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    28 February 2017, Volume 29 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Measuring Second-order, Absolute and Relative Pro-poor Growth
    Zhou Hua, Wei Lixia, Zhao Xuan
    2017, 29 (2):  3-12. 
    Abstract ( 199 )   PDF (1231KB) ( 587 )  
    This paper firstly builds a second-order pro-poor growth function for jointly measuring the absolute and relative pro-poorness of growth. A second-order pro-poor growth focuses on "the poorer in the poor" and by combining absolute and relative pro-poor growth, the joint measurement makes up for both defects. Second, the authors prove that this function has several fine properties. Finally, the authors apply the function to China and its provinces, and compare the results to the second-order, relative pro-poor's judgment. In most years, rural and urban areas in each province of China haven't witnessed second-order, absolute and relative pro-poor growth. In addition, compared to relative pro-poor method, this function is stricter and better in describing the volatility of pro-poor situations.
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    Are Corporate Financial Assets Allocated for Capital Reserve or Speculative Purpose?
    Yang Zheng, Liu Fang, Wang Hongjian
    2017, 29 (2):  13-25,34. 
    Abstract ( 485 )   PDF (1249KB) ( 1031 )  
    Companies may allocate their trading financial assets for speculative purpose or capital reserve purpose. To identify the two purposes, this paper makes a research into the relationships between monetary policies, stock market cycles and companies' trading financial asset allocations, and impacts on companies' investment behaviors. The results show that:when monetary policy tends to be loose, companies will significantly improve the levels of trading financial asset allocations, and private companies' holding level of trading financial assets are significantly affected by monetary policy changes. However, there is no significant difference in the allocation level of trading financial assets when a company is involved in different stock market cycles. Further results also prove that trading financial asset allocations significantly help private companies reduce the investment cash flow sensitivity, ease the lack of investment, and effectively improve the continuity of R&D expenses, so as to ease their financing constraints. The empirical results of this paper not only confirm the capital reservation motivations of companies' trading financial asset allocations, and further expand the transmission mechanism of monetary policies impacting on the micro companies' investment and financing behaviors, but also, from the perspective of companies' financial asset allocation behaviors, explain potential reasons for monetary policies' poor regulatory effects.
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    Simulation Research on Evolutionary Games of the Arctic Environmental Governance Response Complex Network
    Fan Houming, Li Xiaoxuan, Liu Yiying, Mu Xiangwei, Zhao Changping
    2017, 29 (2):  26-34. 
    Abstract ( 290 )   PDF (1242KB) ( 816 )  
    The acceleration of the Arctic route navigation process increases the possibility of maritime incidents which directly threaten the Arctic marine environment. Such incidents definitely will arouse responses from the Arctic countries, observer-countries and other actors who claim to have interests in the Arctic region, all of whom thus form a giant and dynamic multiple-factor Arctic environmental governance response complex network. Based on complex network, public goods evolutionary game, simulation and other theoretical methods, this paper establishes an Arctic environmental governance evolutionary game model to study the cooperative behavior among the countries in the response complex network. It reaches a conclusion that the long-term benefits and return intensity affect the national revenue function directly in the network, which influences how a country acts on the Arctic environmental governance. The results can enrich related theoretical researches of Arctic governance, and provide reference for China's participation in the Arctic environmental governance and the relevant decision making.
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    A Research of Asymmetric Multifractal Correlation in Energy Futures Markets
    Lin Yu, Zhang Deyuan, Wu Xu, Yan Ruzhen
    2017, 29 (2):  35-46. 
    Abstract ( 229 )   PDF (1550KB) ( 783 )  
    By drawing upon Shanghai fuel oil futures prices (SHRY) typical of emerging energy markets, West Texas Intermediate oil futures prices (WTI) and Brent oil futures prices (Brent) typical of developed energy markets, this paper uses Multifractal Asymmetric Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis (MF-ADCCA) to analyze asymmetric and multifractal correlation of emerging and developed energy futures markets, and particularly discusses their difference and risks in the short-term and long-term trading. The empirical results demonstrate that the relationships between emerging and developed energy markets are multifractal and obviously asymmetric; and the asymmetric degree of multifractal correlation in the short-term trading is stronger than that in the long-term trading. In the short-term trading, the risks between emerging and developed energy markets become most significant when developed energy markets are on the rise, but in the long-term trading, they become most significant when developed energy markets are on the rise or when emerging energy markets are on the downside. Therefore, for portfolios involved in the two different types of market, short-term focus should be put on the rising of the mature energy futures market prices, but long-term focus should be put on specific market conditions in order to effectively prevent and respond to the price volatility risks in the energy markets.
