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    28 August 2017, Volume 29 Issue 8 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    RMB Exchange Rate Pass-through Effects on the Prices of China's Relevant Sectors
    He Benlan, Shi Yong, Zhu Hanxu, Chen Daobin
    2017, 29 (8):  3-12. 
    Abstract ( 207 )   PDF (2689KB) ( 502 )  

    This paper employs time series method and dynamic Bayesian network method to measure the pass through of RMB exchange rate to prices of different stages and industrial prices. The result shows that the direct transfer effect of RMB exchange rate on RMPI, CGPI and CPI is remarkable. At the same time, the RMB exchange rate can also have indirect influence on PPI, CGPI and CPI by passing among segments of different industries. This study indicates that wood, chemistry, textile and other labor-intensive industry prices are sensitive to the fluctuation of RMB exchange rate, while the exchange rate pass-through effects of energy, black metal, non-ferrous metals and other mineral industries prices are not significant. In addition, inflation in China is not just a simple monetary phenomenon, but driven by exchange rate and the real economy.

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    Measurement of the Behaviors of Public Information Acquisition and Its Relationship with the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy
    Yuan Ming
    2017, 29 (8):  13-22. 
    Abstract ( 296 )   PDF (2801KB) ( 488 )  

    Public expectation can significantly affect the effectiveness of monetary policy and in the process of expectation formation, public learning plays a crucial role. In view of this, this paper discusses the relationship between public's information acquisition behavior and the effectiveness of monetary policy through an information acquisition index. The index is constructed by using the Internet search volumes of some specific key words. Firstly, this paper proposes three assumptions based on macro financial game of asymmetric information. Then, a FAVAR model contained 69 monthly variables is estimated to evaluate the effectiveness of monetary policy. At the same time, sliding window technology is used to describe the temporal characters of the policy's effectiveness. Finally, the correlation between the effectiveness of monetary policy and the information acquisition index is tested. The empirical result shows that the index is highly correlated with macroeconomic fluctuations. Meanwhile, economic data play a crucial role in public expectation formation and in public rationality measurement. The public concern of macroeconomic data and policies may somewhat neutralize the stimulating effect of monetary expansion on output and remarkably reduce the level and volatility of inflation.

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    Is China's Natural Gas Industry Growing Too Fast?
    Chai Jian, Lu Quanying, Xing Limin, Qiao Han, Kin Keung Lai, Lan Peng
    2017, 29 (8):  23-32. 
    Abstract ( 215 )   PDF (1781KB) ( 454 )  

    Natural gas in China's energy structure has been rising in recent years and its supply is increasingly dependent on import. However, in the "New Normal" period, the slowdown in gas demand caused by domestic economic downturn and falling global oil prices have lead to gas oversupply. Under this background, it is significant to analyze the current situation and future capacity of natural gas supply and demand. At first, this paper uses path analysis to screen the core of factors that influence natural gas consumption and supply, then predicts gas consumption, production and imports in China by the RBF neural network quantile regression (RBF-QRNN) model, ETS model and scenario analysis method separately, and lastly, discusses and compares the results of consumption and supply. The result shows that the natural gas consumption in China will reach around 178649.23 million cubic meters by the end of "the Twelfth Five-Year Plan" and about 264698.86 million cubic meters by 2020. And the natural gas supply will reach around 228691.5 million cubic meters by the end of "the Twelfth Five-Year Plan" and about 295819.4 million cubic meters by 2020. Annual supply will grow faster than consumption. Starting from 2015, natural gas supply has tended to be over-supplied.

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    An Empirical Research into the Heterogeneity Characteristics of Property Insurers' Capital, Solvency and Risk Adjustment
    Chen Hua, Wang Lizhen
    2017, 29 (8):  33-42. 
    Abstract ( 185 )   PDF (1918KB) ( 501 )  

    Using the panel data of 46 property insurance companies from 2009 to 2014, this paper constructs threshold effect simultaneous equations in relation to their capital, solvency and risk adjustment to study the regulatory threshold effect and heterogeneity characteristics of capital and risk adjustment. We find that, there are two thresholds for the underwriting risk, which are 362.94% and 189.99%, and there are also two thresholds for the capital adjustment, which are 167.42% and 368.51%. The results of threshold regression model show that, although regulatory pressure has some constraint effect on capital and risk adjustment, property insurance companies have not formed benign interaction mechanism. We also find that the benign interaction mechanism between capital and risk adjustment of middle regulatory pressure region is better than that of low regulatory pressure region and high regulatory pressure region, so property insurance companies should position themselves in the moderate supervision environment.

