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    Economic and Financial Management
    Transportation Infrastructure and Corporate Power Decentralization: Empirical Evidence Based on High-speed Railway Timetables
    Li Jianan, Xiao Jinli, Wen Fenghua, Huang Xiaoping
    2024, 36 (4):  3-14. 
    Abstract ( 102 )   PDF (9931KB) ( 102 )  
    Geographic location is the driving force behind spatial economic activities. Using the inter-city travel time shown in the National Railway Passenger Train Timetables in 2009—2016 to look into A-share listed firms, we investigate the impact of travel time reduction on the allocation of decision-making power within the corporate group and find that high-speed railway (HSR) promotes the flow of human resources and facilitates parent companies’ supervision of their subsidiaries’ agency behavior, thus reducing the information asymmetry and increasing the power decentralization. The empirical results show that the decrease of commuting costs significantly fosters corporate groups’ decision-making power decentralization. Controlling for the measuring errors that may result from flight availability, heterogeneity in cities’ growth, etc. and using the rail construction in 1962 as the instrumental variable, our results remain robust. For the mechanisms, we confirm that the HSR connection alleviates the information friction within a corporate group. Further, we find that HSR has a stronger effect of power decentralization on rapidly expanding and pure-play firms. The research asseses the non-monetary social benefits of China’s HSR, and provides an empirical reference for the optimal design of rights allocation and hierarchical structure.
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    The Impact and Spillover Effect of Reputational Events on Stock Price—A Case Study of the Jane Zhang Incident of China Life Insurance
    Zheng Sujin, Guo Hairuo, Hu Haitao, Song Shuning
    2024, 36 (4):  15-29. 
    Abstract ( 105 )   PDF (10750KB) ( 61 )  
    This paper takes the 2021 China Life employee whistleblower incident as a case. Based on the idea of active learning, this paper uses the two-layer corpus constructed by a human-machine co-working method to classify public comments at the sentimental level and synthesize public sentiments into a curve to analyze the impact of reputation risk events on the stock price of the involved company and the spillover effect on non-involved companies. The research discovers that public emotions have a significant impact on the abnormal return of China Life. Even after controlling for regulatory variables, the significance of its impact on abnormal returns remains unchanged. As important stakeholders of the company, the public may get emotional in reputation events and the emotion can influence their decision-making behavior, thereby changing the market’s expectation of the involved company’s future cash flow stability and subsequently impacting the company’s stock price. This incident also displays a spillover effect mainly driven by competitive effects. The objective and subjective conditions required to generate such spillover effects are: the involved company and non-involved companies must have a certain degree of similarity, and this similarity must be perceived by stakeholder groups. The less similarity and perception, the more prominent spillover effect and particularly competitive effects.
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    Effect of Mobile Payment Development on the Profitability of Commercial Banks under the Background of Fintech
    Hu Yi, Zhang Wenyang, Wei Yunjie
    2024, 36 (4):  30-38. 
    Abstract ( 91 )   PDF (7297KB) ( 76 )  
    Based on the data of 105 commercial banks in China from 2013 to 2018, we analyze the effect of mobile payment on the profitability of commercial banks. The results show that mobile payment decreases the overall profitability of commercial banks and the interest income, and the profit structure changes, with the proportion of non-interest income rising significantly. Moreover, the effect of mobile payment on the profitability of different types of commercial banks is heterogeneous, with more obvious effect on urban commercial banks and rural commercial banks. As for large state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks, the effect is relatively small. Finally, we give some suggestions for commercial banks to adapt to the development of financial science and technology.
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    Intellectualization’s Effect in Eliminating Misallocation and Promoting TFP Growth
    Wang Qichao, Sun Guangsheng
    2024, 36 (4):  39-48. 
