital strategies. This research thus has a certain practical significance.

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    Job Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction Promote Voice?——Intergenerational Differences and Moderating Effect of PIED
    Yan Liang, Ma Guimei
    2018, 30 (11):  176-185. 
    Abstract ( 485 )   PDF (1175KB) ( 630 )  

    Based on the existing contradictory research conclusions about the relationship between job satisfaction and voice, this study discusses the relationship between job satisfaction, promotive and prohibitive voice, and discusses the generational difference of the relationships and moderating effect of perceived investment in employee development (PIED). Based on the sample of 432 employees, the empirical results show that the relationship between job satisfaction and promotive voice is linear without generational difference; moreover, the relationship between job satisfaction and prohibitive voice is U-shaped in new generation group, and is linear in compared group; PIED positively moderates the positive relationship between job satisfaction and promotive voice and negatively moderates the U-shaped relationship between job satisfaction and prohibitive voice in new generation employees. The results of the study are discussed and potential direction for further research is proposed.

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    Effects of Institutional Environment on Location Choice of Real Estate Companies' Inter regional Investment
    Yang Yan, Li Panpan, Mao Yuhui
    2018, 30 (11):  186-197. 
    Abstract ( 201 )   PDF (1191KB) ( 483 )  

    By analyzing the performance of China's A-share listed real estate companies after their first entry into different provinces in China during the period from 2004 to 2015, this paper studies the effects of institutional environment on the location choices of companies. The empirical results indicate that the better the institutional environment of a target location is, the more likely the location is chosen. The bigger the institutional distance between target area and companies' register area is, the less likely the area is chosen. What's more, companies are willing to enter areas with institutional environment stronger than their register area and reluctant to enter the areas with institutional environment weaker than their register area. Furthermore, as to companies registered in areas of strong institution that entered areas of weaker institution, the restraining effect of institutional distance on the location choice is significant. But for companies registered in areas of weaker institution that entered areas of stronger institution, the effect of institutional distance on the location choice is not significant. By further analysis, we find that political connection and relevant investment experience moderate the relationship of institutional environment, institutional distance and location choice. These two factors can both reduce the inhibiting effect of the institutional environment on the entry choice and stimulate investment.

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    The Influence and Outcome of Expected Performance Feedback Effect on the Structure of Organizational Slack in Manufacturing Industry
    Li Jian, Pan Zhen, Chen Jingren
    2018, 30 (11):  198-208. 
    Abstract ( 235 )   PDF (1210KB) ( 573 )  

    Which factors affect the structure of organizational slack? What effects will have on the enterprise for the transformation of the structure of organizational slack? In an era when manufacturing enterprises are driven by innovation, this paper, based on organizational behavior theory, explores the impact of expected performance feedback effect in manufacturing industry on the structure of organizational slack. Next, this paper further researches the context effects of product market competition and financing constraints using product market theory and financing constraints theory. At last, this paper discusses the impact of the deviation of the structure of organizational slack on the performance. The empirical result based on the panel data of Chinese listed company from 2001 to 2014 indicates: expected performance feedback effect in manufacturing industry has a negative impact on the structure of organizational slack, and product market competition can strengthen the negative influence; in the context of financing constraints, product market competition has a more significant moderating effect. Finally, when the actual structure of organizational slack in manufacturing industry deviates from the standard structure, it will have an unfavorable effect on performance. This study provides a new theoretical interpretation and practical guidance for the academe and the business community to further deepen the understanding and management of the structure of organizational slack.

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    Factor Analysis of the Competition between High-speed Railway and Civil Aviation from the Perspective of Passengers
    Luo Jiaqi, Kuang Haibo, Yang Yue, Liu Longfang
    2018, 30 (11):  209-222. 
    Abstract ( 402 )   PDF (1379KB) ( 1534 )  

    In recent years, the rapid development of high-speed railway has become the general direction of transportation industry, and long distance, fast speed and short time are the development theme of China's transportation industry. This trend means opportunities for high-speed railway enterprises, challenges for civil aviation enterprises and more options for travelers.. This paper takes various factors into consideration and analyzes the factors of the competition between high-speed railway and civil aviation from the perspective of passengers. It also establishes a competition evaluation system that contains 30 indicators, such as price fluctuation, annual safety accident rate and so on. In this paper, the competition between high-speed railway and civil aviation is qualitatively and quantitatively weighed and compared through cloud model, which results in the final cloud model of high-speed railway industry and civil aviation industry. At last, we conclude the competitiveness of the two transportation means under different passenger scenarios and offer some relevant recommendations.

