Management Review ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10): 134-147.

• Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management • Previous Articles    

Research on the Effect of Virtual Enterprise Relationship Governance Mechanism on Innovation Performance

Zhang Baocang   

  1. Huanghe Business School, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou 450002
  • Received:2022-06-29 Published:2024-11-15

Abstract: As the premise and foundation of the orderly operation of virtual enterprises, relationship governance bears on the quality and efficiency of collaborative innovation of virtual enterprises, and affects the innovation performance. Based on the perspective of relational governance mechanism, this paper explores the effect of trust mechanism, learning mechanism and reputation mechanism among virtual enterprises on innovation performance through joint action mediation under the moderating effect of network scale and network structure. An empirical study is conducted with 221 innovative enterprises as samples. The results show that the trust mechanism, learning mechanism and reputation mechanism of virtual enterprise can promote the joint problem-solving action among enterprises, and improve the innovation performance. Joint action plays a partial mediating role among inter-firm trust, inter-firm learning, organizational reputation, and innovation performance respectively. Network scale has a significant negative moderating effect on trust mechanism and joint action, but has no significant moderating effect on inter-firm learning, reputation, and joint action. Network centrality has a significant positive moderating effect on trust, learning, reputation and joint action among firms. There are complementary effects among trust mechanism, learning mechanism and reputation mechanism. The research results enrich the theory of virtual enterprise relationship governance and innovation performance theory, and have innovative practical application value.

Key words: virtual enterprise, relationship governance, governance mechanism, innovation performance