    Abstract ( 130 )   PDF (7646KB) ( 61 )  
    Previous studies have regarded intellectualization as a kind of technological progress. In this paper, smart capital is introduced into Hsieh and Klenow’s (2009) model, and thus we extend our research on factor misallocation to the case of three factors. We find that smart capital can promote factor market competition and reduce the dispersion degree of revenue total factor productivity (TFP). Thus, it enhances TFP by improving resource allocation efficiency. Based on the manufacturing firm survey in Guangdong, the empirical results show that: (1) robot adoption is not random. The larger scale and higher repetitive labor intensity a firm has, the more likely it is to adopt robots; (2) by constructing matching samples and using PSM-DID weighted estimation, it is found that robots are productivity-enhancing, and they raise firm-level TFP of robot-adopting firms; (3) for non-adopters, with the increase of robots use density at industry-level, their output turns out to decrease passively. Therefore, non-adopters should actively adapt to intelligent transformation; and (4) heterogeneity analysis shows that the effect of intellectualization is different among samples with different sizes and ownership. Therefore, the basic findings of this paper are further verified.
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    How can Trust Promote the Division of Labor and Development of Firms?—A Transaction Costs Economics Framework and Micro Evidence
    Gao Xiang, Ding Xi
    2024, 36 (4):  49-62. 
    Abstract ( 84 )   PDF (10225KB) ( 53 )  
    Classical transaction cost theory studies the optimal economic organization form and its impact on transaction costs under the given level of opportunism and asset specificity. This paper first introduces trust into the classic transaction cost economics analysis framework, and argues that higher level of trust means lower opportunistic behavior tendency, which can save transaction costs and reduce the level of integration, and improve firm performance by promoting vertical division of labor and specific asset investment. Then, using the listed manufacturing companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges of China from 2007 to 2021 as sample, the empirical study finds that in regions with higher trust, the transaction costs and vertical integration level of enterprises are lower, while the proportion of specific assets and the return on total assets are higher. The above conclusions are still valid after solving endogeneity problem and a series of robustness tests. The impact of social trust on enterprise vertical integration is more obvious in regions with poor legal environment, competitive industries, industries with high average asset specificity and non-state-owned firms. This paper reveals that social trust can not only reduce transaction costs and promote the vertical division of labor of enterprises, thus affecting the boundaries of enterprises, but also encourage firms to invest in more highly productive specific assets.
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    The Spatial Network Structure and Driving Factors of Green Finance Development in Yangtze River Economic Belt
    Bai Jiancheng, Zhang Lixia, Yan Xiang, Zou Chen
    2024, 36 (4):  63-74. 
    Abstract ( 86 )   PDF (11209KB) ( 61 )  
    Based on panel data from 11 provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 1998 to 2017, a super-efficiency DDF-DEA model considering environmental constraints is constructed to measure the efficiency of green finance in the region. Furthermore, a social network analysis method is used to construct a green finance development network in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, analyzing the network’s relational structure and driving factors. The research results show that there is common overflow relationship on green finance among provinces in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, characterized with a gradual increase of interconnectedness, a more compact network; an increase of inter-regional interaction, but polarization in the distribution of network relation; and an obvious conduction path of gradient overflow among four major network plates. It is found in this study that regional development model, social resource endowment, green development environment and geographical adjacency influence the relationship network pattern of green finance to some extent. Furthermore, this study points out that the key to realizing green and coordinated development among provinces in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is to grasp the spatial structure and relationship overflow path of the green finance development as a whole, not merely from the perspective of local attributes, meanwhile, to put regional development in “a chess game” of overall development and position its own relationship network.
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    Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management
    A Research into the Mechanism of How a Combination of Creativity Self-efficacy and Psychological Safety Influences Employees’ Deviant Innovation Behavior
    Liu Longjun, Long Jing, Liu Ruhong, Wan Wenhai
    2024, 36 (4):  75-87. 
    Abstract ( 117 )   PDF (12246KB) ( 79 )  
    Groundbreaking achievements brought by employees’ deviant innovation play an important role in realizing the high-quality development in China. However, the literature has not yet studied the formation mechanism of deviant innovation behavior from the motivation perspective. Based on the social cognitive theory, this paper integrates employees’ creative self-efficacy and psychological safety, and introduces performance approaching goal orientation as a mediator from the motivation perspective to explore its influence on deviant innovation behavior. The 468 employee data of three-time nodes from 53 technology firms show that creative self-efficacy and psychological safety can promote employees’ deviant innovation behavior to a different extent, depending on how they are combined together. To be specific, a high-high combination is more able to drive deviant innovation than a low-low combination; a homodromous combination is more able to drive deviant innovation behavior than a heterodromous combination; and a high-low combination is more able to drive deviant innovation than a low-high combination. Employees’ creativity self-efficacy and psychological safety mainly influence their deviant innovation behavior via performance approaching goal orientation. Error management climate positively moderates the mediating role of performance approaching goal orientation. This study provides a new perspective on the formation mechanism of deviant innovation behavior, and provides practical guidance for firms on how to drive employees’ deviant innovation behavior.
