管理评论 ›› 2022, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (5): 290-303.

• 应急管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


王燕青1, 陈红2,3   

  1. 1. 中国矿业大学经济管理学院, 徐州 221116;
    2. 江南大学商学院, 无锡 214122;
    3. 江南大学国家安全与绿色发展研究院, 无锡 214122
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-04 出版日期:2022-05-28 发布日期:2022-06-17
  • 通讯作者: 陈红(通讯作者),江南大学商学院教授,江南大学国家安全与绿色发展研究院院长,博士生导师,博士。
  • 作者简介:王燕青,中国矿业大学经济管理学院博士研究生
  • 基金资助:
    国家社会科学基金重大项目(21&ZD166);"十四五"应急文化建设及趋势研究项目(应急管理部规划财务司 ̄2019年 ̄11号);江南大学国家安全与绿色发展研究院科技专项(1095219032210060)。

Evolution of Emergency Management Theory and Practice: Dilemma and Prospect

Wang Yanqing1, Chen Hong2,3   

  1. 1. School of Economics and Management, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116;
    2. School of Business, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122;
    3. Institute for National Security and Green Development, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122
  • Received:2020-05-04 Online:2022-05-28 Published:2022-06-17

摘要: 当前国内外公共危机事件的发生频率和危害程度都显著增加,如何科学、及时、有效地应对突发公共危机事件已经成为应急管理的当务之急。本研究综述了国内外应急管理理论与实践的演进趋势,通过对美、日、英等主要发达国家和我国应急管理实践演进的比较分析,讨论了国内外应急管理体制机制建设的共同特征与实践经验。研究发现,应急管理理论演进可以分为三个时期,即萌芽期、爆发期和转型期,应急管理实践已经由单灾种、综合性进入“大国家安全”应急管理时代。基于协作治理的联防联动应急管理机制成为当前国内外应急管理实践的共同特征,危机预防和风险管理成为应急管理的核心内容。进一步讨论了当前应急管理理论与实践发展的困局与突破,拓展界定了应急管理内涵,并提出未来研究展望。本研究基于历史演进与横向比较两方面分析了应急管理理论与实践演进的整体趋势,对明晰应急管理现状及创新应急管理理论与实践模式具有重要价值。

关键词: 应急管理, 理论演进, 实践演进, 困局与展望

Abstract: At present, the frequency, scale and harm of public crisis events at home and abroad have increased significantly. How to deal with public crisis events scientifically, timely and effectively has become an urgent task of emergency management. This paper analyzes the evolution of emergency management theory and practice at home and abroad by using a bibliometric method, and discusses the common characteristics and practical experiences of emergency management system by comparing the evolution of emergency management practice in the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom and China. We find that the development of emergency management theory can be divided into three stages, namely, germination stage, outbreak stage and transition stage. The rapid growth of emergency management theory has promoted the transformation of emergency management practices from the single-hazard, comprehensive era to the "big national security" era. The joint defense-based emergency management mechanism based on collaborative governance has become a common feature of the current emergency management system, and crisis prevention and risk management have become the core contents of emergency management. Moreover, this paper discusses the current difficulties and breakthroughs in the development of emergency management theory and practice, redefines the connotation of emergency management, and proposes future research prospects. Based on chronological progressiveness and horizontal comparison, this paper analyzes the overall trend of emergency management theory and practice evolution, which has great value for clarifying the status of emergency management, as well as innovating the theory and practice mode of emergency management.

Key words: emergency management, theory evolution, practice evolution, dilemma and prospect