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    Study on the Relationship between Supply Chain Resilience and Supply Chain Competitiveness: Based on the Perspective of Dynamic Capability
    Wang Haijun, Tan Jie, Wang Tianyu
    2018, 30 (11):  223-233. 
    Abstract ( 393 )   PDF (1444KB) ( 747 )  

    This study defines supply chain resilience from the perspective of ability and explores the supply chain relationship model of “dynamic capabilities-resilience-competitiveness”. We use the structural equation model to analyze the model and validate the impact of supply chain resilience on the competitiveness. The results show that dynamic ability would enhance supply chain resilience; improving supply chain resilience is significant for improving supply chain robustness; improving supply chain resilience would improve competitiveness directly; and integrated ability and resilience can directly reduce supply chain risk. The findings in this paper can help companies to reduce risks and to maximize their supply chain competitiveness.

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    Impact of Consumer's Anticipated Regret on Quality Decision of Remanufacturing Supply Chain
    Gao Peng, Du Jianguo, Nie Jiajia, Lu Yumei
    2018, 30 (11):  234-246. 
    Abstract ( 294 )   PDF (1574KB) ( 1472 )  

    This paper studies how anticipated regret of customers influences OEM's quality decision of remanufacturing supply chain. Based on consumers' demand function, we build and solve a quality competition model under two scenarios: one with anticipated regret and the other without. Then we use theoretical analysis and numerical simulation methods to analyze the result. Our analysis shows that under an imperfect monopoly market, the anticipated regret is expected to enhance the product price and quality so as to reduce demand; under a competitive market, the equilibrium quality of product is negatively related to the sensitivity of anticipated regret and heterogeneity of consumers. The raise of anticipated regret would decrease the price of two products, demand of new product and OEM's profit while improving the demand of remanufactured product and enhancing the threshold of the IR to enter the market. When the expected evaluation of remanufacturing product quality is high, the quality in a monopoly market is higher than that in a competitive market. In addition, under a competitive market, the demand of remanufacturing product shows it is correlated with sensitivity of anticipated regret while the latter would obviously increase the profit of IR and supply chain, consumer surplus and the total social welfare when the heterogeneity of consumers is at a low level, and vice versa.

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    Financial Dynamic Hedging in Shipping Market
    Lu Bo, Xing Jian, Song Dongping
    2018, 30 (11):  247-256. 
    Abstract ( 317 )   PDF (1191KB) ( 714 )  

    The emergence of shipping financial derivatives brings a Markov character to the spot and futures prices of shipping and this makes it difficult for the existing theories or models to accurately predict the fluctuations characteristics of spot and futures prices of shipping. Compared with existing studies, the method used in this paper takes into account the unpredictability of the fluctuation characteristics of spot and futures yields of shipping. And our method overcomes the problem of misalignment of spot and futures prices yields fluctuations caused by the discontinuity of spot yields volatility and the distortion by using historical data to estimate the volatility of yields, which are generally unsolvable by the existing dynamic hedging model. That is to say, the method of calculating the time-varying beta coefficient by estimating the factor model to obtain the dynamic hedging rate is essentially a kind of rational expectation, and it is more applicable to the hedging of the shipping market. We calculate the discrete time varying hedging rate of the Capesize vessel from Australia to China, and compare it with the results of other four commonly used hedging models. We find that compared to other methods, this model can lock in the same level of risk with the lowest cost. This low cost hedges the risk of spot fluctuations with the least futures position, and also our discrete time-varying hedging ratios avoid the problem of increasing transaction fees and margin costs by frequently changing futures positions in the portfolio in continuous model.

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    Profit Allocation of PPP Project from the Perspective of Incentives——The Case of Chinese Enterprises' Investment in the Infrastructure Projects of GMS Countries under the Support of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
    Chang Yanan, Wang Songjiang
    2018, 30 (11):  257-265. 
    Abstract ( 430 )   PDF (1203KB) ( 728 )  

    Scientific and fair assignment of profit is one of the key factors in the success of PPP projects. From the perspective of incentive, the distribution of benefits is an incentive measure that can effectively solve the contradiction between public and private sectors. The contradiction is generated by different interest demands between the public and the private sectors. In consideration of the factors that affect the distribution of PPP projects, this paper establishes the Modified Shapley Value Method. By analyzing the project Chinese enterprises' investment in the infrastructure projects of GMS countries under the support of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, it shows that the model can achieve the optimal profit assignment.