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    Configuration Effects of Influencing Factors for Basic Research Inclination of Firms—QCA Analysis Based on High-tech Firms in Zhongguancun Science Park
    Yang Yuanqi, Kou Mingting, Chen Kaihua
    2024, 36 (4):  88-99. 
    Abstract ( 80 )   PDF (10734KB) ( 49 )  
    Based on the perspective of system integration, this paper constructs an analytical framework of the factors influencing basic research inclination of firms. Taking 198 high-tech firms in Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park as research samples, this paper applies Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to identify and test the synergistic effects of the firms’ internal and external multi-factors on their basic research inclination and the underlying complex causal mechanisms. The results show that there are five factor combination driving models that can promote the firms’ basic research inclination, namely, the internal capital-driven model, the external innovation resource-driven model, the independent driving model backed by financial capital, the cooperation-driven model backed by financial capital, as well as the model driven jointly by internal and external innovation resources. These five different factor-driven models represent the multiple formation paths of basic research inclination of different firms. These findings are conducive to enriching the research on the influencing factors of firms’ basic research inclination from the perspective of system integration, and have important theoretical and practical significance for revealing the factor combination modes of firms’ basic research inclination.
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    Talent Incentive, Enterprise Innovation Performance and Distortion of Innovation Structure—Evidence from China’ Talent Introduction Policy
    Hu Jun, Ren Yangqiu
    2024, 36 (4):  100-114. 
    Abstract ( 114 )   PDF (11437KB) ( 72 )  
    Talent represents a crucial resource for both economic and social progress. In order to overcome the existing ideological and institutional barriers that impede talent development, the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Institutional Mechanism for Talent Development was issued in 2016 by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC). This directive mandates the active implementation of institutional reforms by governments at all levels, with the aim of promoting talent development and enhancing efficiency in talent-related initiatives. This study employs a PSM-DID model, leveraging temporal discrepancies in the release of talent introduction policies across various Chinese cities. A sample of A-share listed companies is utilized to investigate whether China’s ongoing reform of the talent institutional mechanism contributes to optimizing the allocation of talent resources within cities and enhancing corporate innovation performance. The findings reveal that the implementation of urban talent introduction policies significantly contributes to the innovation performance of local firms. However, it also leads to distortions in the innovation structure. Specifically, the improvement in innovation performance is primarily driven by non-invention patents, while the impact on invention-based innovation is not significant. Mechanism tests suggest that the nested monetary-type talent solicitation measures, talent subsidy incentives, and intense competition for talents within firms are important factors contributing to the distorted innovation structure. Furthermore, heterogeneity analysis reveals that the effect of talent incentives on firms’ innovation performance and innovation structure is more pronounced in the western region, non-high-tech industries, and non-state-owned enterprises. This study provides deeper insights into the influence of talent introduction policies on firm-level innovation and innovation structure, thereby offering significant theoretical and practical implications for the advancement of China’s talent market-oriented reform and innovation-driven development strategy.
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    Pilot Free Trade Zone, Financial Supply and Enterprises’ R&D Investment
    Jiao Yongxiang, Xu Fen, Yang Hongen
    2024, 36 (4):  115-129. 
    Abstract ( 42 )   PDF (9870KB) ( 30 )  
    The construction of Pilot Free Trade Zones (FTZ) and financial supply are included in the decision-making model of enterprises’ R&D investment, and their impact and mechanism on enterprises’ R&D investment are deduced. Empirical testing is conducted using regional and listed enterprise data from 2012 to 2020. The study finds that FTZ significantly promotes enterprises’ R&D investment, the financial supply plays a positive role in this, and under the regulation of direct financing supply, which mainly consists of stocks and bonds, the FTZ has a stronger promoting effect on R&D investment. The mechanism test results reveal that a coordinated implementation of FTZ construction and financial supply can promote enterprises’ R&D investment by reducing debt financing costs, enhancing the agglomeration effect of foreign enterprises, and reducing market competition, but cannot by reducing equity financing costs and enhancing the agglomeration effect of domestic enterprises.