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    Study on the Correlation of Emerging Industries from the Technical Perspective: The Case of 3D Printing-related Industries
    Huang Lucheng, Shi Yuanyuan, Wu Feifei, Miao Hong, Li Xin
    2017, 29 (2):  47-58. 
    Abstract ( 211 )   PDF (1948KB) ( 892 )  
    The emergence of new technologies will eventually create the relationship among different industries, and the different relationships among industries will promote the continuous development of new technologies. An industry correlation analysis from the technology angle is proposed in this research, and through the patent citation matrix analysis we can describe the linkages between technologies and the knowledge flow among different technologies. The consistency between the technical fields and industries is expanded to the knowledge flow among different industries. Then, interrelationship between industries can be obtained through knowledge flow analysis. Finally, with 3D printing technique as the research object, this study not only demonstrates the effectiveness of this method, but also gives a detailed description on the relationship between related industries. The results of the experiment show that this method is perspective and effective in analyzing the correlation among emerging industries from the technical perspective.
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    The Effects of Network Competence and Knowledge Acquisition on a Firm's Service Innovation Performance: The Moderating Influence of Network Size
    Li Gang, Chen Jingjing, Yang Xue
    2017, 29 (2):  59-68,86. 
    Abstract ( 349 )   PDF (1208KB) ( 1238 )  
    Enterprises use network competence to acquire new key knowledge from external network. That could promote service innovation and improve innovation performance. In order to reveal the effect mechanism among network competence, knowledge acquisition and service innovation, 298 sample data and structural equation model are used for empirical research. The results are as follows:firstly, resource management competence and relationship management competence both have positive effect on knowledge acquisition, but network planning competence has no significant effect on knowledge acquisition. Secondly, network size negatively moderates the effect of resource management competence on knowledge acquisition, and positively moderates the effect of relationship management competence on knowledge acquisition. Finally, using network competence to acquire external knowledge, enterprises could improve the financial performance and non-financial performance of their own service innovation. The results reveal that enterprise managers should make full use of network competence according to enterprise external network, acquire new key knowledge from the partner network, and promote their service innovation and improve performance.
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    Coordinating Supply Chain under “Hunger Marketing” Using Revenue Sharing Contract
    Yan Zhanghua, Liu Lei, Bai Shizhen, Chen Wei
    2017, 29 (2):  69-78. 
    Abstract ( 376 )   PDF (1122KB) ( 2736 )  
    The successful applications of "hunger marketing" in electronic products industry has brought about new issues to supply chain management. In order to coordinate supply chain members under hunger marketing, the basic operating mode of supply chain under hunger marketing is put forward based on analyzing the characteristic of supply chain management. Optimization models for supply chain members are established from the aspects of centralized decision and decentralized decision. The necessity of coordination is proved through comparing the solutions to the optimization models. Based on analyzing the adaptabilities of several contracts, revenue sharing contract is used to coordinate the supply chain and corresponding model is established. By analyzing the solutions, the parameter of revenue sharing contract and wholesale price which can achieve supply chain coordination are determined. Numeric examples are used to verify the conclusions.
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    Study on the Usefulness of Negative Online Reviews at Different Emotional Intensity
    Cai Shuqin, Qin Zhiyong, Li Cuiping, Yuan Qian, Zou Bipan
    2017, 29 (2):  79-86. 