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    Study on the Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics of Stock Market Liquidity in China——A Test Based on Fractal Theory
    Yin Haiyuan, Hua Yipu
    2017, 29 (8):  43-52. 
    Abstract ( 247 )   PDF (2591KB) ( 943 )  

    Based on China's stock market data, the paper analyzes the nonlinear dynamics characteristics of stock market liquidity through the BDS test, Hurst exponent, correlation dimension inspection and Lyapunov exponent method from the micro perspective. Empirical test shows that the liquidity of both Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets has a nonlinear structure to a certain extent. Further Hurst index calculation results prove that the market liquidity is characterized by mean reversion, anti-persistency and unpredictability. The corresponding correlation dimension estimation values confirm that the liquidity of China's stock market is typical of a low dimensional chaotic system with fractal characteristics, indicating that market liquidity is considerably vulnerable, highly sensitive to minor changes of relevant factors and very likely to incur extreme agglomeration. These results provide empirical evidence for the normal supervision of liquidity in the stock market and the implementation of intervention policy against crisis.

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    A Comparative Analysis of Total Factor Productivity Dynamic Change and Convergence of Chinese Tertiary Industry's Sub-sectors
    Xiao Ting
    2017, 29 (8):  53-64. 
    Abstract ( 231 )   PDF (3529KB) ( 471 )  

    This paper aims to study the change of Chinese service industry's total factor productivity (TFP) during the period of 2004-2014,. By including polluted gas emissions into the "input-output" research, this paper analyzes the trend of Chinese service TFP change in recent years, measures the traditional and environmental TFP change by Malmquist-Luenberger index, and analyzes the convergence of two types of TFP among several industries. The research indicates that there exists only condition convergence in Chinese service industries, but without absolute convergence. If pollution emissions are taken into consideration, the actual total factor productivity will be undervalued. Studies suggest that decision makers should pay attention to the service industry development efficiency in the field of environmental governance.

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    Method for Selecting Venture Capital Project Based on Similar Cases Analysis
    Li Yonghai
    2017, 29 (8):  65-76. 
    Abstract ( 194 )   PDF (2026KB) ( 530 )  

    Selection of the venture capital project bears heavily on the success or failure of a venture capital investment. In recent years, how to select the venture capital project has become an important research topic. The objective of this paper is to propose a method for selecting venture capital project based on similar cases analysis. First, the similarity between each historical case and each target case is calculated. Then, the similar historical cases are retrieved based on the similarity threshold set beforehand, and the similar historical case set concerning each target case is constructed. Further, the risk values and benefit values with regard to each target case are calculated based on the similar historical cases and the current actual situation. On the basis of the above, the desirable venture capital project are selected through the investigation of comprehensive evaluation values of venture capital project involved in each target case with respect to the project risk and the project benefit. Finally, a case study is used to illustrate the feasibility and validity of the method proposed in this paper.

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    Optimal Option Strategy for Manufacturers to Manage Their Product Quality Risks
    Chen Jing, Li Pei, Zhang Yongfen
    2017, 29 (8):  77-90. 
    Abstract ( 191 )   PDF (1838KB) ( 555 )  

    Since the 1990s, supply chain management has brought development opportunities for manufacturers, but at the same time has increased the product quality risks that they confront. In order for manufacturers to reduce the economic losses caused by product quality risks, an option strategy is worked out in the study. It is held in the paper that, by buying the option, a manufacturer can take advantage of the risk absorbing capacities of financial institutions in favor of quality risk management. Primarily, to maximize the mean-variance utility, conditions for manufacturers purchasing the options are analyzed. Furthermore, the optimal option strategies are given for manufacturers to employ in different situations:Scenario-1 describes how manufacturers should decide an optimal strike price when the financial institutions give the dual boundary repair rate of the option; Scenario-2 describes how manufacturers should choose another boundary repair rate when the financial institutions give a strike price and a boundary repair rate. Finally, with the actual repair rate obeying the beta distribution as an example, an analysis of the optimal decision is given to support the option application by manufacturers for product quality risk management.