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    “Should a Potter Praise His Pot?”: The Influence of Streamers’ Excessive Praise on Consumers’ Purchase Intention in Live Streaming
    Liu Luchuan, Zhang Lei
    2024, 36 (4):  130-141. 
    Abstract ( 164 )   PDF (10311KB) ( 132 )  
    A common practise of streamers in the live streaming marketing is to praise what they sell. However, the existing literature has not revealed whether and how this practise affects consumers’ purchase intention. Through two experiments, this paper analyzes the influence of different levels of streamers’ praise on consumers’ purchase intention. The results of experiment 1 show that consumers’ perception of trust (in professionalism, integrity and goodwill) on streamers plays an intermediary role in the relationship between different levels of streamers’ praise and purchase intention. Excessive praise can reduce consumers’ trust perception of streamers and thus lead to lower purchase intention. In order to further explore whether the intensity of the relationship between consumers and streamers will regulate the relationship between streamers’ praise and consumers’ purchase intention, experiment 2 verifies the moderating effect of different intensity of the relationship between consumers and streamers on the above relationship. That is, when the relationship between the two parties is distant, compared with no praise, excessive praise makes consumers less willing to buy; when the relationship is close, the negative effect of excessive praise on consumers’ purchase intention can be alleviated. The research conclusion provides a reference for the live marketing planning and model improvement, and has important theoretical and application value.
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    Pricing and Channel Selection Strategies of Live Streaming Sales Considering Streamer Type
    Zhang Zhijian, Chen Zhenwu, Wan Miyu, Zhang Zhi
    2024, 36 (4):  142-153. 
    Abstract ( 106 )   PDF (10397KB) ( 71 )  
    The profit functions of top and ordinary streamers are constructed to explore the influence of streamer type on the pricing of live streaming channel and the channel selection of supplier. We can get the following conclusions. (1) The change of streamer type will affect the pricing of live streaming channel: when ordinary streamers are in the embryonic or mature stage, their price is lower than top streamers, while in the developing stage, their price is higher than top streamers; (2) There is a critical condition of Matthew Effect: when ordinary streamers continue to increase marketing investment and lower the price of live streaming until the change curve of streamer type breaks through the critical point of Matthew Effect, ordinary streamers will transition to top streamers; (3) The channel expansion of live streaming e-commerce is not entirely beneficial to suppliers, and there are critical conditions for opening live streaming channel: when competitors have a great impact and suppliers have smaller offline profits, opening live streaming channel is beneficial to suppliers; otherwise, opening livestreaming channel is not good for suppliers.
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    Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
    The Influence of Supervisor’s Coaching Behavior on Creative Work Involvement: The Test of a Moderated Mediation Model
    Tu Xingyong, Zhang Yiping, Liu Leijie, Jiang Jing
    2024, 36 (4):  154-164. 
    Abstract ( 120 )   PDF (10165KB) ( 99 )  
    Creative work input is regarded as a key driving force underlying the survival and development of organizations, so how to stimulate employees’ creative work involvement has become a burning question in the field of organization. Based on the role expectation theory, this paper constructs a mediated effect model to test the mechanism and boundary conditions of the influence of a supervisor’s coaching behavior on his/her supervisees’ creative work involvement from the perspective of the expectation of leadership innovation. The results show that: (1) supervisor’s coaching behavior has a positive effect on supervisees’ creative work involvement; (2) the perception of meaningful work plays a fully mediating role in the relationship between supervisor’s coaching behavior and creative work involvement; (3) leader creativity expectation plays a moderating role in the influence of meaningful work perception on creative work involvement; (4) leader creativity expectation regulates the relationship between supervisor’s coaching behavior and creative work involvement through the perception of meaningful work. The conclusion of this study not only deepens the research on the mediating mechanism of the effectiveness of supervisor’s coaching behavior on employees’ creative work investment, but also enriches the scope of effectiveness of leadership innovation expectations, and provides new ideas and interpretations for employees to actively participate in creative work.
