管理评论 ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (12): 209-221.

• 组织行为与人力资源管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡恩华1, 查萱琪1, 单红梅2, 韩明燕1   

  1. 1. 南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院, 南京 211106;
    2. 南京邮电大学管理学院, 南京 210003
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-31 出版日期:2024-12-28 发布日期:2025-01-02
  • 作者简介:胡恩华,南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院教授,博士生导师,博士;查萱琪(通讯作者),南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院博士研究生;单红梅,南京邮电大学管理学院副教授,硕士生导师,博士;韩明燕,南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院博士研究生。
  • 基金资助:

Enterprise-Union Coupling Relationship and Organizational Health: A Study from the Attention-based View

Hu Enhua1, Zha Xuanqi1, Shan Hongmei2, Han Mingyan1   

  1. 1. School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106;
    2. School of Management, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003
  • Received:2023-01-31 Online:2024-12-28 Published:2025-01-02

摘要: 组织健康是企业保持基业长青的重要保障。然而,大多数企业在发展过程中存在过于关注经济目标和效率的认知局限,缺少对组织持续成长和均衡发展的考虑,导致组织不健康“病症”多发。随着中国工会地位和影响力持续提升,工会与企业建立起互动的耦合关系,有助于企业突破认知局限并有效关注、解释和配置组织注意力,从而改善组织健康。本研究基于注意力基础观,探讨不同企业-工会耦合关系对组织健康的差异化影响。通过两时点问卷调研收集到609份企业管理者/工会主席数据,采用K-Means聚类分析、层次回归分析方法进行实证检验,研究结果表明:①以“松散耦合”为特征的边缘型企业-工会耦合关系对组织健康产生负向影响;②以“生产联盟”为特征的辅助型企业-工会耦合关系与组织健康间存在先促进后抑制的倒U型关系;③以“竞争制衡”为特征的纠偏型企业-工会耦合关系与组织健康间存在先抑制后促进的U型关系;④以“价值共创”和“效益共享”为特征的共生型企业-工会耦合关系能够对组织健康产生正向影响。相比于其他模式,在中国组织情境下,共生型企业-工会耦合关系对组织健康的改善更为有效。研究结论不仅为组织健康的前因研究提供了新的理论视角,丰富了中国情境下企业-工会耦合关系的影响效应研究,还为建设合适的企业-工会耦合关系以改善组织健康提供了有益的管理启示。

关键词: 企业-工会耦合关系, 组织健康, 注意力基础观, 目标关联, 权力平衡

Abstract: Organizational health is an important guarantee for an enterprise to keep its foundation in the long run. However, most enterprises pay too much attention to economic goals and efficiency in the process of development, without regard to the sustainable growth and balanced development of the organization, which leads to the frequent occurrence of unhealthy “symptoms” of the organization. As the status and influence of Chinese unions continue to rise, the establishment of enterprises-union coupling relationship will help enterprises break through their cognitive limitations and effectively observe, explain and allocate organizational attention, thus maintaining growth vitality and adapting to environmental changes. However, the existing theoretical clues about the impact of enterprise-union coupling relationship on organizational health are not consistent, and it is urgent to further explore how different enterprise-union coupling relationship (EUCR) affects organizational health differently.Based on the attention-based view, this paper explores the differential effects of Borderline-, Auxiliary-, Rectification-, and Symbiosis-EUCR on organizational health. A two-time point questionnaire survey is conducted to collect 609 enterprise/union managers’ data. K-means method is used for cluster analysis and relevant hypotheses are tested. The results show that: (1) Characterized by “loose coupling”, Borderline-EUCR has a negative effect on organizational health. (2) Characterized by “production coalition”, Auxiliary-EUCR has an inverted U-shaped first-positive-then-negative effect on organizational health. (3) Characterized by “competition and balance”, Rectification-EUCR has a U-shaped first-negative-then-positive effect on organizational health. (4) Characterized by “value co-creation” and “benefit sharing”, Symbiosis-EUCR has a positive effect on organizational health. Compared with other models, the Symbiosis-EUCR is more effective in improving organizational health in the context of Chinese organizations.The results reveal the mode characteristics of the Borderline-, Auxiliary-, Rectification- and Symbiosis- EUCR and its differential impact on organizational health, which not only provide a new theoretical perspective for the research on the antecedents of organizational health, but also enrich the research on the impact of the EUCR in China. In the practice of organizational management, enterprise and union need to choose appropriate evolution strategies to promote the transition from Borderline-, Auxiliary-, Rectification- EUCR to Symbiosis- EUCR, which is more conducive to the realization of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable organizational health.

Key words: enterprise-union coupling relationship (EUCR), organizational health, attention-based view, objective relevance, power balance