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    The Relationship between Atmospheric Cues and Perceived Interactivity on the Online Shopping Websites
    Zhang Chubing, Li Dongjin, Wu Bo, Li Yina
    2017, 29 (8):  91-100. 
    Abstract ( 229 )   PDF (1564KB) ( 772 )  

    Researches regarding the preprocess factors of the websites' perceived interactivity is relatively few. Based on S-O-R model and atmospheric cues theory, this paper constructs the theoretical model in which the familiarity moderates the relationship between atmospheric cues and perceived interactivity. By assessing online shopping websites, collecting data through a questionnaire survey and conducting multiple and hierarchical linear regression analysis, we find that information content, navigation system and exterior design have all positive effects on perceived interactivity, but the information content's effect is the highest, the exterior design's effect is high, and the navigation system effect is the lowest. In addition, the familiarity moderates the relationship between information content/navigation system and perceived interactivity, and the latter's moderating effect is much stronger. However, it doesn't affect the relationship between exterior design and perceived interactivity. This conclusion helps reveal how atmospheric cues affect perceived interactivity, and has a significant implication for creating websites' atmosphere to improve the interactive experience.

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    A Fuzzy-DEMATEL-based Analysis of the Factors that Influence Users' Participation Behaviors under the Crowdsourcing Model
    Lu Xinyuan, Wang Kangtai, Hu Jingsi, Chen Yong
    2017, 29 (8):  101-109. 
    Abstract ( 295 )   PDF (1576KB) ( 526 )  

    As a new model for open innovation, crowdsourcing is increasingly getting the attention of people. To discuss critical factors and interactions of the factors that influence users' participation behaviors, this paper summarizes 14 factors affecting users' participation behaviors in crowdsourcing under three dimensions:requestors, crowdsourcing platforms and providers through documents. Then the factors score are got by experts' evaluation, and fuzzy set and DEMATEL (Decision-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method are adopted to reveal the combined influencing degree, central degree and causal degree among the influencing factors. The analysis shows that rewards, difficulty of the tasks and the project scale are the main factors that affect users' participation in crowdsourcing. At last, several suggestions for promoting users to participate in crowdsourcing are put forward.

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    The Effects of Non-target Consumers' Brand Usage on Target Consumers' Brand Attitude——The Moderating Effect of Self Construal
    Liu Hongyan, Wei Wei, Wei Haiying
    2017, 29 (8):  110-120. 
    Abstract ( 309 )   PDF (1854KB) ( 665 )  

    Consumers who buy a brand are not the consumers targeted by the brand. Take the perspective of self-motivation, this paper discusses the effect of non-targeted consumers' brand usage on targeted consumers' brand attitude. We conduct an experiment and the results indicate that non-target consumers' brand usage has different influence on target consumers and this effect is moderated by self-construal. We divide non-target consumers into three categories:aspiration reference group, neutral reference group and dissociative reference group. Aspirational reference group's brand usage could improve the brand attitude of target consumers who are independent, while dissociative reference group's brand usage could reduce the brand attitude of target consumers who are interdependent. Neutral reference group's brand usage dilutes the image of brand user and results in lower brand attitude of target consumers, while the effect only exists in interdependent consumers. This research not only enriches the literature of consumer-brand relationship but also provide managerial implications for managers.

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    Negative Spillover Effects of Celebrity Offspring's Negative Message on Celebrity Endorsements:From the Perspective of Consumers' Thinking Mode
    Su Jinglei, Yin Chengyue, Guo Shuai
    2017, 29 (8):  121-135. 
    Abstract ( 331 )   PDF (2607KB) ( 533 )  

    The present research based on consumers' thinking mode, explores negative spillover effects of celebrity offspring's negative message on celebrity Endorsements and the moderating effect of celebrities' image and their reaction to the negative message. The research adopts a 2(thinking mode:holistic vs. analytic)×2(celebrity image:positive vs. negative)×2(celebrity's reaction:admit vs. deny) between-subject experimental method. We find that compared with analytic thinking consumers, holistic thinking consumers perceive celebrity offspring in a more similar way they perceive celebrity endorsements. In the event of celebrity offspring's negative message, the negative spillover effect of holistic thinking consumers is greater than that of analytic thinking consumers, but celebrities' image and their reaction to the negative message play a moderating role.