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    The Active and Passive Influence of Regulatory Mode Leadership on Team Creativity
    Gao Wanying, Gao Suying, Wang Shilei, Zhao Shuming
    2024, 36 (4):  165-178. 
    Abstract ( 135 )   PDF (13419KB) ( 89 )  
    The mechanism of how regulatory mode leadership, as a universal psychological trait, influences team creativity remains unclear. This study analyzes the active and passive influence of regulatory mode leadership on team creativity based on regulatory mode theory and social information processing theory. The data are collected through the two-stage team leader-member pairing data from a survey of 535 team members in 106 teams of high-teach enterprises in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The regression and bootstrapping result reveals that regulatory mode leadership (leader’s locomotion orientation and leader’s assessment orientation) has a positive impact on team creativity; team job crafting mediates the effect of leader’s locomotion orientation (active leadership behavior) on team creativity; team job involvement mediates the influence of leader’s assessment orientation (passive leadership behavior) on team creativity; as a social circumstance that Chinese enterprises often face, error aversion culture not only negatively moderates the relationship between leader’s locomotion orientation and team job crafting, but also negatively moderates the mediation role of team job crafting; error aversion culture has an insignificant moderating effect both on the relationship between leader’s assessment orientation and team job involvement and on the mediating effect of team job involvement. The research explains the influencing factors of team creativity from the perspective of regulation mode leadership, and bring some enlightenments for leaders to better guide team innovation practice.
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    Lingering Emotions Trigger Voice: On the New Connotation of Employee Voice and Its Formation Mechanism Based on Self-regulation Theory—From the Perspective of Psychological Contract Breach
    Cai Wenzhu, Yu Li
    2024, 36 (4):  179-191. 
    Abstract ( 138 )   PDF (11754KB) ( 125 )  
    To date, voice is commonly defined as employees’ expressing of work-related ideas or suggestions because of caring about organization development. The present paper, from the perspective of self-regulation theory, holds that employees could express work-related ideas or advice because of caring about their own benefits and further argues that voice is employees’ positive and adaptative coping strategy motivated by negative emotions after employees receive unfair treatment. Through an experiment and a field survey, we find that psychological contract breach triggers employees’ negative emotions but positive voice behaviour. Negative emotions (dissatisfaction, disappointment and regret) work as the mediator in the relationship between psychological contract breach and voice. Moreover, employees’ voice efficacy moderates not only the effect of negative emotions on voice, but also the indirect effect of psychological contract breach on voice via negative emotions. This study broadens the connotation of voice, enriches studies on the impact of psychological contract breach and offers suggestions on improving employment relationship quality.
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    Organization and Strategic Management
    A Study on the Organizational Management Framework and Strategy for Optimal Distinctiveness Based on Time-Space Theory
    Chen Guoquan, Chen Keyu
    2024, 36 (4):  192-206. 
    Abstract ( 63 )   PDF (15220KB) ( 36 )  
    On the one hand, organizations face conformity pressures that urge them to remain similar to other organizations to gain legitimacy. On the other hand, organizations also confront differentiation pressures that urge them to be different from other organizations in the market to gain a competitive advantage. There is an inherent tension between the two forms of pressure, and a balance between conformity and differentiation is called optimal distinctiveness. This study sorts out and integrates prior researches on optimal distinctiveness, which scatters in many fields of organizational management. Then, this study theoretically constructs an organizational management model for optimal distinctiveness based on time-space theory, providing a holistic and comprehensive analytical framework for the theoretical development and the problem solving of optimal distinctiveness. This study analyzes the temporal and spatial characteristics of organizations’ conformity and differentiation through the theoretical perspectives of dynamics, levels, and dimensions. This study further proposes that, by establishing the reference systems of times, levels, and dimensions, comprehensively understanding the influence of multiple and relative time situations, skillfully carrying out the level transformation of strategic focus, flexibly adopting the division and integration of dimensions, organizations can better achieve a situational and dynamic balance between conformity and differentiation.
