管理评论 ›› 2025, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 16-27.

• 经济与金融管理 • 上一篇    


岳立, 任婉瑜, 江铃锋   

  1. 兰州大学经济学院, 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2022-07-29 发布日期:2025-01-18
  • 作者简介:岳立,兰州大学经济学院教授,博士生导师,博士;任婉瑜(通讯作者),兰州大学经济学院博士研究生;江铃锋,兰州大学经济学院,硕士。
  • 基金资助:

Mechanism Research and Empirical Test on How Environmental Regulation Influences Green Economic Efficiency: Based on the Perspectives of Environmental Attention and Local Government GDP Competition

Yue Li, Ren Wanyu, Jiang Lingfeng   

  1. School of Economics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000
  • Received:2022-07-29 Published:2025-01-18

摘要: 地方政府环保注意力和地方政府间GDP竞争在我国环境规制对绿色经济效率影响路径上发挥明显的调节作用并存在“黑箱效应”,中国特色的地方政府竞争是研究该问题的重要视角。本文基于2005—2019年中国省级面板数据,用Super-SBM模型测算绿色经济效率,通过变系数模型分别对环保注意力和GDP竞争的复杂调节作用机制进行研究。结果表明:环境规制对绿色经济效率的“非线性影响”在政府命令型和市场激励型环境规制中显著存在,公众参与型规制对绿色经济发展只在短期表现为显著的负面影响,长期影响不显著。地方政府环保注意力和政府GDP竞争均在环境规制影响绿色经济效率的过程中发挥复杂的调节作用,“黑箱效应”主要体现在二者调节作用与其对绿色经济效率的直接影响存在方向性差异。此外,产业结构水平和市场开放水平均会对绿色经济效率产生显著的阻碍作用,而对外开放水平的提高有利于我国绿色经济的发展。

关键词: 绿色经济效率, 地方政府环保注意力, 异质型环境规制, 地方政府GDP竞争, 黑箱效应

Abstract: Local government environmental attention and GDP competition among local governments play a significant moderating role in the influence of environmental regulation on green economic efficiency in China, with a black box effect, where the unique competition among Chinese local governments serves as an important perspective for studying this issue. Based on provincial panel data from China between 2005 and 2019, this paper uses the Super-SBM model to calculate green economic efficiency and uses a coefficient model to study the mechanisms of how the two complex moderators, i.e., environmental attention and GDP competition, play their respective role. The results show that the “non-linear impact” of environmental regulation on green economic efficiency is significant under both government-commanded and market-incentive environmental regulations, while participatory regulation only has a significant negative effect on green economic development in the short term and no significant long-term effect. Local government environmental attention and government GDP competition both play a complex moderating role in the influence of environmental regulation on green economic efficiency, with the “black box effect” mainly reflected in the fundamental directional differences between the moderating effects of the two on their direct impact on green economic efficiency. In addition, the level of industrial structure and market openness can significantly impede green economic efficiency, while increasing the level of openness to the outside world is conducive to the development of green economy in China.

Key words: green economic efficiency, local government environmental attention, heterogeneous environmental regulation, local government GDP competition, black box effect