管理评论 ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 221-234.

• 风险与应急管理 • 上一篇    



  1. 西北政法大学管理学院, 西安 710199
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-24 发布日期:2024-06-06
  • 作者简介:杨洁,西北政法大学管理学院讲师,硕士生导师,博士。
  • 基金资助:

Are Crisis Responses Commensurate? A Study on the Effectiveness and Risk of Strong Response Tone of Defamed Companies from Different Audience Perspectives

Yang Jie   

  1. School of Management, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Xi'an 710199
  • Received:2021-11-24 Published:2024-06-06

摘要: 随着竞争加剧,商业诋毁成为企业面临的一种受害者危机,由于商业诋毁具有针对性、破坏性和责任不明性,企业回应力度与所承担的责任大小是否一致,存在印象管理的目的性感知风险。本文在A股上市企业商业诋毁情境下,基于机器学习和情感词典构建危机回应语调分析的测量指标:行动性、确定性和语气强度,实证检验不同受众下被诽谤企业强势回应语调的效果及相互作用,最后实验验证“心虚”的目的性风险感知机制。结果表明,商业诋毁事件后,投资者对被诽谤企业强势回应反应消极,内在机制是危机反应匹配不一致所引起的心虚的目的性感知风险;进一步研究发现,新闻工作者(vs.股票分析师)对强势回应语调具有消极(vs.积极)反应,且二者对投资者反应具有信息中介的过滤器作用,新闻工作者陈述后投资者反应越消极,而股票分析师评估则相反。最后,不同形象维度对受众的风险感知具有调节作用。本研究拓展了危机回应语调引起的防御风险研究,进一步加深对企业应对不同受众的理解。

关键词: 竞争性危机, 强势回应语调, 信息中介, 形象维度, 投资者反应

Abstract: Inter-organizational commercial defamation often causes affected enterprises to suffer victim crisis against the backdrop of in-tensifying competition. Since commercial defamation is targeted, destructive and unclear in terms of responsibility, there is a perceived risk of purposefulness in impression management as to whether the strength of an enterprise's response is commensurate with the magni-tude of responsibility assumed. In this paper, we construct measures for crisis response tone analysis based on machine learning and sen-timent lexicon in the context of commercial defamation of A-share listed enterprises:action, certainty and tone intensity, and empirically test the effect and interaction of strong response tone of defamed enterprises in different audiences. The final experiment verifies the pur-poseful risk perception mechanism of “diffidence”. The results show that investors react negatively to the strong response of the defamed company after the business defamation incident, and the underlying mechanism is the perceived purposive risk of diffidence. Further re-search finds that journalists (vs. stock analysts) have a negative (vs. positive) attitude toward the tone of the strong response. Finally, different image dimensions have a moderating effect on the audience's risk perceptions. This study extends the study of defensive risk in-duced by crisis response tone to further deepen the understanding of corporate responses to different audiences.

Key words: competitive crisis, strong response tone, information filters, image dimension, investor reaction