Management Review ›› 2022, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (7): 115-128.

• Technology and Innovation Management • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Connotation and Relationship between Organizational Improvisation and Bricolage: An Integrative Literature Review

Liu Hailong, Xu Wen   

  1. Business School, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048
  • Received:2019-06-10 Online:2022-07-28 Published:2022-08-19

Abstract: Using currently available resources to execute a plan in real time, also known as improvisation, is an efficient way for entrepreneurship to deal with environmental uncertainty and resource scarcity. Organizational improvisation is often accompanied by bricolage, and the process of bricolage can easily lead to organizational improvisation. Although improvisation and bricolage research has gained momentum in the past decade, the literature is diverse and fragmented especially in terms of their connotation and relationship, thus hindering the development of improvisation and bricolage as a promising research area. Based on the research progress and development trend, this paper summarizes the definition elements of improvisation and bricolage, and presents an integrative definition of them. This paper also finds the symbiotic relationship between improvisation and bricolage, with overlapping connotations and multiple interactive relations, and they cause each other and change with each other in the process of enterprise development. Enterprises can take improvisation and bricolage as an important way to build core competitiveness in the rapidly changing environment of risks and uncertainty.

Key words: organizational improvisation, bricolage, multiple interaction