    Abstract ( 263 )   PDF (1121KB) ( 1250 )  
    Given the importance of negative online reviews in consumption decisions, a key question for researchers is how to identify high quality negative reviews from mass data. In order to answer this question, this paper explores how reviews' negative emotions influence the usefulness of negative online reviews. Data mining technology and regression analysis method are utilized for data collecting and analyzing. The results of our study reveal that strong negative emotions reduce negative reviews' usefulness; moderate negative emotions can improve their usefulness; and the relation between weak negative emotions and reviews' usefulness is not significant. Results also show that different intensities of negative emotions have significant interactions on reviews' usefulness. This study aims to give reference to e-commerce websites for identifying high quality reviews from emotion features.
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    The Impact of Online User Reviews Quality and Commentators Rank on Consumer Purchasing Intention——The Moderating Role of Product Involvement
    Zhu Liye, Yuan Denghua, Zhang Jingyi
    2017, 29 (2):  87-96. 
    Abstract ( 489 )   PDF (1190KB) ( 2798 )  
    With the rapid development of online shopping,the impact of online reviews on consumer purchasing decisions has attracted broad attention from academia and business. Based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) and Hovland's persuasion model, the study explores the impact of online user reviews quality and commentators rank on consumer purchasing intention under different level of product involvement. The results indicate that online user reviews quality and commentators rank have positive effects on consumer purchasing intention, and product involvement plays a moderating role in the above effects; The quality of online user reviews stimulates more positive effect on purchasing intention for consumers with high product involvement, whereas commentators rank stimulates more positive effect on purchasing intention for consumers with low product involvement; Furthermore, in the context of high product involvement, the quality of online user reviews plays more positive effect on purchasing intention than that of commentators rank, whereas in the context of low product involvement, there is no significant difference in the effect of online user reviews quality and commentators rank on purchasing intention.
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    Behavior of Sharing Travel Experiences in Social Media
    Wang Xiaorong, Peng Lifang, Li Xinyu
    2017, 29 (2):  97-105. 
    Abstract ( 271 )   PDF (1179KB) ( 1179 )  
    Drawing on Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and Self-Determination Theory (SDT), this paper develops a research model of travel experiences sharing behavior in social media. In addition, this study tests the roles of the intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, protective and acquisitive face orientations on the intention and behavior of sharing tourism experiences. Finally, this study examines how protective and acquisitive face orientations moderate the causal relations of sharing motivations and intention. Our data is collected from social media, and the research model and hypotheses are verified through a two-stage methodology. The results of this study can help make up for the theoretical gaps in the existing literature of sharing travel experience, and provide practical implications for tourism suppliers and social media platforms.
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    Empirical Study on the Key Intelligent Factors of Intelligent Consumer Products
    Li Taofen, Guo Peng, Yang Shuili
    2017, 29 (2):  106-113. 
    Abstract ( 261 )   PDF (1097KB) ( 681 )  
    On the basis of literature review and case analysis, twenty-five intelligent elements' measurement items of intelligence consumer products are extracted. Then through the questionnaire collected data, the dimensions of key intelligent factors and their effect for user experience are empirically researched by the methods of factor analysis and regression analysis. The research results indicate that the key intelligent factors of intelligent consumer products consists of five main dimensions, which are real-time monitoring, intelligent control, automation, optimization ability and mobile Internet. Among these factors, the most significant one is autonomy, followed in turn by real-time monitoring, intelligent interaction, optimization capabilities and mobile internet. Based on the research conclusions, countermeasures and suggestions for the development of intelligent consumer products in manufacturing enterprises are given in the end of the paper.
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    An Empirical Study on the Relationships among Employees' Proactive Personality, Work Passion, Perceived Organizational Support and Career Satisfaction
    Shi Ranglong, Chang Chiachen, Huang Liang
    2017, 29 (2):  114-128. 
    Abstract ( 377 )   PDF (1253KB) ( 1158 )  
    This study investigates the relationships among the degree of career satisfaction for high-tech company employees and their various personal characteristics, such as proactive personality, work passion, etc. Also the study explores the moderating effect of perceived organizational support to work passion and career satisfaction.#br#Data are collected by questionnaire survey, and analyzed with LISREL and SPSS. The results of the study show that proactive personality of employees in high tech industry influences both their work passion and career satisfaction; the full devotion of employees' work passion leads to a high degree of career satisfaction; work passion has partially significant mediating effect between proactive personality and career satisfaction but perceived organizational support of employees does not have the moderating effect between work passion and career satisfaction.