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    Competitive Experience, Competitive Repertoire Complexity and Market Performance—Based on the Red Queen Effect Theory
    Hou Dan, Deng Xinming, Qiu Wenyun
    2024, 36 (4):  207-220. 
    Abstract ( 98 )   PDF (10610KB) ( 52 )  
    According to the Red Queen competition theory, the past competitive experience of an enterprises will affect its survival conditions and strategic activities, thus having a profound impact on its development. This paper selects 37 listed companies in China’s home appliance industry as research samples to research the impact of their competitive experience on competitive repertoire complexity during the period of 2013 to 2017 and explore the impact of the competitive repertoire complexity on their market performance. At the same time, we consider the moderating effect of internal factor (i.e., heterogeneity of top management team) on the relationship between competitive experience and competitive repertoire complexity, and the moderating effect of external factor (i.e., industry growth) on the relationship between competitive repertoire complexity and market performance. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: there is a significant negative relationship between competitive experience and competitive repertoire complexity, competitive repertoire complexity significantly promotes market performance, heterogeneity of top management team doesn’t moderate the relationship between competitive experience and competitive repertoire complexity, and industry growth has no significant moderating effect on the relationship between competitive repertoire complexity and market performance. This study makes an important attempt to combine the Red Queen evolution theory with competitive repertoires, expands the research connotation of the Red Queen theory, and has a guiding significance for senior leaders to make reasonable strategic decisions.
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    Development and Evolution of Researches on Business Groups in China
    Sun Wei, Chen Zhijun, Zheng Li, Liu Xilu
    2024, 36 (4):  221-232. 
    Abstract ( 130 )   PDF (15229KB) ( 87 )  
    Business groups play a great role in promoting China’s economic development. Through literature review and theoretical analysis, this paper summarizes the mainstream theories of business groups. Taking the research papers on business groups in the Chinese context published at home and abroad from 1985 to 2022 as the research samples, this paper uses bibliometric analysis for statistical analysis, and analyzes the research characteristics of business groups in different periods according to the frequency of keywords and co-occurrence analysis, and reveals the hotspots and evolution process of researches on business groups. Based on this, this study adopts the strategy map and coding method to predict the research trend, and finally proposes four directions for the future research: internal market, business group governance, innovation and international development. Overall, this paper uses the bibliometric method to review the literature, and puts forward the evolution direction of the future business group researches, which provides a support for both academic research and management practice.
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    Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    Operational Performance Comparison of Agro-food Supply Chains Considering Fresh-keeping Efforts: Agglomeration Model Based on O2O Commerce vs. Traditional E-commerce
    Zhang Xinxiang, Zhang Ziying
    2024, 36 (4):  233-246. 
    Abstract ( 111 )   PDF (15066KB) ( 39 )  
    Considering that the current operational performance of agro-food supply chains is poor, this paper proposes an agglomeration model based on O2O e-commerce. On the basis of a freshness decline function, a supply chain decision model considering fresh-keeping efforts and offline experience level is constructed for the agglomeration model and then is compared with the traditional e-commerce decision model based on time-varying customer utility function. The results show that the agglomeration model has a better performance than the traditional e-commerce model in terms of selling price, sales volume, fresh-keeping effort and overall profit. If the freshness declines rapidly and consumers are sensitive to the freshness or offline experience, the performance advantage of the agglomeration supply chain will increase. On the contrary, if consumers are sensitive to the price of fresh agricultural products, or the promoters ask for higher commissions, the performance advantage will decrease. Further, the numerical simulation results prove our theoretical results. In the end, some suggestions for platform enterprises, farms and other stakeholders are proposed to develop more efficient agro-food supply chains.
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    A Research on Incentive Mechanism of Government Subsidy under Low-carbon Cooperative Distribution
    Duan Zhongfei, Rao Weizhen, Zhu Qinghua
    2024, 36 (4):  247-260. 