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    What Factors Influence Consumers' Online Purchasing Decisions?——Customer Perceived Value Drivers
    Li Zongwei, Zhang Yanhui, Luan Dongqing
    2017, 29 (8):  136-146. 
    Abstract ( 1050 )   PDF (2217KB) ( 5569 )  

    What factors are influential to consumers' online purchases? This paper points out that customer perceived value includes product perceived value, service perceived value and social value perception under the online shopping mode, constructs an online purchase model and collects Taobao's massive transaction data by focusing on three factors:users' reviews, product features and sellers' types. The large sample analysis reveals several positive factors including the length of users' review, product sales volume, credit ratings of seller, seller's DSR service score, and existing period of the shop. In particular, for experience products, the numbers of reviews, price, and sales have a larger effect on consumers' willingness to buy.

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    Empirical Study on the Application of Management Entropy Theory to HT Trust Company Employees Motivating
    Xue Yiming, Zhu Houqiang, Qiu Xiaoyi, Shi Kan
    2017, 29 (8):  147-155. 
    Abstract ( 249 )   PDF (1825KB) ( 505 )  

    This research builds an incentive system based on the data of 140 employees in HT Trust Company, and tries to test the effect of motivation by using Management Entropy Theory. First we measure both the positive and negative entropy of each index level of the comprehensive incentive system to analyze the effectiveness and practicality of the incentive entropy model to evaluate the incentive effect and degree of collaboration. Next, we make clear how a change in the method, pathway, direction and intensity of incentive will affect the overall incentive effect. Then we reveal the collaborative trends of motivation levels at a certain moment. Given that the amelioration of incentive mechanism can be achieved through reducing the positive entropy and increasing the negative entropy to lower the total incentive entropy, timely evaluating the incentive effect can help discover loophole of the mechanism and maintain the synergy of incentives.

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    Supervision Ostracism and Its Antecedents Toxic Triangle Model
    Chen Zhixia, Tu Hong
    2017, 29 (8):  156-166. 
    Abstract ( 430 )   PDF (2785KB) ( 807 )  

    Supervision ostracism is a kind of workplace deviation behavior widely existing in all kinds of organization,in which subordinates perceive that they are ignored by their superiors at the workplace. Related studies have shown that it has serious negative impact on subordinates' job satisfaction and job performance. But there is lack of specific and system research on supervision ostracism in academics. This paper aims to analyze and summarize the concept and characteristic of supervision ostracism. Besides, on the basis of the model of Padilla's toxic triangle, we discuss the antecedent factors of supervision ostracism from three points of view:the supervisors, the subordinates and the context. Hopefully this research can provide an important theoretical reference and related practical work to follow-up studies.

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    Top Management Team Attention and International Performance:The Moderating Effects of Power and Managerial Discretion
    Dong Linping, Song Yuanyang
    2017, 29 (8):  167-178. 
    Abstract ( 277 )   PDF (2029KB) ( 706 )  

    Internationalization is the most important strategic initiatives for Chinese enterprises to gain sustainable growth and to improve global competitiveness. The top management team (TMT), as the strategic decision maker and implementer, has an important impact on internationalization. However, existing research has focused on the impact of TMT's demographics on internationalization due to the lack of research data, so the cognitive process behind the relationship remains less known. In view of this, our study investigates the influence of TMT cognitive features (attention) on company's international performance. Based on manually collected data about TMT attention and internationalization in technology-intensive industry, this paper empirically examined the effects of TMT attention on company's international performance. The results show that:(1) the international performance is better in the enterprises in which the TMT pays more attention to internationalization and this also shows the TMT attention is an important determinant of company's internationalization. (2) Managerial power and managerial discretion can moderate the relationship between the TMT attention and international performance:stronger managerial power and higher managerial discretion will lead to more positive impact of TMT attention on international performance. This study explores the micro-foundations of enterprises' internationalization, and further provides theoretical and empirical evidence for Upper Echelons Theory. These results have important implications for Chinese enterprises' internationalization.

