管理评论 ›› 2022, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (9): 221-231,284.

• 组织行为与人力资源管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


耿紫珍1,2, 周怡欣2, 单春霞2, 丁琳2   

  1. 1. 西安外国语大学人文社会科学研究中心, 西安 710128;
    2. 西安外国语大学商学院, 西安 710128
  • 收稿日期:2019-10-29 出版日期:2022-09-28 发布日期:2022-10-28
  • 通讯作者: 耿紫珍(通讯作者),西安外国语大学人文社会科学研究中心副教授,陕西高校青年创新团队带头人,硕士生导师,博士
  • 作者简介:周怡欣,西安外国语大学商学院硕士研究生;单春霞,西安外国语大学商学院副教授,硕士生导师,博士研究生;丁琳,西安外国语大学商学院副教授,硕士生导师,博士。
  • 基金资助:

The Influencing Mechanism between Different Error Climates and Team Radical Creativity: A Social Information Processing Perspective

Geng Zizhen1,2, Zhou Yixin2, Shan Chunxia2, Ding Lin2   

  1. 1. Institute of Humanities and Social Science, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an 710128;
    2. Business School, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an 710128
  • Received:2019-10-29 Online:2022-09-28 Published:2022-10-28

摘要: 为了揭示不同差错氛围影响团队突破性创造力的内部机理,首先基于社会信息处理理论分析团队突破性创造力形成要素和路径,提出差错管理氛围和差错反感氛围通过影响团队心理、认知和社会互动三方面关键要素(简称三要素)作用于团队突破性创造力的理论框架,然后考察差错管理氛围和差错反感氛围对团队突破性创造力的直接效应,以及通过三要素,即团队心理安全感、团队认知柔性和团队建设性辩论作用于团队突破性创造力的平行中介效应,构建不同差错氛围影响团队突破性创造力的“心理-认知-社会”机理模型。采用层次回归、Bootstrap检验和瞬时中介检验等分析方法针对119个创新团队的配对问卷调研数据进行实证检验,研究结果表明:(1)团队心理安全感、团队认知柔性和团队建设性辩论均正向影响团队突破性创造力;(2)差错管理氛围正向影响而差错反感氛围负向影响团队突破性创造力;(3)差错管理氛围正向影响团队心理安全感、团队认知柔性和团队建设性辩论,而差错反感氛围倒U型影响团队建设性辩论和负向影响团队心理安全感;(4)团队心理安全感、团队认知柔性和团队建设性辩论中介了差错管理氛围对团队突破性创造力的影响,团队建设性辩论和团队心理安全感中介了差错反感氛围对团队突破性创造力的影响。研究通过聚焦于团队突破性想法产生源头阐明了不同差错氛围在突破性创新理论和实践发展中的重要作用。

关键词: 突破性创造力, 差错氛围, 社会信息处理, 多中介模型, 瞬时中介检验

Abstract: In order to reveal the mechanism of how different error climates influence team radical creativity, firstly, on the basis of social information processing theory, this paper analyzes the formation factors and paths of team radical creativity, and proposes the theoretical framework about the effects of error management climate and error aversion climate on team radical creativity through psychological, cognitive and, social elements. Then the influence of two error climates on team radical creativity and three key elements, namely team psychological safety, team cognitive flexibility and team constructive controversy, as well as the parallel mediating roles of the above elements in transmitting the above influence to team radical creativity are analyzed. A model of the “psychological-cognitive-social” mechanisms between different error climates and team radical creativity is constructed. Through the hierarchical regression, Bootstrap analysis and the analysis of instantaneous mediation effect on the basis of data of 119 innovative teams, this paper reaches the following conclusions: (1) The psychological, cognitive and social factors in team radical creation, i.e., team psychological safety, team cognitive flexibility and team constructive controversy have positive effects on team radical creativity; (2) Error management climate exerts a positive effect while error aversion climate has a negative influence on team radical creativity; (3) Error management climate has positive effects on team psychological safety, team cognitive flexibility and team constructive controversy while error aversion climate has a negative effect on team psychological safety and an inverted U-shaped effect on team constructive controversy; (4) Team psychological safety, team cognitive flexibility and team constructive controversy mediate the effect of error management climate on team radical creativity while team psychological safety and team constructive controversy mediate the effect of error aversion climate on team radical creativity. By focusing on the source of team’s radical idea generation, this study illustrates the key roles of different error climates in the development of radical innovation theory and practice.

Key words: radical creativity, error climate, social information processing, multiple-mediation model, instantaneous mediation analysis