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    The Influence of Creative Leadership on Employee Creativity: Scale Development and Validation
    Wen Liqun, Zhou Mingjian, Lu Qiang
    2017, 29 (2):  129-142. 
    Abstract ( 422 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 1872 )  
    As creativity and innovation become increasingly important in organizations, leaders need more creativity to deal with the complex decision conditions. The present study initiates the construct of "creative leadership", which refers to the creative characteristics and behaviors of leaders in working context. In study 1, we use 3 independent samples to develop the measurement of creative leadership. Confirmatory factor analyses support a two-factor model of creative leadership, including "creative worker" and "creative manager". In study 2, we examine the positive relationship between creative leadership and employee creativity. Results show that employee creative self-efficacy and leader identification mediate this relationship; and the effects of creative self-efficacy and leader identification on creativity will be stronger when the level of employee creative goal setting is high. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed in the end.
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    Study on Work-related Basic Psychological Need: Local Construct and Scale Development
    Zhao Bin , Fu Zhengxue
    2017, 29 (2):  143-154,190. 
    Abstract ( 323 )   PDF (3901KB) ( 886 )  
    In recent years, work-related basic psychological need has been widely applied in organizational management field in western countries, which can explain how organization environment affects individual behavior and performance. However, related researches are limited in China because of cultural university issue. Under Chinese organization context, the paper firstly collects data by in-depth interviews and builds preliminary dimensions and develops scale of work-related psychological need on the basis of grounded theory. After that, the paper clarifies the construct dimensions and scale through empirical analysis of 1162 questionnaires. The study demonstrates that work-related basic psychological need in China has three second-order dimensions:relatedness, autonomy and occupation need, while such need in western countries is composed of three one-order dimensions:relatedness, autonomy and competence. To be specific, relatedness consists of esteem, acceptance, harmony and equity; Autonomy contains work characteristics and interaction way; Occupational safety and occupational planning comprise occupation. The conclusion supplies a theoretical foundation for empirical analysis of influence of organizational environment on employees' behavior and performance through mediating mechanism of work-related basic psychological need. In addition, it offers theoretical basis for Chinese managers to understand key psychological needs of employees and accordingly formulate related management strategies.
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    Media Coverage, Managers' Characteristics and Tunneling: Evidence from Chinese Listed Family-owned Companies
    Ye Yong, Li Ming, Wang Yuxiao
    2017, 29 (2):  155-167. 
    Abstract ( 220 )   PDF (1177KB) ( 626 )  
    In view of the characteristics of Chinese listed family-own firms, we take tunneling of controlling shareholders in listed family-owned firms as an entry point to study the relationship among media coverage, managers' characteristics and tunneling from the perspective of media, and we also verify the function of reputation mechanism. The research results show that media coverage can restrain tunneling of controlling shareholders in listed family-owned firms, which means that media plays an important supervision role and contributes to perfecting the corporate governance and protecting the interests of small investors. Further study indicates that when the manager is a professional manager, the influence of media coverage on tunneling is greater, and moreover media coverage has a better effect on restraining tunneling when the manager doesn't hold any post in other institutions. The research findings make it clear that reputation mechanism plays an active role when media influences corporate governance.
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    Research on the Mechanisms of Influencing Factors of Supplier Adaptive Behavior
    Zhang Yantao
    2017, 29 (2):  168-180. 