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    The “Trickle-down” Model of Ethical Leadership on Employees' CWB in China:Power Distance Orientation as a Moderator
    He Jing, Zhang Yongjun
    2017, 29 (8):  179-186. 
    Abstract ( 317 )   PDF (1504KB) ( 751 )  

    The "trickle-down" model is a new avenue of leadership research. This paper tests the "trickle-down" model of ethical leadership on employees' CWB in Chinese context. The empirical research results show that executive ethical leadership has a positive influence on employees' CWB, and supervisory ethical leadership has a full mediating effect between executive ethical leadership and CWB. Power distance orientation has different moderating effect in this "trickle-down" model, and executive ethical leadership has stronger influence on high power distance orientation employees' CWB, but supervisory ethical leadership has more obvious influence on low power distance orientation employees' CWB.

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    Effects of New Venture's Alliance Capability and Network Position Transition on Knowledge Power:Based on Perspective of Knowledge Network Embeddedness
    Rui Zhengyun, Luo Jinlian
    2017, 29 (8):  187-197. 
    Abstract ( 226 )   PDF (2088KB) ( 494 )  

    Knowledge power plays an important role in venture's innovation capability and sustainable competitive advantage, but the formation mechanism of knowledge power is not clear at present. Therefore, this paper integrates two network's aspects of relationship and structure, puts forward the analysis framework of alliance capability, network position transition and knowledge power, to explore the impact of new ventures' alliance capability, location transition on their knowledge power, and conducts an empirical analysis based on 177 enterprises sample. Results show that, new ventures' alliance exploitation capability and alliance management capability have positive impact on their knowledge power in knowledge network, and network location transition plays a mediating role between alliance capability and knowledge power. Specifically, the enhancement of network medium plays a partial mediating role between alliance exploitation capability and knowledge power, also plays a complete mediating role between alliance management capability and knowledge power, but the increase of network centrality doesn't play a significant mediating role.

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    The Effect of Resource Operation Mode on Capability Evolution:The Moderating Role of Organizational Inertia
    Su Jingqin, Han Guiling
    2017, 29 (8):  198-210. 
    Abstract ( 281 )   PDF (5333KB) ( 591 )  

    Exploratory case study method is used in this paper to excavate the organization inertia and its antecedents, resource operation mode, and path of capability evolution of TCL Group during its 30 years development. Resource-based view, organizational ecology theory and evolution theory are combined together to analyze the role of inertia between the evolution of resource-capability and the transformation of organization performance, aiming to extend the relevant theoretical framework and clarify the root of the problems suffered by China's household appliance manufacturing industry during its transitional period. The result shows that TCL has gradually accumulated and displayed several kinds of inertia in each stage, some of which even directly influence its resource configuration and significant strategic decision as well as the way it operates the resource in a long run, and then determine the escalation and evolution of capability, innovation and the opportunity of transition and change. The result proves that inertia plays a crucial moderating role between resource operation mode and capability development.

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    Pricing and Optimization Strategy in Product Service Supply Chain under Service Enhancing Product Demand
    Dan Bin, Lou Yun, Ma Songxuan, Leng Jinzhong
    2017, 29 (8):  211-222. 
    Abstract ( 203 )   PDF (1906KB) ( 542 )  

    In view of the situation where good service stimulates the product demand in the product service supply chain that comprises a manufacturer and a sales service integrator, we use game theory and optimization theory to establish the decision models of the manufacturer and the sales service integrator, comparatively analyze the optimal product price, service price and service level under decentralized and centralized decision models. Results show that the product price changes depend on customers' sensitivity to the service level, and the profit of the manufacturer and the sales service integrator is positively related to that sensitivity. From the perspective of cooperation between the manufacturer and the sales service integrator, we propose a cost sharing contract that leverages sales revenue compensation to improve the supply chain's profit. Finally, a numerical example is used to verify that the proposed contract can enhance the profit of the produce service supply chain and the supply chain partners can realize the Pareto improvement with the contract parameters in a certain range.

