管理评论 ›› 2021, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (9): 249-259.

• 组织与战略管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡大立1, 殷霄雯1,2, 谌飞龙1   

  1. 1. 江西财经大学工商管理学院, 南昌 330013;
    2. 华东交通大学经济管理学院, 南昌 330013
  • 收稿日期:2018-08-08 出版日期:2021-09-28 发布日期:2021-10-09
  • 通讯作者: 殷霄雯(通讯作者),江西财经大学工商管理学院博士研究生,华东交通大学经济管理学院讲师
  • 作者简介:胡大立,江西财经大学工商管理学院教授,博士生导师,博士;谌飞龙,江西财经大学工商管理学院副教授,博士。
  • 基金资助:

Strategic Isolation, Capability Loss and Low-end Lock-in

Hu Dali1, Yin Xiaowen1,2, Chen Feilong1   

  1. 1. School of Business Administration, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economic, Nanchang 330013;
    2. School of Economics & Management, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013
  • Received:2018-08-08 Online:2021-09-28 Published:2021-10-09

摘要: 改革开放以来,中国凭借自身的比较优势融入到全球价值链分工中,成为了“世界制造工厂”,并由此实现了经济的快速增长。中国代工企业在与跨国公司合作初期,可以得到跨国公司的协助,顺利实现产品升级和工艺升级。然而,当代工企业试图进入更高层次的功能升级或者链条升级时,跨国公司会以各种手段进行阻挠,其中一项重要的手段即为战略隔离。本文对跨国公司的战略隔离是如何导致代工企业低端锁定的形成机理进行了理论和实证研究,研究表明,战略隔离与代工企业的低端锁定存在着显著的正相关关系;升级能力丧失与代工企业低端锁定也存在着显著的正相关关系,同时,代工企业技术升级能力丧失和市场升级能力丧失在战略隔离影响代工企业低端锁定形成中充当部分中介作用。在此基础上,本文提出了相应的策略来破解跨国公司的战略隔离,以此突破代工企业的低端锁定,实现代工企业全球价值链高端攀升的目的。

关键词: 战略隔离, 能力丧失, 低端锁定, 代工企业, 策略

Abstract: Sinceits reform and opening up, China has gradually integrated into the global value chain with its own comparative advantage and now has become "the world's manufacturing factory" that is growing rapidly. At the beginning of cooperation with multinational corporations, China's OEMs can take advantage of multinational companies' assistance to achieve production and process upgrading. However, as the OEMs try to enter higher-level value chain, multinational corporations will block them by all means, of which strategic isolation is a commonly used one. This paper uses the theoretical and empirical study to research how multinational corporations' strategic isolation causes OEMs to locked in low end. The research shows strategic isolation has a significant positive correlationship with OEMs' low-end locke-in, OEMs' loss of upgrading capability also has a significant positive correlation with OEMs' low-end lock-in, and the loss of OEMs' technology upgrading capability and market upgrading capability act partially as a mediator between the strategic isolation and the low-end lock-in. Based on that, this paper puts forward corresponding solutions for OEMs to break multinational corporations' strategic isolation, get out of low-end lock-in and climb up n global value chain.

Key words: strategic isolation, loss of capability, low-end lock-in, OEMs, solutions