    Abstract ( 242 )   PDF (1348KB) ( 574 )  
    The paper investigates the mechanisms of influencing factors of supplier adaptive behavior (SAB) applying the factors gained by scholars. The conceptual model is built based on analyzing the effects and relationships among the factors. The data are acquired by large sample survey and a fitting analysis of the whole structure model is carried out using structural equation model. The research hypotheses are tested by structural equation model and multiple regression analysis for mediating effect. It is shown that firstly suppliers' managerial orientation towards manufacturers, manufacturers' managerial orientation towards suppliers, suppliers' trust in, dependence on and commitment to manufacturers have direct and positive effects on SAB; secondly, suppliers' trust in manufacturers partially mediates the relationship between communication and SAB as well as the relationship between reciprocity and SAB; thirdly, suppliers' commitment to manufacturers fully mediates the relationship between communication and SAB as well as the relationship between reciprocity and SAB; fourthly, suppliers' commitment to manufacturers partially mediates the relationship between suppliers' trust in manufacturers and SAB as well as the relationship between suppliers' dependence on manufacturers and SAB.
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    Forecast of Regional Logistics Demand Based on the Gravity Model
    Lu Bo, Wang Shouyang, Kuang Haibo
    2017, 29 (2):  181-190. 
    Abstract ( 370 )   PDF (1668KB) ( 1626 )  
    Regional logistics demand forecasting is the precondition of regional logistics planning and decision making. It is extremely important to predict the logistics requirements in a scientific and rational way. However, improvements on the prediction method in recent years have been insignificant and current statistical prediction methods often suffer from low precision and poor interpretation problems. Because of these flaws, the current methods fail not only at theoretical generalization of prediction models, but also at effective explanation of the modeling results. What prior studies fundamentally neglected is the influence of logistics radiation-the impact of "location" on the regional logistics development. Our paper is able to advance previous modeling efforts by using the gravity model in combination with the theories of the spatial economics, industrial economics, and neo-classical economics, building a regional logistics gravity model, and taking city of Erdos as the research object. This study identifies the major industrial activities that are associated with large number of cargo flows, and further predicts the static logistic flows of the Erdos and hinterlands. By integrating various factors that can influence the regional logistics demands, this study establishes a logistics demands potential model based on spatial economic principles, and advances modeling efforts on logistics demands prediction from simple statistical perspective to a comprehensive model with new application of spatial and regional economics.
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    Research on the Optimization of the Outpatient Service Process of a Hospital Based on the Process Reengineering
    An Lichao, Liu Xiaoyun, Qin Ling, Wei Kun, Hou Yumei
    2017, 29 (2):  191-200. 
    Abstract ( 259 )   PDF (1577KB) ( 1690 )  
    This paper investigates the basic conditions and the present situation of the outpatient service process of typical third-grade and class-A hospitals in China. In order to analyze the hospital's outpatient service process and reveal the existence of the hospital patient problems, process reengineering methods are made use of. According to the process reengineering theory and methodology, the process optimization methods and information technology means are used to optimize the hospital outpatient service process. This paper also points out the hospitals' management problems, and proposes solutions to these problems.
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    Commanding Effectiveness Evaluation on an Emergency Management and Control System
    Dong Xiaobo
    2017, 29 (2):  201-207,220. 
    Abstract ( 311 )   PDF (1177KB) ( 1113 )  
    The complex security environment surrounding China and the serious situation of maintaining national stability make it imperative to strength the commanding capacity of emergency control system to ensure the country's sovereignty and social stability. Firstly, an index architecture for commanding efficiency assessment of emergency management and control system is constructed using literature research and Delphi expert survey according to status quo, task characteristics, command processes, etc. Then, the weights of index coefficient in each level is determined by AHP. Thirdly, the commanding efficiency of emergency management and control system in a unit is evaluated using the method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. Finally, an in-depth analysis for the results of the assessment is carried out. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is used to effectually evaluate commanding efficiency of emergency management and control system in this paper. The results have are practically useful for further strengthening the emergency management and control system.
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    The Effect of Broad-scope Trust on Consumers' Crisis Perception
    Wang Xiaoyu, Chao Gangling, Wan Guangsheng
    2017, 29 (2):  208-220. 
    Abstract ( 248 )   PDF (1226KB) ( 597 )  
    Prior researches have focused on the effect of product-harm crisis and firms' response strategies on consumers' perception. This paper explores how broad-scope trust influences consumers' crisis perception. The results indicate that system trust can directly and indirectly influence consumers' perception of crisis severity and firm responsiveness. While industry trust can only influence consumers' perception of crisis severity and firm responsiveness indirectly through the mediating role of firm trust. We also find that both system trust and industry trust can positively moderate the effect of firm trust on consumers' perception of firm responsiveness, whereas they have no moderating effect on the relationship between firm trust and consumers' perception of crisis severity.