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    Study on the Mixed Distribution Optimization for Convenience Supermarket Based on Resource Integration
    Zhang Mingyu, Yin Chao, Wang Shuxiang, Wu Wenbing
    2017, 29 (8):  223-233. 
    Abstract ( 177 )   PDF (2054KB) ( 480 )  

    This paper aims to find out how to mix the low temperature goods in such a manner as to ensure they can be timely delivered to the supermarket at the lowest cost and the highest efficiency as well as with the best service. Based on the integration of logistics resources and taking the inventory cost, transportation cost, energy cost and penalty cost of logistics distribution into consideration, we set up a mixed logistics optimization mathematical model and make an empirical analysis. This provides a new feasible solution for the convenience of supermarket distribution stowage, and can effectively solve the problem of high cost and low efficiency in the logistics distribution of small supermarket.

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    Coordinating a Supply Chain when an Upstream Firm Holds Equity in a Downstream Firm
    Zhang Nan, Zhou Zongfang
    2017, 29 (8):  234-242. 
    Abstract ( 204 )   PDF (1406KB) ( 582 )  

    A two-stage supply chain model with a single upstream firm and a single downstream firm is established. In this model, the upstream firm holds equity in its downstream firm. First, this paper derives the optimal pricing and production decisions of each player under a pull contract, and shows that the optimal production quantity of the upstream firm is lower than that of the centralized supply chain. Then, a coordination mechanism is designed by introducing a price subsidy policy. The result indicates that supply chain's expected profit can be arbitrarily divided between the upstream firm and the downstream firm by the coordination mechanism, and thus the upstream and downstream firms can benefit from such a coordination mechanism.

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    A Vague-set Based Evaluation of the Ecological Civilization Construction in China's Five Central Provinces
    Cui Chunsheng
    2017, 29 (8):  243-250. 
    Abstract ( 158 )   PDF (1282KB) ( 439 )  

    This paper aims to study the ecological civilization construction as specified in the "five-in-one" overall arrangement of the 18th CPC National Congress. The ecological civilization construction of five provinces in Central China is taken as an example and through a selected set of evaluation indicators, the ecological civilization construction of the five central provinces is evaluated objectively using "real value as the standard evaluation" method. Results show that Anhui ranks first and Hunan ranks last in the ecological civilization construction.

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    Stampede Risk and Precautionary Mechanism in Ritual Public Events——Exemplified by the Crowded Stampedes in Shanghai
    Wen Zhiqiang, Hua Dongling, Hao Yali
    2017, 29 (8):  251-262,272. 
    Abstract ( 325 )   PDF (4144KB) ( 675 )  

    Mass gathering is a kind of activity in which many factors, such as people, materials, environment and management, interact with, support and supplement each other in a self-organized manner. By analyzing the stampede accident in Shanghai, we find that a stampede accident usually comes into being through three states of crowd:orderliness, stagnation and stampede. High-density crowd stampede accident caused by individual action occurs when three kinds of people flow appear:surpassing flow, convective flow and converging flow. Ritual public activity should be operated in the smooth and orderly interaction of information payment and information reception, take risk early warning system as the core to strengthen the relevant mechanisms, and enhance the government's ability to respond and the safety awareness of the masses. Thus enhancing the sense of responsibility of government is the basis for preventing ritual public activities and making up for the system and rules loopholes and gaps is the precondition. We also need to further enhance the anti-interference ability and self-repair ability of masses in high-density crowd.

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    The Identity Preservation of Pork Traceability System in China:Case Study of SHIXIN, DELISI, QIANDAOHU
    Xu Fen, Chen Honghua, Tian Zhihong, Zhang Han
    2017, 29 (8):  263-272. 
    Abstract ( 197 )   PDF (3641KB) ( 510 )  

    The identity is the only carrier carrying the traceable information. Information will not be traced if the first identity loses in the traceability system. The paper studies current situation of the identity preservation based on the survey of company Shixinhuasheng, DeLisi and Qiandaohu, exploring aspects related to the identity preservation such as management process, organization model, implementation desire, cost benefit and popularization the basis of Buckets effect and systematic analysis. Results show that organization model plays a vital role in the management of identity preservation, the "enterprise + base + employee" model is most conducive to the improvement of identity preservation, but its promotion is difficult, the "enterprise + cooperatives + farmers" model is quite fit for promotion. Other factors for identity preservation included subject education and willingness, technological level of identity and enterprise size.

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