    Abstract ( 77 )   PDF (9750KB) ( 58 )  
    Low-carbon cooperative distribution is a sustainable distribution mode and government subsidy incentive is conducive to low-carbon logistics distribution. It is very necessary to design an appropriate subsidy-based incentive mechanism. Currently, cooperative enterprises prefer to select the low-cost transportation rather than the low-carbon transportation. Government can motivate cooperative enterprises to select the low-carbon mode by setting certain subsidy incentives in order to minimize carbon emissions and achieve low-carbon cooperative distribution. This research first proposes a cost-minimized cooperative distribution model, a carbon-emission-minimized cooperative distribution model and a carbon-emission-minimized hybrid model under cost constraint, and then develops a three-stage heuristic algorithm to solve the models. Based on the above solutions, this research designs the degree of government subsidy incentive and calculates the total amount of government subsidy to cooperative enterprises. Drawing on the cooperative game theory, we suggest allocating the subsidy to each cooperative enterprise, so as to improve their enthusiasm for the low-carbon operation of cooperative distribution. Experiment results indicate that the government subsidy has a positive impact on low-carbon cooperative distribution, and provide a new idea for the government to set the incentive mechanism.
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    Case Studies
    An Exploration from the Ecological Perspective on How Enterprises can Integrate Digital and Physical Resources
    Zhao Yixuan, Cheng Qiongwen
    2024, 36 (4):  261-272. 
    Abstract ( 161 )   PDF (11426KB) ( 90 )  
    As for the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing enterprises, the deep integration of digital resources and physical resources is a key strategic direction and resource base. How to effectively integrate heterogeneous resources between data and reality has become a key issue that urgently needs to be addressed by enterprises. Enterprises not only need to break through the technological bottleneck of integrating digital and physical resources, but also face the challenge of reshaping the relationships among resource stakeholders. Hereto, this paper bears in mind the characteristics of the digital and physical resource integration context and takes the perspective of an ecosystem where leaders and participants interact to look at a typical case of Sany Heavy Industry. It is found that resource integration can be achieved along the evolution path of “product-platform-ecology” through a coupling and collaborative mechanism of “real to virtual” demand integration, “virtual to real” vision driven, and the coupling and collaboration mechanism of “virtual and real linkage”. Firstly, ecological participants integrate market user needs, constructing mathematical models embedded in physical resources, and achieve product intelligence. Secondly, leading enterprises build digital platforms and reconstructing physical resources into project scenarios. Finally, leaders and participants collaborate with each other to establish a secondary sub platform in the niche market, achieving nested and linked ecological intelligence. This paper analyzes the mechanism of the integration process of “digital and physical” resources, expands the research on the interaction of multiple entities in the ecosystems, and provides practical reference for the empowerment and upgrading of enterprise resources.
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    The Measurement and Countermeasures of Supply Chain Security of Chinese High-tech Companies under American Long Arm Jurisdiction—A Double-case Study on Huawei and Hikvision
    Sun Xiaoming, Ma Shaohua, Su Yi, Wang Yalan
    2024, 36 (4):  273-288. 
    Abstract ( 101 )   PDF (22742KB) ( 91 )  
    For a long time, US bans on high-tech exports to China and US sanctions (through long-arm jurisdiction) on Chinese high-tech companies have, made them facing increasingly serious global supply chain security problems. Based on social network theory and knowledge-based theory, this paper adopts the double case study method of replication logic to study two typical companies: Huawei and Hikvision, and explores how to ensure supply chain security in the context of long-arm jurisdiction. The conclusions are as follows. (1) Focal companies should avoid relying on a single regional supplier source, expand the regional breadth of technology sources, and build a regional diversified global supply chain network. (2) Focal companies should take the trade rules of each country and region into consideration, and flexibly select supplier partners according to regional dynamics. They should increase the number of suppliers in strong-tie regions, promote the localization layout, and reduce the number of suppliers in weak-tie and intermediate state regions. They also should depend primarily on domestic technology and increase the proportion of domestic technology sources. (3) Focal companies should strengthen their R&D investment and enhance their talent reserve to realize the accumulation of internal and external knowledge through the introduction of technology from non-long-arm jurisdictions and independent development of alternative technologies. (4) Focal companies should implement alliance strategies in non-long-arm jurisdictions, such as establishing joint innovation lab to enhance the sharing awareness of supply chain members and the knowledge sharing degree of supply chain.
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