Management Review ›› 2025, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 28-39.

• Economic and Financial Management • Previous Articles    

Belt and Road Initiative and Evolvement of Cross-cultural WTO Dispute Settlement Network—From the Perspective of Social Computation

Huo Da1, Xiao Hao2, Zhang Xiaotao1, Yi Jingtao3, Li Junhang1   

  1. 1. School of International Trade and Economics, Central Unversity of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081;
    2. School of Economics and Trade, Hunan University, Changsha 410012;
    3. Renmin Business School, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872
  • Received:2023-03-01 Published:2025-01-18

Abstract: With development of global economy, cross-cultural business cooperation offers further support to global involvement and policy making across countries. Belt and Road initiative brings increasing synergy to cross-cultural business cooperation. Given that this year is both the 10th anniversary of China launching its Belt and Road initiative and the 20th anniversary of China’s entry into WTO, this research studies the effect of Belt and Road initiative on WTO dispute settlement network by using social computation, analyzes the effect of cross-cultural business negotiation on institutional entry barrier based on Cournot Equilibrium and Stackelberg Equilibrium, and forecasts the effect of Belt and Road initiative on evolvement of WTO dispute settlement network in cross-cultural business cooperation based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo modeling. This research further simulates the multilateral cooperation in cross-cultural business cooperation based on multi-agent based modeling. It is found that Belt & Road initiative mitigates the effect of cultural difference on WTO dispute settlement network. This research helps to further understand structuring an open and compatible WTO cross-cultural cooperation system by development of ecosystem specific advantage based on Belt and Road initiative.

Key words: Belt and Road initiative, WTO dispute settlement network, cross-cultural business cooperation, social computation