›› 2019, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (12): 264-272.

• 公共管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北方工业大学经济管理学院, 北京 100144
  • 收稿日期:2017-03-03 出版日期:2019-12-28 发布日期:2019-12-24
  • 作者简介:吴丹,北方工业大学经济管理学院副教授,硕士生导师,博士后。
  • 基金资助:


Contribution Measurement and Coordinated Development Ability of Multidimensional Performance of National Governance in China

Wu Dan   

  1. School of Economics and Management, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144
  • Received:2017-03-03 Online:2019-12-28 Published:2019-12-24



关键词: 国家治理, 维度, 治理绩效, 贡献度, 协调发展能力, 评价


Comprehensively evaluating the difference of national governance in different periods and analyzing main factors that influence national governance can help improve the performance of national governance and accelerate the modernization of national governance system and governance ability. The evaluation index system of national governance performance in China is given from four dimensions, i.e., economic development governance, science & technology-education development governance, resources-environment governance and living service governance, based on setting clear objective system of national governance for economic-society development. The performance of national governance and the average contribution degree of four dimensions in different period are measured, and the coordinated development ability of national governance performance from four dimensions is evaluated, with weighted composite index method, improved ideal solution model and coordinative degree evaluation method. The results show that the performance index of national governance increases quickly in 2000-2015. The average contribution degree of resources-environment governance, living service governance, science & technology-education governance and economic development governance are 35.86%, 24.36%, 23.46% and 16.32% respectively. The evaluation result is consistent with the national development practice, and the validity of the evaluation model is proven. The coordinated development ability index of national governance performance from four dimensions is 0.977, the governance ability index of economic governance, science & technology-education governance, resources-environment governance and living service governance is 0.925, 1, 1 and 0.983 respectively, a good reflection of the high coordinated development ability index of national governance under the co-governance of four dimensions.

Key words: national governance, dimension, governance performance, contribution degree, coordinative development ability, evaluation