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    An Empirical Study on the Constraints of the Third Party Evaluation for Policy Effect of Public Security Based on ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling) Model
    Wang Long, Li Hui, Tian Huawei
    2018, 30 (11):  266-274. 
    Abstract ( 274 )   PDF (1118KB) ( 646 )  

    Based on a systematical analysis of the relevant literature and theory, the internal mechanism of different constraints is quantitatively analyzed by system analysis method of ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling) in this paper. The main factors that influence the third party evaluation for the policy effect of public security organizations in our country mainly include: lack of professional assessment institutions, confidentiality requirements, legitimacy problems, insufficient authority, imperfect laws and regulations, insufficient attention, uniformity of evaluation criteria, lack of evaluators, and administrative system. Currently, confidentiality requirements and legitimacy problems are what should be addressed as the first priority in the third party evaluation. The problems to be addressed as the second priority are uniformity of evaluation criteria, lack of evaluators and administrative system. The last ones on the priority list are constraints of lack of professional assessment institutions and insufficient authority.

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    Research on the Influence Mechanism of Soft Information on Online Lending——A Case Study of the Internet Loan Based on Big Data of Agricultural Bank of China
    Qin Zhihua, Lin Ying, Wu Wei, Wang Dongdong
    2018, 30 (11):  275-288. 
    Abstract ( 232 )   PDF (1277KB) ( 971 )  

    Can the rapidly developing Internet Finance replace commercial banks which play the role of financial intermediary? From the perspective of soft information, the paper conducts an exploratory case study of “internet loan based on big data” of Agricultural Bank of China. The conclusion is that the information technology system cannot replace the interpersonal communication system, nor the role of financial intermediary role of banks. The reasons are as follows: (1) The information processing difficulty of “internet loan based on big data” lies in soft information and can only be solved through interpersonal communication. (2) The role of interpersonal communication lies not only in the transmission of information, but also in the production of information; the formation of non-standardized and recognized information is of great significance. (3) This kind of non-standardized personal information exists in the form of tacit knowledge, which not only directly promotes cooperation in lending, but also provides the premise and foundation for rational thinking of lending activities. (4) Since rational analysis is based on non-standardized information, the information technology system relying on rational analysis cannot replace the interpersonal communication system carrying non-standardized information. Based on the above findings, this paper establishes a mechanism of soft information in online credit, and describes the different paths from the individual experience differences to the authenticity of willingness to cooperate. The study points out that the non-standardized information formed in interpersonal communication can only exist in a certain interpersonal relationship structure, and it is difficult to completely harden and transmit through open channels. This study deepens the understanding of credit soft information, which can be further explored from the theoretical perspective of knowledge fragmentation. The practical hints are: the interpersonal communication system within commercial banks and between banks and enterprises, as a carrier of non-standardized and accepted information, i.e., soft information, is an organizational resource that enhances bank credit for credit development, which can be improved through online credit technology but cannot be replaced. Correspondingly, the advantage of commercial banks in developing online credit is to use network technology to improve the acquisition, utilization, and development of non-standardized information, that is, soft information, so as to improve rather than eliminate the role of customer relations and organization of personnel systems.

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    A Case Study of Perceived Power Distance Differences' Effect on Employee Performance from the Generational Perspective
    Zhang Guanglei, Chen Hui, Liu Wenxing
    2018, 30 (11):  289-304. 
    Abstract ( 562 )   PDF (1348KB) ( 1768 )  

    Generational differences in values and behaviors always provoke conflict when multiple generations coexist in an organization, which eventually leads to a decline in employee performance. Perceived power distance differences caused by work values in generational differences lead to a series of work behavior differences and attitude differences, which ultimately affects employee performance. In this study, a single case study is conducted on the background of HEXI power substation. Based on the regulatory fit theory, we explore the theoretical framework of perceived power distance differences' effect on employee performance from the generational perspective. Furthermore, we attempt to explain the cause of performance differences. The results show that the leader-employee congruence in perceived power distance has a significant impact on performance. Meanwhile, the effect of leader-employee congruence in perceived power distance on the new generation is weaker than that of the old generation.

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