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    Legal Investor Protection and Earnings Management——Based on Manipulations of Accruals and Real Activities
    Li Zengfu, Zeng Min
    2017, 29 (2):  221-233. 
    Abstract ( 256 )   PDF (1203KB) ( 533 )  
    Will the strengthening of legal investor protection strengthen inhibit enterprises' earnings management? This paper investigates both the accrual and real-based earning management activities based on a sample of the listed firms in China. But the two models reach totally different conclusions, i.e. legal investor protection has a negative impact on accruals manipulation, but has a positive impact on real earnings management. Further study finds that it is mainly to promote the state-controlled firms' real earnings management, but has no significant impact on the non-state-controlled firms' real earnings management. This finding expands the research of legal investor protection and enterprises' earnings management, and also provides some reference for the improvement of legal investor protection and the reform of state-controlled firms.
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    Corporation Social Responsibility Disclosure, Financial Reporting Quality and Investment Efficiency: Based on Chinese Listed Firms during “the Post-mandatory Period”
    Zhong Ma, Xu Guanghua
    2017, 29 (2):  234-244. 
    Abstract ( 319 )   PDF (1178KB) ( 970 )  
    Since 2009, China Securities Regulatory Commission has begun to require listed firms on the specified boards to disclose their corporate social responsibility (CSR), and encouraged others to report CSR voluntarily. Based on a set of unique data from Chinese listed firms during 2010 to 2013, we find that higher investment efficiency exists in the CSR reporting firms, especially in the overinvestment ones. Moreover, this association is more pronounced in the firms with lower financial reporting quality. This result indicates that the CSR disclosures can provide effective incremental information to help reducing the information asymmetry, especially when the financial reports cannot match the need from capital market.
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    An Analysis on Business Model of Video Website Based on Business Model Feedback System——A Case Study of Netflix and iQIYI
    Rao Jiayi, Xu Dawei, Qiao Han, Wang Shouyang
    2017, 29 (2):  245-254. 
    Abstract ( 1583 )   PDF (1229KB) ( 7915 )  
    With the rapid popularization of Internet, the ecological structure of the online video industry has undergone profound changes. In this paper, we propose a business model feedback system, which includes explicit knowledge of business model consisting of value proposition, business system and profit model, and tacit knowledge of business model composed of key resource capability and external environment. Using this model, this paper makes a systematic analysis and in-depth comparison of business model between Netflix and iQIYI, the representative leaders in the video website industry, and finds that there is a feedback effect between explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge of business model. Based on this finding, we put forward the corresponding enlightenment and suggestion to the business model of enterprise and the development of online video industry.
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    Dominant Logic of Local Firms: Differentiation in Difference Order——An Exploratory Case Study Based on the EMI
    Su Jingqin, Shan Guodong
    2017, 29 (2):  255-272. 
    Abstract ( 210 )   PDF (2003KB) ( 1035 )  
    As the core and key strategic theory, dominant logic is the "fundamental" issue under the organization's strategic behavior appearance. Nevertheless, its connotations and characteristics have not been clearly understood by researchers and managers, especially in China. In addition, what kind of role it plays in the innovation and development of local enterprises is also not clear. Based on an exploratory case study of a Chinese private engineering machinery manufacturing (equipment manufacturing) enterprise, we summarize the form and content of its dominant logic, through revealing a panoramic strategy cognitive and behavioral trajectory and using graph techniques and grounded theory. The study finds that under complicated strategic representations, there is a coherent and consistent logic, which plays a leading and dominant role-"game of difference" logic. Further, the paper also reveals the intrinsic relationship between the dominant logic and strategy, i.e. strategy is the contextualization of dominant logic. Meanwhile, the study also shows that the dominant logic is actually a property beyond the business and industry category, more essential mental model, which has transcendental characteristics. That extends our understanding of the dominant logic theory.
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