Management Review ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10): 9-21.

• Economic and Financial Management • Previous Articles    

A Causal Theoretical Framework Construction and Future Research Directions of Corporate Greenwashing

Xie Xuemei1, Chen Wenyan2, Zhang Huimiao1   

  1. 1. School of Economics & Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092;
    2. School of Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444
  • Received:2022-05-09 Published:2024-11-15

Abstract: The proposal of the national strategic goal of “carbon peak and carbon neutralization” (hereinafter referred to as “double carbon”) urges enterprises to undertake the important task of building a “net zero carbon” country. However, in the process of realizing “net zero carbon”, the emergence of “corporate hypocrisy” which is represented by “greenwashing” needs to be effectively controlled. Therefore, how to identify greenwashing and its governance has become a core issue of enterprise management under the goal of double carbon. On this basis, this study takes 275 references related to greenwashing from the core database of Web of Science as research samples to systematically investigate the antecedent, behaviors, consequences and governance of greenwashing. Firstly, this study forms a logical connection from the perspective of cause and consequence which is derived from describing the development and evolution of research hotspots. Secondly, this study uses the theory of causality to construct a comprehensive theoretical framework of “Antecedents—Behaviors—Consequences—Solution” upon the thorough review. Finally, through summarizing the limitations of existing studies at home and abroad, the future research directions and suggestions for greenwashing governance in the context of China are proposed in a theoretical framework of TCCM (Theory—Context—Characteristics—Methodology).

Key words: greenwashing, executive greenwashing, claim greenwashing, theoretical framework of TCCM, greenwashing triangle theory