Management Review ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10): 100-110,133.

• Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management • Previous Articles    

The Impact of Collaboration Network Expansion on Enterprises’ Dual Innovation Performance —The Mediating Role of Knowledge Recombination

Zhang Na1, Sun Chao1,2, Bi Yanran1, Luan Weixin1   

  1. 1. School of Maritime Economics and Management, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026;
    2. Zibo Financial Operation Monitoring Center, Zibo 255000
  • Received:2022-01-27 Published:2024-11-15

Abstract: Based on the knowledge based view, social network theory and absorptive capability theory, this paper examines the impact of enterprise collaboration network expansion (close expansion and far expansion) on enterprise’ exploratory and exploitative innovation performance, and the mediating role of enterprise knowledge recombination (adjacency knowledge recombination and non-adjacency knowledge recombination). Using 179 enterprises in communication equipment industry to empirically test the research hypothesis, the study finds that enterprises’ close expansion can improve their exploitative innovation performance; enterprises’ far expansion can improve their exploratory innovation performance. Further research shows that the non-adjacency knowledge recombination plays a mediating role in the relationship between far expansion and exploratory innovation performance. This study demonstrates the realization path of enterprises’ dual innovation performance from dynamic perspective, and reveals the inner mechanism of how collaboration dynamics impacts enterprises’ dual innovation performance.

Key words: collaboration network expansion, knowledge recombination, dual innovation performance, communication equipment industry